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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #331
    Name: Mitsuru Notagama (goes by either Mitsu or Nota)
    Title: Techno Cowboy (don't ask how he got the name)
    Age: 19 (has the appearance of a twenty year old)
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Donationaian
    Skin tone: Light tan
    Body type: Average
    Eyes: Green (resembling spring grass)
    Hair: Black, neck length
    Height: 163cm (5ft 4in)
    Weight: 59kg (130lbs)

    Mitsu usually sports a pair of black, jeans (with holes in the knees) being held up a a leather belt with studs that resemble the head of a skeleton. Covering his upper chest region is a black, mesh being once again covered up by a plain, black shirt which reads 'Diamond' in dark purple letters. Once for extra support and to warm him in wintery battlegrounds he wears a black, zip-down hooded sweatshirt with holes to insert the thumbs and the words 'Diamond' (In purple) running down the right sleeve. Covering up his right wrist are seven different colored bracelts, each one representing to be one of the seven deadly sins. Covering his feet are a pair of black Converse with various designs and scribbles made by him (said to be some sort've code to part of his past)

    Mitsu's more advanced armory contains of many valuable metals and consists of much armor including bracers from around the continent. He wears a rare, metal brestplace with the encryption of two daggers crossing each other, yet on each side the words 'Peace within all' and 'Standing ovation' are encrypted into the metal. Underneath his breastplate is silver, chainlink armor covering down past his waist. He wears a short pair of pairs stopping just feet after his knees, and are tucked into iron, knee high steel boots. He wears his hair in a short ponytail and lets his bangs cover his left eye.

    Alternate Armor
    Mitsu's more casual armory consists of his longer chain link shirt which covers past a few inches below his waist. Once again he wears a pair of black jeans (with holes in the knees), except this time they're being held up with a chain link belt. Covering his right hand is a metallic bracer which is completedjust below his elbow. On his right ring finger is a platinum ring with a large sapphire completing it's look. Covering his feet are a pair of black boots. His hair is messily fixed and strands cover parts of his face.

    Main Weapon
    Mitsu's main weapon is a steel broadsword with multiple circular shaped rings drilled in through places through the steel of the sword. Tied around each ring is a two foot strand of indigo ribbon dangling to the ground. The handle of this sword is covered with purple jewels known only to the eastern continent of Beritech where he found them during an archaelogical dig along with his other weapon.

    Secondary Weapon
    Mitsu's secondary weapon is a large spear with edge that open up to reveal a long spear like blade which is only activated when a certain movement is performed. The long 'stem' of the spear is a stell rod covered in purple jewels (he found these and the spear at an archaelogical dig), once after excavating the movement right he nicknamed it as the 'Goose spear" for the shape of the blades.

    Substitution Weapon
    Mitsuru carries around a small knife given to him by his father whom had to leave because of dire circumstances and the fact that his mother always started fighting with him. When ever asking him why he carries this small knife around he'll tell you that it is a memory and that he feels that it's the most powerful thing in the entire universe.

    Mitsuru has many abilities upon fighting yet not much magic is involved until his performs this when his anger and frustration level rises he pulls out his small knife and squeezes it in his hand until his hand goes numb, and at that very moment he gets a severe energy rush upon his enemies.

    (that's just about all for now since this has taken me so long to think up, there'll probably be more about him in the near future so stick around)

  2. #332
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Character Statistics. T.G. Oskar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Name: T.G. Oskar
    Age: 21
    Height: 5' 11''
    Weight: 201 lbs.
    Race: Lumian (celestial-descended human); Greater
    Class: Arcpaladin/Greater Theomancer

    Long dark brown hair that shimmers golden with the reflection of light, with gleaming pupil-less eyes with a slight silver sheen. He is marked with a silver-etched divine glyph on the back of his right hand: the glyph is the symbol on the Primordial Celestial Language that represents "humanity", on a dark silver lining, superposed upon a lighter symbol, also on the Celestial Language, that represents "servant of God". He possesses a fit and muscular physique, with a smooth skin, very lightly tanned, which gleams at moments in the presence of light. He has two scars: one on his right shoulder, product of a sword cut in an early battle, and a large scar on his torso, product from two razor sharp blades, from the left side of his chest, diagonally. A close look upon his aura reveals his greater form: an angel, bearing six wings and a bird's tail (representing a seventh wing).

    Outside of battle, he normally wears slightly oversized T-shirts, denim blue baggy jeans, a pair of worn leather sandals, and a black cap placed backwards, plus a pair of eyeglasses. The eyeglasses were once necessary due to a minor visual defect (minor myopia on his left eye), but the current lens have no augmentation due to the lingering effect of his heritage mending the visual impairment. The lens are now merely a decoration, often used while reading.

    Angella, the Innocent Avenger: an oversized holy sword, with a double-edged blade curved as a falchion, in order to possess an effective cutting curve and a deadlier inward curve for backhand tactics. The blade has the reach and size of a zweihander, with a blade wider than common: the inner blade is grey, with a rash surface that glimmers within light, and etched with holy inscriptions that glow with a soothing pale green light, in slight pulses; while the edge is the color of white metals, polished to provide an almost perfect mirror reflection. The hilt is ornate, with a cross-shape as pommel. The guard of the blade, while allowing two-hand wielding, protects well the hand with a half-basket hilt, of narrow expansion, which partially covers the ornate holy symbol crossguard. The end of the basket-hilt has a dual set of feathers, which always look and feel soft and shimmering, as if a pair of wings. The thicker part of the blade, close to the fuller, has two extending small protuberances, forming an inverted II etched within the blade, while between the blade and the basket-hilt, three holes stand in triangular formation.

    The blade, albeit well sized to be only worn with two hands, is blessed to counter the balance in weight, and is light enough to be carried in one hand, providing a free hand when necessary. The sword, thus, can be carried with one hand but is effectively useless when the range of a zweihander is compromised: namely, within an arm and a half's reach. Two feathers on each side of the feathered sets glow golden each time the sword is grabbed, with the weight of the blade increasing or decreasing according to the actions of its owner: a pure heart can wield the sword lightly and precisely, while a dark and twisted heart finds the sword impossibly unwieldy and heavy.

    The sword has intellect and a personality of its own, which often behaves as a maiden, hence the chosen name. The personality of the blade influences the weight of the blade, and the sharpness of the edge: the sword consciously refuses to strike innocent beings, and a deadly blow becomes a gentle touch; yet its sharpness and power grows immensely upon the presence of a wicked being. At times, when its owner finds itself under menace, the blade may deal blunt damage or even lethal cutting damage even if the person may not be entirely wicked. The point of the blade is functional, and allows for proper thrusting technique, an unusual property for curved blades.

    The sword is of Holy Property, though it may suppress its property at the choice of its owner. As well, it also bears the Force property, which is independent of element, the property which manifests when the blade suppresses sharpness to deal blunt damage or as an extension of the blade's own sharpness. Finally, the glyph's on the blade's edge serve as a conduit of the owner's own will.

    The blade was formed from the remains of Oskar's former preferred weapon, a Holy-property bastard sword that shattered during a critical moment, and was reforged by a master weaponsmith. The blade's fragments, having channeled Oskar's power for various battles, retained a portion of his growing power and of his fading innocence. It is said that the personality of the sword emerges from Oskar's memories, as the ethereal representation of his fading innocence shaped as a maiden dear in his memory. The aura of the blade, at times, bears the phantom image of the deceased maiden.

    Plate of Caelestia: a suit of gleaming plate armor, etched with numerous plates interwoven with glistening chain-linked mail, offers excellent protection against most typical physical attacks. The suit of armor, while near-hermetic, is forged and made in a way that allows maximum freedom of movement, as if wearing the skin of oneself. Warm in the most desolate of colds and cool in the most merciless of heats, the suit of armor regulates the temperature of the body on natural circumstances, although does not protect against magically-altered changes in temperature. The suit of armor combines the flexibility of chain mail with the inner weaving of links, with the hardness and durability of plate armor, and the added protection and shape of scale mail to interlock the tough plates in a way that reduces the clumsiness and rigidity of typical full suits of armor. The suit is blessed with prayers of haste and weightlessness, to maximize the effectiveness in combat. The suit is also etched in subtle glyphs that hide within the shine of the suit, which serve as conduits for the will of its wearer. As a final protective ward, the armor possesses a mighty blessing that may harmlessly dissipate any energy spell, move, or technique that directs to its user and turn it into light, although with a hefty cost: the armor becomes vulnerable upon said protection ward activates, which remains for the duration of the battle Essentially, it means that it becomes vulnerable to mundane weaponry as normal plate armor, although without the burden of mobility and speed. As well, it drains its wearer of stamina, rendering it fatigued for an amount of time.

    The suit of armor was forged by a master dwarven armorsmith, whom swore to forge the greatest piece of armor ever worn by celestial being. Since celestial beings have no need for such a protection, as they can become ethereal at will, and are blessed with great wards and protections against the elements and evil, the suit of armor was rendered useless. Yet, since the armor was crafted with a noble purpose, and held great protective abilities, it was hidden from the worlds until someone worthy enough was capable of using it, and needed of its power. A testament to such tale are the rare, long yet thin plates on the back of the suit, which allow for the manifestation of wings.

    Gauntlets of Titanic Power: These thick plated gloves, etched with potent runes and enchanted with arcane and divine magic, increase the normal strength of its wielder and improves the channeling of any kind of energy instead of tampering with the somatic components and the energy flows of spells and moves. Wielders of the gloves can earn super-human strength and limited fatigue from lifting heavy objects and structures, up to the limits of a giant humanoid blessed with above-average strength. As well, the gloves can improve the impact of physical attacks, causing greater damage than with the bare hand: however, the gloves drain stamina from their wearer with such use, due to a curse enchanted during creation to hinder the use of such artifacts for physical combat; hence, a blow incremented with too much power may leave the wearer unconscious and perhaps even comatose from the violent drain of stamina.

    While the hands of the plated gloves are normally protected with a thick plate for protection, the right hand glove possesses an altered plate that reveals part of the wearer's skin. This measure was part of a request from Oskar by a renowned smith, which allows him to reveal his right-hand symbol.

    Winged-Boots of Pegasus: with a shape that evokes the mighty steed of Bellerophon, the plated boots with a golden winged motif provide an excellent protection and little to none hindering in feet movement. The boots do more than merely evoke the flying mount: they also grant their wielder faster than normal speed and the ability to jump great heights by the force of will. Normally, they serve as an excellent way of travel as they reduce the fatigue of extended periods of travel on the person (the boots do not eliminate the fatigue; they merely reduce the wear and fatigue of the wearer's feet to allow longer days of travel. The wearer must still eat or sleep and rest every now and then). As well, the boots allow sprints of speed comparable to an above-average horse galloping at high speeds, and also allow leaps comparable to the leaps of a dragon enabling flight: however, the use of such skills enact a physical toll on the wearer's stamina, causing fatigue depending on the total speed and time elapsed while running/charging/rushing, or the height achieved during leaps. As a final blessing, the boots greatly reduce the shock of impact from great leaps as long as the leap was done with the boots, and the wearer falls on its feet.

