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    Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I have Photoshop back. 8D
  2. In The 23 Hours That I Played, I Already Maxed Out Both Serah & Noel's Commando & Ravager Classes!
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    Whoa! weird to think of it snowing there. Must have been exciting for you! Unless you don't like the snow....

    On my connection it takes 40minsish for a ten minuet video to get up there, it is usually in 1080i though. It wouldn't bother me, but it slows down browsing to a craw if somebody else starts to use the net at the same time. But our connection is really slow. Will probably make a video of the screaming Chocobo at least. xD was gonna do one for that date with Kaz in HD but somebody beat me to's more exciting that it should be to do that mission. x'D

    Turns out you need to play that wretched slot machine game to get the platinum in 13-2, so might not get the platty for a while still. xD

    Ah, don't worry about it. It's just glad that you're alive and well. :3

    What arreee you talking about? Those Okami ones are awesome! Ack, you are way too hard on yourself, girl. :<
  5. View Conversation
    I highly suggest you give Daxter a chance, it's a really great game, one of my favorite platformers.
  6. View Conversation
    Hm, yes. Mr. winter can piss off. Kinda funny that our weather would do similar things even though we're so far away.

    It WAS! The game is pretty sort, and the area seems like it was designed to waste as much of your time as possible. It kinda make sense they would wanna put some filler in there, but it was still a pain in the ass. Kinda wish my internet connection was fast enough for it to be worth me putting all my playthrough up. Those people who do must have killer connections. Pretty decent game though. Some surprising stuff later, can't wait to hear what you think when you do get around to finishing watching. :>

    Reminds me. Crazy Chocobo is still in there! It only plays whilst you're on one Chocobo, and it screams when you jump as well! xD This is the only song that got axed from our version in the end. I know you're gonna love it. ~ Invisible Invaders (Lake Bresha Rap) - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Soundtrack (HD) - YouTube

    You be you and I'll be me!

    Haha, well your advice is good, even if you don't remember it. Ah was a bit soon to be, but I was getting kinda worried aboucha. xD Glad ya got all sorted.

    Awesome he liked 'em! Yeah, fo' sure! Could be handy if you wanted to make your own signatures.
  7. View Conversation
    When're you coming back? I misses you... Hey look, I got fan of the week! I feel so special!
  8. View Conversation
    The sun is shining today, but it's frosty/cold. I are confused! It's trying to trick us and confuse us. My, how very English of us to be talking about the weather again, though.

    Western cosplayers are just lazy, and I think the Asian ones take it more seriously? That said, there are plenty of amazing western cosplayers. :> Speaking of which... Yeah! Plus, thinking about it, Tao actually has kinda funny coloured legs in the game, so you could wear tights to make it feel less revealing. For some reason none of the Tao cosplayers seem to do that.

    I'm a small girl all over, but it still doesn't feel good. I've been told I'm big for a little girl, but they look small to me. x3

    Ah, the next area was terrible too (apparently it was Bear's favorite though, wtf? ), but I'm sure it'll pick up again. Not sure I'd say the story is good, but the scenes are good/enjoyable anyway. If that makes sense? There seems to be a whole lot of singing in the game, wonder if they really took any out, or if they only did that for the US version.

    Thanks for the advice the other day, by the by.

    Ooo, me look forwards to arty stuff. :> How did it go with the banners?
  9. View Conversation
    Aha...I didn't even see what I did thar until you pointed it out. xD No, seriously, it was really relaxing.

    Aw..that's probably it. Stupid weather! Certainly has that effect sometimes. Hope it stays good. Seems to be getting colder here as well. Maybe winter was just late this year?

    I dunno about creepy. Hey, if you're too old and it would be creepy for you to do it, then I think the same applys to me, right? 99.9% of the time I think it's a kinda lame attention seeking thing, but once in a while I see a really super gooood cosplay that make me kinda wanna give it a go. >//< Guess it might be fun if somebody else handed you a costume...trouble is I don't look like any games character, but maybe Noel (that's pretty freaky, I know, but I saw an awesome one by a girl) or Tao. Only probably with Tao is your butt is pretty much on display. xD

    Leeme know if you decide who you would dress up as. How do the girls cosplay the boys so well sometimes? It kinda hurts to squish your chest down so much. :<

    Aw, got to the casino in 13-2 today, sooooooooooo dissapointing. Sounds like new game areas unlock later, so hopefully it picks up. Was really looking forwards to the casino.

