Name: Shion
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Race: Human (somehow inherited extraordinary powers)
Class: Master Swordsmans also Martial Arts
Weapons: Holy Sabour [this sabour can slash through anything,
it has incredible powers passed down by generations],
Dark Rapier Gloves [can cause statics affects]
Armour: No armour needed N/A
Eyes (Vitreous): Black
(Pupil) : White, glows when there is presence of evil
Hair: Gold
Clothes: A white vest with black pance covering up with a red,
violet jacket
Dragon Rage Slash, boosts up in the air and 360 somersault towards the opponent holding the sabour with two hands drawing it back and slashes at the enemy as he lands
Holy Fury, draws the sword charging, the intense power builds up and releases an continous slash of holy energy. Dashes towards oppenent before the slash of energy reaches you and moves behind to eradicate.
Tranformation: Unidentified
Magic: All Elemental attacks, Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Light and
Backgorund: Decendant of the holy gods, protector of the
innocents, he is the light of darkness
eye color:green
weapon:flame masamune
status:A guy with honor.never lets people get him down.some times a lone wolf but on the other hand the best person u ever met.
Name: Cloud Glod
Class: Fire magic matser
Age: 11
Weapon: Gloves of flames ( absorb fire )
Speed : 76
Attack : 45
Brains : 100
Name: Saphire
Saphire is a young warrior, 18 years old. He's been using a sword all his life. His mastery and skill with them is well known throughout the country of Cindorus. However, only when Sargon's sword fell into his hand he was able to show his true power. He collected the legendary "Jewels of Power" in order to fulfill his dreams. All of his magic and powers come from these jewels.
Age: 18
Height: 5 ft, 7 ½ inches
Weight: 172 lbs.
Physical Description: Brown haired, fast + lean.
Class: Swordsman/Jewel Mage
Race: Human
Sword of Truth-
This sword was made to hold the jewels of power in it. It originally belonged to a famous warrior years ago who saved the land from an evil demon. No one knows exactly who he was but they do know that he was a brave, powerful man. When he died, all that remained of him was his sword and shield. Those weapons now belong to Saphire until he dies.
There are 8 jewels of all different colors, each with a different power
The Jewel of the Winds (Gray)= provides the possessor the power to control winds. (Not too powerful but very useful.)
The Jewel of Flames (Red)= provides the possessor the power of fire. allowing them to throw fireballs, beams, and many more things.
The Jewel of Ice (Aqua)= provides the possessor the power of ice, allowing them to freeze people, objects, and other things.
The Jewel of Water (Blue)= provides the possessor power over water, useful for stopping storms, creating water when in need, and some attacks.
The Jewel of the Earth (Brown)= provides the possessor power over some plants, and the ability to control the speed of a plant's growth. Also involves some attacks.
The Jewel of Darkness (Black)= provides the possessor power over dark minds and some dark magic! Also the ability to bring good minds to the dark side.
The Jewel of Light (White)= provides the possessor the power to convert objects and people from dark to light.
Jewel of Storms (Yellow)= provides the possessor the power of lightning, and some electrical attacks.
The Jewel of Power (Purple)= Is only present when one has all 8 jewels and knows the sacred chant. He/she must have the jewels lined up in a circle, then repeat the chant twice. It is very powerful but is not elemental so it can weaken or strengthen enemies.
Saphire has many weaknesses. Although his attacks are powerful, he is also vulnerable to many things. If forced to fly in the air to battle, he will most likely lose because it is hard to lift yourself up with the Jewel of Wind WHILE battling. A jewel's power runs out more quickly while being used. It can only recharge if it is not used for a long time. Another disadvantage is that it takes awhile to switch the jewel that is being held in the sword of truth. When in his Superior form, he has less control over himself.
Special Moves:
Earthquake: If the Jewel of strength is on his necklace and the Jewel of the Earth is in his sword, than he can perform the earthquake. He does this by thrusting hi sword into the ground, and shouting "EARTHQUAKE!!!!" as loud as possible. The ground shakes, rumbles, and cracks!
Shadow: Using the Jewel of Darkness, Saphire can create a duplicate of himself that is completely black. The duplicate than rushes at the enemy, attacking him/her with amazing strength. It can be very effective, or a waste of a move. It uses up a lot of energy to create, so if you mess up, you lose all that energy.
Super Saphire: Saphire's ability to transform into his Superior form. The only way he can do this is by placing the Jewel of Power in his necklace. In this new form, he is faster, stronger, (cooler), and much more powerful. He also has much better reaction speed. The move runs out when the jewel runs out of power. This happens quickly because so much energy is used for the transformation and the extra power. The most annoying part about the transformation, is that after the Jewel of Power runs out of energy, you can't use the jewel/jewels for a long time. When the Jewel of Power finally recharges, you still have to turn it back to the original 8 jewels.
Super Flaming Ball: Saphire can only perform this technique when in his Superior form. He mostly uses this move when there is no other option. No matter if he has just started the move or if he is near death, he always faints after the attack. That's how powerful it is. What happens is that he creates a fiery sphere around him and it consumes objects by absorbing it. The wind picks up and everything starts to get sucked up towards the sphere. The fiery sphere gains energy from the things it consumes, and soon it stops consuming. Using all the energy it gained from consuming, the sphere grows and expands slowly. The heat of the fire vaporizes everything the sphere touches as it expands. Eventually, or hopefully, it will burn the opponent. This is Saphire's most powerful technique. Period.