    Abilities: Oskar, besides the abilities presented, has a great degree of skill on basic swordsmanship, varied martial arts such as brawling/karate/wrestling, and good skills on polearm fencing, axe & mace technique, and gunmanship.

    Offensive Abilities:
    -Shining Wind Style: while still a novice, Oskar self-taught this style (derived from a style that emphatizes on air manipulation), based upon the manipulation of air, combined with the power of light he is capable of manifesting and his fighting spirit. Since then, he has developed the style further:

    --Shining Air Wave: upon focusing holy energies and his fighting spirit into his blade, he can send an air wave attack filled with the energy towards its enemy. The air wave is unusually sharp as the blade. This move has been practiced enough by Oskar that it deals little to no fatigue upon him.

    --Shining Air Blast: upon focusing holy energies and his fighting spirit into his blade or fist, he can shoot a blast of condensed air filled with the energy. The blast is of a blunt hit nature, and has a distinct concussion element, meant to knock back the enemy briefly. It can be used to impulse, in order to displace a certain distance, or use it as a "jump". The force exerted can make a cloud of dust, or slightly smash concrete walls. This move has been practiced enough by Oskar that it deals little fatigue upon him.

    --Shining Dual Wind Intersect Razors: upon focusing holy energies and his fighting spirit into his blade, Oskar releases two blades of air that are suffused with holy energies. The blades are angled so that they meet at the specific point the opponent is present: once they meet, the blades collide, causing shards of razor-sharpened air and holy energy to burst upon a small area. Normally, the technique can only be executed with two swords, which allow the waves to collide properly: this use causes moderate fatigue. However, a variant of the technique can be executed with a single sword, albeit the speed of the swing and the angle of the attack must be executed and determined at slivers of time, which affects the accuracy of the attack and the amount of energy expended. Using this variant renders Oskar greatly fatigued.

    --Shining Wind Crescent Moonlight Blast: upon focusing holy energies and his fighting spirit into his blade, and drawing his blade upon an arc, Oskar can release a massive crescent wave formed of willpower, surrounded by an aura of radiant energy and outward-propelled force at abnormal speeds. The wave is possessed of an unusual sharpness, which can slice in half any object devoid of willpower, and seriously injure weak-willed individuals. The holy energy, the force projected by the wave, and the air that pulls, are considered independent and mutually exclusive, so merely blocking the attack is useless if the three components are not considered beforehand. This move causes moderate fatigue to Oskar, as it demands a peak physical shape to unleash.

    --Shining Air Dragon Flowing Strike: perhaps the greatest technique developed from the Shining Air style, the user draws great amounts of willpower and radiant energy to strike the space upon a certain point. The user remains at a stance with its blade extended, as the form unleashed travels at speeds. Regardless of whether the form hits or not, the form emanating from the blade erupts into a form of dragon that emerges from the point of collision, which travels in a vector determined by the second swing of the user's weapon. This renders the move very difficult to evade, although it can be blocked, parried, or even avoided by extraordinary means. This move causes great fatigue upon the user, as fitting for an extraordinary move.

    It is rumored that the dragon may abruptly change vectorial direction with sufficient willpower from the user, but such a move is, sufficient to say, suicidal due to the incredible amount of willpower required to change the dragon-form's "flight" after the eruption.

    -Divine Blade Spell-Technique: moves revealed only to the most experienced and devoted Paladins, those who transcend the line of duty and excel upon their determined goals. Each tactic generates very decent amounts of fatigue, which preclude their repeated use.

    --Sacred Sword Eruption: a technique that conjures an ethereal blade formed from holy energies, with sharpness and physical durability. The blade surges from the ground, which glows with a divine sigil before emerging, as the tsuba of an oriental Katana. The sigil and blade are unique to each executer: in Oskar's case, it takes the shape of two interposed perpendicular blades, both double-edged, and both of crystalline appearance, flowing from a sigil that contains a cross-formation that spins slowly.

    --Sacred Sword Blade Extension: a technique that conjures an ethereal blade formed from holy energies, with sharpness and physical durability. The blade emerges from the executer's own weapon, and the shape of the weapon does not carry to the ethereal blade formed, as it possesses a shape unique to each executer. In Oskar's case, it takes the shape of a wavy crystalline blade similar in appearance to ice, with sky-blue color, and the ethereal "hilt" of the blade slowly transmutes into a pole as it flows from the blade.

    --Sacred Sword Shooting Star-blade: a technique that conjures an ethereal blade formed from holy energies, with sharpness and physical durability. The blade flows from an undetermined point in the sky, and pierces the earth and anything in between, though not necessarily has to strike the land. The executer places the sigil from the point in the sky from where it wishes the blade to emerge, which takes originally the form of a small sphere. The second part of the tactic, which can be withheld by an indeterminate time, consists in striking with the weapon as the key utterance of the move is spoken, in the direction the user seeks to extend the blade. From there, the blade emerges, exactly in the same direction the user intends to strike. The sigil and blade are unique to each user: in Oskar's case, two double-edged blades, intersecting and perpendicular, emerge from a spinning sigil on perpendicular to the blades. The blades, of crystalline appearance with a flaming red aura, have etched edges that simulate a falling meteor, spinning in the same direction of the sigil, as it protrudes four deadly looking spikes that contain equal force and holy power as the blades themselves.

    --Sacred Sword Blade Aura: unlike the other ethereal blade techniques, this spell-technique serves merely as an extension of the user's blade, capable of extending its reach to great levels.

    --Sacred Sword Grand Sigil: a deadly technique, the Grand Sigil conjures a massive glyph that expels waves of holy energy and physical force, at the cost of the user's lifeforce. The sigil, which is unique to each user, extends to a vast reach (a radius between the distance of 10 to 25 meters), with the extension draining stamina from the user. Once the sigil emerges, the user strikes the ground, which unleashes a circular burst of energy projected outward. With each strike, which projects from the area of impact of the blade, the user is drained of lifeforce, which opens fresh wounds and reopens closed wounds. If used enough, it may completely drain its user, causing death. In Oskar's case, the sigil takes the shape of two superposed crosses, placed in a way they form a nautical rose with the appearance of silvery metal, enclosed on a circle. The circle and the crosses both contain holy glyphs.

    -Radiance Manipulation: by focusing very large amounts of energy upon his hand, Oskar can shape pure radiant energy into various shapes, such as a spear, a bolt flowing from mid-air, a sphere, and other shapes. The forms have a holy component, a force component, and a "ki/chi/fighting spirit" component, which ensures that at least part of the forms bypass the defenses. The large amounts of energy required drain him, and thus he can only attempt such move a few times.

    Defensive/Support Abilities:
    --Blast Defense Fist: upon focusing holy energies into his fist, he can attempt to cancel a energy blast directed at him. The blast and the fist collide, canceling each other in a explosion. This skill leaves him prone for a short while to any attack, and also knocks him back a distance. Accuracy of the defensive move is determined by size: the longer the blast, more effective is the move.

    Additionally, the Blast Defense Fist move can be used to block ethereal or spectral enhanced weapons. The move, executed as a karate blocking motion instead of a fist, can block both the physical and the energetic blades, but only once before the energy dissipates.

    Oskar has developed this move to a degree in which it deals little to no fatigue.

    --Outward Radiance Blast: mostly used as a distracting tactic, Oscar creates a sphere of blinding light with a very wide radius, which deals no damage but impairs visual-depending moves, and also reduces the accuracy of attacks. The shine dissipates during time, lasting a mere 2 seconds. This move, for its simplicity, produces little fatigue, but also causes Oskar to lose accuracy as it also impairs his own visual acuity for an extended period of time.

    --Sword of Light: by focusing radiant energy in his palm, he can reshape such energy into a sharp blade bearing the holy element. In all means, it behaves as a normal sword (balance, sharpness, technique capablility), however it cannot be removed from the hand (the energy quickly dissipates), only cancelled. This is often a skill taught to holy swordsmen.

    Oskar has improved upon the skill, making it capable of dealing blunt force damage as well as holy/slashing damage.

    --Ether Breathing: since the total of Oskar's moves depend on stamina to execute, he has developed a tactic to recover stamina faster, by controlled breathing. This tactic can only be done while calmed, and recovers stamina at 1/10th the amount of time required for a normal person to recover its stamina (e.g., what a person requires of rest to recover in one hour, Oskar can do it in 6 minutes) While on this stance, Oskar is vulnerable to any attack aimed at him, as his reflexes diminish to focus on stamina recovery. Note, stamina recovery DOES NOT recover physical wounds or internal wounds, but rather reduces the fatigue.

    Greater Theosophy: as a Greater Theomancer, Oskar is capable of using very potent Holy powers in a way similar to spells, albeit with a slight difference: his "prayers", his powers, do not require complex litanies or focal points, much less
    components. However, manifesting such powers requires stamina, and such, caution should be exercised while using the Greater Theosophy to unleash divine power.

    -Redemption: heals physical wounds by shifting into fatigue. The power to turn wounds into stamina drain is not very cost-effective, and it requires an immense deal of stamina to close a wound, with lesser to stabilize.
    -Intersession: reduce physical hits by shifting damage into stamina drain. Completely reducing the effect of a wound greatly drains stamina, so a potent wound may cause the caster to go unconscious. The ward is immediately dispelled if it causes to go unconscious, which causes the full effect of the attack to be taken.
    -Disbelief: reduce the effects of a magical spell that causes an offensive effect, by shifting the effect into stamina drain. It follows the same rules as "Intersession", but only one of the wards can be placed into effect at a time. Shifting the wards takes time, in which the caster becomes vulnerable to attacks or spells.
    -Retribution: by consuming stamina, a specific area increases in pressure, causing physical damage. The effect is instantaneous, and it lingers with the concentration of the caster. The effect of the pressure change can be intensified with further straining of stamina.
    -Repulsion: by consuming stamina, an enemy is repelled with a physical rebuke, expelled with a force proportional to the amount of stamina consumed. The being is rebuked in a way fitting its composition: evil is rebuked with faith, physical objects are repelled by force, magic is repelled by magic (magical creatures and missile-type spells only), and so on.

    (these are examples of the effects. All "spells" consume large quantities of stamina to be executed. More and similar effects may emerge, which will be notified with anticipation)

    Overdrive: Transfiguration: Oskar's latent angelic heritage can bloom in the moments of dire need. The Overdrive is composed of 7 different stages, each manifesting more of the aspects of an angel as well as granting new wings (odd numbers of wings are represented by the last even amount of wings plus a bird tail). Upon each transfiguration, Oskar's ability to manifest holy energy/fighting spirit, and the amount of energy he can manifest is increased. Also, skills and powers of incredible energy requirement can be used. Finally, his stamina is increased after the 4th stage, each stage granting greater amounts of stamina.

    *4th stage and beyond is restricted unless requested*

    (He may be improved in the near future, as he discovers more skills throught RPing or RPBing)
    Last edited by T.G. Oskar; 02-18-2008 at 07:57 PM. Reason: Giving a proper epic update to fit position as faction leader.

  3. #333
    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"? Character Statistics. Bryan 2.0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Name: Kristoff

    Height: 6'2"

    Weight: 200lbs

    Age: 32

    Hair: Shoulder length, jet black.