    What game are you playing at the mo' anyways?
  10. View Conversation
    You can steal and have it justified. Very fun. :3

    Also, sorry about last night! My phone got stupid after I switched the MSN version, signed me out, and destroyed all my threads. I didn't want to go through the entire invite process again. xD
  11. View Conversation
    Same here, but it's pretty awesome. Wonder if that makes it the longest running console? Oh...I wish we could play a game together. Had such a nice time playing co-op on Peace Walker with an online friend the other day. It's always super fun to play with her, but she doesn't have hardly any time for it. Co-op Peace Walker is oddly relaxing.

    Oh good. Wonder what the problem was...

    When she grows up? She's 24. But I guess some people take longer to mature.

    Aww...I'm really sorry you couldn't sleep. Well, you tried your best. Man, I can't hardly believe the time you sent this. you must have been awake for hours....:< *snugs* I hope your sleep gets sorted soon. Okay, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

    I feel more good after my work outs after peanut butter suggestion. ^^ Trophy percentage is 58% now! Been kinda lazy this week, but I'll get it at some point for sure!

    Hey, do you ever wanna cosplay? >_> Or maybe you already have?
  12. View Conversation
    But you USED to. Being ninja is my job, young lady.
  13. View Conversation
    Hmmmm, kinda hard to say, huh? Guess a PS2 must be really cheap these days *checks* hehe, seems you can get one for the price of a new PS3 game now. Guess they wouldn't be too mean about the price, it would probably cost around that.

    He is kinda bad about that stuff... ^^; But them young-ins tend to be like that.

    Yeah, really hope they do patch it, it's just ridiculous. You load your save, then for some reason it starts you on the location select screen, then it takes ages to load to location...ugh. Still, it's so enjoyable thus far that it ain't gonna be enough to put a person off. :> Have you gotten far with watching it? Or your computer still being a pain about that?

    Oh no, it's fine. Say whatever you like, she kinda asked for some harsh words on this one. Yeah...agreed, it's an odd complaint, and a ridiculous one. She said that was a problem because she likes/needs a challenge, he was always gonna go too soft on her. She still complains about old exes that were a pain to deal with though. I actually got some sympathy for her, becuase I worry she'll never be happy with anybody after those 'reasons' she came out with. :|

    Could be, a bunch of it was originally meant as DLC for 13, I think?

    Heeehee, is that what you're gonna do? Try and be all strict with yourself over your bedtimes? Ah, good! Sometimes I kinda worry about you to be honest...when you say you're "okay" it usually seems kinda begrudgingly somehow. ^^; Maybe it's in my head, but if you ever do need to talk about something that's bothering you, even if you think it's something silly, I hope that you will.

    Say, about the peanut butter. Is it important to eat it right after your work out? I wanna thank you for that tip by the way! It tends to make me feel good a few minuets after I take that spoonful. Guess I never should have broken up with Peanut Butter in the first place.
  14. View Conversation
    Stop sneaking on my profile. D=<
  15. View Conversation
    Really? :/ Well that sucks...I'm a total Sony fan girl, unfortunately....^^; They would probably be expensive, ya know.

    Hm, you'll have a least one, since we got one in common. He isn't the worst though.

    Hm, wonder if that's possible? I guess it's all just software on the disc, so why not? Ahahaha....I'm glad you put not really down. It looks like I'd probably believe just about anything you say. >_<, I did the good friend thing. >_>; I did mention I thought it was wrong of her... Maybe I should have been harder on her? I think that's more becuase you take a while to warm up to people. You're really great, I can't imagine there being any other reason. I for one would love to be your 'irl' friend. :> She also said she kept thinking about how she was missing out on other guys, so I dunno...maybe some people just aren't right for long term relationships? :/ Yeah, he is really forgiving, the really understanding type ect. Kind of guy most of us would kill to be with. She complained he was too perfect. o_o

    Oh man, now they're talking about adding story to 13-2 in DLC... They have seriously gone DLC mad. They've out-done Capcom now, right?

    Aww...well now you know you can get up super early, it shouldn't be too hard for you go get back into good habits, right? :> I hope you are okay. *hugs*
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I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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