Character Name: Alther Primus (Me XD)
Class: Dark Knight
Specialty: Greatsword
Technique: Drain, Osmose, Splitter.
Ultimate Attack: The End.
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Character Name: Alther Primus (Me XD)
Class: Dark Knight
Specialty: Greatsword
Technique: Drain, Osmose, Splitter.
Ultimate Attack: The End.
Specialty:Looking for one
Technique:Dark Ice,Dark Fire,Dark Lighting,Shadow Ball,Protect,Confusion
Ultimate Attack:Magicka Burst.(Only available in Cursed form.For now)
My Story:
I'm a normal kid...though I wish I can say that.Because I was cursed by an evil spirit in a crystal.While I was cursed I figured out when I'm close to dying a dark form of me will come and control my body with great speed and power.It may seem I have no weakness but I get hurt very fast.(2x damage)While training with my new cursed powers I can launch dark ice,dark lighting,dark fire,and Shadow Ball.Though if I mess up it will blow up in my face.And even if it does work it tires me out even faster.It turns out that only the dark spells and abilities drain my health.
Weapon:Nothing(Looking for a weapon.Any suggestions?)
Body:Green Sweater
Name:Henry Lord.P
History:Henry is the son of Kent who haave other son;Sadishe.Sadishe is the twin brother of Henry,he is the great villain.Henry had he family murdered by a group of sorceress of darkness,only he and he's brother survived to the attack,Henry start he's journey to revenge he's family,but hi's brother go away with the dark sorcerres who's murdered his famaly and Sadishe turn the leader of this group of dak sorceress.
Weapon:Chainsaw sword description:A sword with a girattory blade in the edge,good to face powerfull enemies.
Ultimate:Chainsaw cut,sword blow,and omega slash.
Ryu Zankatsu
6' 2"
Appearance: Black long hair, messy and appears to be slightly "spiked" backwards, although this is completely unintentional. He has a long, dark coat and wears a normal black shirt under it, as well as baggy dark pants and wears light, minimalist shoes that lack protection in material but still covers his entire foot. This leaves best room for movement.
Fighting Style: Ryu seems to take a passive additude toward combat. He will make precise strikes and can handle a blade smoothly and effectively as if it comes as natural as walking. He has a long sword, simply named "Shinu" ("Death" in Japenese") which is a long, small blade around an inch wider than a rapier but still keeps a similar form. He has three stilleto-styled daggers, one longer than the others that Ryu will dual-wield with Shinu that he named "Ai" (Love in Japenese) and the others "Mizu" (water) and "Zan" (crescent, named after it's curved and sharp form
Abilities: Ryu Zankatsu can call upon the force of energy that he, like any other life force has the potential to, draws upon named by humankind as "mana" He uses it to create elemental attacks and can use it to strengthen his muscles and alter his speed and help control his infamous calmness during combat. He is well skilled in using his "mana" but can not compete with any highly educated "magician"
Ryu disregards his history as either mistake to learn from and move on with or fond memories that he keeps with him. His motivations for fighting vary by each encounter but he has the inept power to remain calm in nearly any situation unless it is a personal attack against someone he cares about, which he will show an immense growth in strength and power as any human would.
This is my previous ToA character, but to make things easier, I'm moving it to this thread.
Name: Solstafir
Age: 27
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 159kg
Eye colour: Hazel
Hair: Thick Brown hair. Messy. No longer than the base of his neck
Skin tone: Pale
Appearance: Solstafir wears a sort of cape much like that of Anglican royalty. The top around the shoulders is made of black wolf pelt with streaks of white fur. It then flows down into crimson silk that covers him entirely down to his ankles. The base of this is trimmed with gold lace in floral patterns. His armour underneath is in traditional samurai fashion but made from an unknown black metal. The armour itself is also decorated with patterns of trees and petals that are emphasised with red trimmings. Two sword handles are also visible on his back sticking out from the cape just behind his head. Solstafir’s boots are just stitched, weathered leather around his feet but keep a definite shape due to the metal plating they were shaped around.
Solstafir’s face looks rough due to the grey stubble of a beard and deep lines under his eyes. His eyes alone show tiredness, age and wisdom in opposition to how young he should be. The only over notable features are the scar patterns across his chest and arms as well as the tattoo’s on his shoulder blades of crossed swords with wings for hilts (although these can’t been seen through his clothing).
Bio: Born second son of Kol’ata, Solstafir was named Guardian of the Altar from birth. The villagers and priests took the marking on his back as a sign from the God’s and so raised him a long the path of the warrior and of royalty. All would have seemed normal until he turned 16 and was forced to under go the ritual of the ancients. The potent rite filled him with knowledge and the secrets of his birth. But the power was not contained during the ceremony. In a climatic explosion that levelled the village, the true nature of the God’s was shown through him as the gift turned all but him to dust. Millennia have past since his leaving yet still he looks not a day older than the age he chose to stay at. Such was his will and the will of his fickle Gods. And so it was by their will, he entered this tournament.
