Character 1:
Time: Present.
Name: Kell Jakoor
Age: N/A
Race: Angel.
Rank: High Arch Angel
Magyk level: Level 38
Weight: 130
Skin Colour: Almost transluscent white.
Height: 6’4”
Element: Divine
Clothing: A long white robe, with a gold lace hemm and colar.
Clothing 2: A long black leather tunic, cut at the shoulders and waist, underneath a pair of black loose leather trousers, black leather boots and black wrist guards.
A Lance, named Prophet.
Two Twin Scimitars, one named Tundra, the other named Asgard.
Staff, named Hellsing, has a glass ball on the end.
Light Silk Robe
Hometown: N/A
Extra: Two wings sprouting from his shoulder blades.
Eyes: Seemingly metallic, they move through gold and silver, gentle colors though.
Hair: Flawless black.
Facial Hair: N/A.
Ears: Slightly pointed, showing elvish blood.
Eyelashes: Black.
Extra: N/A.
Upper Body:
Neck: A few viens.
Chest: A scar in the shape of a cross.
Back: Nothing particular.
Shoulders: Two wings attached to shoulder blades.
Upper Arm: Nothing particular.
Lower Arm: Nothing particular.
Hands: Nothing particular.
Stomach: Nothing particular.
Extra: Two, white wings.
Lower Body:
Waist: Nothing particular.
Thighs: Nothing particular.
Knees: Nothing particular.
Shins: Nothing particular.
Feet: Nothing particular.
Extra: Nothing particular.
Character 2:
Time: Past.
Name: Kell "Holy" Jakoor
Age: 19
Race: Born in Drakoon, father Draconian High Paladin, mother Celestial Summoner.
Rank: Divine Guardian
Magyk level: Level 12
Weight: 140 lbs.
Skin Colour: Unnaturally white.
Height: 6 ft
Element: Holy
A light white hemmed black robe, black boots.
Lance- Named "Prophet". Holy's weapon of choice, crafted in Drakoon by Seth, with a light elm shaft, a magenta handle and its tip is diamond.
Sword- Named "Sacred". Created by combining his magyk with paladin “saint” armour.
Katana- Named "Divine". Beautifully engraved, given to him by a trainer at the High Celestial.
Robe- A white hemmed black robe, reinforced by magyk.
Hellfire- Fire lv.6
Tempest- Air lv.6
Storm- Ice lv.6
Tsunami- Water lv.6
Elemental Conflux- Combination lv.7
Attend- Holy lv.9
Hometown: Nigham.
Extra: In the middle of his face is a ruby, which is used to allow and amplify his use of magyk.
Eyes: Misty blue.
Hair: Jet-black hair, streaked with white.
Facial Hair: None.
Ears: White, medium size.
Extra: Deep blue sapphire embeded in the centre of his forehead.
Upper Body:
Neck: Covered by open collar of robe.
Chest: One black tattoo of a dragon.
Back: One red tattoo of a rose.
Shoulders: Black robe slightly more padded here.
Upper Arm: Covered by robe.
Lower Arm: White lace from robe (to tie up) extra padding.
Hands: White.
Stomach: Covered by robe.
Extra: Nothing.
Lower Body:
Waist: White cord (tight).
Thighs: Extra pads.
Knees: Extra pads.
Shins: Covered by robe.
Feet: Black leather boots.
Extra: Nothing.
Born in Drakoon, Kell’s father was named Keth Galahad Sacré and was brought up by monks in a forest, within South Drakoon. Kell’s mother was named Eleanor Vivian Jakoor, who was born in a village in the heart of Drakoon’s rocky mountains. Keth left the monastery when he was sixteen and lived as a wander, travelling throughout Drakoon. Soon he came to the High Celestis and found an audience with the King, who awarded his bravery by knighting him as a paladin. Eleanor stayed in the mountains until her village was plundered by gujas, and was forced to leave, in an attempt to stay alive. One day she too came across the High Celestis, and became a maid there, rising to attend the Queen. She met Keth three days after she first arrived at the court, and she instantly fell in love with his smile, and his stunning looks. A war began soon after and Keth found himself wounded in the fight with Srugon. Eleanor tended him, and soon they found themselves in a deep love, yet the Queen was not happy to lose her favourite maid, and banished them, as it was against the law for one of the queens maids to be engaged. They came and settled in the peaceful town of Ningham, where Eleanor concieved a child who they named Kell Holy Jakoor Sacré, as he had been born with a ruby set in his forehead. Yet another war between Drakoon and Srugon began, and in this Keth killed many, and was hailed as a hero. But soon trouble began, at this time Kell was 7, as Srugon sent 15 assassins for Keth. Keth was dead by the next sunrise, Eleanor by his side, their blood seeping into each others, their eyes a sorrowful deep set. Throughout this Kell had slept, his room in the attic. Filled with rage he attempted to follow the assassins, trekking day and night, through marsh, forest or mountain. Soon he gave up, he was young, he was slow, and he had no combat skills, yet he was lost. His fortunes changed, and he came upon an old man named Seth. He taught him in the ways of the lance and the sword, furthering his training in the kattana and in magyk as well. Kell was a great fighter, but soon assumed his second name, ‘Holy’, and pushed forward in his magyk skills. One day Seth died, and Holy laid him on a boat filled with branches and twigs. He cast the boat out, setting it on fire, and watched it burn into the distant sea. From then he travelled, wandering the land, training for his fate, until his journeys took him to another land, a land they called Insignia. The night he arrived on the sandy shores of Insignia, he rested at an inn named The Royal Yaul, and upon when he awoke the next morning, he was in chains, his wrists and ankles enveloped in thick iron binds. He served a month in slavery, not harsh slavery, as all his possessions were returned to him save his weapons. Then a chance arose, once a month slaves could enter the Talk an arena lined with spectators and reeking of death. He took this chance, and in true Talk fashion he was put up against a young man seeking royal favour, named Orion, and much too the crowds dismay, Orion was killed, impaled on Kell’s lance. He was granted his freedom, and was returned his weapons, yet was badly injured, a gash running from top to bottom of his spine. This wound was fatal, Kell knew it, and he endeavoured to find comfort within the bowls of a deep forest, where he lay by a waterfalls side, barely alive. In this state he saw beautiful woman like creatures, and they tended to him, healing him. But once Elves have healed you from death, their power is always with you, and so it was with Kell, now fortified with the Strength of the Elves, he continued on his journey towards his distant destiny…
Character 3:
Time: Future.
Name: Osirus Hellsing
Age: 21
Race: Human.
Rank: Freelance Assasin.
Body Build: Muscular.
Mayck Level: Level 25
Weight: 150.
Skin Colour: Tanned caucasian.
Height: 6"
Element: Death.