Name: Daren
Bio: The Lord of Darkness in the land of Cindorus. His father, became the first Lord of Darkness when he found the Jewel of Darkness in an old graveyard. After years of studying, training in the arts of magic, and help from an old dark mage, he became what he was destined to be. The first owner of the Jewel of Darkness was Zantos, an evil mage who created the evil demonous monster named Kairos from the Crystal of Power. Kairos was deadly, but thanks to the work of warriors and mages all over Cindorus, his time of terror was put to an end. Now, hundreds of years later, Daren's father dies and the Jewel of Darkness goes to him. His father's teachings allowed his progress in being a dark mage increase. From a young age, Daren was trained with a sword. And amazing swordsman and mage, Daren set out to find the 10 pieces of the Crystal Power. Once put together, the Crystal of Power and Daren would be able to revive Kairos, Zantos' evil monster. When he discovers Saphire's quest to stop him, he decides to let him do the dirty work and collect the crystals from Saphire.
Age: 21
Height: 5 ft. 8 inches
Weight: 175 lbs.
Physical Description: Whitish Silver hair
Class: Swordsman/ Mage
Daren has only two weapons. A sword and a long staff with a golden skull at the end. The sword was given to his father as a gift. When Daren's father was younger, he was trained by a famous and powerful Dark Mage. When the Dark Mage was on his death bed, he gave the sword to Daren's father, who was supposedly his best student. The sword was enchanted and could be used with magical spells as long as the possesor has Dark Magic skill. The sword and jewel were passed on to Daren when his father died. Daren, the new Dark Lord of Cindorus, will one day revive Kairos and rule the world as a dark realm.
Daren's other weapon, the skull staff, is something Daren must have in order to keep his place as Dark Lord. The staff is completely magical, so powerful that if someone who does not have enough dark magic to possess the staff touches it, he or she will be killed by the magic of the staff itself!!
Daren is powerful, but does have weaknesses. The type of magic he is most vulnerable to is light magic. However, dark magic is also effective against light mages. One big weakness is his hunger for a good challenge. Sometimes he has been dragged into near death situation just because he thought it would be fun. Daren is also very concieted. He will brag and think so much of himself that he doesn't think that anyone could possibly defeat him in combat.
Special Moves:
Mind Control- Daren concentrates and uses his pshcic abilities to move objects around. He uses this to throw objects at his oponnents often. This move can be handy in another way. If he isn't controling objects, he is controlling his senses. His senses double and triple. Most of the time he closes his eyes than relies on his other senses to "sense" his oponnents movements.
Explosion: Daren can point his staff at a spot and make and all of a sudden make an explosion. The source is his pure magic.
Super Daren (Transformation): Unlike Saphire, it doesn't take as much trouble to perform this move. All he does is close his eyes, concentrate, and then his power increases. Also, his hair flies upwards and he looks as if he was on fire. The fire is white. His eyes also glow white.
Kairos-Daren (Transformation): Daren takes the Jewel of Power, (Already united) and stabs himself right in the heart. Suddenly, horns pop out and he becomes one with Karios. The moster traits come because Kairos is one with the crystal. Daren grows in this transformation and gains humongous muscles. Fangs come out of his mouth and a tail is also grown. His sword makes a duplicate and he uses both swords at once (One in each hand.). In this form, Daren's eyes glow red and evil fills up his heart to an even fuller state.
Death Ball: This ball is created by Daren's staff. He sticks it up in the air, chants, and a black ball surrounded by purple electricity forms at once. Then he thrusts his staff forward, and the eyes of his skull glow while the ball flies toward the oponnent. The ball can follow the oponnent.
Name: Beast
Bio: Daren's best creation. Using his amazing magic, Daren revived beast, but completely recreated him. Beast was a demon, who when alive was cursed and was transformed from a human to a brown haired Werewolf. When he died, the demons of hell gave him the power to transform back and forth from human to Werewolf because he was evil. Daren used his magic to revive him, and now Beast has magic of his own. His magic is mostly elemental fire attacks. They are powerful, but so is he. Daren decided to make Beast the general of his army while Daren kept his place as the Dark Lord of Cindorus, soon to be the Dark Emperor of Cindorus.
Height: 7 ft. 3 inches
Weight: 336 lbs.
Physical Description: Hairy, brown hair, wolf like traits, sharp black claws, powerful Jaw + sharp teeth, big muscles, wolf-like ears, brown wings (look sort of like a bat's)
Class: Monster/General
Weapons: None
Special Attacks:
Beast uses his claws, wings, teeth and magic to battle. His many attacks are powerful.
Death Choke- Beast grabs the enemy in the end and sticks his claws into his throat. This is most of the time an instant death if the opponent is human, however it is very hard for Beast to perform this move.
Fire ball: A powerful ball of fire shot from Beast's hands (or mouth) which burns the opponent and is very effective + painful.
Fire Beam: A red hot beam surrounded by burning flames and fire. VERY painful. VERY effective!!
Fire Shield: A flaming sphere that surrounds Beast. It absorbs all fire attacks and converts it to energy. It melts most ice attacks. Very useful.
