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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #601
    Arachnie Suicide Character Statistics. ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Brisbane, Australia
    Nick Is Killing Me. Why Is He Killing Me? Make Him Stop Killing Me, He Can't ****ing Do This To Me.

    edit by LC:
    What is this business? If this has anything to do with some RPB thread somewhere, we don't really have a commentary thread or anything, and if this is some sort of personal business, it belongs somewhere that isn't in random threads like this one.

  2. #602
    Australian Goof Character Statistics. Craven's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    Name: Craven


    Gender: Male

    Race: Human, Caucasian.

    Weight: 61kg, 134.2 lbs, 9.6 stones

    Eye Colour Light Blue

    Hair: Spiky white hair.

    White, tanned slightly so.

    No Alignment

    Clothing: A black trench coat, with denim jeans and boots. Also wears black sunglasses and white shirt.

    Class: Dark Knight
    Dark Knights are the embodiment of sorrow, regret, and mourning; they wield dark magic dedicated to stealing the health of an enemy. Their special attacks usually involve draining their own health or, in some cases, sacrificing themselves to inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

    Weapon: Cataclysm’s Edge: This legendary spear has been passed down through generations to the son of the current king. This spear has been said to hold phenomenal power relating to the sea god, Leviathan. According to legend, the spear has been imbued with the power of water, making all attacks water based and allows the holder to cast high level water spells.

    Water: Allows the user to cast a minor water spell, inflicting very little damage.
    Watera: Allows the user to cast a water spell, inflicting damage.
    Waterga: Allows the user to cast a major water spell, inflicting high damage.
    Flare: Allows the user to cast non-elemental damage spell, inflicting massive damage.
    Bio: Allows the user to cast poison-elemental damage spell, may inflict poison.
    Break: Allows the user to cast a spell that may petrify the opponent
    Confuse: Allows the user to cast a spell that may confuse the opponent
    Silence: Allows the user to cast a spell that may silence the opponent
    Blind: Allows the user to cast a spell that may blind the opponent.
    Drain: Absorbs HP from the opponent
    Osmose: Absorbs MP from the opponent.

    Darkness: This is a self-damaging ability. The character sacrifices a small amount of HP and delivers a strong attack on all enemies.

    Limit Breaks:

    Dark Leviathan:
    Cataclysm’s Edge becomes black and strikes the opponent. The opponent is then drowned in darkness, inflicting heavy damage and also inflicts Blind and Doom.

    Craven lived in harmony with his mother Queen Zukon in the mystical land of Cherinadia. His father had died when he was young and left him his prized possession, the Cataclysm’s Edge. He was taught how to wield it, and how to control the massive amounts of energy it had by training at the river, and listening to the water spirits. This was a peaceful land until Zertunita attacked the kingdom and claiming it for themselves. Craven had fled to outskirts of Cherinadia and found a master to teach him the ways of darkness Master Reggino. He taught the young boy everything he knew about the Dark Arts. With the new found skills he had learnt he went on a quest, trying to find his true destiny.
    Last edited by Craven; 06-22-2008 at 02:58 AM.

  3. #603
    Synthesized Ascension Character Statistics. Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Behold, the greatest creation of mankind.


    Name: Socrates Ganja
    Age: 29
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’8”
    Weight: 172 lbs.

    • Hair Style/Color: Long wavy brown hair
    • Eye color: Emerald green
    • Facial Features: Thick beard
    • Skin Tone: Slightly Pale
    • Height: 5’7”
    • Weight: 168 lbs.
    • Build: Stocky, yet slender
    • Attire: Long-sleeved white shirt, olive green over-shirt with a cartoon ninja on the front, dark green cargo pants with many pockets and a chain-wallet, black original converse shoes. Also a green shoulder bag with a flap.

    Personality: Very laid back kind of guy with an odd sense of humor. Acts like an idiot to make people laugh.


    Three-section metal staff (Self-Explanatory)

    Hacky Sack – Made of Kevlar material on the outside and filled with many metal pellets, Socrates uses this to kick at his opponents. Of course, these aren’t any normal hacky sacks, but are enchanted by absorbing the power of Socrates’ kick and converting it into a powerful energy, bursting forward like bullets. Socrates has three of these inside his bag.