    Species: Human/werewolf

    Stuff: Kristoff lives in Cescent City, which is located very near a character named Vincent ((Cesar's character)). He fights on the weekends in some smokey backroom of a divebar deep within the city. He's got a large pentegram branded onto his back. He turns into a werewolf on full moons. You get the picture.

    ((I hate making character profiles, so I will spice this up when I feel the good old urge to do so.))

  4. #334
    Character Statistics. Kyle Shidair's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Southern California
    Name: Sykel Varas
    Age: Apperance is 17 or 18, his true age is unknown.
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: Unknown, though he looks scrawny
    Hair: Pure white. Nicely cut; a little lower than his ears
    Race: Vampire; Nataku' Lin Clansmen
    Eye: bright purple as if they're glowing even =O

    The Nataku' Lin were a once proud race of vampires. Desecrated by war amongst other vampiric clans the few that remained in seclusion held onto and talked often about the coming of a chosen one. This "sacred one" was the sole reason the other clans had turned their backs to this different group of vampires.

    Apparently the one who would rise above all others had such demonic power that the other clans began to fear and despise the Nataku' Lin. Upon birth the Baby (Sykel) was left to die through hunger and starvation. That was the clans last mistake.

    Grown up and seeking revenge, Sykle hunts anything and anyone who gets in his way. A recluse to this world he bears the sin of his people as well as an uncontrolable power.

    On his left hand was a vampiric rune that could fathom unthinkable powers. It is so powerful he must contain it using a glove with a seal stiched to it. The power inside him has enough power to whipe him as well as countless others off the face of existance. He only uses it when and if things come to a standstill our as a last resort.

    Sykel's weapon is only known to bring death. Respectedly called death lace, the crystalized blade contains blood extracted from his accursed left hand. Hence why he has such easy control over such a large weapon.

    As a Nataku' Lin and a vampire in general Sykel has inhuman strength. Most underestimate him for being a pasty, scrawny, weakling. Those people are dead. The only difference between him and other vampiric clans is Sykel's inability to heal. He has regenerative properties but not nearly up to speed as a traditional vampire. The flip side is sunlight has no effect on him. That coupled with his potential boundless energy a fight could last for days if given a strong enough opponent.

    Lastly is Sykel's demonic form, which is mainly hidden from a fight only until he finds he would need to use it. Few have seen this form and any that have are usually dead within a few minutes.
    Last edited by Kyle Shidair; 09-21-2005 at 09:46 PM.

  5. #335
    Character Statistics. Red XIV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The State of Great Lakes
    Character 1

    Name Red XIV
    Age 392
    Height 3ft 7in
    Weight 212 lb
    Weapon Claws and Headress
    Hair Red
    Eye Orange
    Place of Residence Solar Canyon
    Class Beast

    Weapon Skills
    Double Claw: Claws opponent with both claws (fast)
    Fierce Bite: Strong bite (fast)
    Flaming Tail: Whips tail and causes the opponent to be set on fire (slow)
    Headress Attack: Tackles the opponent (medium)
    Solar Attack: Tail lights on fire and releases a supernova of sorts at the opponent (very slow)
    Solar Memory: Like Cosmo Canyon (Red XIII) but the sun will heat up causing a giant fire ball that turns into a beam that hits the opponent (no speed)
    All kinds of Fire

    Can summon Phoenix but can only summon it when he is low on health.
    Last edited by Red XIV; 10-10-2005 at 05:25 PM.

  6. #336
    Age: 24
    Race: Human/vampire
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 190 lbs
    Appearance: Long brown hair, brown eyes, pierced left ear, dragon tattoo down right arm and gothic vampiric cross on upper left arm, black clothing, average male build
    Job: Mercenary
    Weapon: 2 Two-handed swords called Twin Dragons, he combines the two swords and forms the Dragonheart
    Skills: Expert Sword Technique, Expert Martial Artist, Basic Magic skills
    Limit: Dragon Killer
    profile: He is a strong, silent type, doesn't trust anyone, and always works alone. After defeating Devlion, he wonders the world, waiting for his return.
    Last edited by devlion; 11-18-2005 at 12:57 PM.

  7. #337
    Character Statistics. Zell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Does it really matter

    Age:749 but looks 19


    Class:Legendary Warrior

    Alignment:Chaotic Good

    Appearance:Character appearance

    Weaponry:In above Hotlink

    Background:700 years ago Khrono was one of the three legendary warriors that was sent to stop Demetri. With the help of the other legendary warriors he was able to get to Demetri for the final battle. After the fight was over Khrono and the other two legendary warriors were each sealed in a statue to await the next time they were needed. 700 years later Demetri has returned and Khrono and the other two legendary warriors have been released from their statues to stop him once and for all.

    Khrono's Redemption: Collects energy from the earth, strikes the ground and launches a gaint vertical shockwave at his opponent.

    Blue Death: Summons energy from the heavens and launches a gaint blue energy ball at his opponent. When it hits a gaint explosion happens.

    Final Hope: Collects all the energy from Earth, Heaven, Hell, and Space into the blade of his sword. The blade becomes blue and he slashes his opponent with all of the energy. When he hits his opponent an explosion happens hurting him and the opponent. Used as a last resort.

    Legendary Strength: He summons the power from inside him to reach legendary power. He becomes faster, stronger, smarter and able to take more attacks.

    Negate Stance: Goes into a defensive stance that allows more defense then attack.
    Last edited by Zell; 10-11-2005 at 01:17 PM.

  8. #338
    Name: Flinn Foursciante
    Sex: Male
    Homeland: Lys, Ainiv an island off the mainland.
    Weapon: A combination of his hands, feet, elbows, etc...

    Bio: Flinn is one of many young men on the island of Ainiv. Also the oldest son within his family. The combination is common enough but in his hometown Lys it's the expectations required to become a researcher.

    Flinn was born fatherless but that position was taken by a fisherman who had enticed Flinn's mother. His "father" never treated him like a son which was expected. Outside the home however it was if Flinn was his "father's" pride and joy.

    Flinn's life was simple especially when supposedly his actual father was a well known blue mage. Knowing that when he would come of age he would undertake the trial to become a researcher. He trained like all the others that would take the trial. Between studying the ability to learn techniques and the rigors of the intense physical training Flinn surprisingly still had time to enjoy all the pleasantries of life. This molded his mind into a care free nature.

    Physical description: Flinn is the same size as any average seventeen year old. 5"9, 143 lbs. All the physical training has made him quite defined. He has medium length red hair. Due to the tropical like climate of Ainiv he is well tanned and doesn't usually wear a shirt. When he does put one on it is supposedly one of his fathers. It's a brown sleeveless shirt with grey lining. He sports the traditional blue pants that represent a researcher.

    Known Techs:
    Mighty Gaurd: A defensive move that focuses energy into a powerful counter attack
    White Wind:The wind around Flinn becomes heavy and almost solidifies becoming white causing a huge whiteout
    Tremor: Flinn hits the ground sending a tremor towards his opponent.
    Exploder: A mass amout of energy is released when Flinn makes contact with this move. An explosion occurs (hence the name) from the surge of energy. Usually leaves burn marks were the move connected.

    The darker more present Flinn...

    Name: Flinn Foursciante
    Sex: Male
    Homeland: New Utopia
    Weapon: A combination of his hands, feet, elbows, etc...

    Bio: Flinn is a researcher. One of the best in his field. Almost too good. That's why he has set his eyes on something different. Now he searchs New Utopia for the journals of Vargus the Wise. A mage. Magic has long been thought a disease. Flinn finding the first journal easily drew connections between himself and Vargus. Both were driven by their passion. Both had lost something because the became engulfed by what drove them. To conpensate Flinn has become a heavy smoker.

    Physical description: Flinn is a slim 33 year old. 6"0, 143 lbs. All the physical training he has undertaken has made him quite defined. He has medium length red hair. He wears small elipse shaped glasses that don't have arms. He wears a tan trench coat. His brown sleevless shirt is only partially showning. His black dress pants often show off the dustiness of the polluted city Flinn lives in.

    Researchers: These people are fascinated with monsters, or to be more specific the unique abilities monsters of all kinds have. These researchers learn these abilities and make them their own.

    Known Techs:
    Mighty Gaurd: A defensive move that focuses energy into a powerful counter attack
    White Wind:The wind around Flinn becomes heavy and almost solidifies becoming white causing a huge whiteout
    Tremor: Flinn hits the ground sending a tremor towards his opponent.
    Exploder: A mass amout of energy is released when Flinn makes contact with this move. An explosion occurs (hence the name) from the surge of energy. Usually leaves burn marks were the move connected.
    Half Hearted Angel: A self taught technique. Flinn sinks to a nirvanic state and can move,think,act, and react in an almost rythmic time. Flinn himself has never tested the full potential of this technique yet.
    Last edited by Imposter; 11-03-2005 at 05:56 PM.

  9. #339
    Here's my BoD bio

    Name: Kiser

    Overall Power: Unknown
    Strength: Unknown
    Speed: Unknown
    Dexterity: Unknown
    Resistance: Unknown
    Stamina: Unknown
    Dark Power: The power to raise the Dragons from hell. He has the elemental strength of fire and when he wields his long sword from the pits of hell he can move at incredible speeds and attacks with incredible strength. He can also throw balls of fire which he learned how to do when only a child.

    Gender: Male
    Age: 190
    Height: N/a
    Weight: N/a
    Eyes: eyes, which light up with the flames of Hell.
    Hair: Long Brown hair
    Fleshtone: N/a

    Allegence: Brotherhood of Doom

    Specie: A Devil-The keeper of Dragons

    Abilities: Can use his dark powers to summon all the Dragons from hell. At this point he gets on the back of the king of the Dragons and unleashes incredible power destroying every thing in his path while the other Dragons circle around the area waiting for any survivors to come out so they can send them to the pits of hell.

    Main weapons: He carries a long sword which was found at the darkest and deepest pits of hell when wielding the sword he gets incredible speed and power he also has the elemental powers of fire.

    Strengths: This is one thing which is unknown to everyone he can summon Dragons he has incredible speeds and strengths but his hidden power is unknown to the world it is thought that he can change his shape from devil to human.

    Weaknesses: His only weakness is water and it has to be a incredible amount of water to defeat him and even when defeated he still lives as he is sent to the pits of hell and returned back even stronger than ever before.

    Appearance: Even if you were to see him you would only think he was between 15-20 years old as he doesn't age he wears a black robe to cover his body when in a fight he flings his robe off to show a incredible red armour Which looks to be infested with the power of fire with the king of Dragons on it.

    Biography: The keeper of Dragons was born in 1100 in Britain his name is Kiser which means the devil it was also rumoured that he wasn't born in Britain and that it is also rumoured he was born in the pits of hell and that's how he got his sword.

    When he was 17 years old he stopped ageing and began getting powers out of the ordinary he was able to throw balls of fire. His mother and father were never found as he was adopted in 1101 when he was 1 year old it's be leaved he was the son of the devil.

    He got pissed off when his mother and father in law sent him to school when he was 17 years old and when he went the children thought they could make fun of him so he summoned a dragon and stood on its back and watched them burn to death he was that pissed he even went home and burned his mother and father to death.