Flaming Sphere: A flaming sphere that surrounds Beast. It expands and burns everything it touches. (Pretty obvious because its fire and fire burns stuff [can only be done in beast form])
Flame: A move when Beast shouts flame and looks as if he is on fire. The fire is yellowish red and is hot. In this form he is faster and has a quicker reaction speed. All of his punches, kicks, and physical attacks are sparked up with flame. VERY useful.
Super Flame: The same as regular flame only twice as powerful. (Much more tiring though.)
Beast (Transformation): The ability Beast has to transform from a human to a Werewolf.
Name:Cyphin Age:30 Race:Demi-human Class:Dragoon Wolf Weapon:Oryan,the spear of might Armor:Smoke-Black Platened Armor Pants:black Fur:dark blue Limit Breaks: 1.Oryan Rage-beams of light come out everywhere of the spear causing damage. 2.Drainage-sucks 2/3 thirds of enemys energy into Cyphin 3.Wolf Terror-Cyphin's eyes turn blood red and his strength is umbearable causing him to hit the enemy multiple times at his fullest strenghth.(The enemy doesn't die.He ISN'T "Godly".) Bio:I come jumping from forum to forum fighting the best of the best fighters.I see if the people at the forum are super stonger or super weak and your time has come for me to grade you..........
Eye Colour:green
Hair Colour:spikey black
Weapon:Mana Sword
Clothing:Green jacket,black baggy pants,soldier boots and gloves
Accesories:Fire amulet:an amulet that has the power of fire in it.
Background:An Adventurer who wanders around look for quests.Xeno has no friends because he is continually traveling
Name: Rune Blade
Age: 19
Height: 6ft
Weapon: gray hound gloves or fire dimond sword
Rune, a young kid who was found by a old man called sir rain.
Rune is from a fast tribe and has super speed. He now lives his life protecting the city and sir rain.
Special attacks:
1 Flame tail.
Rune's tail turns to fire and can set alight nearly andy thing.
2 Flare star.
Rune summons up a little star which can put a hole in a lot of things
3 Speed slash strike.
Rune uses his super speed and out runs anyone and then gives them an all mighty slash
Limet brake: Omega wheel.
fight me to find out what this technequie
Here's my chara
Name: Ihram
Class: Mage (Black/Red)
Age: Indeterminable
Height: 6 foot 3 inches
Weapon/s: Various daggers, Mythril Rod hidden in robe, large broadsword on back in sling.
Tall and imposing, wearing rough walking boots. Long, black pants, and a thick blue travelling cloak, which contains various daggers and knives, along with his mithryl rod. A large weapon sheath on his back houses his broadsword, the Fireswipe. The sword has a fire pattern along its edge. Wears a large, broad-brimmed hat that covers his face in unnatural darkness. Loathes having his hat taken off and will destroy those who remove it.
Bio: A mysterious character who roams the land in search of a worthy rival. A red mage who leans more towards black magic the longer he fights.
Magic: Various low- to mid-level elemental magics, basic defensive magics, can summon a chocobo to escape also.
Character Stats
Note: I am new here. If my user profile has problems, IM me and I will effect changes. I will change my profile from time to time, as I start to favor certain attacks.
Last modified, 04-23-2002, added trait I forgot about.
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Name: Golden Tiger
Given Names: Sir Boco, Bushy
General Characteristic: Bounty Hunter, more or less
Weapons: Dark Edge Sword (glow blue at high charge), Dark Dagger, Dark Fist (glow blue at high charge)
Special Weapon: Force Magic. In general, person can shove another person, even sometimes into the air. Consequence of this action is a tremendous and temporary loss of strength... in other words, if I try to make you levitate, I will most likely pass out! :) So, in general, this is only mildly useful.
Magic: Low level magic, power drain tremendous. Has energy pocket which items are stored in (uses no power)(Note, Items can fade in at any time). Has summon ability for Chochobo only.
Items: Cure potion, Esuna potion, general potions, nothing more
Description: This character has been ignored, left alone, most of the past is unknown about him. Wears a dark cloak, generally looks quite dark. The personality is dark and harsh at best.
Has tendancys for Sword Fighting.
Note, user did use reflect spells at times... but due to the unique properities of this area, reflect spells cannot work (AKA: I read the rules! :)), thus, I am recovering from that fact.
Scan Ends
hair-*like kenshin*
weapon-rebel*katana*-a powerful weapon filled with positive feelings-can make dark enemies good again...it can also slash enemies into half
myogetsu-powerful technique makes user unbalance
hiten mitsirugi x-9 slash combo
x hunter-hunts down enemy ,makes a body part bleed
system x-makes xrebel super fast....lowers defense
blade grasp-increases power
goten x-super speed slash...unavoidable
clothing-*like kenshin*
history-x was known as the rebel in the terrorist era,only people in his buddy list knows his name,he is also the brother of kenshin
name : kain r heinlein
age : 24
skills: Schwarz Flame : blue fire shot
schwarz recht : a flip kick when foot on fire then a flame shoot
schwars panzer : a tackle when surrounded in flame
Himmilisch Arten: is when you drop 5 energy balls from the sky (the balls are like 10 feet in diameter)
himmilch mach: a big energy shot that folows enemy
class: fighter
gender: male
height 6'4
Name: Vanne Familia
Age: 572
Class: Black Sorceress
Weapon: Mishapen, red oak Staff
[As it's mishappen and twisted, it's capable [if properly charged] channeling both white and black magic. Consequences for charging white though, I automatically loose a turn when I want to cast a white spell and whenver I use a white spell I'm vulnerable to fast attacks.]