    Elemental Bong Cannon – The elemental bong cannon is a small instrument that allows Socrates to use the elements. It’s about four in a half inches long, one in a half inches wide, and made of a strong green crystal. Overall, there’s a large mouthpiece that allows him to bite down onto it and hold it with his mouth, six bowls positioned circularly around the mouthpiece, and then the green crystal shaft. As a bong, of course it’s hollow as well.

    Now, how he uses this bong cannon is based on six jewels on his wrist bracelet that are the five colors of the elements: White for wind, blue for water, red for fire, green for earth, yellow for light, and lastly, black for darkness. By inserting one of these jewels into one of the six bowls, he’ll breathe in so that the jewel will glow and then blow outwards to fire the element through the bong pipe. For example, if he had the red jewel in one of the bowls, it would basically become a flamethrower. Not only that, but if he combines jewels together, he can create various effects such as the wind and water jewels creating ice.

    One final note about the bong is that the bowls lock down on the jewels so they won’t slide out if held upside-down.

    Armor: Lawlz, what armor?


    Jewel Bracelet – On his left wrist is a hemp bracelet with six jewels of each elemental color: white, blue, red, green, yellow, and black.


    Curse of the Witch Doctor – When he was but a teenager, Socrates had stolen some weed from a voodoo witch doctor. When the witch doctor found out, he tracked Socrates down and placed a curse on his head, damning him to forever be stoned with a green tattoo of a marijuana leaf branded on his chest. Over the years, Socrates eventually came to adapt to his intoxication, build, and resistance to the side effects and even enhance some his human aspects into inhuman abilities.

    The first ability was increased eyesight, giving him the gift of great sight in detail. Not only that, but also all of his other senses intensified like his taste, enhancing every flavor one could imagine. Then his smell, increasing the strength of his nose as that of a dog. Even his hearing was made that much greater. The real ability he learned from this curse was a greater strength built from feeling so sluggish for the first few years. Because of that, he was able to build his strength up to an inhuman level. No, he doesn’t have the strength of a locomotive, but close.

    Malboro’s Bad Breath – Socrates can blow marijuana smoke, affecting anyone else who breathes it in to get “high”.

    Martial Arts – What stoner wouldn’t want to study martial arts? Socrates has studied drunken boxing, judo, and some jeet kune do.

    Biography: Born in New Orleans with only a mother to take care of him, Socrates’ life is a pretty poor one. He was able to go to school and actually passed high school, but as the school he went to was poor in terms of teaching, most colleges rejected him. At eighteen and nowhere to continue his schooling or find the money to pay for it, he joined a gang and began selling weed. Since he was a smoker himself for many years, he was able to make a decent living selling weed to his friends and was highly respected in the gang for being so productive. It was a year later when his life changed for good as the gang leader ordered to steal a shipment of marijuana from a rival drug dealer, whom Socrates had no idea was also a voodoo witch doctor.

    Obviously, he was successful in doing the job and was promoted to a captain within the gang. A week after this happened, the police raided his gang’s headquarters when he wasn’t there and hours later, the rival gang leader’s thugs captured Socrates. They brought him to their leader where he then learned what kind of man he was dealing with, a witch doctor of the voodoo priesthood. For his crime against the witch doctor, he was cursed to forever be stoned.

    By some amazing luck, Socrates was able to escape the gang’s hideout and stole a green bag he assumed had money in it.

    Since that time, Socrates has lived a strange life filled with many things he discovered and learned, finally realizing some purpose as he now wanders the states doing odd jobs.

    P.S. – He hates his home state team the Saints. GO BEARS!
    Last edited by Zardoch; 07-02-2008 at 04:46 PM.

  4. #604
    Character Statistics. draco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Name: Jaria
    Race: Human
    gender: Male
    Class: Mage
    Weight: 190 lb
    Hit Points: 800
    Mana Points: 1120

    Apperance: He has short black hair hat is spiked to the back with ed tips. His eyes are green with a black center. He has a straight nose with medium sized ears. He also has a laid back face. He wears black based robes with red boarder lines. The rode goes down to his feet with no sleeves. he has black boots. He has a staff in his left hand and it is red with black swirls and four extensions that take hold of the yellow orb a top the staff.