Clothing: Black shirt, black "worn" jeans, long leather jacket to the knees.
Orion- Black metal handgun with an assortment of bullets.
Lassirot- A black handled knife, with a razor sharp blade.
Tarkar- Metal knuckleduster.
A few hiden knives over his body, undetectable in a strip search.
Hometown: Hallotrail
Hair Style: Cut to the shoulders.
Hair Colour: Ash blonde.
Eyes: Blood red.
Upper Body:
Chest: Black tatoos in the shape of barbed wire.
Back: The same black tatoos from his chest.
Arms: The same black tatoos covering the rest of his upper body.
Hands: Black, cut gloves.
Lower Body:
Legs: A thin tatoo around his leg, shaped as black barbed wire.
Brought up in Hallotrail, his mother and father were shot by his best friend. Swearing revenge, Osirus, a 17 year old boy at the time, spent a year following him, finally killing him in front of his future boss. He was recruited after that, yet wasn't happy, and when he had a toll on his head, he killed his associates, including his boss. From then he has worked as a freelance assasin, killling the enemy of those who pay, and the enemies he makes.
Character 4:
Time: Any, traveling.
Name: Mur Sylphetica
Age: 19
Race: Human, or so thought.
Rank: None.
Body Build: Slender, lithe.
Magyck Level: Level 20
Weight: 100.
Skin Colour: Extreme white.
Height: 5’9”
Element: Multi, Death, Eara.
Clothing: Black cloak, black leather wrist guards, black trousers, black shirt, black boots.
Mesmir- A long sword, single handed, engraved along the blade and hilt.
Pahms- A pair of short daggers.
Hometown: None…. Forgotten.
Hair Style: Slightly longer than shoulder length, often tied back in pony tail...
Hair Colour: Black, possibly white at times.
Eyes: Blue/Gray.
Upper Body:
Chest: A cross marking.
Back: Nothing in particular.
Arms: Nothing in particular.
Hands: Black, finger gloves.
Lower Body:
Legs: Nothing in particular.
His childhood has been forgotten.
Character 4:
Time: Past/Medieval
Name: Angelo Carsas
Age: 21
Race: Human.
Rank: Paladin.
Body Build: Tall, muscular.
Magyck Level: 15th Order of Masquard.
Weight: 120 lb.
Skin Colour: Tanned.
Element: Masquard/Physique.
Clothing: Black robe.
Danar- Long halberd, wooden handle, diamond edge.
Kyor- Large broadsword,
Home: Soria
Hair Style: Long, tied in a ponytail.
Hair Colour: Black.
Eyes: Blue/Grey.
Upper Body:
Chest: Nothing in particular.
Back: Nothing in particular.
Arms: Nothing in particular.
Hands: Nothing in particular.
Lower Body:
Legs: Nothing in particualr
[Character 5:]
Name: Jet Antilon
Age: 17
Height: 6’ 0”
Skin colour: Very pale, a ghostly shade of white.
Hair: Just past his shoulders, black and then progressing to white at the tip.
Eyes: Light blue.
Lips: Deep red.
Body: Lean and muscular.
Clothes: Long black cloak, lined with a scab red color. Black corset, over a long scab red top. Black trousers and boots.
Weapons: Metal claws from hands, sprouting from where ever, usualy from knuckles or finger nails, although has been seen to come from fore arms.
if im not a loud get send a pm and i will get rid of this.
Name: sefier amnesty
Race human/elf
Weapon: gun blade
Description: " Blonde hair, Green eyes. Long white trench coat. Blue armor with a cross.
Saying: "never give up, never to loose hope,and never loose site of the future....."
Implode by...g.o.d/ means garden of the dragon gild
Guardian Tidus's Angels Guardian all 4 Tidus’s guardian all so.
My limits: bloody moon.
The dragons from the moon.
Blade beam of the moon.
Final: wind of death.
Fire ice and wind
May learn more later
Defiance up attack up
Armor brake and theft
Name: Simply call me Gunblade Master
Age: 17
Race: Human
Class: SeeD
Weapon: Gunblade
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 6'1
Weight: 160
Skills: Transform, Elemental Bullets
Limits: Renzokuken, Solar Shot
Summons: Brothers, Ifrit
Spells: Float, Fira, Blizzaga, Thundaga
First Character
Name: Zacharia Simons
Age: ???
Race: Human
Class: Fallen Knight
Weapon: Khalai AKA "The Soul-Blade - sword which reflects upon the soul of the owner
Shield: a mithril shield
Clothes: Black armour, mithril. A black cloak covers over it.
Hair: Black, long
Eyes: cold grey
Height: 6'2
Weight: 200 lbs.
Summons: Diablos
Skills: Unleash - the dark energies in Khalai are shot out
Spells: Dark Magicks
Limit Break: Last Hope - exhausts all his magic into a single blast
Saying: I live to die.
Background: Once part of an order dedicated in the fight against an evil empire, Zacharia and his party battled their way through the dark lord's fortress, only to be captured. The dark lord gave Zacharia a choice: join him and his people will be spared or die.
Zacharia agreed. The second he touched the dark lord's hand, he was lost. In the revelation of Zacharia, he killed his own friends and later lead the army against his old order, killing all.
Time passed, and Zacharia grew darker. Then one day, a man appeared, Wisp was his name. For the first time in a long time, Zacharia was defeated in combat. However, Wisp did not kill him, which he could have done. Instead, his life was spared, and Wisp disapeared.
After that incident, Zacharia began to question his place in life. Soon, he fought with the dark lord, and was beaten. But before he was about to die, Wisp appeared once again, and took Zacharia away.
Wisp then shown Zacharia how people still lived and were happy under the shadow of the empire. Seeing these things, Zacharia was moved into taking action against the dark lord. He trained himself harder and slowly became stronger in both mind and body. Not long after the destruction of the town he stayed in, Zacharia openly attacked the fortress of dark lord. There was a great battle, and Zacharia emerged the victor. Yet he felt as if he still was unclean of the evils he brought upon the world. So now he wanders, searching for one warrior which can end his pitiful life...
Name: Rachel Lucros
Species: Silver mage / elvin
Age: about 17
Weapon: either 2 daggers or a sword.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 140lbs
Clothes: Either a silver/platinum dress with a white cloak or if in her transformed self, a white mage dress, but platinum instead of the off-white and gold/silver marks instead of the red triangles.
Basically got her powers from her mom, contained in a pendent worn on a chain. She is the last of her kind, currently looking for the haven in the stars said to keep her species alive. Knows a lot of different magic, currently over 30, but specializes in white magic. She has a transformed self, where she has wings and her white magic power raises a lot, others a little. Physical attack is semi-low. Has a familiar, an opal chocobo named Silver. She has bright blue eyes, brown hair to one side, and in some threads she's elvin
Name: Koja son of Kamadake. Sovereign of Darkness, rule of the Shadow realm.