Armour: Magot Robes
[Normal Robes though if I choose to "tap" them, then I can increase the strength of my magic by 2, however I also take the penalty of loosing a physical deffense of 2.
"Tapping" : I may tap/untap, any time during my turn:but only once. There's no penalty to tapping my garments source.]
"Your spell has been rendered useless, however it is very pretty."
A mage of the dark desension, Vanne Familia is quite morbidly insane. She's grown up most her life underneath the caverns perfecting her art of sorcery and witholds a grand understanding of: Magic Enchanments, Instants, Creature Spells and other dark sorcery. Perfected in the magical deffenses, most spells and magical attacks are rendered useless against her.
Past: Vanne Familia grew up in the undead world, her thoughts and dreams daily tormented by her masters who showed little pitty in their apprentice. Their actions mainly served as way to fortify her mind, and allowed her to build up resistance to emotional and mind controlling ways. Though she is feeble in strength and deffense, she makes up for it in her wisdom, charisma and superior magic.
Spells:[*x <-- amount of times spell may be casted/game]
[Regular[attack], anything that can be casted 3 does minor dammage, 2 does medium, 1 does superior. ]
[*note: Enchantments can't be broken my physcial/basic magic means. A disenchantment must be placed]
Wall of Distortion[*3]
Floating shield[*3]
Chambered Nautilus [*2]
Circular Logic[*3]
Shade's forum[*2]
Temporary Insanity[*2]
Paralell Evoltion[*1]
Reinforcements[*? (special)-may summon *I gigantic beast(with penality of loss of next turn/*1 large beast/*2 medium beast/*3 small beast/*4 tiny beasts) ~Can mix~ Ie [1 medium beast is cast, 1 small & 1 tiny beast may be summoned.]
Last Laugh[*2]
Organ Grinder[*1]
Waste Away[*1]
Kamahl's Sledge[*2]
Skull scorch[*1]
Morning Tide[*1]
Vengeful Dreams[*1]
Crippling Fatigue[*1]
Over Master[*2]
Cleansing Meditation[*2 can only cast after 7 spells]
Equal Damage[*2]
Clever Chalice[*3]
Invigoratin Falls[*2]
[Any quesitons about my spells Pm me. :) ]
Physical Attacks: None
[After the battle I'm in with Schorl, I'll be changing 1 or 2 spells to make it more balanced... 20 def, 15 atk, 10 enchant.. [all black]... then for white magik I'll have max. 10 spells. =}... That'll give me a maximum of 40 spells.] ^_^
Name: Hoth
Age: 23
height: 6ft 1
Attire: dressed completely in black combat clothing
class: experimentational soldier
weapons:electo staff (a staff capable or launching poweful electronic pulses from either end)
Hoth has no particular magic or special attacks .
He is a wandering experiment escaped from the labs that made him what he is today.He has higher than average strength and is very intelligent. His main form of offense is when he gets angered raising alll his senses and power to dangerous extremes making him very dangerous and causing him to semi lose control of his own body and make mistakes.
Until such a time of pure anger he uses his speed and his smarts to his advantage.
When he transforms his muscles grow larger and his eyes glaze over black
Name: Arus Kim (Lee)
Age: 21
Hometown: Criminal Roads
Height - 5'8
Hair Color - Red
Eye Colors - Red
Clothing: - Wears .... [Blue Cotton Voile Cami - Lightweight. Gathered scoop front and back. Keyhole with tie at the neckline. Gathered waist with ruffled hem], [Vintage French Terry Drawstring Shorts - Soft and lightweight. Drawstring waist. Side stripes], [Intencity rubber shoes - 1 1/2 foam heel. Rubber sole. Lace up. Shown in White/Navy.]
Accesories: - Wears a keychain necklace and an earring on her left ear.
Weapon: - Hart Mazaga. Sword that is black and a curve at its edge which leads to two blades. Has green writings on it.
Personality: - Arus doesn't care about the appropriate clothing when it comes to battles. She wears casual even when fighting. But she does live with it. She cares more on her appearance and humourus events. A powerful warrior, although she have a very big ego. She is mysterious and always seem to time travel through her mind. (Time travel is herself remembering the past). She has a horrible past, which caused her to be sometimes out of control.
Known History: Her old last name was "Lee". So she was Arus Lee. But being kicked out of the family tree when she was 16... she had to change her last name. She was set up....
Name: Zack McDohl
Age: 17
Class: Quan Khi Dao (Kung foo)
Height: 5,9
Hair: Long black
Eyes: Grey
Clothing: Black cloak and a silver bandana..
Weapon: Goum: Ninja Sword with the power of wind..
Magic: Basic wind magic..
