Specialty:Looking for one
Techniqueark Ice,Dark Fire,Dark Lighting,Shadow Ball,Protect,Confusion
Ultimate Attack:Magicka Burst.(Only available in Cursed form.For now)
My Story:
I'm a normal kid...though I wish I can say that.Because I was cursed by an evil spirit in a crystal.While I was cursed I figured out when I'm close to dying a dark form of me will come and control my body with great speed and power.It may seem I have no weakness but I get hurt very fast.(2x damage)While training with my new cursed powers I can launch dark ice,dark lighting,dark fire,and Shadow Ball.Though if I mess up it will blow up in my face.And even if it does work it tires me out even faster.It turns out that only the dark spells and abilities drain my health.
Weapon:Nothing(Looking for a weapon.Any suggestions?)
Body:Green Sweater