Species: Dark Archangel
Age: Timeless
Hair: Silver
Wings: Black
Height; 6'7"
Eyes: Blue
Weapons: Elvish Swords
Armor. Mythril
Clothes: Emerald Green robes( For fighting)
Name: Ronin
Age: 25
Height: 6' 2"
Hair Colour: Jet Black
Eye Colour: Black
Weapons: The Gleaming Samurai Sword with a Green Glowing Jem encrusted in the hilt of the sword, Shruikens and a Poisened Knife.
Armour: Samurai Mythril Armour, Leather Vest, Steel Armguards, Dark Cloak and Ninja Suit.
Summons: Diablos, Hades, Bahamut and Odin.
Magic: Vanish, Haste, Smoke Wall (Creates a wall of smoke like a Smoke Grenade), Silence, Darkness(Makes the enviroment dark and gloomy), Demi, Flare, Bolt, Ice and Fire Spells.
Background: A masterless Samurai who is looking to avenge the death of his master. His sword was a gift from that very master and the magical stone a gift from his masters daughter. He was trained in the arts of Karate and in the ways of Stealth and The Way of The Ninja, is a master of deception and darkness as he is able to conceal himself for days in one postion without moving a muscle.
Name: Cody
Age: Depends on what form
Weapons: Normal Form: Sei-Ro Sword
Choas Form: Chaos Emerald
Armor: Choas Crystal Armor
Techniques: Normal Form: Living Sword,Teleport,Nova Ball,Cyclone,Chaos Change
Chaos Form: Choas Controll,Choas Spear,Choas Diffusion
Appearnce: Green Eyes,Brown Hair,Green Crystal like armor,a Purple cape.Chaos Form: Green Crystal like body,with normal armor.
Back ground: A avid explorer,who found the Lengendary Chaos Emerald,and learned how to us it.
Name:: Dias Falc
Species:: Natural Zenn Warrior
Class:: Zenn Warrior
Magic:: Tetra Zenn / Fire / Ice / Bolt / X Zenn / Zenn 1 / Zenn2
Summons:: Shiva's Sister / Ifrit's Son / Rahmuh's Brother / Sycon
Summons 2:: Zenn Odin / Relica
Weapon:: Broad Sword / Traning Staff
Limits:: Finer Death / Hexa Arkanie / Zenn Form (Can be any where from 1-25) xX ZENN BLADE Xx
Looks:: 6' Long gray hair, Deep Neon Green Eyes
Clothes:: Black Cloak
Name:Shemue Strife
Weapons:long sharp sword
Summons:Knights Of The Realm
Look:brown hair/long leather jacket/blue jeans/white t-shirt
Name. Schorl Korendor
Age. 1000
Race. Half dragon (elf/dragon)
Hometown. None (wanderer)
Class. Warrior mage
Height. (elf form) 5'2 (half dragon form) 7'6
(dragon form) 20' tall 75' long
Hair. (elf form only) shoulder length black, fading to white towards the edges
Eyes. (elf form) grey (half dragon form) blood red
(dragon form) shimmering sliver (always reptilian in any form)
Scales. (half dragon form) murky brown
(dragon form) silver
Weapons. (elf form) oaken staff of the magi set with a glowing sapphire, magic (half dragon form) katana, imbued with light and dark magic, shrouded in half light playing around its blade, rumoured to be made of crystal, cannot use any but the simplest spells in this form (dragon form) teeth and claws, fire breath, static sparks, heightened sense of percetion and greater magical prowess.
Armor. (elf form) no protection but staff and magic
(half dragon form) leathery scales, simple magic, mythril helm, plate mail, and greaves engraved with runes of protection and power
(dragon form) metallic scales, powerful magic, aura of fear
Magic. (elf form) ordianary spells eg, fireball, freezing sphere, haste, spider climb, feather fall, wall of force, earthen grasp etc, etc.
(half dragon form) wall of force, fireball, spider climb, ice shard, thunder strike.
(dragon form) dragon magic makes use of the dragons prowess and mana, forming it into anything anything the dragon desires, from a mouse, to a blazing wall of flames. or imbuing an item or person with abilities far from the natural.
Transformations. Schorl keeps his elf form for everything but battle, it takes him 1 post in order to transform from elf to half dragon, in half dragon form his trength is greater, but his speed greatly decreased, he can stay in this form as long as he wishes, from half dragon, it takes 1 post in order to turn to dragon form, in this form his magic power is increased tenfold, as is his speed, strength, stamina, his wings allow him to fly and glide as he pleases, he can stay in this form for 5 posts, one additional post per level, once this time is up, he is forced to revert to elven form for 5 more posts and is in a greatly weakened state due to the pressure of undertaking such a mammoth task.
Special moves. other than his magic, Schorl has few special abilities, his staff is the source of his abilities in elf form, his training the source in his half dragon form, and his size, speed and magic, his source in dragon form. Not all specials are listed here, only those schorl has seen fit to use in the past... others he may have kept for special occasions.
Specials in elf form. phase with matter (his staff allows him to reconstruct his molecular structure in order to melt into the earth, emerging again wherever and whenever he pleases), ventriloquism (by speaking through his staff, he can throw his voice in many directions at once, allowing the forming of spells in more places than one), magic missile (his staff makes use of its glowing energy source, throwing up to seven guided balls of force towards his foe, cannot be dodged, can be blocked), earth to glue (his staff allows him to change the molecular sturcture of a patch of earth, allowing him to change the rock beneath your feet to a powerful adhesive), force cage (allows schorl to call six walls of force into existence to ensnare his target while he transforms or channels his energies to use a powerful spell)
Specials in half dragon form. Sword slam (his dimunutive wings allow him to leap above his foe, his weight dragging him back down to earth at an increased speed, slamming his sowrd down with incredible force), dragoon guardian (his scales grow tougher and begin to sweat, resisting both magic and physical attacks, edged weapons slide off his skin due to the slime covered scales) mastery of the body (allows Schorl to fluctuate his body temperature, blood flow, and all other aspects of his body, allowing him to resist cold, heat and lighting, and to stop beeding almost immediately after a penetrating blow is struck), mastery of the mind (prevents mental assaults and allows him enhanced perception of his surroundings), whirlwind blade (imbues schorl with greater mastery over his weapon, allowing him to strike and parry quicker than the eye can follow) essence blade (Schorls katana was made entirely by him and was imbued with powerful magics of light and dark, Schorl shares a soul with his blade and can channel his energies into it, allowing him to mould it into any form he wishes, or to sharpen or lengthen it as he pleases, after the power he poured into his blade has dispersed he becomes weakened due to the sudden loss of his energies), chameleon (schorls armor, weapon and scales shift to mimic his surroundings, blending in seamlessly with any background, but only as long as he stays motionless)
Specials in dragon form. you'll have to find out
Limit. (elf form) Soul Call (Schorl pulls the sprak of magic from within his staff, imbuing himself with the essence of the countless mages before him and enveloping him in a heady white glow.)
