Okay, so you make a valid point with the stat business. But, if I may...
Obviously the opponent is allowed to retaliate, or dodge, block or even deflect the bolts. Where did I say they weren't? So there's no god modding there, and you're argument bears no weight. Also, I'm not battling to keep you entertained, I never said my character would keep using that ability for fifteen turns, I just said he could.
Pardon? If you're not battling for entertainment, why are you battling? You're not in a tournament. This isn't an RPG. It's supposed to be for fun, after all. If you want to be THAT serious about RPB, join the next tournament. Just realize that your character would be disqualified before it even started as it currently stands.
...Yeah, that's a very strong argument, not to mention that's some mighty powerful reasons. You can ask me to limit or change an ability, but you can't just tell me for no reason, "No, you can't use that ability, period, end of argument!" Until you clarify, I'm keeping this ability.
You really want to know why increasing your speed and strength every two turns isn't allowed? Because it makes your character ungodly powerful. If you really read those topics, you'd know that any character that is created to be "too powerful" is godlike, and therefore not allowed. I should have clarified earlier, but since I didn't, I hope this suffices for you.
Keep in mind, nowhere in my characters abilities section does it say that any of these attacks have to hit at all. If I use this ability, and my opponent decides they're ok with it, what's the problem? I'm not modifying my opponents character, I'm just changing their limits. For instance, Wullfe using "Apocalypse" on an enemy who has reflect on would be the same as Squall using dispel on an enemy who has reflect on. Essentially, dispel and "Apocalypse" are the same thing. If I were to say something like, "Wullfe uses 'Apocalypse' and it removes his opponents shield", then that would be modifying my opponent's character, and I would never do such a thing. I intend to use this attack like this, "Wullfe uses 'Apocalypse' and waits for it to wither away his opponents shield" and my opponent could say, "But the attack has no effect on the character in question and his shield holds strong." So this ability stays.
Okay then, just realize that no one is going to want to be hit by Apocalypse, and it's likely that you will never in your time here land that sort of attack on a person. Not impossible, just highly implausible.
As far as the absorbing of elements goes, just don't overdo it. If every single post has you absorbing your opponents' attacks, it's likely I'll be closing your threads down. It really does, in a sense, render your opponents useless. If you choose to take full advantage of that sort of equipment (and abilities, referring to the lightning), you're modding.
I'm sure to you that it does, however there's no rule against it.
You're right. There's no specific rule against blue magic. But, in light of EVERYTHING ELSE you listed, it's yet another ability that makes your character too powerful. If it'd been at the top of your list, I probably would have overlooked it altogether.
Basically, you're missing the one biggest point of all here -- your character has to have weaknesses. You don't have to necessarily post these weaknesses, but you've offered up a solution to anything an opponent could do with all of these different things your own character can do. There's too much, which is why I said he's too "uber."