A young traveler who doesnt know where he came from or where he`s heading, he just keeps looking for combats
Name: Cloud Tanka
Class: Paladin
JOB: to save kindoms and the world
appearnce:5'4'' 110 lbs spikey blonde hairv w/long braid
weapon: Paladin's Crusader ( ultimate holy sword)
Sword attacks
Master Magic (all magic spells) Master Summon ( All summons ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master Command ( All Command ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lv.1: Holy Bolt ( same thing as in Diablo 2 but bigger )
Lv. 2 : MeteorSlam ( basicly a bunch of meteors fall down)
Lv.3 : TerraBlossom ( a stronger version of MeteorSlam with a few super novas in it)
Lv4: Paladin's Crusade : lotz of slashes follwed by a big ass slash and then a lot of magic and then a big holy bolt come down on enemy)
Name: Arkaine Ultimus
Class: Pheonix warrior, Omega warrior(only in Darkside mode)
age: 17
race: human
height: 6'1
eyes: red
hair: brown
elements: lightning and fire (normal), darkness (darkside)
weapons: Chirijiraden, Soul splitter, Omega Blade
Armor: Pheonix Plate, Omega's soul (darkside, transforms from pheonix plate)
Background info: arkaine was a Commander in the dragon war. he was in the Red dragon army. his side won but he and 10 other soldiers practically survived. he went into the Black dragon army's castle (the army that was defeated) and notices Pheonix, the guardian of fire. he gave arkaine power but asked he favor of destroyng the king of the R. Dragon army. he went back to the castle and overheard him speaking, the king and a evil spirit, the Dark plauge. he never knew the king then but he knew now and he killed him and the Dark plauge. but by killing them, he was given the ability to change into his darkside. Darkside comes out usually in battle because he likes the feeling of battilng and fighting
Weapon: Chirijiraden(normal/ Darkside but only used for its limitbreak)-a katana forged my lighning elemental adamantine, this weapon can perform some of the strongest lightning attacks possible. it was originally created to bring chaotic storms to areas if anythig bad is going on. it was found in the dungeon of hell very last floor known a the armory of hell.
weapon2: Soul Splitter(darkside)-an axe that can take the souls of the living and slice tham in half. created by the darkest forces known to man, this axe will be deadly in the wrong hands. its power can destroy souls and can, if possible, reanimate corpses. also found in the armory of hell.
weapon3: Omega Blade(both)-a huge sword with the power of omega, this weapon can reach to unlimited powers and destroy many places, armies and many other things in this world. its was known as the blade of destruction because of its power to destroy many things. found in the Dungeon of Omega, guarded by Omega and Ultima weapon.
skills: Spell break: cuts spells attack powers by 1/2 (all spells are affected) lasts for at least 5 posts
Strength break: attack power is reduced and stays like that for 5 posts
Mind break: defense against magic is nullified: lasts 4 posts
Grand Break: combined spell break, strength break, mind break. stays as long as 3 posts
Rising Crush: using a swords aura, you do a rising slash but the force of the aura increases attack power and knock's the enemy back pretty far.
Wind walker: levitation ability automatically activates when using this technique, does a 5X slashing combo in the air while going higher, and gives off the finishing blow doing a down stab, falling at great speeds.
Long range moves (all weapons can use the same moves, except a few)
Houkouha (screaming hawk blast) a intense flame emerges from the blade, and then when swung, the flame takes form of a giant bird, and rushes to the opponent.
Vital Blaze-a move that takes Chi energy, and forms it into a huge wave, the look of the move is like flame, the move is very accurate.
Tri wave- this move requires chi as well, when swinging the sword, the sword lets out quick and precise waves to cut the opponent.
Thunder Burst- it's somewhat like chi and magic both, but more chi like, when a storm is formed, a set of thunder waves is formed, striking the opponent at grand speeds
Omega Wave- the move reqiures the Omega blade only, nothing else would work, when using the sword Omega Blade, the blade creates an incredible amount of energy, and then it will release in a form of a beam, then it separates after a acceptable range is made, the size is a bit smaller, but the multiples of it makes it more destructive
Grand Rising- this move is one of the strongest, when the blade is charged up, the user makes a rising slash, and the move is formed, creating a huge wave, growing bigger and wider as it travels, increasing damage to the opponent.
Spells: Meteor: obliterates everything
Doomsday: stronger version of meteor
terra flare: one of the strongest flares known. extreme damage to an enemy
Super Skill: Darkside-doubles attributes and unlocks certian spells, summons certain weapons, and use the ultimate limit breaks Soul Reavement and Omega Flare. but at the cost of an persons element (changes the element to darkness)
Flare Tornado: a tornado is formed from the chirijiraden (or omega blade), then flame surrounds it, its thrown to the target when its big enough so it can cause Devastating damage
Death blades (skills for the Axe only, nothing else would work, and only this person)
Banish Execution- when a foe uses a summon, the Axe automatically glows an aura, but the aura is more ghostly like, and it covers the whole axe, even the hilt, after it charges a certain amount of power, the user jumps up in the air, when coming down, the axe's aura is shaped like a javelin, then when it hits the Summon, the summon dies in one blow, the attack cannot be blocked, deflected, nor escaped from, because some of the aura from the axe paralyzes the summon to the extent where they cant do anything, even at full strength. the highest rate of death to a Summon (if somebody casts a summon, then it will automatically react, and when used, well.... you get the idea)
heaven Banish- the axe emits an aura, the color of an aura is a Dark aura, then the user runs at the foe with great speed, then does a rising slash, the aura is shaped like a sickle, this attack does moderate damage, as well sealing all holy and white magic spells
Hell Banish- the Axe glows an unusual grey aura, then the user runs to the opponent at great speeds, but right at the reach that the axe can hit the foe pretty easily, the user does a Tornado cut (a move where the enemy spins around while having a weapon out, causing multiple slashes) moderate to high damage, and sealing Black magic
Judgement blades-(skills only used for the katana, nothing else would work.)