Fiery Tracer (Schorls fingertips glow a fiery red and leave a slight imprint on the air when he wishes it, allowing him to trace the runic magics upon the air and unlesh them against his foes.)
(half dragon form) Final Release (the half light around his blade disperses towards his foe, the souls of all he killed contained within, no physical damage is done with this, though it devastates both mental and spiritual sides)
Primal Scream (must use final release before attempting this, schorl instils himself with the power from the final release, absorbing the pre released fog of souls and instilling himself with unknown strength and speed, he cannot feel pain while this move is in use, it lasts for 5 posts and leaves schorl confused for one post after its use)
(dragon form) Dead Fall (will not work unless his foe is greatly damaged or held in place already, schorl flies into the sky until almost lost to sight, hovering above his foe, he folds his wings against his body and drops feet first onto their unlucky form, he is forced back into elf form after using this and can not form back into a dragon for the rest of the battle)
Blaze (schorl must first succeed in trapping his foe within his gaping maw, once his jaw has closed over his hapless enemy Schorl unleashes his flame, severely burning himself and reducing the target of this attack to ash)
Background. never knowing who his real father was, but forever suspecting what his father was. Schorl set out from the elven village he lived in, on a quest of discovery. today he still searches for answers, quick to anger yet slow to the attack, Schorl is a fearsome opponent in any form, be it elf or half dragon form he chooses, only his dragon form is used in dire need as it saps his energies and leaves him weak if his task is not acheived by its limit. Schorl has not forgotten the mother he left behind, nor the father he searches for.
My character
Name: Chor Tan Kit
Species: Human
Skill: Martial Arts
Class: Vigilante
Age: 17
Weapons: Dagger
Armor: None
Background Information: Master is Li Xun Huan
Special Attacks: Flying dagger [1 hit kill] anyone who gets hits dies
In Chinese: Sui Lai Fai Doh
Magic Attacks: Initial powers
In Chinese: Loyl Lic
Transformations: Increase powers to a tremendous limit
Limit Break Attacks: Confidential
Name: Shemue Strife
Armor:aA thick steel armor
Weapon: Long sharp blade
Specialattack:Omnislash(get hit with that auto die)
Looks:short brown hair,Leather coat,Blue jeans
If you get hit with Omnislash you will auto die. Also if you get hit with Kights Of Realm you will get hurt really bad.
Guzzah! A New Profile.
Name: Tana Raiginstar
Age: 20
Hometown: Criminal Roads
Race: Human, Demon and (a new species) Hybral.
- Hybral is a whole mixture of little evil fairies to form its body. Mostly its all magic. Tana got this in her body because of the accidental mixture of blood...
Height: 5'6
Appearance: Tana has short (chin-length), red hair. They go very straight to the tips, and pointy ends. With brown eyes, and one earring in her left ear. Her earring has the shape of a small ring and is clipped on the higher side of her ear. She has a necklace on, with a key tied to it. This key is somehow a secret.
She wears a long, dark blue leather coat which has the length to reach the joint of her knee. She wears black shorts, and her usual black army boots which covers half of her lower leg. These boots have high platforms though. Tana somehow got used to it.
She has a black sleeveless shirt, which has a wide collar that revolves around her neck, for her undershirt. Her coat's two middle buttons are closed.
Elements: Darkness Void
- Because her mind was all filled with anger, nothing was left in her but void. Her psychic powers haven't disappeared... She just forgot how to make use of it anymore.
Main Weapon: (Sword) The Souleater Blade
- The Souleater blade is a sword that can absorb the enemy's soul when the holder of the sword has enough power to control it. This sword is black, has a smooth curve at its edge, and two sharp edges at the tip of the blade. There is somehow a mysterious blue light in its middle.
Sub Weapon: 3T8-O pistol
- This pistol is a different kind of gun. It's as big as a shotgun but still called a pistol. One shot is deadly and can be used with magic.
Physical Moves: [Souleater moves] ~ Life Absorb, Meet your doom
- Meet Your Doom is when the blue light in Souleater glows and when it meets the opponent's body, the light steals some energy and also does some exploding damage.
Magical Moves:
- Epica sphere: - The casting of the giant blue sphere filled with Tana's pain and anger. This sphere traps the enemy inside and squishes him or her.
- Aciditrip: - Dark Mist enters the enemy's mind and does damage.
- Stella beam: - Energy is boosted in Tana's sword. When enough is ready, she blasts the giant cannon beam at her opponent.
- Meet your doom: - Tana slices herself and draw blood from her body. Her Hybral blood gets released. These Hybral parts forms a snake shape and, as a snake, it also bites and poisons the enemy.
- Cloning machine: - Either Tana casts clones of herself to attack her opponent, or casts clones of her opponent to attack him or her.
- The Devil's come - demon transform: - Tana and Zulwarn Unite. They throw Multiple spells at the opponent. Some spells are Zulwarn's.
- Together to Hell - If Tana doesn't have much energy, she might sacrifice her ownself to use this one. Her ultimate attack. Herself and Zulwarn will enter the opponent's body and controls their movement. The bad thing is, when the opponent gets hurt... so does Tana.
Interrupt Moves:
- Guard me demon: - Before the opponent gets near, Zulwarn becomes Tana's shield and attacks the opponent before he or she can continue.
- Darkness Drain: - Her palm will take away the enemy's power.
- Zadeta Surround: - Tana's anger and pain creates three phoenix's to surround the enemy. They cover him or her with their wings and tries to melt his or her body.
Further Details: - Demon and Special Partner's name ~ Zulwarn-
Because of the left pain in her past, she had a hard time taking them off her mind. This caused her to be angered. Not long before her mind and body has now been nothing but void to her. Hybrals attacked her body because of the weakness of her mind. Although... more secrets lie beneath her. But at the present, she seeks to find fate itself.
Name: Spawn
Age: 666
Hometown: Unknown
Race: Vampire
Height: 5'7
Hair: Spiked black
Eye colour: Black
ClothesBlack torn trench coart with stains, old ripped dark t-shirt, Black baggy jeans and battle boots bolted to his feet.
Element/s: Darkness
- Because he was brought up in hell and had no hope.
Magic: Dark orb, Bolt, Fire, Ice, Quake, Dark javlin.