    Biography: When he was little he watched a mage kick the crap out of a knight and ever since than he trained with a Mage Master. A few years after he mastered his training his master died. Now he does the kings biding.

    Land Slid: this makes a wall out of the earth to protect against mellee attacks
    Mana: 100
    Firaga: This allow the user to torch his enemy with fire.
    Mana: 120
    Oceansrage: This allows the user to make huge waves come at his enemy.
    Wind Blades: This allows the user to make blades of wind fly at the enemy.
    Mana: 100
    Thunda: this allows the user to zap his enemy with lightning that comes from the tars.
    Mana: 100

    The staff of the thunder god: This was given to him by his master and is his main weapon. it is located in his left hand. This can zap his enemy with out useing mana.
    Attack Power: 90
    Wand of the king: this was given to him by the king of Agroth after his master died. It can shot wind shts with out useing Mana.
    Attack power: 120

    Rodes of a Master: These are magiclly buffed by his master and are his only kind of protectin.
    Deffensive Power: 400
    Last edited by draco; 06-26-2008 at 11:37 AM.

  5. #605
    Character Statistics. addrew's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    Name: Inaf
    Race: Vampire
    Gender: Male
    Age: 214
    Hair: Long straight black
    Eyes: Black
    Class: Vampire

    Katanas – 2 half size Katanas kept sharp by magic. Agile and deadly
    Magic – An array of mainly weak black magic but some more deadly spells
    Knives – 12 knives attached to his legs. 6 on each. 3 inch blades ideal for throwing
    Chain – Inaf has a magically infused chain infused into the skin on his right arm. When in need of it he can pull it out of his skin, when fully extended can reach 1 meter.

    When Inaf was 74 he engaged a fight with a powerful black sorcerer and while fighting with his chain the sorcers used a piece of dark magic that infused it to his skin. Now to stop him from dieing Inaf has to constantly channel some of his energy which stops him from using powerful spells and even use of lesser spells can wear him down quickly. But sometimes he has been known to weave powerful spells if he is in desperate need.

  6. #606
    Thanataphobic Character Statistics. InfiniteRealms's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    West Midlands, England
    Specially for a rp battle against Raider.


    Name: Moran Virin
    Age: 39
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Height: Tall
    Weight: average weight

    Moran has medium length, dark hair, with a long, black hooded cloak, which he is rarely without. Beneath it he is clad in a soft leather jerkin, like one of a thief - so as not to restrict his movements, but to still provide half decent protection against physical attacks.
    His trousers are loose fitting, flowing over a pair of short, sturdy boots.
    He has a leather scabbard on his back, and a lean, back pistol thrust into his belt, along with a few spare clips.

    Personality: Moran appears from the outside as a cold hearted lonesome soul, rejecting the human comforts and conversation that most are used too, but this is just a mask. Underneath he is much more normal, if tainted somewhat by his affinity in dealing out death


    Moran carries his long, silver double edged blade in the leather sheath on his back, strapped there with a thin cord. He is not skilled in its use as much as with his gun, but he still knows some of the basic skills.
    He also bears his pistol, a modern semi automatic weapon, which he uses when necessary, with the skill of a veteran assassin.

    Armour: Moran is equipped with his leather jerkin beneath his cloak, but no other armour.


    Moran grew up in a small village, the son of the only properly trained warrior that lived there – an old war veteran named Verac. His father trained him in marksmanship fitness, as well as the bare bones of swordsmanship – but this was not enough for the young fighter.
    He yearned for a life of adventure and battle, filled with a lust for adventure and excitement – just like any youth- only his father had the power to give it.
    So he was sent off the an academy, spending the next ten years of his adolescence in its sweaty, martial class rooms, or on the muddy shooting ranges and obstacle course, learning the finesse of warcraft.
    After his training he was moved direct to the frontlines of a war against someone he had never heard of. Morans life there consisted of scurrying around amongst rats in dank tunnels, a rifle in one hand and a sword hanging from his waist, always in fear of attacks from unseen assailants.
    On the third year of the war his squad was ambushed in a dense forestland.
    They held their strangled line in the forest for a day as snipers rained lead on their heads, when they were saved by an earthquake, knocking their attackers from the tree perches they hid in.
    Moran and his fellow soldiers ran, but their foes kept on their fire, hitting his Morans captain in the back of the knee, and then again through the lung.
    Angrily, he turned and opened a rattle of fire against them, grabbing the fallen man from the mud and heaving him along as they fled, bullets chasing them through the darkness

    Hours of the chase went by, until they arrived at their only safe house in the harsh forest. Their foes held the chase, but they had still claimed one life.