Violent Tearing Attack-A black aura surrounds the katana, and does a diving slash to damage the enemy, followed by a horizontal slash, then a Stab, defense reducing, and can cut through enemy's defenses if possible, kinda like one of the break moves but far much better.
Weapon God Slicing-a odd aura radiates from the katana, and does a massive aura slash against the enemy, pierces through enemy's defenses
Divine Dragon Judgement-a white holy aura surrounds the blade, the user jumps high in the air, and when coming down, jumping slash stance, the aura is in a shape of a white dragon, when upon contact, it creates a massive explosion, strongest of the three, defense piercing, and Defense reducing, also reduces magic power for a bit
Limit Breaks: Chaos Storm, Pheonix Rising, Omega Flare (darkside), Soul Reavement (also Darkside)
Pheonix rising- summons the pheonix to scorch the battle field with its holy flames.
Chaos Storm- using the energy from his katana, he can create a devastating storm to destroy his opponents
Omega Flare- gathers unlimited energy to dstroy the battle field, eliminates everything in sight.
Soul Reavement- a very powerful aura surrounds the axe and creates a beam, removing a person's soul, thats when the axe glows a ghostly aura and slices it into oblivion, only used as a finisher, when the enemy cant defend or fight back in an end of a battle
Strengths: Arkaine can handle heavy blows so he wont be knocked back a few feet. he can cast powerful spells and make some Extreme blows that can knock out a character a several feet.
Weaknesses: his speed is a little bit below normal and if he uses his axe, he will become slower. the only thing that adds his speed is his katana which will make his speed a little above normal. his spells take a lot of MP and he his spells take awhile to cast. the worst thing is, his darkside has a aggresive streak and tends to use all his power to end the battle, making him totally defenseless.
(Same character, but a different life after 2 yrs.(hes counted as a different character))
Name: Arkaine
Class: Samurai
Armor:simple stuff, Jet Black pants, Jet black T-shirt (sleeves are ripped), Blood Red Jacket that goes right below the abdomen (is left open, so it shows the t-shirt, and the sleeves are ripped on that one as well, Black shoes, with a blue stripe near at the bottom.
Age: 19
Race: human
height: 6'1
Eyes: Red
Hair: Brown
Elements: (within this class.... he has less element defenses, but he can still shift into his Darkside) Lightning, Darkness (Darkside)
B. Info: same as above, after becoming a lone wolf, away in the world, he decided to chose to live within the crowd of people in this earth, so he had to keep it simple, he was able to keep his wings secret, but he still brings his weapons, but he leaves his Soul Splitter, but it doesnt really matter, now his darkside can use the full potentials of the katana. Now lives in Tokyo
Weapons: Chirijiraden, Omega Blade (read above)
Moves: Power Break-Reduces enemy's power. lasts 5 posts
Spell break-Reduces enemy's magic power by 1/2, lasts 5 posts
Mind Break-Reduces enemy's Magic Defense to 0, lasts 4 posts
Armor Break-Reduces enemy's Defense to 0, lasts 4 posts
Grand Break-4 Breaks combined, lasts 3 posts
Rising Breaker- enhanced, can Knock an enemy unconsious if possible, strength has increased in this attack
Hurricane Rider- levitation ability is auto when using this, enhanced from the move wind walker, now can make 9X combo, and the last blow, 10th blow is a drill stab while falling, can cause a small crack to the weapon the enemy is blocking with when doing the final blow
Spells: none, since he only trained in physical qualities, so he lost the spells
Super skill-Darkside- multiplies a persons attrbutes 2X, plus mastered the katana, now he can use it normally, still though, changes overall element.
Jugement blades-(katana only, all moves are the same except that there is a new move and 2 out of the 3 old moves are enhanced)
Violent Tearing attack- same as above, except Enhanced, added effect-slow an enemy
Weapon God Slicing- same as above, except Enhanced, added effect- Power reducing
Divine Dragon Judgement- Same as above, nothing new
Death Dragon Judgement- New move, does the same thing as D.D.J. (holy type) except a Dark Dragon appears and destorys the battle field, Defense piercing, Grand reducing (enhanced Grand Break, lasts 6 posts), Darkside only
Limit Break- Chaos Storm, Raging Hurricane, Omega Flare (since he needs to conceal his wings, and he cant bring the Soul Splitter, the limit Breaks, Phoenix Rising and Soul Reavement cannot be used.)
Chaos Storm-enhanced, now can Destroy the battle field if possible.
Raging Hurricane (or Raging Tornado)-new L.B., with the Power of both Swords, it creates a incredible Hurricane, if the enemy cant control himself and is lifted in the air, then he uses the power of the two swords to create a Tornado of the lightning element.
Omega Flare-hasnt changed or improved, read above in the 1st character profile.
Strengths- now that his armor is off, he has incredible speeds that are out matched my most men, he's also lightweight, so he can jump very high. his power reduced by alittle bit, but it doesnt matter. he can make extreme blows that can knock an opponent back several ft.