Main Weapons: 2 Sabours, Ice and Fire (can be made into 1 creating the legendary 'Dark Sabour)
Secondary Weapons: 10 daggers (5 Dark, 5 Fire) kept in each side of his trench coat.
ok here it gose for me ......
wieght:98 LBs
Eyeys color:Blood red
hair color:A sunny blond
Weapon:A staff past down to her from her mother.It was made out of the finest wood with a red ruby on the top of it,It has a spell on it that gives her staff strenth.
Clothing:A blue turtle neak without no sleves, and brown tight pants with combow boots.She had a big brown jacket that falls off her shoulders slitly.
Limits:Healing wind, fire's hell,Lighting rage,frezze and wind storm.
Magic:Fire,bizzer,Lighting, wave,wind.Zap,BOOM!Holy fire and fire birds.
Summon:Bahmut,Jugle bolt.Fallen wing and Impack bome.
My RPB character...
Name: Mai-Lin Ohtomo
Age: 17
Race: Half elf
Height: 5'7
Hair: Red/Yellow/orange short in a 'Selphie-esqe' style.
Eye colour: Amber
Class : assassin
Clothes : Forrest Green no sleeved tight shirt which has a long neck... tight black knee length shorts, black hiking boots.
Extra : Has four blood red squares (small) in a row under her left eye as a tribal tatoo, an implant on her neck and always wears a moonstone cross on an onyx chain.
*.Implant - her implant heightens her speed, and agility, making her scary fast (not too much strength in her though)
Weapons and Abilities : Uses a quarter staff or a pure black katana, She is a student of Sholin arts and trainned in Caporai
name: Evelyn
Age: 17
Weight: 97 lbs
Height: 5'7"
hair: long(hip-length), jet-black, usually tied back in the beginning of a fight
eye color: royal blue
class: high mage
race: high mage (humans with extraordinary magical powers and heightened senses and speed)
clothes & armor: Sleeveless (tank-top like) knee-length royal blue dress, with long slits in the sides. Mythril bracers on the forearms with crystal details. thigh-length white leather boots. Silverish-gray cloak over all.
weapon:Handmade Silver staff of ancient unknown metal with a small sphere at the end filled with swirling gray mists. Can change into other weapons, usually a rapier (fencing sword). Also carries 2 silver daggers and chinese (aka ninja) stars.
Magic: elemental combinations, for example: typhoon( Windaga and waterga combo), Solar flare, holy apocalypse, devil's snare, freeze (freezes blood/liquid in vicitm's body), guardian wind (deflects items like flung daggers, arrows, etc.), light shield
Special attacks/moves: searing pain (sword and fire magic combo),blinding fury (user goes crazy with major physical attacks and minor spells), fatal division, light crescent, can transform into a dove, Angelic Flight (adds angelic wings)...
Character Stats
Name: Kyosuke Kagami
Age: 22
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Blood Type: B
Battle Stats
Armor: A white suit woven in with a few layers of kevlar (the material in bullet proof vests).
Weapon: Arms and Legs. Occasionally uses a long staff made of a thin, light, flexible type of metal.
Cross Cutter - Raising both arms, and backhanding the opponent one hand after another
Genei Kick - Concentrating Energy into the foot, creating a purple fire, and doing a backflip while kicking the opponent
Raijin Upper - Concentrating energy into the fists, then raising an arm to the sky with palm open, then bringing down arm causing a bolt of purple lighting to crash down on the opponent or target.
Genei Wave - Jumping into mid air, putting fists together, then coming down on the opponent head first in a corkscrew motion, then bounding back to feet.
Genei Breaker - Concentrating energy into the fists, creating a purple flame, and then swiftly moving hand from low to high to create an energy wave which flys at the opponent.
[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Kakusan Cross Cutter - Concentrating energy into the fists, creating a purple flame, then back hand the opponent with both hands with tremendous fury.
Double Genei Kick - Concentrating energy into the fists, creating a purple flame, then performing two backflip kicks to the opponent.
Super Raijin Upper - Concentrating energy into the fists, raising an arm to the sky, then bringing the arm down, doing a spin and bringing the other arm down, causing two purple bolts of lightning to come down on the opponent or target.
Zenmenteki Kyoubou - Concentrating extensize amount of energy to hands and feet, a series of random, frenzied moves is preformed towards the opponent.
Staff Attacks
Slam - Slamming the staff onto the ground (end first) to gain an extra amount of leverage on a jump.
Nova Slam - While coming down from an extended jump (Slam), grabbing the staff by the end, and bringing it down at the opponent with the force of a Nova.
Fancy Withdrawl - Withdrawing the Staff after any physical technique for (an) extra hit(s).
Revolution - Spinning the staff around with increasing speed, hitting when oppurtunities come.
Grand Cross - Whipping the Staff in a horizontal direction, stunning the opponent, then bringing the staff down on the opponents head, usually causing death or stunning the opponent.
Kyosuke tends to keep to himself. He doesn't often talk, and usually avoids other people. Unlike most people, he fights with no purpose, other than the thrill of conquering another. He has nothing to prove, so losing isn't much to him.
NAME: Crimson Mage
AGE: 45
DESCRIPTION: Wears a large red trenchcoat, black fingerless golves, baggy brown trousers and a white shirt. Has silver grey hairand stubble to go with it.
WEAPONS: Two large daggers by the anmes of Ethi and Esha
HISTORY: Banished from the Red Mage village for a crime he did not commit. The culprit was Sacrlet Mage, who put a potion in CM's cup that would cause him to go mad and destroy the village. CM now lives as a Vagrant, and knows the planet like the back of his hand.
MAGIC: His magic attacks include mastered Fire spells, Meteor/Comet spells, Earth spells and Gravity spells. Also knows some lighting, water and ice magic, but not very strong with them.
ENDTUTOR: Whenever he loses, wins or draws a battle, he will learn one new skill.
STREAK RED: CM can slam his daggers into the ground, and from the crack a red light will emmit hurting evrything but himself.
FLAME BLADE: His daggers can turn twice their size and turn into blades of fire.
GRAVICOMET: He can combine the power of Gravity with the power of Mneteor to bring down a meteor that coems down faster due to a stronger pull of gravity, therefore more damage occurs.
BLOODY HEALER: He can be healed by his own blood
RED QUAKE: Summons up an earthquake, from which red light shoots from the cracks, light which burns whoever CM commands it to.
STEALTH LIGHTNING: 2 Lightning bolts appear 1 mile away from the opponent (1 either side) and crawl stealthily like snakes towards the opponent, without him/her knowing.
MAGE SPIRIT: He can summon the power of all the Mages to enter his body. For a few seconds, all the Mages on the planet will become weak, and he will become superstrong
MAGE SPIRIT +: If he stabs himself as he calls upon Mage Spirit, his ability to heal himself with his own blood will combine with Mage Spirit, making it last longer and much more powerfull, turning him into 'Megamage'.
FIRAGAX: 10 times more powerful than Firaga, Firagax is a spell to beware of.
