Name:Liticia Sparkles
Age: Umm, i'll pretend to be 19
Height: 5' 5"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown and in twists
Class: Samurai/ Assasin
Weapon: Samurai sword;The Great Mummy's Blade
Drossel;Adrenaline Drossel
Special Abilities:Along with her other friends she can cast black magic and white magic.
Limit Breaks: Demon Cut, Slice & Dice, and Xyrokin
Background: Litica was born on the planet Tetra during the year 1999 when she turned 19, the government in the country she lived in (F.S.A) led tyhe nation to extreme poverty. More than 65% of the citizens were poor. Liticia dreamed of the days back when life was good. When her little sister Jelisa died and her mother's leg was broken from over working in a factory because of the conditions, Liticia's emotions filled with nothing but rage. In avengance to what has happened to her in this new life. She arms herself with a samurai sword and a drossel from a black market. She steals a pie from a resident's house to get the police on her.
When they come for her Liticia kills the two police men and hacks their bodies to peices for revenge of her family and friends. Later Liticia goes on the run and tries to escape to a neighboring country called Canadia. With the police on her trail Liticia doesn't make it to Canadia but is arrested and taken to prison, but she didn't go down easily she took out 6 cops and 5 rockweilers before she was arrested.
She was sentenced to death for crimes the next night when her senyenced was to be carried out, she was broke out by a man named Damon White. Damon also freed 3 others that was sentenced to death for the same reason. After getting disguises, Damon leads, liticia and the three others to a country called Espoila. While in a bar in that country bad news about the F.S.A. The country is now in large turmoil and the president has sent troops to invade other countries to steal goods and artifacts, which makes the whole world hate the F.S.A. which is making the citizens lives even worse. Later Damon and the rest find out that F.S.A is collaborating a greedy and devious plan that can lead the world to ruin, Damon gathers his team and the journey starts.