*You recieve some Mountain Dew (just some... not alot... like, a sip...)*
*Inserts itch*
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*You recieve some Mountain Dew (just some... not alot... like, a sip...)*
*Inserts itch*
*Recieves a sigh (LP sucks...)*
*Inserts Dir en Grey (a REAL "dang" band... n_n )*
you receive a bag of broken toy coin
*inserts trash*
*Receives silver and gold*
you get a burp-in-a-can
*inserts Sephiroths mega-long sword*
You recieve Kadaj's souba. [damn, give it to me]
*inserts rod guide* [You and I are the only ones who know, Jess... lol]
You received a wooden rod.
*Inserts how-to-kick-badass guide book* (Just how many guide books do I have?
You get a clear plastic ball with a plastic ring in it.
*inserts Mario*
you received his bro
*inserts seaweed*
Recieves crispy (rubber) duck
*inserts spork*
you get skork
*inserts a taco*
*Receives Taco-Flavored Kisses!*
*Inserts Random Otaku...*
You get a Daruma Doll!
*inserts Michael Jackson's little white glove*
*Recieves random pedo!*
*Inserts finger...?!*
You get your finger chopped off.
*inserts a delicious christmas ham*
you received half of the christmas tree (the other half won't come out)
*inserts a half-christmas-tree-go-away pil*
*Receives the decomposed half-of-christmas-tree*
*Inserts Cookie*
you received hikaru and kaoru keychain (yayness)
*inserts my broken 13 years old toy car*
*Receives brand new Vespa scooter*
*Inserts fart*
you get kicked in the face by none other than Sephiroth.
*inserts another rod guide (only me and froggie know.....)*
You receive a Final Fantasy XII Strategy Guide {lucky so-and-so -.-}
*inserts FF X-2*
*Recieves sh!tty 70's disco music... *tear*
*Inserts on of Kuja's feathers n_n *
You get KUJA.........doll!
*inserts me*
*You receive me*
*Inserts your surely pissed-off girlfirend*
You get the Bitching of a life time
*inserts coin*
*Recieves RICE BALL!*
*Inserts Mountain Dew*
you get vault
*inserts self*
*You get me...* (yay...)
*Inserts random Silent Hill song...*
you get a toaster
*inserts a cookie*
*You get an itch*
*Inserts ring*