Weapons: Truth and Deceit – These two long-swords are the ones situated on Solstafir’s back. Both were fashioned by himself whilst with his original town. Both blades look almost identical with the exception of certain details. What is the same in both blades is that a diamond shaped emerald is embedded in both swords rain guard Truth is a metallic silver blade with six-pointed star cross-guard. At each point of the star hangs a white silk feather that extends down the length of the hilt. The blade itself crackles with white lightning when drawn and it strengthens over the time it is out of its scabbard.
Deceit is, instead of silver, black. Its cross-guard is made up of arcing spikes that almost fold into each other. The spikes are in a clockwise patter with barely millimetres separating each one although the space becomes clearer as they extend out. A small tassel hangs from the pommel with numerous black feather attached to the end. The blade looks clean cutting, however all along its edges are spikes that can’t be seen unless up close. When drawn, the sword hums silently and the sound intensifies as swung before settling once more.
Truth techniques: Heaven’s Roar – The raging lightning builds up until at an immense level. With a deafen sound the bolts fire, searing and destroying all in there path.
Dawn – From the emerald itself, embedded in the blade, a white light is created as bright as the stars themselves. Unless protected or used to such levels of light, fighters and personal near are blinded by its radiance. When directed though, the light can also burn flesh with ease.
Deceit techniques: Abyssal Flames – With a mere flick of the blade, black flames sprout forth, burning all in there path. Like the flames of hell itself, they persist and refuse to burn out unless their master wishes it.
Demon’s hand – Shadows starts to engulf the blade, as the humming from it grows louder. The darkness takes shape and a multitude of tendrils protrude. When given a target they whip, jab and grasp at it until the magicks fade or their target is dead.
Twilight – In opposition to Dawn, the emerald in deceit starts to secrete a dense black mist that blocks out all but the brightest of lights.
Transformation – Curse of the forgotten God’s: When in times of dire need, Solstafir can call upon the powers that he was cursed to bare. Dawn and Twilight cast without thought as the mixture of absolute darkness and light hide the change. The spells fade and emerges Solstafir in his true form. This process takes up a post to use.
Appearance:Here. Changes should be noted that the feathers are white, Scaled wings black. Other than that, all other phyiscal descriptions have been carried over from the above (This doesn't include Hair nor previous clothing i,e armour).
Weapon: Paradox – Neither Good nor Evil, Solstafir’s form shows the true neutral nature of his god’s but incorporates both sides of them. This itself is reflected in its form and weapon. Paradox is simply Truth and Deceit merged as one double edged sword, joined at the pommels by a large emerald.
Abilities: All abilities for his previous human form are carried over through the transformation but are enhanced in strength due to the increase in the magick energies his body now contains. Apart from this, he also gains three new abilities.
Reign of Blades: The feathers on Solstafir’s wings aren’t like that of any other creature known. They’re made of an organic smart alloy that sharpens when propelled at high speeds. As a result, Solstafir can hurl these feathers by whipping his wings towards an opponent, sending numerous of these blade like projectiles.
Shattered Stone: An orb of pulsing energy forms in Solstafir’s empty hand. Power surges and repels from it as emerald stones are formed in spiked columns. The forming takes mere seconds as the stones fire themselves out from their containment, puncturing all in their path.
Radiating Light, Encompassing Darkness: By surging the entirety of his magicks into Paradox, Solstafir can cause the blades to shatter into dust, leaving the three emeralds behind. From each is summoned a different power: Light, Darkness and Neutral. As the pure energies of light and darkness fire forth, the neutral forces them to merge into a rotating vortex of raw power.
*My Character* ~My Character~
Name: Ikatsu Diasi
Class: Flare Mage
Occupation: Magic :D
Weapon: Staff of Flares
Off-Hand: NONE
Helm: Priest's Hat
Armour: Nikatsi Robes
1. Fire
2. Fira
3. Firaga
4. Flare
5. Flamed Holy
6. Flareball
7. Flame's Era
Very intelligent and curious against allies, this mage likes to blow things up with the powerful element of Fire.
OH YEAH! :woot: :cool:
Is my WoW character
AWESOME. DIdn't know this existed here
Laon Fait
Dawn Warrior
Brown and shaggy
White and blue
OPtimistic, and tries to have a sense of humor, but shuns the idea of darkness and won't hesitate to finish the darkness.
A single handed blade named the Dayspring.
A single handed blade named the Excalibreaker.
Light armor, which allows him to be edgy against attacks or able to sacrifice light hits
Fighting Style
He likes to fight at mid to close range, using a vast amount of technics at his disposal from attending the Revine school of paradigms.
Innate: Has an increased sense of perception and reaction times due to his on flow of white matter in his blood, which is naturally present in the air.