    For the past 185 years of so he has just been wondering the world destroying what humans he could find. After he was 185 he found out why he was different. He was the son of the devil.
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 11-03-2005 at 09:12 PM. Reason: BAKA STICK'D! (no signatures in the RPB forum)

  10. #340
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I can't believe I never put this one in here. Anywho, Atma thought she'd make a good opponent for the fight we're about to have, so yeah. Hmm, weird that I only posted her in the TOA forum. Oh well, whatever, right? *shrug*

    Name: Elisabeth
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Female
    Race: Demi-Human
    Height: 5ft 5in - 165 cm
    Weight: 117 pounds - 53kg - 8.36 stone
    Eyes: light gray
    Hair: autumn blonde (a light blonde with a subtle tint of red)
    Complexion: Mediterranean olive-toned skin

    Alignment: Soldiers of the Moderate

    A short black cloak, mid-thigh, sleeves torn off, hood usually down. Around each bicep, a white leather sheath for her daggers. Handles face downward for quick release, daggers are held in place by a leather strap which snaps onto the sheath. Around the right thigh, two white leather belts with four loops each for throwing knives. Knife tips rest in the lower belt, handles in the upper. No footwear.

    Armor: None

    Main Class: Monk
    This isn't your traditional Final Fantasy monk, either. I'm talking inner chi and paper spells. Spiritual attacks rather than physical magic. You'll see. You'll all see.

    Sub Class: Warrior
    It only makes sense that a heroine of the earth would be skilled in various forms of weaponry, right? No supreme strength, no excessive skill. Just enough knowledge to pick up anything with a blade and know what she's doing. Knives are her specialty.

    Weaponry: Twin daggers, throwing knives
    Each dagger features a four-inch handle wrapped in black leather, a slight crossguard, and a nine-inch pure silver blade sharp on both sides. Throwing knives are made of iron, four-inch handle with a flat ring at the end, six inch blade sharp on both sides, no crossguard.

    Magic: Paper spells, spiritual magic
    Through spells scribed on small rolls of paper, Elisabeth can summon the various natural elements of the earth -- fire, water, and electricity. She usually carries two of each spell into battle, though that isn't always the case.

    From centuries of rigorous studies and meditation, Elisabeth has learned to fully control the spirits which reside within her. Through psychic impulses and concentrated energies, she can harass her opposition with unseen forces. Though very skilled, any serious spiritual channeling takes a lot out of Elisabeth, and is generally used as a last resort technique.

  11. #341
    Registered User Character Statistics. King Fenii's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    Name: Ace
    Age: 14
    Sex: Male
    Height: 152 cm
    Weight: 45 Kg
    Hair: Black with blue undertone.
    Hair comes to his neck and wears it in a tail.
    Skintone: Strong tan
    Eyecolor: Light Brown
    Race: Human

    Clothing: Skyblue colored light-weight cotton pants.
    Gold leather vest that covers the hips as well.
    Lightblue silk undershirt.
    Lightblue cloth used as belt. (over te leather as well)
    Brown leather shoes.

    Dual Daggers. The blades are silver sheeted, the sides and handles are elegantly ornamented with gold. In both handles there are small sapphire spheres.

    Accesories: Lightblue bandanna with darkblue camo print. (also used to keep his hair in a tail)
    Lightblue wristbands made out of heavy cotton.
    Silver necklace with a piece of amber attached at the end.

    Class: Ninja

    Main Colors:

    Magic: Water, Watera, Blink, Blind, Haste, Slow, NulTide and NulBlaze.

    Abilities: Shuriken - Summons and throws a magic shuriken to opponent
    Bubble Beta - Spins both blades and creates a twister consisting of bubbles.
    Shadow Slash - Quick attack that may also inflict Blind on the opponent.
    Dark Rain - Calls for huge clouds to pour down heavy rain on the field. Negates Holy effects.

    Limit Break: Split-Image Slice - Ancient Navarre ability, user divides himself into three, and attacks the opponent with extrem speed. Although user will receive triple damage if his original image is attacked.

    Story: Ace was born and raised in in the Desert City of Navarre. At the age of 6, he had lost his parents to a guild of roaming swordsmen. They both gave their lives to mirage the town so that it wouldn't be found by them. After a long search, the swordsmen gave up.

    But that wasn't enough for Ace's brother and he swore to avenge his parents. In the meantime, Ace joined the Thieves Guild to train and become stronger. Ace got the hang of it pretty quickly and became a Ninja. He learned how to use Magic and wanted to learn more about Water magic, to help people in the desert from dehydrating.

    One day Ace gets the disturbing message that his brother was killed in his quest for vengeance. 8 years after his parents passed away, Ace had enough of it all. It was time to strike.....

  12. #342
    Name: Shadow (Or whatever the world sees fit)

    Age: ??? (Looks 17)

    Race: A humanlike animated shadow

    Class: Swordsman

    Apperance: Gray and depressing
    Wears a black cloak with a hood
    Long sleeved shirt
    and Jeans
    (I can't believe I forgot that in the roleplay forum)

    Weapons: Dark Blade or Steel Sword

    Background: Came to life through the use of Black Magic bringing him from the deepest darkest bowels in the ground also known as the underworld.

    Dark Arrow Hail: Gathers shadows around him and sends them down in the form of arrows sometimes dealing damage to him or his allies. The more shadows the stronger the arrows.

    Transparent: Can become limitedly transparent in shadowy places

    Vital Strike: Lowers speed for strength

    Weakness: Sunlight annoys him.
    Pure light could finish him in seconds if he doesn't have anything to protect himself with. (hence the cloak)
    Any weapon can do damage (No "thick" armor)
    Easily Persuaded
    Takes hundreds of years to reappear.

    Heals when hit by Dark Attacks.
    Heals more quickly in the dark. (allowing him to regenerate after death)
    Fast on his feet

  13. #343
    name: zack

    age: 34

    height: 6'2''

    race: human

    occupation: chocobo knight

    weapon: knight swords

    appearence: wearing gold and silvar heavy armor, riding a golden chocobo, face is behind a steel helm...

    info: slow on the ground but is very powerful while on chocobo or when swinging his swords...the chocobo is very weak against spears and pikes and will run away if threatend by one... which knocks him down...strong against dark types but weak against fire or thunder types... kinda "too" honerable... high defence

    HP: ***
    W-ATK:***(on chocobo:****)
    W-DEF:***(on chocobo:*)
    SPEED:* (on chocobo:****)


    charge: if undetected he can charge while on the chocobo causeing extra damage

    beserk: loses control but speed and strength greatly increases

    light of destruction:massive damage to dark but no damage to any other types

    holy flame: weak simple fire spell

    counter-atk: (only if off chocobo) if enemy strikes at close counter attaks

    wild swing: attacks all sides

    bio: an elite chocobo knight, zack has beened trained since he was he left order of the chocobo knights and adventures by himself with his friendly chocobo called, boko
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 11-22-2005 at 06:22 PM. Reason: BAKA STICK'D! (no signatures in the RPB forum)

  14. #344
    Character Statistics. 2ndPower's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Check under the covers
    Name: Rachel Baradrake

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Age: 24

    Eyes: Green

    Hair: Brown

    Height: 5'8"

    Weight: 135

    Clothing: Fluffy gold dress, with a blue sash bearing her family's insignia on it.

    Weapons: A jeweled shortsword, right arm is encased in metal from the shoulder down, a single sharp metal wing sprouts from her right shoulder.

    Special Abilities: Metal arm has superhuman strength, metal itself has the capabilities to bend reality.

    Bio: Princess of a large kingdom, has long lived under the rule and guidance of her father and brother. When escaping while her family's castle was under seige, she was struck with an unusual metal, and sent on a strange journey through time and space. Returned from the journey relatively safely, but the metal continued to grow over her body. Years later, she is determined to take a more active life than most princesses, but her father forbids it, leading her to constantly escape from his land in search of adventure.

  15. #345
    Registered User Character Statistics. King Fenii's Avatar
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    IMPORTANT: Only used when challenged or for special battles.

    ~Phoenix Knight~

    Fenii Salveras
    Age: 29
    Sex: Male
    Height: 187 cm
    Weight: 94 Kg
    Hair: Long golden hair with light brown streaks, held in a Dagger-hairstyle
    Skintone: Slightly Tanned
    Eyecolor: Orange
    Race: Human/Phoenix


    - Golden breastplate with a Phoenix carved in to it.
    - Under that a heavy red sleeveless shirt.
    - Attached to the breastplate are nicely designed crimson shouldpads that look like spheres put over the shoulders. The edges of the pads have a gentle golden tone.

    - Wears heavy golden gloves to increase strength and slashing speed. The gloves have red fire patterns carved in to them.

    - Crimson pants made out of a heavy material.
    - Wears heavy golden boots that come up to the knees, where they seem to have melted around the knees.

    - Small Knight Crown with a Phoenix on it.
    - Big Ruby crystal in his breast plate, where the heart of the Phoenix should be.
    - Wide belt that seems to be melted on, to hold his clothing strongly together. The belt buckle has a Fire insignia on it.

    Phoenix Sword, orange tinted broadsword with Fire and Holy attributes.


    Main Colors:

    Extreme Fire Magic (even ones absorbing Fire, will still receive regular Fire damage)
    Fire, Fira, Firaga, Firaja, Flare,
    Holy, Life, Full-Life, AbsoBlaze, NulBlaze.

    Fury Blade - Deals Fire damage through blade, and increases both fighters' strength, and also lowering mind.
    Judgement Blade - Extreme holy damage, but very predictable.
    Maxim Power - Draws power from all heavy points in his body, unleashing it in one blast, needs to be charged.
    Quadra Slash - One of the only fast moves Fenii has. Unleashes four quick slashes one after another. This is one of the moves where his heavy gloves and boots have a great advantage.
    King Cut - An ancient move used by an old king. The move seems to be resurrected in Fenii. He swings his blade vertically, hitting anything in it's path.

    Limit Break:
    Cry of the Phoenix - Fenii is engulfed by the Phoenix flame unleashed by the Passion Ruby on his chest. His senses are then optimum, and the heavy points created by his armour will increase his speed by gravity. None has ever seen the attack, there are only legends about it. Fenii himself has never experienced it, but is almost sure it exists.


    Fenii was always looked upon as special. He was born from a Phoenix that found love with a human woman, these were the legends that man told around the strange phenomenon. He received special training, but he grew up in the shadow of his masters. He never got the chance to prove himself. After his hometown was destroyed, he never saw any of his masters again. Not knowing if they were killed or captured, he went and looked for them.

    He was led to the capital city of the world. Here he had to face all of his masters, which led to slaughter on all sides, killing him in the process as well. In between the real world and the netherworld, he was said that justice could be served and had to face a man called Alexander. He said that if he were to defeat him, he had proven himself worthy and thus brave enough to be resurrected.

    This was Fenii's chance, which he had grasped and led to victory. Alexander was proud of this valiant warrior and brought him back to life. Showing true dedication to his masters, Fenii established the order of the Phoenix Knights, to commemorate his old and wise masters that he o much admired.....
    Last edited by King Fenii; 12-07-2005 at 04:00 PM.