Weaknesses-since he doesnt wear his armor anymore, his protection against attacks are very weak, and that is possibly one of the worst things that can happen to a person, and the same thing goes Defense against magic, plus he lost his spells, for the cost of power and speed. and he can be knocked back a few feet.
Name: Mordack
Age: 249 (120 living, 129 as lich)
Height: 5'1
Race: Baelnorn (Elven Lich)
Class: Paladin
Skin: Blue
Hair: White
Weapons: Falchion, which can add the strength of any of the four elements to a blow
Armor: Elven chain mail
Special Attacks:
1. Coldfire: Balls of cold, blue-green fire
2. Doom Gaze: Death stare that can deal massive damage to the target
3. Grasp of Death: Similar to Doom Gaze, but is a grasp and deals more damage
Name: Aaron Larson
Age: 18
Class: Cajun Enforcer
Weapon: Small, light, double headed battle axe. Studded knuckles. Weighted boots.
Armor: Hardened leather vest, torn "reble" t-shirt, trenchcoat, bandana over eyes. Torn jeans and worn leather boots. He carrys two bottles on his trenchcoat, on of tabasco, another of fine wine.
Coming from the far south, Aaron is looking for the perfect soul to complete his cajun master piece. Trained as a Cajun Enforcer, he knows all the ways and techniques of the south and exells in hand-to-hand combat, werstling moves, and axe attacks. Due to the souls that flow through his veins after the enforcer graduation, he was left blind and with a taste for souls. He can channel his energy into either a kaiser punch or an axe blow that is equal in stregth. If he pours tabasco on his axe, it becomes fire elemental, and if he pours wine on it, it becomes water based. When he becomes to weak to fight, the souls within him unlease and charge him with holy energy.
Name: SephiRok Goldenfire
Race: Human
Class: Dark (Fire) Sorcerer/Summoner
Weapon: Demon's Staff (Deamon's Staff can summon a Demon to aid his master (Whoever holds the Demon's Staff))
Armor: Black Robes
Spells: Fire and Lightning spells
Summons: Ifrit, Bahamut, Black Dragon
Other: Resistant to Fire and Black magic
Name:Lady Phoenix
Battle Name: Lila Leanner
Class: Phoenix Soldier
Weapons:Sword and Two Daggers
Detail:Brown eyes, brown hair, black trousers, red top and black long jacket.
Fire Sword
Water Sword
Ice sword
Thunder sword
Sword Skills
Flame Slash~Ice Slash~Water Slash~Thnder Slash~Drill Daggers~Master sword~Spinning Sword.
Limit Breaks:
Tidal Wave ~ a big wave
Flame Fever~big balls of fire
Shadow light ~ bolts of thunder
Name: Kyo (K-Chan)
Age: 14
Race: DemiGod
Height: 5' 9"
Weight:134 lbs
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Grey
Story: Coming Soon?
Weapon: Blades, Spears and Bows
Armor: Light Armor
Holy Magic
Dark Magic
Strong Points: Quick and semi-strong
Weak Points: Not very serious about fighting
Pic: Available
Name: Kasami Kamiya
Age: 22
Height: 5'68"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Weapon: Katana
Armor: simple chain mail leggings and shirt worn under clothes.
Abilities: N/A
Little is known about her save that her parents where killed in front of her, when she was 6, and she was made to be a slave of their murderer. During 6 years of torment as his slave, she nursed a hatred until she was strong enough then one night killed him and vanished. She reapeard 2 years ago, older, stronger, and with training. After she won a tournament against the strongest worriors, the authoraties started keeping closer tabs on her and her past from that point on is much more clearer but not all that interesting.
Name: Aeris Gainsbrough
Age: 22
High: 5'4"
Weight: unknown
Hair: long braided and ash brown
Eyes:Bright Green
Sex: Female
Class: Wizard/White Mage/ Summonor
Weapon: Princess Guard, a golden staff with a orb resting between two curved in phoenix wings on a short pedestal.
Armor: Two small gold bracers around the wrist and thick silver steel rings around her arms. A plain rosy pink dress and a shortsleeve red jacket along with brown soft leathery boots.
Magic: Basically everything....you'd be surprised at what I can create :devil:
Aeris is well trained in the white mage abilities, mostly with Holy, Time Magic, Healing, and Transformation, taught by her mother before she was killed by the shrina in front of her when she was 7, while her father was killed when she was 20 days old by Hojo and four Shrina men when they invaded their home near the Northern Crater. She contains ten special orbs, each filled with a different elemental dragon. Earth, Wind, Holy, Doom, Water, Lightning, Ice, Fire, Darkness, and Light.
She skilled in her summoning abilities and black magic attacks as well as controlling her dragons to do only her bidding.
Name: Ryonannen Kaori Wakazashi
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Race: Vampire
Class: Martial Artist and Samurai Fighter
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 90lbs
Fang Glove: A spiked glove on her right arms to raise the power of her martial arts attacks. The claws are made of mythril and the main glove is leather, it has a sapphire in the centre of it.
Dark Samurai: A samurai sword that is made of a dark energy, it doesn't have an element but it enables Ryonannen to use some of her magic. It has a metal sheath with gothic symbols marked in it.