Through the use of his Excalibreaker, he can current magical spells using the planets energy.
White wind- A gust of Holy charged wind, hitting the opponent of both holy and air elemental damage.
Holy- Sends white ball of energy towards his opponent which on contact, shatters to several(4-7) orbs of energy, in which explode causing holy damage.
Haste- Increases his natural reaction times and physical actions by 30%
Scan- Allows him to scan the opponent, there for understanding the opponents next move, but can only use this once.
Fire- A basic fire wave of fire elemental energy
Water- A basic shot of water elemental energy
Thunder- A basic bolt of lightning, which designates it's target before striking
Blizzard- A strong gust of wind that hits with an immense amount of ice elemental force
Aero- A Strong gust of wind elemental energy enough to cut skin
Double Edge- Laon uses his Ustinction energy to cause an after image that hits again with all of his physical attacks. (Sword clash, another force equal to the first strike, kicks the opponents sword again) Layman's terms. In game, there would be two attacks within a single.
Ustinction- A technic where he transfers his personal energy to another location while allowing a false figure of him with the same energy signature of him in kinetic or potential energy.
Runic Blade- Allows the user to absorb the oncoming magical assault and transfer the energy to the users blade. (Flare>Runic Blade>Flare Blade)
Desperation Technics are limit breaks in a sense that the user can only use if he feels his or her life is seriously at risk. using too many of these technics will reduce overall ability in longer battles
Desperation attacks
Ustinction- In this version, the figure of his personal energy acts like a glue, if the opponent touches, he or she slows down dramatically, allowing for a quick attack or a fatal wound.
Butterfly wavier- He jumps into the air(doesn't have to) and swings his blade, sending fragments of Energy that stick on to the enemy. He then can use that as a means to know where the enemy for a preemptive attack. Another variant is he sends several shards of pure energy to shower the opponent, cutting the opponent and piercing the opponent if hit.
Lunar eclipse- Laon swings his blade, sending an arc of energy at the opponent. Laon then ustinctions behind the enemy, charging energy through his blade with Lunar energy. When the Energy arc comes close enough, Laon then releases the energy arc, causing it to explode while he attacks with his charged energy blade.
Solar Shine- He uses both hands and points the sword above him, charging the blade with Solar energy. He then uses ustinction, charged with solar energy, several times, impacting random enemies at will at around 3-8 times
Flare Blitz- He casts Flare into the air and then uses his ability, Runic blade. He then rapidly ustinctions leaving a slight hint of flare in each of his figures. After each rapid ustinction, he attacks rapidly with his flare infused blade, 5-8 times. He uses a higher amount of force in each of his attacks while using this tech.
Extant Galaxy- He throws his blade at his opponent. He then clinches his fist, causing the blade to shatter into multiple tiny fragments. The tiny fragments then fly around the opponents energy signal, causing a tornado like enigma of tiny celestrial charged fragments of energy, resembling a tornado of stars. The twister then conclaves, causing the opponent to be trapped in a tornado of celestrial shrapnel.
Great ustinction- Only accessible in Dawn Warrior state. Laon forces all of his ustinctive energy into his body. He then rapidly increases in speed. Acting like a permanent ustinction, his speed leaves slight illusions with each movement. He then strikes the opponent into to the air and ustinctions between each attack. It is a 25 hit strike.
All to say is he empties all of his ustinction and white matter energy into the attack.
He cannot act with any limit attacks after he has used this tech.
More in depth.
1. He then Ustinctions behind the enemy and strikes the enemy towards the air.
2. He then follows up by back flip kicking the enemy 5 times.
3. He then Hyper Ustinctions behind the enemy and tosses him even higher into the air.
4. He then True Ustinctions behind the enemy and Uses his True ustinction to attack from all angles 5 times
5. He then uses Magic sword, True Ustinction, and impacts the enemy downwards.
6. The then Uses true ustinction to dash behind the enemy and slashes ferociously 5 times
7. He then Uses Great Ustinction to Rapidly attack the enemy in a disappearing downward fashion 5 times,
8. He then finishes it with a Final ustinction attack, slamming his blade with pure White Matter infused attack, all before the enemy lands.
Desperation- Dawn Warrior
Laon Transforms into the dawn warrior, which allows him to use white matter abilities and a slight increase of reaction times and strength. He also gains use of the Blade of Origin.
White matter crystals
Laon is able to manipulate the whiter matter in his blood to animate white matter crystals.
White Matter abilities.
White matter bow- Laon animates a white matter arrow from mid air and fires at the opponent which causes the opponent to slow down and weaken his strength
Phaline- Laon creates a temporal shield of white matter to deflect a single blow. The white matter shield can with hold forces well beyond the force of adamantite can.