    Moran was sent home later that week. His dreams of adventure shattered, replaced with the dread of war. But deep inside, he still craved the violence, the adventure.
    He became an assassin, leaving his remote home to travel the world with his gun, using the stealth and abilities war had taught him to his advantage.

  7. #607
    Registered User Character Statistics. Flash's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    This is my first character so bear with me.

    Name: Zok
    Age: 25
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Eyes: Dark Green
    Hair: Shoulder length, brown
    Skin color: Tan

    Zok's weapon's are two daggers that are attachable at their hilts. Both daggers are curved double-edged blades. Also the hilts can store elemental energy that can be channeled out to the blade. Making the blade a elemental weapon. The blade would be covered with that element.

    The Gloves of Altor: These gloves allow Zok to use Fire and Thunder elemental. They will also allow him to charge up his daggers for his special abilities.

    Lightning Strike- Zok charges up his daggers with the Thunder element and points it up to the sky and three lightning bolts strike down at random.

    Fireball- Zok charges up his daggers with the Fire element and slaps the two daggers together and a fireball shoots toward his opponent.

    Fire/Lightning Spin- Zok attaches both daggers and charges up with Thunder or Fire elements. Once charged up he spins the dagger around above his head and Fire or Lightning comes out both ends in a line twenty meters long.

    Thunder, Thundara, Fire, Fira

  8. #608


    Name: Nergal

    Age: His true age is unknown

    Height: 8 foot.

    Race: Fallen Angel

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Nergal was given a suit of Amour by Lucifer to mark his loyalty to his new leader. The armour consists of black unknown steel,
    forged in the very fires of the Underworld. The Armour was made for his tall and muscular form, it complies of a simply design, protecting all of his vital areas.
    It is thickest at his back and chest. His helmet is in the shape of an eagle's head, nobody knows of what this symbolises, but could be the mark of Lucifer.
    His face has never been revealed, always taking care not to reveal his true identity, some say that he changes appearance at will, but this may only be a Myth.
    He also only has two large wings attached to his back, both fully armoured with steel, but match the designs of the wings.
    He also had a strange symbol burned into the chest of his armour which is known as the mark of Lucifer.

    Mark of Lucifer: Image:Lucifersigil.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Aratas: This sword was given to him by Lucifer himself. The sword was used in the war's of old. The sword is infested with the spirit of another Fallen Angel
    who had fallen in battle, but had infused his sword with his spirit so that he could live on. The sword has a Demonic hunger for
    blood. The sword needs to feed or it will take the blood of the user. The sword measures at six foot long and ten inch's wide. the blade
    is of a cursed silver, sometimes whispers echo from the blade when the Demon within is restless. The sword is also said to taste the blood of the first user and once it's hunger is sated,
    it will not allow anyone else to use it's power, anyone not of Demonic blood that touch's the blade will be cursed and paralysed until they release the blade.

    Staff of faces: The most prized artifact of Nergal in a staff measured at 6 foot long, with large balls at either end of the staff made of a strange metal able to turn to liquid at will, able to morph into several types of weapons.

    Magic form: The staff head takes a form of a large skull made from the skull of a Demon harnessed with the power of flame, the powers entombed within the very folds of bone, the bottom end of the staff undergoes no change.

    Hammer form: The staff's both ends transform with the balls both growing to the size of a beach ball, spikes at 5 inch's in length emerge from ever side.

    Blade form: Both ends of the staff change with the top half changing to a long scythe while the bottom end forms into a long spear at 20 inch's long.

    History: Nergal once was an Angel, but his feelings were much darker than his appearance, he wished for freedom and not to bow to anyone. The gods knew
    He was not to be trusted and banished him, after ten long years of serving his Gods, he was dropped from the Heaven's and free in the lands. He was soon
    sought after by Lucifer who offered him power and a Master that he would joy in serving. Artemis accepted the offer and was gifted with his armour and blade.
    He pledged his lifelong loyalty to Lucifer.