ESHITHI BLOW: His two daggers: Ethi and Esha can form together the super sword: Eshithi. Once the Sword hits something, it returns to it's form of Ethi and Esha
ELEMENTAL ENHANCEMENT: An ability to turn his daggers to a blade of any element. Even stronger when combined with Eshithi blow.
THUNDERCOMET: Summons a comet which strikes lightning around it during a collision.
ELEGEDDON: All elements combined to create the ultra element:armageddon.
All abilites can be combined to form greater abilities.
He can also use the other abilities he can do when not in Megamage form.
WEAKNESSES: Use of Megamage can result into CM transforming into an unctonrollable beast.
cool person in the house
im gonna kik ass all around these forums
my stats are :
Name: Maxim
Element: darkness(i was light but you have it so i chose darkness)
Race: Elven
Occupation: New guardian of elements
Birthplace: Unknown
Main weapon: Dual balde(two rigid blades)
Secondary weapon: Artemis bow
Weight: 173
Height: 5'10
Flame red hair covers his face
Eyes so red they strike fear into an enemies eyes leaving them paralyzed slightly
Once known as Kenkaku which in a foreign language means Swordsman
A vest made of the mythical hide of the great behemoth
followed by a tunic made of the same hide
Around his neck a gold pendant on it the picture of a man he once guarded
it is said that the picture is of his father or brother
Boots made of ordinary leather
under the vest hides a mythril chain mail
Unknown and unnecessary
still needs some touching up but ill get those extra things up soon dont you worry
Well here is my profile. I may add more attacks at a later date.
Name: Kokushibyou (means Black Death in Japanese)
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 6’ 11”
Eye Color: Hazel (Green with brown)
Hair Color: Black
Race: Human
Fighting Styles: Heavily trained in the ways of Toutou (Clashing of Swords)
Weapons: The Striker, a mystical blade that is said by some to have been forged by the gods. Others tend to believe a master smith forged it, and it was blessed by monks, which enchanted the cold metal. It is a large katana that he wears on his back. Other then the smith, human hands have never touched the blade, only enemy skin, and blood has ever touched its iron. Its sheath has gold Japanese lettering engraved on it that says; "When the flower blooms, your end has come"(has to do with Ultimate attack,) it is also on the sword itself, only in black lettering.
He also wears a short killing sword on his left hip it is rarely used. Only when the Striker has been disabled, or if his opponent is completely disabled will he draw the sharp blade for the final blow.
Description: He wears light black boots, and all black pants, made out of the best balance of lightness and durability. He wears all black armor that has the shoulders outstretched somewhat. Random lines engraved in gold draw and curl around the armor. They all end up in a golden circle at the center of his armor where a large diamond is embedded into it. The hardest substance known to man, it offers protection in more ways then one (see Defensive move.) An easily detachable black cape made of silk runs down to just above the ground. It also has random gold lines running up and down it, and they seem to correspond with the armors lines (just for show.) He has large eyes, and hair that drops to about his ears, all around his head except for his face.
Background: A boy born into an honorable, but not to wealthy family, Kokushibyou was a happy child. His name wasn’t always Kokushibyou, but his original name was long forgotten, a victim of the ruthless force known as time. His father was an old, wise man, a fierce warrior, and gifted in the ability to move at great speeds. His mother was one of the, if not the most beautiful woman in the land, she was strong willed and skilled in many fields. Kokushibyou’s father was so taken by her that he never took on any other wives.
The family lived deep in the mountains, the tranquility, space, and privacy made there home a fine place to sharpen the skills of fighting. Kokushibyou spent his entire life training, and training, becoming a stronger warrior. By the time Kokushibyou was a young man, he was already almost as powerful as his father. Then one day. Kokushibyou was sent to fulfill a task that would end his initial training. Knowing most of his father’s special attacks, he was more then ready. Upon his return he found his home burning, and his parents dead. The word Kokushibyou (Black Death) were inscribed into the ground next to his father. The calling sign of an evil warrior that ravaged the land. Searching out and killing anyone who could oppose him.
After putting out the fire, and respecting the bodies of his dead parents. Kokushibyou went into a state of deep thought for what seemed like days. Every passing moment, more and more anger swelled up inside of him. Finally he snapped out of it, and then he vowed to kill the one who had ruined his life, and killed two great people. He would change his identity; throw away any trace of his old life. He stared at the word inscribed in the ground for a while, and then he knew what to change his name to. He would become the Kokushibyou for all who stood in his way.
Kokushibyou took the legendary Striker, his father’s sword, and left to travel the world to find the murderer. During his travels he was given his killing sword. He also bought his armor, and found the diamond in a deep enchanted cave. With every stop, his heart swelled with the evil that he was becoming. His heart may have been corrupted by anger, deep down beneath the coverings, it was still as pure as ever, and the diamond on his black armor signified that. It was just waiting for someone, or something to free it. Through all his travels though, he never found the person behind the murder of his parents. So continued on, wandering endlessly, a good person, locked away in an evil man’s body.
Special Attributes/Personality: Blessed with the power of sheer speed that runs deep within his blood. This speed is his main way of defense, but can also be used to attack as well. The problem with it is that he can only use it in short spurts since it uses up a lot of energy.
Kokushibyou is a very quiet person, and usually keeps to himself. He ignores most offerings of kindness, and sometimes lashes out at those who try to be kind. Many a victim has fallen to his blade just because of simple acts of kindness directed towards him.
Special Techniques:
Fires of Hell: Heat from all sources is drawn into the back of his right hand. It is then transformed into fire, which builds up and is launched in a fiery blaze from his palm. The surrounding air suffers little to no temp, drop from the absorption.
Petals of Doom: With much focus, many Cherry Blossoms are blown in front of Kokushibyou. They begin spinning in a circle in front of Kokushibyou. With a slash of his sword, each one is blown very quickly towards his opponent. Each one is an elemental bomb, that lets off an explosion about the size of one’s forearm. The element is blown out of the explosion with tremendous speed. Kokushibyou can have the blossoms split, or go out in groups, and there real way of connecting is the speed that they travel at. Kokushibyou can also control them as a group, or individually.
Diamond Cutter: The Diamond on his chest begins to glow; it then unleashes a blast of pure energy at his opponent. The blast, all though powerful can only move in a straight line, and it uses a lot of energy, limiting its amount of uses.
Blade of Flames: Using the same skill as his flames form hell, Kokushibyou is able to heat his blade to the point where it catches fire. He can then use it to attack until the blade cools. Besides slashing, he can also launch lines of fire at his opponent.