White Matter Lance- Laon animates a white matter lance to use as a temporal weapon, which can inflict more damage. Being that laon was taught as a paladin with lances before hand, he has ample skills with a lance.
History, a brief history.
Laons white matter is in the likeness of light and life. It is in exact opposition of Darkness, with the likeness of night and dark.
Ask if you want more, There is kinda allot to his history.
Character 2
Dark Ronin
Black and exotic
Dark brown
A no non-sense attitude and an uncaring attitude. He will not hesitate to kill.
Abruptly rude towards almost everybody, other than his country and family.
A two-handed blade which he holds with a single hand named the Death-Dealer
Heavy armor around his chest and shins, but open in all other areas due to heavy cloth
Fighting Style
He likes to fight physically and harshly, showing no regrets toward his enemies.
Innate: Has 33 years of combat training and experience on his side, which keeps him on edge about possible attacks.
Has no natural means to use magic, but can manipulate elements using his mind using his made augments.
Saber- He increases his strength using his will of mind and causes a dramatic increase of power.
Death-Dealer- This blade is a shadow in appearance, being able to warp it's shape and toughness at will. Made from artificial matter, it can also lose all appearance and reanimate at will.
Desperation Technics are limit breaks in a sense that the user can only use if he feels his or her life is seriously at risk. using too many of these technics will reduce overall ability in longer battles
Desperation Attacks.
Dealer of death- Uses his own personal energy to expand the length of his blade beyond it's ability.
Raze- He increases his speed and slams his blade on the ground, gyrating a shockwave of green energy, allowing it to slow enemies movements and causes a paralyzing poison at the same time.
Desperation- He takes pout an orb of Artificial Ustinction and melds with it, causing enough stat changes to warrent another post... >.>
After absorbing the Orb of ustinction, he instead of gaining ustinction, gains incredible speed, comparable to an arrow shot from a long bow. He also gains slight magical manipulation, as in Arcane magic, slight shadow magic and an increased awareness.
He increases his height by 3 feet, grows intense neck muscles, grows to Taurus horns, and his armor snaps of due to his increase in size. He loses his blade but grows claws and likes to use them
Name: Amrix Kreiger (Am-rix crai-grr)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Paladin
Height: 5' 9''
Age: 21
Hair: Blond, slicked back.(Imagine Balthier with longer hair)
Personality: A jovial seeming fellow with a sort of happy-go-lucky attitude. In battle though, he completly changes. Becoming more fierce and almost angry.
Equipment and Appearance:
Weapons: A long hand-and-a-half broadsword made of steel. Unamed.
Armor: Amrix wears a traditional suit of platemail armor with a chainmail undershirt for protection between plates. It is heavy and causes for slow movements but offers protection against a wide range of attacks. He also sports a long purple cape that flows down to about his ankles, his feet are covered by steel greaves that come up to his knees.(hehehe, I rhymed) He wears steel gauntlets over his hands but they do not cover his arms. These gauntlets only cover his hands and wrists.
Fighting Mentality: Amrix can dodge but really doesn't like to. When he's fighting he will try to stay up close and take quick slashes with his broadsword. Whenever he can initiate a clash, he likes to gauge his enemies strength to see if they can hold him back.
Abilities and Skills:
Innate skills:
For higher power.... (Alows Amrix to fight to the finish, using whatever tactics he must, for the greater good. This can include unorthadox technuiqes such as tackles or punches.)
Holy Rage: 2 quick horizontal stirkes leading to a devestating overhead finisher.
Holy Might: Seemingly foolish tackle while disguarding weapon, triggered by the anger and disdain felt twords creatures of darkness.
Desperation Attack:
Cleanse: Launches three beams of pure light at enemies. (Even normall foes can be damaged, not only are dark fiends harmed)
Holy Arua: A golden arua surrounds Amrix's blade and powerfull vibrations shudder up and down the sword, increasing physical damage tremedously.
(I think that should be enough...hope it's not too overpowered or anything)
Name: Zetsumei
Sex/Gender: Male/Male
Age: 19
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 225 lbs
Build: Zetsu is strong, yet his muscles are not protruding. He is slightly heavier than a more fit person, coming from his love for a good soothing drink.
Appearance: Zetsu's face is masculine, showing a slight bit of roundness. His eyes are a dark blue color and he has a small scar coming at an angle from one of his eyes, about 2 inches angled towards his cheek. His hair is black, straight, at the longest going down to his back and slightly spiked downward (Not layered)
Clothing: Zetsu wears a simple black shirt and loose fitting black pants, made of a light fabric. He wears two belts, to evenly distribute the weight of his two straight edged katanas. He then wears a dark blue coat which has a customized section made to place his spear on his back, when it is collapsed into its shortest length. His coat also holds his throwing knives, both on the outside and within the lining. He has 30 knives total.
Birthdate: 20th of November. Zetsu is a Scorpio.
