Codename: Zero
Real name(not yet known to him, must discover through event in a quest): Xander Sefeleize
Age: 20
Race: Demi-god
alignment: True Neutral
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 194
build: somewhat skinny yet muscles very visible
Eyes: brown eyes that turn red frmo time to time
class: expert swordsman and martial artist.
-the mystical saber: a weapon supposedly built and
crafted by the gods. it slices through almost anything and it is said to be unbreakable. he rarely uses his sword and usually takes on his opponents hand to hand.
-Demon Blade: when zero comes in contact with his nemesis in any manner, his saber transforms into the demon blade. a more intimidating look and stronger demonic power.
Armor: thick leathered shoulder pads.
Hair: Black with thick strand slightly covering his eyes
Appearence: long black trench coat covers a red muscle shirt and red jeans. brown belts criss cross his body (one large belt cross on his chest, one small on each thigh)
General Skills: ability to shoot energy beams through his palms. inhuman strength. amazing speed & agility. ability to take flight and soar through the air.
Limit Break:
(when "normal" only)- Ground Zero: Zero's hands burn a red glow and his smashes the ground in front of him, sending a large wave of earth, looks similar to a tsunami, at his target.
(when in demon state only)- Blade Barrage: Zero's blade electrifies with power and gives off a large purple flame. using his agility, zero slashes at his opponent from afar and launches several piercing energy waves at his opponent.
Occupation: none...more like.....a public service...
History: as a child he always looked up to his father, the greatest warrior and swordsman in the land. inspired by his father, he underwent severe training with him. after training sessions, his father would show him the all powerful mystical saber. he said it was made by gods but no normal man is to touch it. zero grew stronger and stronger every passing day. his father knew that one day, zero would surpass even his abilities. but one day, a dark hole ripped open in the sky and a dark figure crashed down upon his village and began to pillage it. upon its arrival, zero's father took his sword and went after the dark figure. after soon hearing his shout of pain, zero ran after his father to help. seeing his father being strangled to death by the beast, zero became enraged, picked up his fathers sword, and charged after the monster. the great warrior was tossed aside and zero was knocked down by a powerful swat. the powerful stranger then speared zero's hand into the floor and buried him under burning debris. unable to move, zero struggled painfully as he was forced to listen to his fathers last screaming shouts of pain and anguish. after screaming and bleeding and suffering within, zero fainted. after waking up and realizing what had previously happened, he bursted out of the debris and ripped the spear out of his hand. he scrambled to his father's limp body and began to cry. he vowed to kill the monster. remembering the raw unbelievable power of the beast, he searched through the village's remain and dug out the mystical saber. after picking it up and realizing nothing is happening to him, he believed that he was the true owner of the saber. following the trail of destruction and death, zero found the beast again. full of confidence, he immediately attacked it with all his power. a short battle then was waged and after a while, zero became quite fatigued, the dark figure still going strong. zero then realized that the monster was toying with him... with a burst of power, hope, pride, and tears, he lunged at the beast with everything he had. the monster grabbed zero by the throat just like his father, and began to speak. "you are different and much more powerful from the other life forms here..and yet u seem to b only a child...i will plant an evil seed in u, destroy your memory... and make u my eternal slave..." the powerful stranger cut a mark in zero's arm and began to chant a spell into his very blood. Zero screamed, took the saber, and swung it at the monster, slicing it across the chest. it then howled and sent zero far far away with a magicical blast after doing only part of what he said he would. after waking up from the crash landing, zero's memory was warped. he forgot who he was, why he was there, and why the scar was on his arm and hand. but he did remember that had to kill the evil dark figure that was somewhere out there. after realizing he had much more strength an amazing amount of agility and the ability to fly, (appearently from the spell of the monster) he traveled the road gathering information on his enemy and killing any of its minions that he would come across. from time to time, he would become enraged at his seemingly hopeless efforts and turn temproarely evil. he then concluded that another meeting with his nemesis may corrupt his soul and turn to the evil powers....forever. despite this thought he continued on his journey with his saber at his side, the blood of a great warrior in his veins, pride in his heart, and a demon lurking within...
Extra: beware his cursed blood when participating in journeys he is part of. getting near to his nemesis in any way could trigger the devil gene and corrupt his soul, turning him against all.
personality: kind and reliable to friends and allies. cold hearted to strangers and those who haven't proved themselves to him.
Likes: interesting fights. killing minions for townsfolk
dislikes: people who dislike him. minions, the evil being that slayed his family and destroyed his home.
(i think i may have over did it :p)