    Hell hound: Nergal has the ability to summon a Hell hound which is a servant of the Underworld. This three headed dog is the Guardian
    to the gates of the Underworld, given the job to watch over the inhabitants of her underworld. The creature is also the pet of Lucifer,
    which Lucifer gifted to Nergal, allowing him to summon the Demonic creature whenever the need should arise. The Hell Hound stands on all fours at six foot,
    twelve foot when standing. The dog is given the power of flame which it is able to billow from it's throat and is also said to grow in size when angered.

    Google Image Search

    Visions of Deceit: The most powerful spells of Nergal allows him to trick the eyes of his foe and use illusion's
    to Demoralise and confuse them.

  9. #609
    Name: Visor
    Age (appearance): 21
    Species: Human-
    Gender: male
    Height: 6’3”
    Eye color: Dark violet
    Hair color: shoulder length white hair
    Skin tone: pale

    Wepons: Visor was trained in the arts of single handed blades and the use of dual daggers. he carrys a 3 and a half foot Katana and two silver daggers hand crafted by his twin brother Scepter.

    Description: Visor conceals himself with a full length white trenchcoat with a hood. he also wears black Boots with a compartment to contain a small Blade incase he is captured.

  10. #610
    The joke is far too true Character Statistics. loner-kid's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    Name: Aloin
    Age: 15
    Species: Lendrin (the species is very similar to humans, the main diffrences being hair and eye pigmentation, horns, and two snake-like apendages called tropes attaching just under the shoulder)
    Gender: male
    Height: 5'5
    Hair Colour: Dark purple
    Eye colour: Crimson

    Aperance: Aloin wears a black shirt, untucked, and leggings and usually allows his tropes to dangle aimlessly, poking out from under his shirt and trailing along the ground

    SC-Phantom, a highly advanced tech-hand that fits like a glove, its CPU power alone is outstanding but its true genius comes from the phantom tech granting Aloin both the ability to phase and distort
    Tropes, strong, flexible, and durable, easily able to punch through steel, perfectly cylindrical 2m long with a diameter of 7cm


    Phase, In this state Aloin is able to pass through objects by defusing himself on an atomic level, this ablity is limited as it puts great strain on the body, overuse can result in the body tearing itself apart from the inside, the set safe limit is five uses
    Distort, Directly affects the flow of time over a 20m radius, this ability is limited due to the imense mental strain required to maintain it, the set safe limit is two concious minutes

  11. #611
    Character Statistics. draco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Name: Draco Wolve
    Gender: male
    Class: Dragoon
    Weight:200 lb
    Hit Points: 1000
    Mana points: 1000

    Apperance:He has jet black hair that goes down to the bottom of his ears. He had a kinda of ripped body. HE has a medium sized ear on both sides. His eyes are royal blue with a dark circle in the middle. His nose is straight and his lips and face are kind of pale. He wears cloth shirt with a long sleeved chain mail over that than he wore black armor over that with blue stripes arond his neck and waist. he wore leather glove than over that he wore back armor glove with blue strips over his wrists. He wore leather pants with chain mail overthat and than black armor over that. His feet had leater boots with black armor over that with blue strips over the ankles.

    As a Werewolve: He stands 6 foot when standing on twos and when hes on all fours he stood four feet. His fur was jet black excepte for the two royal blue stripes going down his back. He also had really sharp claws to.

    Biography: He was born Werewolve but he had a human mother so he had an advantage over the rest of the two races. But the werewolves betrayed him so he Decided to join the kings army as a Dragoon.

    The Fire Polearm: The user of this weapon can use fire with this weapon with out useing mana.
    Attack power: 90
    The Ice Polearm: The user can cast Blizzard with this weapon with out usseing any mana.
    Attack Power: 90

    Armor: His armor was magicly buffed by one of the kings master mages.

    Regain: This allows the user to heal minor scratches.
    Mana: 150
    Firga: Tis allows the user to cast a army of flames at his enemy.
    Mana: 200
    Transformation:This turns the user into a werewolve. He can only use this twice out of the whole battle.
    Fury: This allows the user to radidly strike his opponent five times with his claws. Werewolve form only and can onlyed be used five time out of the hole battle.
    Mana: 200
    Hard fur: This allows the user to increase his defeance by twenty. Can only be used twice and can only be sed in Werewolve form.
    Last edited by draco; 07-12-2008 at 04:48 PM.