  16. #346
    Lady Succubus Character Statistics. Victoria's Avatar
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    Mistress Victoria, Devourer of Innocence

    ~Phoenix Knight~

    Name: Victoria Nova
    Age: 22
    Sex: Female
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Bust: 40 C
    Hair: Long black hair with light red streaks. Flowing in the wind.
    Skintone: Pale
    Eyecolor: Grey/Red
    Race: Human/Succubus

    Layer 1: Black lingerie; bra and thong panty.
    Layer 2: Leather; Black mini-skirt, black low "V" cut halter-top.
    Layer 3: Mythril; One-piece dress with a low "V" cut, and a long skirt falling below her knees.

    Crimson circlet with a sapphire embedded at the center forehead.
    Two diamond rings on each ring finger. One for each Goddess she prays to.

    Left Hand: Goddess of Succubi; Lilith.
    May all those who perish under these hands go freely into the underworld and await your wrath. May their wretched souls be energy for your humble servant. Those who be touched by these lips fall into the world of agony and despair. she kisses the ring.

    Right Hand: Goddess of War; Morrigan.
    Those who fall from this weapon be forsaken and relieved of their purgatory be sent to the Warrior's Paradise. May their souls be cleansed and purified of their war-ridden hatred. she kisses the ring.

    Retractable claws- Her nails can expand into claws by manipulation of her muscles.
    Kunai, Daggers, Shruiken- She carries these items in a pouch at the side of her waist.
    Bow & Arrow- She carries a longbow and a quiver of arrows with various chemicals at their tips. From poison to paralysis.
    Katana- The sheath is black as night and the blade is crimson. The hilt has a sigma of a succbus.

    Class: Assassin/Harlot/Knight

    Elemental Colors:

    Stealth Step: She dashes silently and quickly. Her movement is so quick that she vanishes from eyesight until it is too late.

    Broken Toy: She grabs them by their neck and tosses them into the wind. (Credit goes to: Namco/Heihachi Mishima)

    Diminishing Kiss: She uses Stealth Step prior to this and appears behind them. She wraps her arms around them in a seductive way and kisses them, which causes her to absorb their energy.

    Vulgar Guillotine: She uses her katana in several quick motions that decapitate the victim into several pieces.

    She was a full human once, but was killed and was reincarnated into a Succubus. Normally one wouldn't regain memories of their past life, but somehow she has. So with that she has regained her past skills and techniques. With the power of her new body, she has developed some new techniques as well. So ever since she had been on the prowl for men and women alike to quench her thirst for lust and energy.
    Last edited by Victoria; 09-23-2006 at 05:15 PM.

  17. #347
    ~Phoenix Knight~

    Name: Knor Hustanga
    Age: 37
    Sex: Male
    Height: 7"3
    Weight: 294 lbs
    Hair:Charcoal black hair unkept, mid-length
    Skintone: Tanned
    Eyecolor: Brown
    Race: Beorc*
    Sub race: Laguz*

    -Knor wears a blue sleeveless shirt and a ragged pair of brown pants tied by a red sash. He wears simple sandals on his feet. (Laguz skin is quite durable especially against metals and the like.)

    -Like all male Laguz Knor tapes up his wrists.
    -Tied on his sash is a pendant with a topaz stone.
    - Red bandana which covers the tips of his pointed ears

    -His claws
    -Knor also carries a simple Iron axe that has two blades opposite to one another at the end of the shaft.

    Tiger(Beast tribe Laguz)

    Transform- Changes into his Tiger form but can only make the transformation after he has built enough energy.( The Laguz learned to transform their apparel with them and vice-verca.)

    Knor is a Branded. One with both Laguz and Beorc blood in him. He was raised by others like himself. Like the others before him he was being taught to master both his Beorc and Laguz abilities. One evening that still haunts Knor was when he was met by a group of Beorc. Not realizing what they had planned he led them to the Brandeds safe haven.

    Many died that night and as atonement for his sins Knor was exiled. Now trying to master his abilities abroad Knor learnt the true meaning of prejudice. Upon one of his travels he met Fenii and learned that not all judge by race. He also learnt of the Phoenix Knights. Knor figured that joining the order would give him the opportunity to master his abilities and to be known for who he was not where he came from.

    *Everything related to Laguz and Beorc is credited to Nintendo (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)

  18. #348
    Character Statistics. Red XIV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The State of Great Lakes
    Name: Baron von Rechier
    Age: 43 (has stopped aging)
    Sex: Male
    Height: 6'5"/7'9"*
    Weight: 219lbs/345lbs*
    Hair: jet-black hair; shoulder-length
    Skintone: pale
    Eye Color: gray/red*
    Race: Human
    Sub race: Werewolf

    Clothing and Accesories. Faded black robes with worn leather breastplate and old iron guards. Wears heavy iron boots and has several leather belts; with an emblem of a raven on the buckle; a family insignia. Wears a hood which conceals his face. Has many rings: Human Form

    Nothing; has long black hair, tinged red at the tips of the hairs. Stomach is ripped and dark green. Long, dirty, black nails. Wild red mane that goes along his back. Gleaming red eyes: Werewolf Form

    Weapons: Human Form: Steel Longsword/Hunting Knife
    Werewolf Form: Claws/Body

    Class: Werewolf/Human


    Can shoot fireballs*
    Can cause earth tremors*
    Can attack with claws*
    Can attack with fang*
    Can move incredibly fast*

    Special Moves:
    Flaming Wolf: Body is engulfed in flames and charges towards enemy*
    Power of the Moon: Howls at the moon/ Loud, distracting noise*
    Earth Shatter: Punches the ground, causing an earth tremor*
    Lycanthro: Best Attack. Used when in Peril. Bites the opponent viciously and severely. Can cause major blood loss, immobilization/parylsis, and in extreme cases lycanthropy (don't worry mods, he won't turn anyone into a werewolf unless my opponent's says that it is okay.)*

    Weaknesses: Anything made of silver*

    Bio: Rechier is the Baron of a long-lost land. He is the last of his line. He was born years ago in the year of 1481. While he was out hunting with his two sons, he was attacked and bitten by a werewolf. Ever since he was bitten, he had stopped aging and had gone on several violent rampages in the village. He killed 4 women and 6 children in the village before he was banished from the land. He lived for years in the forests outside the land, feeding on wild animals and travelers, when he was in werewolf form. Being a werewolf has worn on him. Back when he was Baron, he was cruel, mean, man. He had staged many executions. None liked him. However, being a werewolf was horrible. Every full moon, he would go mad, killing all he saw. He couldn't control himself. Now, hundreds of years later, he has begun looking for a cure for lycanthropy.

    *In Werewolf Form
    Last edited by Red XIV; 12-07-2005 at 01:47 PM.

  19. #349
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    ~Phoenix Knight~

    Name: Sir Argentos of Olympia
    Age: 27
    Species: Human
    Race: Grecian
    Height: 6' 0" (183 cm)
    Weight: 209 pounds (95 kg)
    Skin tone: slightly tanned olive-toned
    Eyes: dark blue
    Hair: sandy brown

    Clothing: (can change at any time, naturally)
    Upper Body: Tattered white longsleeve shirt with black gloves.
    Lower Body: Oversized grey pants and heavy black boots.

    Armor: Full titanium plate armor. Slightly hinders movement, making evasion less realistic. Large circular iron shield strapped to the left forearm. Armor used only in battle, otherwise left at home or at camp.

    Main Class: White Knight
    Similar to a Dark Knight, but of the defensive variety. Relies on strength and skill rather than speed. Uses white magic offensively, but very sparsely. Defends self with heavy armors and shields.

    Sub Class: Geomancer
    Uses his terrain to unleash magical attacks from a distance. The types of spells vary upon the terrain beneath and surrounding Argentos.

    Weaponry: broadsword
    34 inch titanium blade, six inches wide, sharp on both sides. Sword is held in a brown leather sheath worn over the left shoulder.

    Magic: as listed above

    Expect this to be updated as battles involving the Phoenix Knights as well as RPs involving Argentos and/or the Knights progress.

    Currently, there is nothing to say. All background will be created as the character is played. As such, the first post involving Argentos will likely be an RP post, and will set the base for the character's personality traits, habits, history, etc. For now, however, I can tell you that his origin is Olympia, in Greece. Expect him to be a semi-religious character, as I will be modeling him after myself when it comes to various beliefs.

  20. #350
    Character Statistics. Akira's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    In yo' pants, babeh!
    ~Phoenix Knight~

    Name: Tenold Svenson aka 'The Tortured Soul'
    Age: 31
    Species: Human
    Race: Norse/Germanic
    Height: 6' 3"
    Weight: 295 lbs. (mostly muscle)
    Body Build: Tall and very muscular
    Skin Tone: Very pale, almost resembling a corpses
    Eyes: Very Bland Blue
    Hair: Light Brown, Average Length

    Clothing: His upper body is covered by an extremely dark brown long sleeve shirt. It is quite tattered and old but he strangely continues to wear it. Over the shirt he wears a black leather vest which also seems to be quite worn and aged. His legs are covered by a long black pair of pants which are strapped in place around the thigh by sheath buckles which hold one knife each. His boots are also made of leather and the color resembles that of the shirt. They are lined on the inside with fur and offer perfect warmth. His waist is lined by a light brown belt that holds a small crossbow to the side of his leg. Lastly, he drapes a deep black mantle around his body which usually covers his whole body only revealing his face, his boots, and the hilt of the protruding sword on his back.

    Weaponry: Unholy Hjunir is a massive Flamberge constructed out of steel and reinforced with iron to give it optimal cut and slicing properties. The blade is 5 feet long and the width measures in at 4 inches. It's also engraved by lots of small runes and etches on the blade giving it an unclean and rigid finish while still looking quite intimidating. The hilt is wrapped in brown leather and the blade guard made of a grimy silver material, set with dark jade stones. The most noticeable and interesting feature is the reflection of light onto the blade, which seems to be purplish-black rather than the typical white reflection. Just like its wielder, the sword throws off an uneasy and indescribable aura.

    The Small Crossbow that adorns the side of his leg is a simple contraption yet is surprisingly powerful for its size. The arrows it fires are average and don’t seem to be distinguished in any way other than there incredibly sharp arrow tips. The crossbow offers a quick and potent attack to weaken or kill his enemy. In case of the former, he can get close to the weakened enemy and finish them off with his Flamberge.

    He also has Two Knives at his disposal which can be just as successful at killing his enemies as the mightiest sword, of course only when used by the proper wielder. Tenold’s fast reflexes also make these a potent last resort weapon but they should not be confused with a weak attack. They also show their usefulness for whittling new arrows, cutting meat, etc.

    Armor: Tenold wears little to no armor to keep his speed intact. Another reason for this is the fact that most Norseman have few chances to acquire armor, especially thick and robust armor. He also prefers the added strength of his two-hander to the defense of a shield and therefore only wears a round midsized shield on his back to prevent attacks from behind. He does however wear wrist guards made of extremely durable leather that help to protect his wrists while also steadying them, making the Unholy Hjunir easier to wield.

    Main Class: Dark Knight. On first glance, he appears to be a normal knight but he is surrounded by a dark aura.

    Sub Class: Dark Magician. While this is only a secondary skill class, he seems to be quite advanced in basic black arts.

    Magic/Skills: He mostly uses the 'Smothering Fire' (fire magic with dark element) attack to weaken his enemy but it also comes in handy when setting up camp to create a small fire.