Personality: Zetsu is quiet and always takes the time to observe before he does anything, making him more of a loner in social situations. He believes in deeper meanings to everything in life, and is always thinking even when it hurts him. In combat, his usual style is to learn about his enemy's technique before making a decision on how to proceed.
Weapons: Zetsu uses twin straight-edged katanas as his close range choice. He uses throwing knives as his long range choice and finally has an extending spear with a simple locking mechanism to allow for a very portable mid-range weapon. It has 3 segments which collapse into each other, each 2ft long with 2 locking mechanisms. This allows Zetsu to lock the spear in a 2ft long section, then 4ft, and last 6ft long (Not including the blade of the spear, which is 6 inches long and double-edged)
Special Abilities: Zetsu can use basic magic, along with using his mana to enhance his physical abilities. This allows him a very fine control of his own movements while focused in combat. He is proficient in the weapons he uses. Zetsu also can give his dual blades a magic elemental aura (such as fire) which he rarely uses.
Name: Andres Belmont (Non-cannon :P)
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5' 9''
Weight: 142 lbs
Build: Andres is a skinny young lad. His stomache lays flat and his shoulders are somewhat wide, giving him a look of pride and hidden purpose.
Appearance: Andres has well defined features from a sharp nose and cool blue eyes. His forehead is rather large but it compliments the usuall sharpness of his face well. He is somewhat charismatic and seems to hold the pride of the Belmont Legacy well.
Clothing: Andres wears a white colored jacket with trimmings of gold, it has multiple belt buckles that go all the way to the top of it. Of which he wears the bottom three buckled, exposing his chest: A black undershirt with a golden cross hanging from a chain. He also wears semi-baggy grey pants tucked into his steel greaves. He also has a short one handed sword hanging on a belt at his right side, three daggers hanging at his left and in his pockets he carries a flask of Holy Water, usually good for three uses. Andres' main weapon is a retractable chain whip known as the imfamous Vampire Killer. If he's not using it, it's retracted and tucked into his jacket.
Birthdate: September 24, Libra
Personality: Andres has been told stories of his family's vampire hunting lineage and has taken an almost absurd amount of pride in it. He is friendly but has such disdain for creatures of darkness that it will physically hurt him to be in their pressance. He likes to make use of the various weapons he carries as they all have some connection to his family.
Weapons: (I think I already covered this but once more!) Andres wields three throwing daggers, a bottle of holy water that can be used three times, a short sword(Seldomly used, unless for quick draw slashes), and his legendary chain whip. His cross can also be used for a special attack but is generally used in situations of hopelessness and desperation.
Skills and abilities:
Flame Strike (Causes his whip to glow red with fire as he strikes he burns his foes, purging evil.)
Grand Cross ( Holding his cross in the air and muttering a brief incantation causes multiple (Usually 3 to 5, random) crosses to rise from the ground, smashing into his enemies. Good to use when surrounded.
Acrobatics (Andres can sprint for great distances and can leap into the air and quickly perform a backflip-jump to avoid attacks.)
Character I
Name: Zuke Sayler
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Element: Water
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Birthplace: Corcora
Birthday: May 26th
Personality and Appearance - Zuke has a slim muscular build, and is very intelligent. Being a writer, he has the ability to solve puzzles and find hidden routes. He appears with sprawly light-brown hair, with a tint of orange.
He has dark green eyes, as his father; Xavier.
Zuke is dressed in a blue medieval tunic, with high brown leather boots.
Weapons - He is often armed with a bow, and some daggers. But also uses his fathers silver long-sword, the Queen.
Special Abilities - He can use powerful water and Ice spells, which sometimes can inflict -If combined together- the enemy to freeze.
Another spell he posses is Slow, which causes the enemy to slow down. He can also Cure himself if it's needed, but it isn't as strong as his other spells.
A sword skill he's learned is called, Corcoran Smash which inflict heavy damage to the opponent.
Name: Imp (Tormentor)
Species: Lesser Demon
Height: 2'1" (3' even if you count his ears)
Weight: 36 lbs
Age: N/A
Hair: None
Skin Color: Red
Eyes: Black
Home: Hell
(Small, uncommonly clever, impish demon with wings, large pointed ears, a batlike face, an obnoxious laugh and an intense dislike for paladins.)
Passive ablities:
Sonar - Imp can sometimes spot stealthed enemies through sound. An evolved trait shared by all Imps of Torment that inhabit the darkest depths of the Abyss.
Demon - Slightly healed by fire damage.
Demon - Slightly damaged by healing magic.
Flight - He has wings, duh.
Hellspawn - When he dies, he goes back to hell. Because he has done it before, he can sneak his way back out again... all he needs is time.
Basic attacks: Sharp claws, sharp teeth, bladed point on the tip of his tail.