Defensive Techniques:
Diamond Wall: A beam of energy is formed from the diamond on his chest. It is as wide as his chest, but can change its length. It acts like a fast sword that blocks attacks (kinda like a light saber, but without the attacks bouncing back) It can spin, and swivel around his body at high speeds, and can block almost anything. Its down side it that it can only be at one place at a time. It eventually begins to wear down after taking in a lot of abuse. It is mostly used when no other means of blocking is available.
Ultimate Attack/ Petals of Doom: Millions of cherry blossoms will begin to fall all around the battlefield. Then on Kokushibyou’s out stretched hand a full cherry Blossom flower will appear. It will bloom then its petals will fall off into the wind. All but the last will be absorbed into the diamond. The last will fall on its on, and upon impact with the ground a beam will shoot out of the diamond hitting the Striker. The Striker will glow with a holy energy becoming a much larger, white energy sword. At this Kokushibyou will attack with heightened speed, and power throwing a barrage of hacks and slashes at his opponent, each one almost completely un able to be blocked. At the end most of Kokushibyou’s energy is spent, but it should be enough to win. If his opponent is dead, or knocked out, all the remaining cherry blossoms will fall and cover the body.
Name: Rydius Heartwing
Alias: Tridius/Ryudo
Age: Unknown
Class: Mystical Warrior of Light and Dark
Class Description: A warrior that has both the powers of the light and the darkness, he is able to utilise a broad range of attack types including magik and summoning. However, since he is a mystical warrior it is unknown what price he had to pay for this power... (Class is unique to Rydius)
Rydius is an enigma. Something that really shouldn't exist but for some reason does so. Awakening from a tomb that was sealed deep within the forests of Aenur, he spent the first part of his life searching for a purpose. When people first saw him, they were frightened because of a pair of large white-feathered wings were protruding from his back.
Because of this, Rydius shunned people. Instead, he lived within the forests of Aenur since that was all he knew. But things took an unfortunate twist as people started to talk about a mystical beast that lived in the forest causing many to come and try to hunt it down. As they had very little luck in capturing this beast, they burned down the forest instead.
As the forest burned, Rydius found himself having to take refuge in the tomb he had awakened from until the raging inferno had died down. After it had done so, Rydius emerged to find the forest a perpertual ruin of it's former glory. The ones that had been hunting the mystical beast came across him and seeing the large wings, captured him - or at least attempted to.
In this instant, Rydius' anger reached boiling point and roaring out in anger, changed into a beast-like form. The hunters - momentarially stunned - found themselves under a frienzied assault.
Not one of them lived through it.
When Rydius finally came to, blood stained the ground and bodies lay in pieces everywhere. Shocked at what had happened, Rydius began to question what he was and re-entered the tomb once more, seeking answers. At the very place he had awoken in, he found weapons that had been placed behind him, as well as a description carved into the stone - he has never said what it was to this day...
At approx 6ft tall, Rydius is an imposing figure. He is always clad in a cloak that surrounds his entire body only showing his ice blue eyes which at times turn crimson red, depending on his emotions. Underneath this cloak is the armour that he was wearing when he 'awoke' as well as his wings which have a 12ft wingspan when fully opened.
Armour Description:
Armour of the Gods - The armour thar Rydius wears was made long before he was awake. Although it appears to be light armour, the metal it is made from is highly durable and gives the same protection as heavy armour. The reason why it weighs like light armour is due to the fact that the metal has been infused with magik.
The armour consists of a customised breastplate (Due to his wings), Shoulder guards, armguards, leg-guards and waist guards.
Weapon Description:
Alexia and Alucard - these are twin short swords that are usually located in holsters just above the waist guards. The blades are easy to tell apart as Alexia glows with a soft white light wheras Alucards glows with a dark light. Reasons for this are currently unknown.
Soul Heart - A broadsword that rests in its scabbard which snugly fits between Rydius' wings. The blade itself is made out of a bone-like structure which is very strong and cuts exactly like it was steel. On it's hilt are several small gems, which glow when a 'sword spirit' is acquired. At the moment, 3 out of 8 gems are glowing. This allows Rydius to call upon elemental spirits in battle. (see below)
Battle-Ax of Angrim - A standard battle-ax that once belonged to a warrior named Angrim. It is carried on Rydius' back over the cloak.
Also has the tendancy to use whatever is closest to him ie. A barstool or kitchen knives
Magik - Since Rydius is a 'Mystical Being', he can call upon a vast range of magik spells. However, it takes a lot of time to learn a new spell and since he doesn't use a lot of magik, his spell range is pretty limited.
Spells currently known:-
Heal - Standard healing spell. Restores a little stamina.
Purify - Useful for removing any poison effects.
Burn! - Level 1 fire spell. Does little damage , but is useful for starting camp fires.
Tremor! - Level 1 earth spell. Causes a small localised quake.
(Has others)
Elemental Spirits - These are the spirits that reside in the gems on Soul Heart's hilt. However, each of them requires a different amount of time and concentration to summon forth in battle, although they do get stronger given time.
Elemental Spirits currently held:-
Fiednoid - Wind Elemental. This spirit attacks the enemy with slashes of wind which do small to moderate damage. If Rydius spends some extra time whilst calling this spirit, the attack can be strong enough to destroy the surrounding area to the radius of 10 yards.
Aquoon - Water Elemental. This spirit attacks by surroundingthe enemy in a water bubble. It does absolutly no damage as it is used mostly to stun the enemy.
Gazan - Fire Elemental. This spirit attacks by assaulting the enemy with waves of fire. The damage done depends on the amount of time used to call upon the spirit.
Brood Power - This has only happened once, and is heavily dependant on Rydius' emotions. The last time this happened was when the hunters that burned down the forest - his home - and they were all killed. Since then they have lain dormant, but who can tell when they will show up again?
Wings - Since Rydius has wings, he has the ability to fly. However, since people tend to fear him when they see them, he has always walked everywhere with them hidden under the cloak wrapped around his body. They are currently used only in battle when deemed neccessary.
Name:Master Chief
Age:hell if he knows...
Height:ask him...
race: Human
Job type: Fighter
Armor: a special full-body armor suit, with a helmet with a flashlight and an energy shield that creates a dome of energy that overheats quickly, so isn't used except in dire situations
Weapons:an energy blade fixed onto his left arm and a large piece of spaceship plating on his right arm.
profile: the last of the spartan II clones, he was the original and is known only by his former rank...
(OOC: I should have posted this a long time ago...)
Name: Shen
Age: Unknown
Sex: Male
Race: Recently revealed as Saiya-jin
Height: 5' 10"
Class: Recently revealed as a ninja.
Appearance: Shen wears loose fitting, baggy brown pants, along with a dull green, long sleeved shirt. The shirt is high collared, and has a black colored symbol on the left breast. It is of a leaf blowing in the wind, but slightly deformed to take more of an "s" shape. Near the bottom of the symbol was a small black dot. His hair is a light, dusty brown. It's spiked, but brushed back instead of pointing upwards. He had very soft facial features, for his eyes were a deep chestnut brown that had a sparkle of happiness and life in them. He always had a grin on his face, and from it dangled a long strand of wheat. Wherever he went, he always had a piece hanging from the corner of his mouth.