  12. #612
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    Character I (I shall finsih my TBC and add more characterswhen I have the time...I have a very wide selection of characters)
    Name: Avient Dul'gan
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human Body. Demon infused soul.
    Age: Body looks mid 20's. Avient is 300+.
    Height: 6 foot 3
    Weight: 195lbs
    Weapon: 5 foot Long Sword

    Biography: Once was a prince to a power king and queen. One day when he and his 2 brothers went out. A witch tricked them and she infused their souls with demon powers. Thus making the incredibly evil. Tormenting their world till the archmages banished them to another demenstion. 300 years later, Avient finds a way out of the demention and takes over a human body.

    Appearance: Body is covered in a light chain mail armor. With cloth clothes covering the chain mails. Has medium length hair that is covered by a cap.

    Character II
    Name: Maraxus Keld
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dark Elf
    Age: 17
    Height: 5 foot 5
    Weight: 135lbs
    Weapon: Bastard Sword

    Biography: Since he was a child, his village of Dark Elves were always being pushed around and forced to be slaves to their lands High Elves. Always looked down upon. When an evil kingdom of demons kills his whole village. Maraxus wanders around the world looking for revenge for his family.

    Appearance: Short Turquoise hair. With black and silver heavy armor.

    Character III
    Name: TL
    Gender: Male
    Race: Unknown (looks human)
    Age: Unknown (looks 20)
    Height: 5 foot 10
    Weight 210lbs
    Weapon: Metal Bo Staff (This staff has the ability to change it's form in any shape and size, yes it does have limits. That is the only magic inscription in it. Example, the staff can become a sword at one point and a giant Axe a split second later.)

    Biography: There is no real known facts about TL's past. All that is known is he is very old and very cunning. Changes the shape of his staff to make an advantage for himself.

    Appearance: Short brown hair that covers his ears and is combed from the middle of his forehead to the sides of his temple. Wears a series of leather and cloth armor.
    Last edited by loaf; 07-12-2008 at 11:46 PM.

  13. #613
    Although I am using this profile in Crimson Moon, I will also be entering in here outside of the club as well (since activity seems low).


    Name: Katsu Clearsong
    Age: 24
    Height: 6’ 4”
    Species: Vampire
    Eye colour: Deep Brown
    Hair: Black, spiked all round. It lengths no longer than the sides of his face.
    Skin tone: Pale
    Appearance: Katsu wears a black Tailcoat suit without a hat. The lining and inner of the suit is black silk. Other than this outward appearance, beneath the formal clothing is a thin layer of durable but light steel chain-mail for protection. The mail itself covers virtually all his body where it ends at his wrists, ankles and neck where it can not normally be perceived from the suit. On his hands are a pair of gauntlets fitted upto half of his forearm to compensate for the end of the mail. The gauntlets are spiked at the tips of each finger and thumb as well as on each joint and on the back of his hands. A pattern of withering vines decorates the plated area of the forearm. The overall design of the gauntlets allows Katsu to move his hands and wrists as if he wasn’t wearing them at all.

    Like the gauntlets, Katsu also wears similar boots that again extend halfway up his shin to cover up the end of the mail. Following the same pattern of the gauntlets, they are spiked at the tip and on the layered plates that extend upwards to not impair the movement of the foot or leg. On the back where it is a singular plate, they have the same vine patter rising up them.

    Weapon: Ame-no-nuhoko (heavenly jeweled spear) – The weapon taken its crypt beneath a Shinto shire, it has now become Katsu’s sole weapon concerning any and all combat. It is design like any other naginata but is further embellished with signs of its power. The pole is a dark woody brown and from the point it joins with the blade, red streaks of cloth hang. The blade itself is a stainless silver colour and up the shingo-ji (the flat of the blade) are encrusted many jewels ranging from diamonds to ruby’s and other such gems.

    The weapon possesses its own ability exempt to Katsu’s own. When dipped in water, the drops that fall from its blade become solid earth. This is controlled by the wielder and can we used to attack by flicking water off the blade which would then turn to earth in mid-flight. Being a master of the weapon, Katsu can also create the opposite effect. By stabbing the naginata into the earth, he can turn a small portion of it into water to be used.