Special attacks:
Screech - Imp unleashes a hellish shriek, attacking all friendy and opponent's unarmored eardrums, dazing them and causing a large amount of pain and annoyance (which causes Imp great satisfaction). This attack bypasses physical defensive barriers, and has a chance to either damage HP, MP or inturrupt focus casted abilities. Whichever is most annoying.
Imp Flail - Imp becomes a shrieking ball of claws, teeth and dust for a single turn cycle. Breaks free of any binding abilities, or causes critical damage to any opponent who continues to physically hold him.
Fireball - Imp launches a small green ball of hellfire that causes minimal damage, but sears with intense pain.
Special abilities:
Aggrivated Assault - Being a Lesser Demon of Torment, Imp feeds off of his opponent's pain, fear, and rage. If an opponent launches a desperation or fury attack, Imp instantly levels up into a slightly larger demon form (about the size of the average man). In this Demon form, "Tormentor" he loses his ability to fly and screech but gains a larger health pool, more powerful basic attacks, and the ability to launch balls of flame, all while laughing and screaming maniacally. In this form he does not physically react to the damage he takes, although he does continue to suffer health loss. This lasts for three turns or until he chooses to return to imp form.
Metamorph-assist: If any opponent Imp is in battle with transforms into more powerful form, Imp may sacrifice an attack turn in order to transform himself into a man sized Gargoyle. In this form, Imp gains more powerful attacks, stone-like skin, and a new set of special attacks. This lasts until the opponent's new form ends by either time, choice, or death.
*Hellscream (Gargoyle) - His screech ability becomes a deafening laser beam of Torment, concentrated to a single opponent at a time.
Stone Watcher (Gargoyle) - Imp becomes a solid stone Gargoyle for a single turn, removing any poisons or debuffs currently affecting him but leaving him vulnerable to attack (critical damage from blunt weapons) until his next turn.
Stone Glare (Gargoyle) - In Gargoyle form, Imp is the bane of all human existence. Any human (or mock human, elf, whatever else you can imagine similar to humans) he is in battle with loses the ability to heal themselves when under his gaze (I.E. while he is actively engaging them in combat).
Team abilities -- When paired in battle with team mates, Imp can choose to take on one of two specific and sustained Support roles...
Spotter (Team) - Imp soars high above the clouds, spotting opponents for his allies, making them immune to critical damage from sneak/back attacks and making his allies' attacks have a higher chance of landing on a single opponent that he can deem Illuminated; this is especially effective on rapidly moving or dodging opponents. Stealthed or invisible opponents become visible while under his hellish gaze. While Spotting for his team, he is unable to perform attacks, as his focus is on Support.
Glass Cannon (Team) - Imp attaches himself to an ally's shoulder with his firey claws, opening his needly mouth wide to become an exploding-hellfireball launching cannon with 360 degrees of demonic, head spinning action. In this form he pools his health and mana with his ally and becomes an extension of his ally's body, controlled by the ally affording them an extra attack through him each turn. Glass Cannon lasts until Imp decides to detach himself, or when his host's HP becomes critically low, automatically lauching Imp into the air.
Character Bio: Imp was once the thrall of a Major Demon, however he rebelled against his master. Using his gift of uncommon cleverness, he was able to sneak past Cerberus, and trick the Ferryman into owing him 2 cents, allowing him passage into the human world. To this day he continues to wreak havoc on the living world in the hopes of leveling up into a more powerful demon.
In Imp form, his fire is green and is Unholy Elemental. In Tormentor form, his fire is red and is Fire Elemental
Name: Lecherous
Species: Demon
Height: 10'
Weight: 600 LBS.
Age: Ancient
Hair: None
Skin: Red
Build: Massive. Arms the size of an average man's chest, chest the size of a coffee table. hoves of a bison, horns of a dragon, claws like long swords, and a mouth full of teeth.
Lecherous is a top-tier demon. He is fueled by inciting shame, fear, anger, disgust, sadness, embarassment, hate and pain. His monolithic frame is accented by two gnarled and spiraling horns sprouting from his brow and a series of smaller spines running the length and width of his back and chest. Covered in piercings in even the most obscene of locations, Lecherous fumes ash, cinder, smoke and depravity like an X-rated power plant.
Basic attacks: Punches, kicks, etc... Four ft. long claws allow him to inflict slashes and stabs at quite a long range. Due to his sheer mass, Lecherous is a formitable grappler as well as striker.
Special abilites:
Aura of Flame- upgrades to level 2 and 3, costs a small amount of mana each turn to fuel this ability in it's first stage. Enemies within 20 ft of Lecherous are burned continuously.
Aura of Flame level 2- Costs more mana per turn, engulfs enemies up to 20 ft. enemies up to 40 ft are continuously burned.
Aura of Flame level 3- Only availible if an enemy heals or buffs Lecherous. Large mana use, enemies in line of sight, or closer than 100 ft are burned. Engulfs enemies up to 50 ft.
