Heh, this might take awhile, oh well! ^_^
Appearence~Fox is roughly 5'11, weighing 125 lbs. He has long silver hair, and eyes are steel, some feel the stare of him burning into there very soul. He wears a long black trench, which billows around him, with a pair of black jeans. His shirt is also black. Beneath the shirt lies a myrthril mail. He wears studded boots, and has spiked braces on both wrists.
Occupation~A elite assasin for many corrupt associations and corrperations. Has ended many lives with the cold steel of his blade, moving swiftly and stealthfully past security and cameras, towards his prey. Many larger corrperations control the smaller ones in fear of the assasin...
Hometown~Fox lives in the space colony Tyrsis, located on the sixth moon of Redula, in the Alpha Centauri system.
Weapon~Fox controls the legendary weapon passed down from his great ancestor. Luciendar, the blade of the elements, allows him to control the seven elements.
Fighting Style~Uses a ancient kick boxing method, quite deadly with his kicks. He also is trained in many forms of martial arts, and also a experienced swordsman.
Spells and various powers invoked by Fox~
Gaze of Wrath~A quite powerful spell. Fox grabs opponent by throat, then peers into his eyes, a gaze of complete terror. Causes opponent to lose all sense of reason for awhile.
Wrath of Banshee~Summons creatures from the shadows to assist Fox. Very deadly, and come in packs, appearence of Shadow creatures will later be revieled when you confront Fox.
Eternal Silence~Basically, this spell causes a deadly silence. The silence envelops the opponent, driving him mad.
Tides of Time~Allows Fox to control the flow of time
Elemental Attacks~Elemental attacks invoked by the Luciendar, the following are the avaliable elements: Fire, Holy, Dark, Earth, Ice, Thunder, and Ice
Omega Flare~Summons large meteor of flames
******Many more, including Kill spells, you will see when you duel Fox******
Background~Much alreayd listed above, he is also a quite dark character, and keeps to himself a lot, one thing matters to him, that is money for his job. He dosen't care who must die in order for hi to get him money, as long as he gets it...
I will update my spell section once and awhile, until ti is complete. Please bare with me! >.<
Well, seeya on the battlefield.