Bio: Not much is known about this mysterious person. He has no medical records, parents, or history. He is rumored to be around 19 years of age, and of the human race.
Abilities: Shen is a master of transmutational magic. He attacks with a variety of energy projectiles and spells, but also has two daggers for dire situations.
Special abilites:
Shattered sky-- THe sky seems to break apart, and the shards of energy hurl towards the arena, exploding on contact.
Focus-- Focuses his energy for more fierce attacks.
Shift-- Charges himself with elements for defensive purposes.
Fissure-- Causes a massive earthquake, splitting the arena in two.
Photon beam-- Shoots a massive beam of non-elemental energy towards the enemy.
Rapid fire photon beams-- Shoots several beams of non-elemental energy.
Annihilation dagger: Charges his dagger with massive amounts of energy, then hurls it at the enemy. It cuts through anything, and explodes when Shen wills it to.
Invisible fireball-- Just what it says. Launches a number invisible fireballs. Heat cannot be sensed until they make contact with the skin.
Genki dama-- Summons a massive ball of energy from all surrounding sources and gathers it into a massive ball. May be used for attack or powering up by absorbing it.
KameHameHa wave-- Shen's most powerful attack. Gathers energy into his palms, then releases it as a massive beam towards the enemy. Varies in power and size depending on Shens current power level.
Weapons: Two 12 inch long daggers, for melee use.
Armor: Cloth clothing, nothing else.
Click here to see a picture of Shen.
Name: Khakain Zilican Xeniya
Age: 76
Class: Dragoon
Weapon: Zilican Rage - Weapon forged by the Zilican king and his sword experts to use as a weapon to defeat the Temon.
Armor: Iron Bangle
Bio: Khakain Xeniya is of the near-extinct race, the Zilicans. This race are excellent warriors, most of them trained under the ancient Dragoon arts that blends in the magic of a black mage. He is one of the last of his kind, and travels around the world, looking for any type of Temon's, which are their destruction. In a battle with an extremely powerful warrior, he was driven to be insane when his enemy killed a nearby child. Now he is a walking disaster. Anything that comes into his path will most likely be missing or found in a nearby ditch.
First Person
Name: General Caraway
Clothing: Marroon uniform with a deep red ribbon to tie his hair
Armour: Steel knuckles & shoulder blades
Weapons: Long sword, and Katana
Magic: Ice and Water elemental
Background: Caraway is the retired general of the Galbadian army, and makes his home in Deling City. His wife, Julia, passed away, leaving him with a daughter, Rinoa.
Second Person
Name: Lannon McDagger
Age: 14
Clothing: Leather tunic that may change color depending on the battle
Armour: None
Weapons: Large shield, short dagger, spear
Magic: Wind elemental, and ability to fly
Background: Much is unknown about Lannon except that his parents were murdered, and since then he has become a traveler. Over his travels he was able to learn several abilities in both the sword and magic areas.
name- Galidor
clothing- Long green cloak. Black pants.
weapons- as a draggon wind lance. As my regular peraon a emerald staff
magic-anything and everything to make the battle living nightmare.(black hole, metalic seal)
special(s)-transforming, weapon transformation(to lance,sword, bow.can use ice arrow and all other elements when in bow form.
finisher-all element finishers
background- a young apprentice. his parents died by the evil force that he was joined with because they brainwashed him.(from this if you are a good rpb'er you should know my weekness)
Name: Spawn AKA. Al simmons (Deceased)
Clothing: see below :D His cape can be really long... and almost 6 times his body area.
Eyes- Glowing green with Ultima
Armour: Apart from his thick clothing, and a mask- nothing.
Weapons: A chain that he wears around him, sometimes has a mind of its own and Spawn can also control it, this uses energy which can eventually run out. Also possesses superhuman strength provided from the Devil leader himself, Malebolgia. In his previous life he was one of the countries most accomplished assassins
Magic: Physical attacks, at times of extreme anger and danger can use a magical attack of energy (Ultima) uses lots of energy.
Background: Spawn follows the after-life of Al Simmons, once the U.S. Government's best operative, who was betrayed and murdered by his own men -- only to end up in Hell. There he made a bargain with the Devil: in exchange for the privilege of returning to Earth to see his beloved wife, Simmons must become a HellSpawn, bound to lead Hell's Army in the upcoming Armageddon. Unfortunately, the flawed contract returns Simmons to Earth five years after his death, and he discovers that his wife has married his best friend. Simmons, now known simply as "Spawn," finds himself stuck in a Purgatory of paradox. Although obligated to do work for the Devil, his still-human soul compels him to become a better man than he was and to make the Earth a better place than it is.
Taken from http://www.spawn.com
Chain fury- Spawn leaps into the air and sends his chains hurtling towards the opponent at an astonishing speed
Ultima- (heh, just in case for the people who dont know) A non elemental attack of pure energy of what Spawn is made up of.
Ultimic chain fury- *FINISHER* Spawn diverts all of his energy and makes the Chains glow with the power and strength of Ultima, and attacks!!!!!!!!!
1st Character
Name: Vitor
Age: 27
Height/Weight: 6'3"/224 lbs
Race: He is the son of a demon father and a human mother
Class: Fighter. Martial Artist.
Appearance: Vitor has pearl white, jagged hair. A huge scar runs down his back. He has an angry demeanor about him, but he enjoys fighting, and is often amused by a good battle.
Demon's Rage: Twin glove's forged in the heat of battle, legend has it that they are possesed by the god of battle. The knuckles are incrusted with adimante, giving them a savage bite. The gloves themselves are woven in a strange material which has the consistency of metal, but the flexibility of cloth.
Training pants: Simple, black training pants with lightning shooting down the sides. They fit fairly loose
Foot tape: Long tape which Vitor raps around his feet to help support him.
2nd Character
Name: Joseph
Age: Unknown
Height/Weight: 6'4"/238 lbs
Race: Archangel
Class: Heavy Swordsman
Appearance: Joseph has a flowing head of jet black hair. His skin is very pale, almost white. His eyes are red which merges with a core of black. From his back sprout two black, feathered wings, which enable him to fly for short distances.
Soul Scream: A two-handed bastard sword. The blade is made of an unknown crimson ore. It gives off a faint glow when unsheathed. In the full heat of battle, the glow becomes much stronger. When swung it sometimes emits a screeching noise, thus the name Soul Scream.
Bane: A full plate mail armor which seems to be made from the same strange metal as Soul Scream. Intricately carved on each piece of the armor is a rose.