    He is also able to curse his enemies with 'The Chant Of Germania' which demoralizes and diminishes their fighting spirit (resulting in dropped stats).

    His most prominent skill is his 'Berserker Rage' which usually scares his opponents into submission and also makes him less prone to pain than normal. His attacks however, are only determined by brute force in this state and show little sign of strategy.

    Biography: A mysterious warrior who wandered the countryside of northern lands looking for armies to join to quench his lust for death. Unfortunately for him, his unmatchable melee fighting style overpowered all his enemies and hindered him from ending his sorrowful misery. It is unknown why he loathes himself so much and why he continues his own pitiful existence yet it has been rumored that he is searching for something, though that something is as unknown as this man's past.

    A week after the great slaughter of the Skeijkin tribe, he went into another one of his personal "exiles". He continued from village to village in hopes of finding "Something" but his search came up as unsuccessful as every other before it. While setting up camp on the outskirts of a very small village, he was met by a small frail messenger boy. The boy spoke of a lord who wanted him in his services. At first, he was not thrown off his feet, expecting nothing more than another job where he would massacre more countless men. But when the boy continued, he mentioned an order of knights known as the 'Phoenix Knights'. His interest was immediately sparked and he questioned the boy trying to satisfy his newly discovered curiosity. The boy merely said "Go south and you shall see". Immediately after, he abruptly burst into flames weirdly not leaving any reminents or ashes behind.

    Never had the warrior been so confused yet interested simultaneously. He couldn't help but feel that he should listen to the messenger. Knowing nothing more than to head southward, he embarked on his new adventure unknowing of its outcome and what it would hold in store for him......


    After travelling for three days southward without pause, Tenold came to a forest pass. It was very dark and an akward feeling came upon Tenold. He continued into the winding pass which seemed to span endlessly. As the redish orange hew of the sunset filled the sky, Tenold decided to take a break and setup a campfire for the night.

    He scavanged his surroundings for firewood and small twigs but came upon little to boast. He ventured deeper into the surrounding shrubbery and continued to look. Suddenly, he stumbled upon thick vegetation which looked somewhat like a wall. Determined to go on further, he started to rip the vines that impeded his way. Barely making any progress, he pulled out his Flamberge and slashed at the greenery. He was knocked back by a strong thud. Apparently the shrubbery truly hid something.

    Another very strange feeling overcame Tenold. The feeling increased until Tenold started to fill with an unending rage and lost control of all his senses. He rammed his sword bluntly against the wall, sending pieces of concrete hurdling into the air and into a dark hollow. A wave of dust came shooting out of the small shaft and sent Tenold to the ground coughing. When he recovered and peered inside, he could barely make out anything, the darkness hindering all possible sight.

    Further focusing his eyes on the room, he could make out the face of a horse. Extremely surprised, Tenold jumped back in shock. He couldn't believe that a living horse was inside a closed off shaft. But before he could figure things out, he heard a very weak voice say: ""

    Tenold walked inside the dark room, seeing only a frail shadowy figure lying in the corner. The face of the body was turned away, and again Tenold felt very uncomfortable. He decided to answer the man's question: "My name is Tenold Svenson, I am a traveller of the north."

    All that followed was an akward pause which was stopped by the words: "Bbb...bbbll...bbllood. Give me....some, boy."

    "Blood?" said Tenold. Then, as if a reflex, Tenold ran outside and looked around in haste. He scanned the forest for anything that moved. Suddenly, he spotted a small deer trying to hide in it's surroundings. Slowly creeping over to the deer, he pulled out his crossbow from under his mantle. The arrow whistled towards the neck of the deer and caused a spew of blood to cover the forest grounds. Tenold grabbed the flailing creature by the hind legs and dragged it back to the tomb of the frail man.

    "I have found some blood but what do you need it for?" Tenold asked with curiosity driving his question.

    "La...lay it next to me I shall show you."

    He dragged the still moving animal over to the man and watched with wide eyes. The sound of a cat-like hissing filled the damp air and was followed by a crunching or rather a piercing sound. The animal started to twitch faster and faster; Tenold could see the formerly frail body now hunched onto the deer like a wolf.

    'What the hell?' Tenold thought to himself in amazement.

    After about 15 minutes, the man got off of the deer and returend to lying in the corner. Tenold still confused, waited for any kind of response.

    "I hope I didn't scare you boy. My name is Naberius and I am a former commander of the vampire army. I'm sure you have many questions but I will try to satisfy your thirst for knowledge."

    A short while later, Tenold learned of the last battle Naberius was involved in, the one that got him locked up into the tomb. It seemed he had been tricked and therefore captured and imprisoned in this concrete housing. After this, Naberius made haste to thank Tenold and vowed to forever fight along side him. Tenold then interupted and told Naberius about the Phoenix Knights. The former vampire commander said that he would go with Tenold and become a member of the Phoenix Knights.

    And so, Tenold continued his journey south, now accompanied by a trustworthy warrior and ally.......
    Last edited by Akira; 05-27-2006 at 08:04 AM.

  21. #351
    Name: Harupen
    Age: Enough to call ancient?
    Species: Elemental Dragon
    Length: 25' 7''
    Weight: 450 lbs.
    Appearance: Long body,Fiery mane,Magical GreenGem on forehead,Glowing red flesh,two longs arms, and no legs
    Eyes: Green

    Fiery Scales: Protects from most fire attacks and some average melee. Weak against Ice type spells and weapons. Powerful melee can easily pierce aswell as Iron

    Black Claws (yes just claws)
    Fiery Whip: Can use it's fiery mane as a whip attack.


    Inferno Flame: A fire attack fired from mouth

    Fire Outburst: makes extreme heat igniting flamable objects and causing discomfort on some armored enemies. (Can only be used once per fight)

    Magma blood: Sprays magma blood from a wound if the wound is struck more than two times.

    Elemental Vortex: Can create a small vortex from sand,fire,water,or air to try and block an attack (sometimes it does) blind an opponent (Air does not blind) Or damage. (depends if it hits) However Vortex is slow and takes a few moments to create.

    Weakness: Anything can damage Jewel on head,Ice attacks/magic,Powerful Melee, Iron weapons (Anything other than Iron when it comes to Average melee will have limited sucess)
    Moves are usually slow.

    Monstrous God of Fire. It is said the jewel on it's head allows the user to control all forms of fire. However those that sought it and failed provoked it to go into a killing frenzy. It was driven away with Ice Magic and powerful melee.
    After being driven into the Fire Temple one single unknown warrior (oh my an option) went in and further wounded the angry god by striking the jewel on it's head. The jewel shattered and the monster ignited into flames. In pain and fury it grabbed the warrior and dove into the magma.
    The battle continued as the magma slowly hardened sealing the wounded dragon and it's opponent. Then the ordered was made by the king to collapse the temple to seal the god of fire forever. But it would not remain that way.
    Criminals dug into the ruins making thier base of operations and uncovering the remains of the god and his shattered jewel. The Thieves were overjoyed with the discovery of the valuable crystal and repaired it hoping to sell it for profit. But Harupen awakened during the night and took back the jewel and started to reheat the temple. The thieves fleed in terror but were burned to a crisp. Now the king is trying to figure how to combat the unexpected return of the mighty Harupen fearing it would again wreak havoc upon the kingdom. And so here we are.

  22. #352
    Character Statistics. Zell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Does it really matter
    ~Pheonix Knight~

    Name: Kai Mitsu
    Age: 18
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Hair: Mid-length, blonde, and straight. He has a small ponytail which comes out the from behind his hair.
    Skintone: Slightly tanned.
    Eyecolor: one bright green and the other sky blue.
    Race: Human/Demon

    Upper body: He wears a black tanktop. He wears black fingerless gloves. He wears a black headband that has metal on the front. He wears metal wrist protectors.

    Lower body:He wears black baggy blue jeans with silver designs on them. The jeans are made from a very hard but, durable material. His tennis shoes are white and made from the same material.

    Armor: Kai wears light armor so, he can move at maximum speed. He wears silver lightweight chestplate that covers his front and back. He wears silver lightweight shoulder armor. He wears silver lightweight gauntlets with Pheonix Kinght emblem in the color gold on them.

    -He carries a necklace around his neck. The necklace is the last momento of his mom.
    (A picture of the necklace.)

    - A silver bladed katana called Endless. The hilt is has dragons wings on it. the sword is attributed with thunder.

    Main Class: Samurai

    Sub class: Thunder Mage
    He uses thunder as his main Magic. He can also create Massive Thunderstorms.
    Magic: Listed above

    Deadly Thunder: Using his unbelievable speed and Thunder abilities, Kai sends thunder upon the of Endless and does several electrifiying slashes upon his opponent.
    Diamond Brigade: He creates thunder in the shape of a diamond and traps his opponent inside of it. He then shocks them for major damage.
    Mach Strike: Kai runs at Mach speed and slashes his opponent for little damage. Can be combined with Deadly Thunder.
    Demon Form: He can transform into a thunder demon. In demon form his abilities are stronger, (A pic of his demon form)

    Limit Break: Kai has two limit breaks. One for his human form and the other for his demon from.
    Warriors of Thunder: This is a move that is only mastered by the most talented Thunder users. A massive thunderstorm is created and large thunderbolts strike the ground. A large amount of thunder surronds his sword and he then jump slashes his opponent for massive damage.

    Demon Thunder God: This move can only be done in his demon form. Kai's right eye starts glowing red. Kai then creates a larger Thunderstorm then before and then flies into the sky. The thunder surronds his entire body and goes flying at his opponent and punches them for massive damage.

    Story: Kai was born the son of a demon and Human. At age 3, Kai was sitting in his room, playing by himself when, he heard some very loud sounds. He walked outside to see his Mother and Father killed by Demon haters. Kai managed to live through their attack but, he was badly injured. He was lying on the ground for two days until a Samurai found him and took him in. At age 6, Kai was being trained by the samurai so, he could defen himself when needed. At age 12, there was an demon hater uprising in his village. Kai watch his master die before his eyes and he also watched his friends die aswell. Kai eascaped barely with his life. Kai then went on a journey to get stronger. At age 18, Kai heard about the Pheonix Knights and he issued a challenge to the Pheonix Knight leader so, he could become a Pheonix Knight. He didn't exactly beat Fenii but, he showed him that he had spirit to win. Now part of the Pheonix Kinghts, Kai hopes to find the killers.
    Last edited by Zell; 12-19-2005 at 06:00 PM.

  23. #353
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New Zealand


    Character 1

    Name: Norman Nord
    Age: 19
    Class: Viking Swordsman
    Weapons: Viking broadsword/Elven Arrows
    Armour: Nothing, just his skin
    Accessories:Milljor neckless, Ring Of Purity, Belt Of Seduction

    Beserk -=- When Norman gets angry enough Milljor lights up, this gives him the power of thunder, his attack is doubled, his defence is raised, and his speed is increased

    Ring Of Purity -=- With this, when Norman reaches beserk state, his health is slowly cured.

    Belt Of Seduction -=- Cause of Normans nature when this belt is worn, female characters are persued not to fight Norman, this causes confusion to female characters.