Soul Stealer- Physical contact required. Lecherous inhales his enemy's lifeforce, absorbing mana. If an opponent's mana falls to zero, or the enemy has no mana at all, Soul Stealer becomes an instant kill, making his enemy his thrall in hell.
Thrall's Debt- A dead character from Lecherous' past or a defeated opponent can be summoned for a single attack or skill.
To the Depths of Hell- Slams an air-borne enemy to the ground.
Passive Abilites: Healed by flame and unholy-based attacks.
Defile- Disturbing the corpse, grave, symbol or memory of any player-controlled character provides heath and mana to Lecherous.
Lecherous is a Demon, therefore, Holy based attacks are effective. Curative magic causes some damage. Cannot sneak due to his constant production of flame and massive stature. Despises virgins.
Character Bio:
As a top-tier demon, Lecherous has made it his mission to crush spirits, shatter dreams, pulverize innocence and generally horrify the masses. Held separate from the hierachy of Hell, Lecherous has the freedom to make his own choices, make allies and engage enemies as he pleases. Lecherous may even fight fellow demons who have strayed from the path. He draws true satisfaction from any level of attention, good or bad.
Name: Harold
Species: Human
Class: Paladin
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Blue
Age: 44
Build: Solid frame, developed from years of wearing heavy armor plates and wielding a large, two-handed sword.
Weapons: A two-handed sword or a long sword and a large shield.
Armor: Woolen cloth covered by steel chain mail and finally heavy bronze platemail. All are complete sets and protect him head to toe.
Appearance: Harold is a hardened warrior. Fittingly, he is 6’1” and 190 lbs. Not terribly large, but his strength is undeniable. In full armor, he is only slightly hindered by it’s mass and carries in him nearly limitless stamina and endurance. His eyes never seem to focus on anything, they appear to simply pass through the mortal plane. Harold’s left index finger ends in a nub with no nail, his right nostril is split, his ears have both been clipped by grazing arrows and his chest is scored with various wounds which have long since healed. The Holy Paladin’s jaw is his most defining feature with it’s broad squareness and prominent musculature.
Harold utilizes standard Knightly prowess in physical combat. He is capable of handling a sword or shield as if it carried no weight at all. His movements are sharp and his reflexes refined as any knight who has been granted the title of “Paladin”.
- Challenge: Harold picks a single opponent to focus his efforts on. This enemy must ignore all other threats and confront Harold in direct combat.
- Duel: While already engaged in combat with his intended target, Harold squares off with a single enemy. All other combatants must ignore both Harold and his target.
- Strength of Will: Harold’s unshakable focus allows him to acquire his intended target, ignoring debuffs such as blindness, illusion, confusion, etc… and all other forms of trickery. Often, this talent has set the icy chill of vulnerability in the spine of his enemies.
- Immovable: One of two stances Harold can sustain in combat. In this stance, Harold’s feet are planted firmly and he cannot be knocked, shifted, staggered, tripped, stunned or thrown by physical attacks. Must be active before taking effect. May be activated simultaneously with another ability, spell or attack as long as Harold is capable of shifting his weight.
- Untouchable: (Not as cheap as it sounds, I swear!) In this second stance, Harold is able to minimize the effect of physical and magical projectiles. Flat impacts have a higher chance of becoming glancing blows. Must be active before taking effect. May be activated simultaneously with another ability, spell or attack as long as Harold is capable of shifting his weight.
- Justice Will Prevail: Harold uses his sword, shield or body to destroy a barrier between himself and his opponent. Requires a turn to use. Effective against magical and physical barriers, regardless of size, makeup, element, intensity, etc… Even dissipates clouds of poisons and “wall of fire” -type defenses.
(I realize this move may be in the gray area, I think I’ve balanced it with the taking a whole turn deal…)
- Light of Justice: A blinding flash of light bursts from within Harold’s polished armor plates. Enemies within line of sight and 50 ft. of Harold are stunned, sustained modes and spells are interrupted. Unholy type enemies within 10 ft. are slightly damaged whether they are blinded or not.
- Ice Spear: Harold conjures long, thin shards of ice over his head which then launch toward his target.
- Holy Rain: Once cast, this spell may be sustained with minimal concentration. Only damages enemies weak to water or holy elements. Puts out all types of fire and (if sustained for two consecutive turns) will hinder grounded combatants’ movement and balance.
- Bind Undead: Living dead (such as ghouls, vampires, walking corpses, possessed, soul-less) are wrapped up and pulled to the ground by this spell. If an enemy lands within immediate striking distance of Harold he may critically wound them.
Passive Traits:
- Stubborn: Harold cannot be bribed, bargained with or coerced.
- Holy Protection: Harold’s tolerance for pain and discomfort is nearly superhuman.
- Positive Control: Enemies cannot separate Harold from his weapons without use of an ability or spell specifically designed to have that effect.