    Other than this, Katsu is adept at hand to hand combat if by some ill fate his weapon was disarmed from him.


    Through his method of studying combat, the techniques Katsu learned were confide to elements: earth, wind, fire, water and void. Because of this, he was been able to harness and master these five areas to a high degree (some of these will be listed below). Also because of his vampirism, he has gained strength and speed greater than any human could dream of.

    Grasp of Nature – As magicks flow through Katsu’s body, he can channel them through a single hand to launch an attack of any element (with the exception of void). If the element is not present, then the magicks manifest as what is desired. The attack is simply a pillar or conjured shape of an element.

    Sundering of Control – Delving more into the magick arts, Katsu calls upon to elements to mix and attack his enemy (again with the exception on Void). Because of the mix, the attack can take many forms that are more advanced than the previous ability. This move is usually used with minimal control once summoned as the conflicting elements are designed to cause maximum damage to anything in there path (include Katsu).

    Mastery of Nature – Calling on earth, fire, water and wind into one climatic attack, Katsu can manipulate all four to create a highly destructive technique. I can take the form of either a swirling vortex of all of them or four separate converging attacks from different directions.

    Void – Most dangerous of the elements is void. Used in only the most extreme of conditions, Katsu hates the use of this attack to rid himself of someone. Starting as a ball of empty darkness in his hand, it takes flight and begins to expand to a greater size. In moments, all starts to be drawn to it as the sphere begins to devour all. The air swirls and at gale force winds it to is consumed. The mass loses shape as the process begins and wavering tendrils aid in dragging all into its encompassing darkness. After a minute, the element disperses. (As strong as this sounds, it can be escaped since it has a radius of destruction. If it didn’t how would I survive?)


    Bio: Born sometime in the 15th century, Katsu was a native of Japan and a devote warrior. From an early age, his father instructed him to be trained as a Samurai as to carry on the family name and little objection was held by the youth. Not in anyway naďve to what he under took, his desire was to make his name famous like those in the stories he was told. Greatly blessed by his family’s blood, he was able to grasp the art of battle quicker than any other of his age. When he came of age, his family was soon to enter him in his first duel.

    His opponent was a well known warrior within the town who openly mocked the youth on both his age and choice of weapon, a naginata. Unmoved by the abuse, the duel commenced and ended in one swift blow. The opposing samurai lay defeated, trying to hold onto life from the head wound he suffered but soon succumbed to his wound from Katsu. Although his family was greatly honoured by the victory, Katsu himself was bored from the brief encounter and sought greater glory. With this he took his leave of both his family and village in his desire for a worthy opponent.

    As if possessed by a demon, he traveled the entire land for that one duel to test him but found naught. Many fell to his blade and none slaked his thirst. It was many years after his leave did that day come and the course of his life was changed. In a remote port town on the western side of Japan, he found that one individual. The water glistened under the full moons light as Katsu found a foreign man within the secluded area and as if compelled to, he challenged the stranger to a duel. History seemed to repeat itself as the duel was won by his opponent in little more than a single move.

    Dazed by his sudden defeat, Katsu lay with his eyes gazing at the heavens above and for the first time ever since he left his village, a feeling of calmness and clarity filled his mind. But as old feeling washed through him a shadow loomed and his eyes fluttered shut. Upon awaking he found it to be night once more as he lay within the room of an unknown building. A note was on his breast as the writing explained something he knew not. Reaching to his neck, he felt the two marks mentioned on the strange letter and took it to be true what it read. Such was how he became one of the eternals. At the age of 24, his soft flesh was corrupt and his being changed by the malevolent creature that beat him in battle.

    But history did not stop there for him. With new reason, he once more began to search the country for a cure to his aliment. The cursed affliction prevented movement in the day and by night. Guards watched him with warning looks as he entered village and town in the cover of darkness. None who he asked knew of what tainted him and so he continued tirelessly until he came upon a Shinto shire. Enraged by his failure to find a cure for himself, Katsu let go of self control and desecrated the holy sight. In blind anger he destroyed all until the last altar stood. Calling forth all his strength, he smashed the stone to pieces and his weapon tore asunder. But heaven smiled upon him that day. Beneath the altar stood the greatest blessing he would ever attain as his eyes fell upon the stuff of legend: Ame-no-nuhoko. The naginata used by the Gods themselves to raised the land from the ocean.