    Appearance: Norman has fair blue eyes, light blonde hair which reaches to the bottom half of his back and pale skin. He is 7'2 tall and doesnt wear a shirt... all he wears is old black pants with his milljor neckless, purity ring, and belt of seduction.

    History: Norman is a noble young lad interested in learning how to fight better, Norman was raised by his parents until 1 day Normans dad disapeared after a pack of wild horses stompled on his body, it was never found. Norman lives with his mother and spends most of his days Hunting. Due to his apperence Norman has a strong attraction to females, this doesnt bother him but it causes a lot of rivalry

    Character 2

    Name: Unknown (People call him the Black Wizard though)
    Age: Unknown
    Class: Wizard
    Weapons: Black stuff of boiling water
    Armour: unknown
    Accessories: Book Of Lost Spells, Eye Of Darkness
    Abilities: A range of lost spells (often variations on normal spells)
    Reincarnation -=- The ability to mimic battles he has fought before through sacrifices
    Appearence: Covered in a black robe, nobody has ever seen his face
    History: Little is known of the black wizard. Since people can remember he/she has been stirring coldrons off boiling water in the Northern Mountains. It is beleived that a lot of destruction cause to the people at the foot hills of the northern mountain have been cursed by the black wizard
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 12-10-2005 at 06:24 AM. Reason: BAKA STICK'D! (no signatures in the RPB forum)

  24. #354
    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"? Character Statistics. Bryan 2.0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Phoenix Knight

    Name: Naberius
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: 180 lbs.
    Age: Unknown.
    Eye Color: Bright Green.
    Hair: Straight, jet black, mid-back length.
    Skin: Pale, smooth, white skin.
    Attire: Tight leather, floor length coat. Black leather gloves. Snug, flat black shoulder armor. Silver Phoenix Knight emblem on edges of shoulder armor. Matching black leather pants. Knee-high black leather battle boots with flat black pieces of armor protecting the toes and shins.
    Race: Vampire.
    Weapon: A proportional sized, double-edged sword. The blade was tinted red with an ebony handle which has an ancient vampiric symbol engraved in it.

    Strengths: Extreme endurance. Very quick and agile. The more blood Naberius drinks, he becomes stronger in these fields. High resistance to several fatal blows (more in depth explanation in Weaknesses).

    Powers: The power to summon dark clouds in order for him to battle in daylight. These clouds are fallen vampire warriors which are eternally faithful to Naberius. Though not capable of blocking a full sun, they are capable of lessening the damage dealt to Naberius greatly. This power can only last for a certain amount of time each time it is used.

    Weaknesses: Sunlight. Though resistant to several fatal blows, there are a few that can cause serious damage and death. For example, being impaled would not kill him (unless with a blessed weapon), but slow him down if not stop him completely. Note that this would not kill him, but the effects would be crippling. Attacks that would kill him would be removing his head from his body, cutting any vital part that would make him bleed dry, vital blows with a blessed weapon, or piercing his heart.

    Crosses and wooden stakes are myth in his case and do not kill him as they would in many stories told of vampires. If Naberius suffers several lethal blows, he becomes slower and weaker. His only way of recovering is to drink blood.

    Story: Thousands of years ago, Naberius fought in a series of battles along side of an army of vampires against humans. There were several of these battles, some ranging from a few hundred to thousands of vampires and humans. Naberius was recognized as a great warrior in battle and had several vampire warriors at his command. His confirmed human kills are unknown, but were rumored to reach into the thousands.

    Naberius was (and still is, for that matter) a very intimidating figure to be near. Most have only seen him ride by slowly upon his massive, jet black horse (which he still rides to this day). He rarely speaks, but when he does, his words are to be taken into serious consideration.

    As for how he became involved with the Phoenix Knights, the story dates back to his last battle (and the last time he saw one of his own kind). It was a dreary day in an unknown month and a battle was soon to be underway. This was somehow different than the countless other battles he had been in. He felt uneasy this time...

    As the two armies stood facing one another just seconds before the bloodshed, a human cried out, "GET HIM!". Confused, Naberius ran foward on his massive black horse, however, the other vampires did not follow. The humans circled Naberius and his horse, dragging them to a large, concrete slab. They were both chained down while the humans built concrete walls around them. The vampires were roaring angrily in the background, but they could not attack, for Naberius had been fooled. The ground had been blessed, and though it would have killed him (and he would have sensed it) if he had been touching the ground, he was riding upon his horse, which was immune to such things, thus, he crossed the blessed barrier.

    The humans soon sealed off the concrete prison for Naberius and his horse. The fight could be heard outside and the vampires were defeated that day. His warriors were lost and confused without him. And from that moment on, Naberius and his horse were imprisoned within those concrete walls for hundreds of years. That is until one night, a man by the name of Tenold Svenson discovered the chamber, which was now surrounded by thick forest.

    Something outside must have given him a clue that someone was inside, for he began to smash through the concrete. Eventually, he reached Naberius and his horse, both alive, but both unable to move. Naberius gathered the strength to tell the man that he needed blood. Tenold nodded and returned with what Naberius requested.

    After several hours, Naberius slowly stood in that dusty and ancient tomb. He slid his shoulder up the wall, facing away from Tenold. Gathering the strength to speak, he was very brief in telling Tenold that he was thankful for his help and that he would forever fight along side of him.

    Tenold informed him of the Phoenix Knights and requested that he join. Naberius agreed, fulfilling his promise to forever fight along side of Tenold.

    After Naberius' horse was strong enough to walk again, they followed Tenold to a large castle where Naberius would stay for a few months. Daylight was approaching, so he made haste to the large, elegant basement of the castle.

    One day, Naberius informed Tenold that he could not stay within the castle any longer, but would still serve out his promise. He requested that a tomb just outside of the castle be built for him and his horse. Tenold agreed and had a few servants carry out his request.

    When the day came that Naberius left for his tomb, Tenold gave him an ancient looking letter which read:


    Though we have failed you in battle this day, we will see to it that we never leave your side again. We are dying and I don't know how much longer I will live, but you have our promise that we will always assist you in your time of need. Fear not the light, for we are your darkn

    It had appeared as though the vampires had followed him even in death. In time, he discovered that this meant his fallen warriors would cast dark clouds above him as he fought to protect him from the light as much as they could. Though it could not prevent the light completely, it would come as useful in an emergency.

    Naberius, now a faithful ally to Tenold and guardian/member of the Phoenix Knights, still waits within his tomb for those who oppose him or his allies. The once dreaded vampire, Naberius had returned. Nobody was aware of his past, the thousands of human deaths by his hands, and he intended to keep it that way. In his eyes, his curse would spread across the land to each and every decendant of those humans who had attempted to kill him hundreds of years ago...

  25. #355
    Registered User Character Statistics. King Fenii's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Name: Iury Sergei Mazilu
    Age: 21
    Sex: Male
    Height: 176 cm
    Weight: 73 Kg
    Hair: Light blond, straight, comes down to his shoulders
    Skintone: White
    Eyecolor: Hazel
    Race: Human

    - Iury's whole outfit looks like a suit and is made almost entirely out of lightweight leather

    - Wears a white mantle only comes down to half his upper legs, the edges are trimmed with orange and are about 5 cm wide. The sleeves are widened for the flexibility of the wrists

    - Wears classy and light white trousers, two orange lines run down each side, also about 5 cm wide

    - Wears heavy white boots, with an orange line running through the middle that is about 5 cm wide, gives him excellent support and mobility

    - Wears fingerless orange battle gloves, which give him better grip

    Alexander Moon Hatchet - A platinum coated, double sided hatchet, that is fairly light and easy in use. Is about 40 cm long

    Puma Belt - A belt worn around his waist, with the head of a puma as a buckle. It reminds him of the great hunters that they are
    Moon Pearl - A beautiful cream coloured pearl, mounted on the tip of his hatchet. This small jewel blesses the hatchet at all time

    Main Class:
    Black Mage

    Sub Class:

    Main Colors:

    Blizzard, Thunder, Aero, Demi-Vanish, Float, NulFrost, NulShock, NulDraft

    Initiative - Auto-Ability generated by the Moon Pearl to sense upcoming attacks, especially from the back. Iury must be fresh and ability will not be active if weakened, for it requires extreme focus
    Hunter - Hails inspiration from the mountain wolves and will unleash a series of quick attacks, which are performed only by the fists. The combo can be broken simply by breaking concentration
    Whirl Twirl - Spins his hatchet in his hand at a high speed creating multiple images, which he throws at his opponent. The images themselves are actually gusts of wind

    Limit Break:
    Mazuli Pride - Throws his weapon towards his opponent like a boomerang, casting Thunder Magic upon it as it's airborne. Once it returns back to the opponent, and to Iury as well, casts Blizzard on it. Then instead of catching his weapon, lets it fly past him and lunges it towards his enemy using multiple Aero spells

    Iury grew up never knowing his parents. He was raised by his grandfather Iury Alexander, who claimed he didn't know anything about them. His grandfather was the best blacksmith in town, and was proud of it. One day, he claimed to have made the perfect short range weapon. He blessed it with the proclaimed Moon Pearl, a rare artifact with strange effects. Sadly enough a strange illness hit the old man one day, and never conquers it. And so, without even having tested the weapon, he dies leaving Iury with this weapon, but also all alone and never knowing the truth about his parents.

    At only 6 years, Iury went to the nearby mountains to seek peace and solitude. The region was known for its great population of puma's and mountain lions. Living in nature with these animals thought him the art of hunting and fraternity.

    About 12 years later, the somewhat wild Iury saves a man from getting killed by wild boars. His name was Lusha Mitrian and it was he who adopted the young Iury to become his son and protégé. He takes him to the largest city in that province where he shows him the local Mages Guild. Iury seems to catch on to the basic Magic rather quickly and knows how to combine that with his own skills. Lusha is more then proud of him and on the day of his 21st birthday, he introduces him to his daughter Eve and gives him the news that if he finds the artifacts that Lusha longs for so much, he may have the hand of his daughter.

    Iury is thrilled by this news and heads on the expedition to find thes rare items for his incapable master.....

  26. #356
    Character Statistics. Red XIV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The State of Great Lakes
    ~Phoenix Knight~

    Name: Helena Vakros
    Age: 19
    Sex: Female
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 119lbs
    Hair: Black, wavy, goes to mid-back
    Skintone: Pale (White)
    Eye Color: Green
    Race: Human
    Class: Telekinetic/Psychic
    Sub Class: Dragoon


    - Long emerald dress, with gold snakes embroided on it; slit up the thiegh

    - Wears black high-heeled leather boots

    - Wears gray iron gauntlets

    - Wears a necklace with a ring attached; has many bracelets

    - Wears two olive berets in her hair

    Geiborg - Spear crafted by witches. Holds the powers of ancient witchcraft. Made of steel; slightly rusted. Focuses telekentic powers, through the dark magic of the ancient spear. Given to her by Grandfather.

    Telekinesis - Uses telekinetics to move and control things.

    Half-Moon/Full-Moon - During her travels, she stumbled upon these wrist blades, from a dying woman on the road. She is not very familiar with the weapons, but something is odd and powerful about them. They become more powerful at night, on the full moon and the half moon.

    Psiko Ring - Ring she wears on her necklace. It is made of silver, a black jewel is encrusted into it; the stone, one of the 12 Dragonnyte; gives Helena the power to destroy things with her mind and even control people (don't worry mods... it doesn't do anything battle-wise except help with dark magic).