Armor: Has a black metallic cloak that takes away the pain of the attack but doesn't stop her from receiving damage. Also has a black light weight breast plate with similar symbols to the ones on her samurai sheath, takes away some small amount of damage. She normally uses blocks that she learnt in martial arts.
Vampire: She stops her wounds from bleeding and removes venom by suck the blood out.
Saviour:She heals the other members of her team and puts herself at a critical state.
Special Attacks:
Scent of Blood: Uses the attack that was used on her when she received her scar. Uses her samurai sword to cut diagonally upwards with a poweful strike.
Crescent uses martial arts that she sees in vision to make an amazingly strong combo attack.
Long silver hair with bits of bleach in it. Silver, thin rimmed glasses, blue eyes, nose and lip piercings with several ear piercings, quite short. Wears a black see through top which is laced up at the front with black short top underneath. Wears black flares and trainers.
Ryonannen came from a disfunctional family that she ran away from years back. While she was away she became trained in millions of deadly martial arts, her master was later put into a mental assylem after acquiring power that he could not handle, this power was passed down to Ryonannen when he died.
Swearing that she would not crack like her master she seeked something to store her power until she really needed it, she befriended an elf that gave her a sapphire locket, she threw it tothe bottom of an ocean taking most of her magic away from her. As she was about to marry the elf she found out she was half vampire and craved blood. She tried desperatley not to use this and joined yet another martial art that taught her the ability to control her vampire cravings.
When she returned back to her homeland she found everyone dead except for a small group that she hated from the day she met them. Ryonannen began to live alone learning different skills as she travelled over the world.
Class:Martial Artist, Master Swordsman, White and Black Magic (harmful only)
Weapon/s:Illumina- Sword created by the tempering of black magic while being made which makes the sword glow and have magical attributes.
ArmorBlack Suit and a Mask
Special Attacks:
Shadow Slash - A attack so swift and powerful it has a 90/100 chance of hitting his enemy.
Elemental Blade- The attack is enchanted with random elements when used.
Illumina-The sword glows to infinite brightness and releases the spell Illumina which creates beams of pure black magic striking the enemy multiple times adding random status effects and random elemental damage to the attack.
Limit Breaks
Rising Star of Luminaire- Throws a barage of magical shurikens creating a tornado of shurikens around his opponent piercing him with random extremely powerful magic of the highest black magic known.
Holy Flare-Casts a white flare over 1000 miles distance creating the most destructive havoc of white and black magic ( 2 opposites) which reacts like magnets and create a devastating Explosion which can't be blocked or escaped killing mostly everything except extremely powerful beings which greatly reduces there power and life anyways.
Known to have free the world of the undead 210 B.C.
Backround:Shadow lived with his parents till he was 12 soon to find out one night that they had been brutally murdered and robbed. Shadow then went enrage and swore that he would avenge the deaths of his parents. Soon, he joined a band of thieves looking for adventure and with the idea of finding who murdered his parents. Thereafter, he later found out it was the band of thieves he grew to know had killed his parents and the night he found out he killed all of them and swore he could trust nobody and has lived by himself training eversince.
Name: Keestis Owsorry
Age: 15
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 100 pounds
Race: Wiccan
Sex: female
Class: Black Mage
Weapon: Ivory Staff - A white ivory staff with Sapphires embedded around the top end, uses 4 elements of wicca.
Armor: Wears a long black, velvet robe that covers her face by means of hood - Makes her invisible in the dark and takes the power away from fire attacks used against her.
Soul Fire - A purple flame that penetrates armour.
The winds of change - A strong wind begins to blow that confuses enemies.
Tranquil Waters - A fountain appears to cure her.
Special Attacks:
Venom - Her staff turns into a snake which bites enemies and poisons them.
Looks - Tall, Very Pale, has scar from eye halfway down cheek, has black long hair,cloack covers most of face, has one blue eye one green eye, under cloak wears- knee high boots, elbow length black gloves, ripped black top.
Background -
Once a white witch, after her mother died she turned to the black arts to avenge her death.
Name - Puppet0001
Age - Non Applicable
Class - Swordsman
Race - Cyborg
Machine Gunblade
Shinobi Stars
Knuckle Fist
Magic and Skills
Lightning Dash
Lightning Sword
Puppet0001 is the prototype of the new Jenova Module. On the exterior he looks like the blandest human imaginable. No hair, pale white skin, no emotions on his face. He was created with the Jenova cells, mixed with the harsh, unstoppable powers of Sin.
(I know they're in different games, but....so what!)
name : Osirus Lancet
weapons: 2 daggers and a metal rod. the 2 daggers obliteration and annihilation form to make the sword of chaos
height : 6'0
weight : 180 lbs
eye color : brown
hair color : black
clothes : a red and grey trenchcoat with blue baggy pants
attributes : he is very agile (dont worry he will get hit )
pretty strong and fast
skills : he has magic but
after fights he may learn a little more and it may get stronger little by little
form 2
name : sandman
age : unknowen
weapons : staff
height : varies
eye color : blue
hair color : sandy
clothes : blue shirt black pants
attributes : very agile and powerful
skills : can make whole body sand
infinate supply of sand
Here's Mine :D
Name: Mike
Race: Human
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Auburn
Element: Pure Energy
Signature Moves: Light Blast, Energy Beam, Light Speed
Weapons: Light Blade, Micro Bombs
Fighting Style: Ninjitsu