- Specialized: Harold deals more damage to Unholy based enemies.
- Battle Hardened: Harold has deep reserves of stamina and endurance. He has literally fought for days in the past.
Weaknesses: (sorry, forgot to include this originally...)
- Heavy armor restricts his flexability and also makes sneaking very difficult.
- As a Paladin, Harold both deals and recieves more damage against Unholy or Demonic enemies.
- While he is fully capable of explosive acceleration and feats of extreme endurance, Harold cannot sprint more than a few steps.
Character Bio:
Harold is a well respected and well liked Paladin. He holds honor, integrity, justice, and morality above all else. Due to these extreme personal standards his wife left him long ago and his children have grown, never knowing his voice. This tragic injustice has served only to steel Harold’s resolve that slaying the evil, righting wrongs and carrying out justice is his true purpose. Harold will never know the greatest effect his existence brought to the mortal world is not the fighting and the killing, but the role he plays in leadership by example and the hope he instills in the desperate and the weak.
Nuther... (Is it legal for me to create tons of fighters?)
Name: Aspirant
Loyalty: Monsters
Class: Fencer (warrior with rogue-like dexterity and agility)
Species: Human
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165 lbs
Age: 28
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Build: Sinewy, wiry, tough
Appearance: Aspirant looks younger than he is, though his deminor gives the impression that he is level-headed and decisive.
Weapons: A fencing rapier capable harming demons, spirits and mortals alike.
Armor: Fencing leathers. A brass brimmed barret, a tight-fitted leather vest with chainmail interwoven with matching pants and a brass gauntlet which protects from his left wrist to his shoulder and neck.
Basic Attacks:
Aspirant is more quick and precise than he is strong. His dexterity with a blade such as the one he weilds is nearly infallible. He focuses on using his reflexes to provide solid defense to position himself for an effective counter attack.
- Entice and Parry: Aspirant draws his opponent into attacking. If the opponent takes the chance, they are immidiately disarmed for one turn.
- Expose: Aspirant renders a specific peice of enemy armor useless (I.E. knocks off a knights helmet, cuts the straps off a rogue's light armor vest, shatters a mage's defensive trinket)
- Maim: Aspirant wounds an opponent who has been exposed, slowing their reflexes. A successful strike results in better chances of future hits on the enemy and worse chances of the enemy landing a hit on anyone.
- Unholy Fire: Aspirant uses the power granted to him by Lecherous. His attacks become Unholy based, opponents who are holy based are additionally burned by Hellfire upon successful melee. Continuous mana use while active.
- Benevolence's Blessing: Aspirant uses the power granted to him from the spirits of good. He takes no holy damage. Physical impact still carries damage, even if holy based. Continuous mana use while active.
Passive abilites:
- Ledgendary Sword: Aspirant regenerates some health upon defeating an enemy.
- Light Armor: Specifically, no armor at all on his right arm, just cloth.
- Opportunist: If Aspirant is given the legitimate offer of more authority, better territory, more money and an overall better life, he will take it.
- Light Weight: Aspirant has poor grappling ability. He can scramble and is quite resourceful, but he would deal little damage if taken to the ground.
Character Bio:
Aspirant was born "Winter" he endured plenty of hardship and decided that trying to be a good guy wouldn't matter if he was dead or a nobody. Over years, he convinced benevolent spirits that he was an ally in order to get close to Lecherous. With careful planning and considerable courage, he convinced Lecherous to make him his right-hand man. Now, armed with years of combat expirience against demons, spirits, good and evil humans, Aspirant an accomplished apprentice of the holy and unholy arts as well as fencing. He desires strength, authority, respect, purpose, fame and money. Lecherous is his best route to all of those things.
Name: Kraven
Race: Human
Age: 24
Height: 6'2
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Red
Class: Demon Hunter
Weapon: Broad Sword, by the name of Rebellion
Special Ability: Along with some minor magical spells, Kraven uses a variety of blade techniques. His strongest is called blitz, his sword glows, and he unleashes a fury of attacks on his opponent. It is a wild attack so success rate is roughly 50% on it.
Bio: Kraven was orphaned at a young age. He was taken in when he was 12 by a group of travelling demon hunters. He was trained in a variety of combat technique's, all of which he mastered. He preference over all was the broad sword. He killed his first beast at the age of 15. The sword he wields named Rebellion was the weapon of a demon overlord. Upon slaying him he claimed the sword as his own. The demon overlord had a few tricks, and enchanted the sword. It possessed Kraven, and forced him to kill his entire clan of hunters. Since then he has battled every demon, and slain them to earn his honor back for his sins.
Place of Origin: It is not known where Kraven was born, but he was found by the hunters on the streets of Budapest.
Kinda new here, just wondering is this thread about your own made up characters or what?
Yeah it's characters you make up.