    Green Beret - Beret given to Helena by her mother, before she died, the berets do not hold any powers except those of Helena's love of her mother. A memento.

    Main Colors:


    Psiko Blast - Shoots a mass of built-up psychic energy at foe. Must be charged with anger.

    Telekno - Moves things with mind.

    Psiko Push - Pushes the opponent back a great deal.

    Teleshield - Creates a circle of energy that protects Helena. Only lasts short time and can be broken.

    Puppet - Can manipulate objects (other than other battler unless he/she approves) to do her will.

    Witches Cast - Throws Geiborg at the opponent at tremendous speed, great accuracy, and bound with dark energy.

    Lyco Slash - *Only on Full Moon* Attacks with powerful slash.
    Lyco Slash - *Only on Half-Moon* Same as above
    Lyco Slash - *During Eclipses (Lunar and Solar) Same as above

    (Limit Break) Torment - Delves into opponent's mind to find their worst memories and terrorize them with it.

    Magic: Demi, Gravity, Thunder, Death (for show), Aura


    Little is known about Helena Vakros. She is a 19 year old woman from a town of telekinetics. This town, Yevla, was destroyed when she was little, by disgruntled people from around the world, came to the village and burned it to the ground, casting the telekinetics as witches, believing for them to have caused wars, killed people, and destroyers of the peace. Helena managed to get out of the town, when she was a baby, by an old man who lived in the woods. The man, Bazal, took her to his hut in the mountains, where he taught her to focus her powers and fight. She loved Bazal, and when he was murdered, she was heartbroken. It was as if her father had died. Helena, with her mementoes of Bazal and her parents, set off to find out what happened to Bazal, after his mysterious death. She seeks to find who killed him. By any means necessary. During her travels, she learned of the Phoenix Knights. She thought, if she joined the Phoenix Knights, she could learn from other warriors, on what had happened to her grandfather. She had gone on a journey to learn more of the Knights and unexpectedly stumbled upon a man, Iury Sergei Malizu. After fighting Iury and using his memories against him, Helena was allowed into the Knights. Helena is very nervous about becoming a Knight. She didn't know how she would be treated, not being a fashioned warrior, like the rest.
    Last edited by Red XIV; 12-19-2005 at 01:57 PM.

  27. #357
    Banned Character Statistics. Simply"Kit"'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Davao City,Philippines


    Dragonian Knight

    Name: Kian Hellmond
    Age: 28
    Race: Dragonian
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 125 kbs.
    Body Build: Midium biult
    Skin Tone: light brown
    Eyes: dark green
    Hair: black

    Clothing: He wears a Dragonian Mail bearing the seal and blessing of the Dragon king Bahamut!Dragonian Mail was constructe from dragon bones and scales.Dragon scale's are rare items dropped by dragons when shedding,the older the dragon the stronger the scale.Dragon bones are said to be indestructible,alas killing a dragon would be very difficult.The Dragonian Mail was forged by dwarves and took 2 years to create.It is able to witstand heat and cold elements and absorbs holy powers.Dragonian Helm symbolizes great courage,only the strongest and bravest of warriors are given this artifact,the same materials were used to create the Dragonian Helm,the two crystals to form the dragon eyes are said to be tears from a dragon that have been craystalized for over 100 years,dragon tears are one of the rarest items in the world.Beneath his armour is the Wind Silk Shirt,which is said to be the lightest cloth but has a very strong fabric.

    Weaponry: [B][I] *Kian carries the enchanted spear "Slayer" and his trusty sword "Light Brand".
    *the Slayer was forged by the ancient dragonian elders using Adamantite and adding Kian's own blood as catalyst,this enables the weapon to respond only to Kian and no one else!if by anychance an opponent gets hold of the Slayer,the weapon will consume his life and convert it into energy which will be added to Kians strength.

    *the Light Brand is a fine sword bearing holy properties,this was given to Kian on his knighting ceremony.the sword is enchanted and has a uniqe quality,it cannot kill anything with a pure heart.Only those who are evil and unpure can be slayed by this weapon,therefore Kian relies on his Slayer more in battle.

    Skills *Kian has been trained with martial arts of the dragonian method,all dragonians have a special quality which enables them to accumulate speed if they want.this is called "Light foot".

    *Another skill enables him to summon his faithful companion in battle "Lyra" a Wyvern,one of the races of the dragon,smaller but not to be underestimated for their speed and fierce dragon breath.this skill is called "Dragon Call"

    *the "Slayer",Kian's weapon responds to his will,because of the unity of his blood and adamantitie,he can animate and command the Spear wherever he pleases.this skill is called "Mind Connect"!

    *Common among the dragonian race is skill to "Jump" very high and pierce an oponent downward.but with his special strenth and abilities,the "Jump" ability has been strengthened!

    Limit Breaks At kian"s critical status he generates a fierce aura which enables him to use his limit break skills.

    *With the Jump ability and added power dive towards the enemy his Jump ability has been strengthened and called "Meteor Dive"!Which causes an explosion within the area.

    *Riding with his Wyvern,Kian can perform his limit break which causes a combination attack,Wyvern's breath and his Mind Connection commands his spear,"Slayer", to pierce the enemy,this skill oblitirates the opponent and the explosion caused by Wyvern ,eliminates enemies from is called "Dragon Crush"!
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 12-19-2005 at 03:32 PM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  28. #358
    Name: Faith Laurence
    Race: Human
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Greenish Grey
    Age: 22
    Height: 5’8
    Class: Dragon Slayer

    Weapons- Masamura & Butterfly Edge.

    Armour & Attire – She wears heavy black leather trousers with long black boots, buckles go along all up her legs and there are steel toe caps. She has a golden breast plate underneath her baggy jacket which her brother, Alexander, gave her before he died of an unknown disease. She has a blue pendant around her neck which nobody knows what it’s for, many believe it’s just a necklace.

    Magic/Techniques- Faith knows some Karate and has incredible agility and strength for a person of her build. She knows only Fire [lvl. 2] and Ice [lvl. 1] However she depends mostly on her swords.

    Limit Break- Cross Slash

    Training- Much experience in slaying mythical and farfetched beasts and was taught how to use a sword by her old brother.

    Weaknesses: All Human weaknesses..

  29. #359
    Character Statistics. Overdriven's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    San Diego, California
    ~Phoenix Knight~

    Name: Damien Valar
    Age: 22
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 185 Lbs
    Hair: Ear length black hair with blonde bangs falling onto his eyes
    Skintone: Light Tan
    Eyecolor: Crystal Blue
    Race: 1/2 Demon, 1/4 Seraph, 1/4 Human Hybrid

    1st Layer- Undergarments
    2nd Layer- Dark cloth pants and sleeveless shirt. Light mail over his thigs and torso.
    3rd Layer- Dark Blue Mythril breastplate with no insignia. Thigh plates and greaves of the same material and color. Dark gauntlets wrapping around his forearms.

    - Belt hanging loosely around his waist, sagging slightly to the left where his scabbard rests.

    Valor- A sword that was forged for the Valar family line. Dark shaded sword made of a strange material. Said to have been forged by one of the highest classes of Seraphim Angels.

    Tempest's Longbow- The longbow that was once used by Damien's father Tempest. There is nothing outwardly special about it, though nobody can shoot it as well as Damien or Tempest.

    Dark Knight

    Main Colors:

    Black Sky- Uses Dark Magic to damage enemies
    Demi- Weakens his opponent
    Haste- Increases his speed and reaction, allowing him to attack more often
    Night's Bane- Causes his opponents eyes to burn intensely, also blinding them for about a minute

    Darkness- Uses his own life force to damage enemies
    Dark Sword- Drains enemies magic supply
    Night Sword- Drains enemies life, transfering it to the user
    Black Blade- Covers his sword in an aura of darkness, causing intense pain to any it strikes

    Limit Break:
    Combined Heritage- Calls upon his Divine and Demonic heritage to strengthen himself. This is the only time the Hybrid sees his wings. One black and one white wing tear forth from his shoulders, giving the knight limited flight ability as well as increasing his strength. However, when the ability has run it's course he is weakened, and left with wounds where the wings sprung from.

    Damien was the first born of Tempest Valar and Mirei Delacroix Valar. His father was half human and half demon, and his mother was mixed between a Seraphim Angel and demon. As a result, Damien is a hybrid of the three species and is a rarity. He is blessed and cursed by all three sides of his heritage. He gains bits and pieces of all three races, but no real focus toward any of their true power.

    He was raised in combat, distinguising himself quickly in a time of bloody war. By fourteen he was included in a special squad used to hunt down enemy spies. He quickly rose through the ranks before setting out on his own at eighteen. He became a Dark Knight for the sole reason that it's fashion of sacrificial attacks and intense combat appealed to him.

    Despite his title, Damien isn't evil. In fact, he has a very solid code of ethics and honor. He is trustworthy and faithful, though at times cold and abrasive.

    Damien became a Knight Errant, a traveling knight who has no kingdom. He wandered the land for two years before discovering the Phoenix Knights. Their methods and ways intrigued him, and he became instantly involved. The rest has yet to be history...
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 12-20-2005 at 12:24 AM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  30. #360
    Name: Akira Tsuki
    Age: ???
    Race: Dark Elierra
    Occupation: Assassin
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 95lbs

    -Twin Short Swords

    -Poison Dagger
    -Shadow Blade

    The Dark Elierra are the perfect race for espionage, assassination. Their natural ability to shape-shift making it easy for them to blend in. In terms of normal apearance, they have dark bluish-black skin and red eyes, hair color ranges from pure white to ebony black and even some instances of a dark red. Ears are delicately pointed and sprouting from their backs are a set of feathered wings in all different colors, as well as rather long fangs. Akira herself has black hair to her mid back and her wings are a dark redish color, when in natural form. However she spends most of her time as a human, the only real differences are her teeth, her rounded human ears, her pale skin, and her lack of wings. Her eyes remain red though a more purpilish red than the natural blood red. She generally wears a one-shoulder dark reddish top and black velvet pants. Soft-sole boots and a black cape with a fur-lined hood complete her dark outfit.

    Akira was raised by humans, strangely enough, her parents having been killed at a rather young age. She'd been raised by the very people who did the killing. As the family had been undercover at her time of birth, she was already in human form and spent her life like that until her clan finally decided to go looking for her parents when they failed to report in. So she pretty much grew up as a human, raised and trained by humans until her own people took her back. After this she sorta dissapeared for a while and the next sighting was many years later, albeit it was a brief sighting. Small and slender, she's almost impossible to spot and sometimes mistaken for a noble man's daughter. Of course theres alwas the possiblity that she'd been hiding in plain sight during all those years, simply wearing a different face. While she enjoys the thrill of the hunt, her prey being whichever 'job' she'd been hired for, she also enjoys out and out fighting, the dance between two opponants. Thus whenever not on a 'job' she can often be found around the collusieums. A word of warning, if you find yourself being challanged you have far more a chance of living if you take the invitation. Turning down such an invite would be considered insulting and would like as not get your throat slit in the night.

    just something i threw together, there'll be some refining going on through-out my stay here, obviously.

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