    With this in hand, a new meaning took over him as he meant to leave Japan behind. No more was he cursed by an affliction but saw it now as a gift he had not seen. To be as strong as the opponent that gave it him and to bear a weapon none could equal was satisfaction enough as he set eyes upon eternity and the promises it held. He was to live forever as something more than a mere human. All that he sought now was those like him. To seek out those other immortals and join them in life eternal.

  14. #614
    TK Shkono
    Name: TK, TK Shkono
    Alias: Indigo Child
    Race: Human Ani / Planetouched
    Age: 19 (so he appears)
    Class: Animancer
    Height: 7'2
    Weight: 230 lb.
    Eye Color: Red
    Hair Color: Dark brown
    Hair Style: Long, shoulder blade length
    Skin Color: Fairly tan
    Body Type: Lean with muscular characteristics

    History: It isn’t sure whether he is the direct son of The Matriarch, or perhaps a clone, but he shares the same bloodline. This makes him the descendent of the goddess of war and bloodshed. Another peculiar element is that he is fused with the Ani Essence, a force similar to electrical, or bio-electrical energies, but differs because of its origin. This process of The Matriarch’s blood and the Essence of Ani being combined in one body is known as the Legacy Ritual, or more modernly known, as the Legacy Experiment. Few beings, like TK, have come from this process.

    Through out his younger youth, he had been in the care of Zack and Atshihano. Zack is a seasoned fighter who focuses on hand to hand, and is proficient in using other melee weapons. Atshihano, an entity who is shrouded in his own enigma, focused on the manipulation of his own powers, which are like what TK has. Each of their knowledge, by training, had been passed down to TK.

    In most recent times, he had face against warriors of prestige class, pushing his own skills further up. He now stays in another realm, where other he would most likely face against other challenges.

    Powers / Abilities: Despite his origins, TK remains mortal. Any blow that can kill an average fighter can kill him as well. However, this doesn’t mean other attributes are hindered as well. TK’s strength, stamina, speed, reflexes, and even thinking patterns are above the norm, making him a fierce competitor. His will can control the ani that flow within his body, unlocking several abilities from different elements from his body, most notably the A-Field. This power can manipulate energies, objects, and any other form of elements around himself. However, because of his mortality, there is an extent to how much he can control.

    Full Appearance
    Last edited by TK Shkono; 10-09-2008 at 11:13 AM.

  15. #615
    Maker of Long Posts (Often Offline) Character Statistics. Totakeke777's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Pulse :D
    Name: Rai
    Race: Human
    Age: Looks 21 (actually 5777 years old)
    Class: Rumored Thunder Swordsman
    Masamune: A light longsword with the ability to have magic flowing through it. Capable of blinding speeds.

    Thunder Ultima: Appears only during Rai's overdrive, it is a sword of pure magic. Fast, long, and exhausting, this sword can only be used for a short amount of time before disappearing.

    Libra: Identifies many specifics of opponents
    Thundara: Powerful thunder-elemental magic
    Cura: Cures self
    Osmose: Drains MP from opponent
    Esuna: Removes all status abnormalities

    Metal Plated Armor: Prevents magical backfires. Greatly resistant to physical attacks and slighhtly resistant to magic.

    Tatakau Mono Tachi no Rai
    Columns of thunder rake down from the sky. In the midst of all the chaos, Rai slashes his enemy to smithereens, and to oblivion with a final strike.

  16. #616
    Ultima Warrior
    Name: Azaryth Arcadis
    Class: Ultima Warrior
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Weapons: He is a strong psychic personel, also has a unusual blade locked to bid back
    Armour: Gunners cloak, offers protection of modesty only

    Attacks: he is a severly strong telekensis user, also has limited telepathy and teleportation abilities

    Overdrive: Ultima Blade, uses sword on back. ridicously powerful, but blackout after little use

    Magicks: Ultima, Serious damage
    Holy, can only use when weilding sword
    Meteor, can only use when weilding sword

  17. #617
    Sir Prize Character Statistics. Sinister's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries

    Updated again.

    Name: Jafar Kruol

    Race: Vampire

    Class: Dark Knight

    Description: Jafar has long flowing golden hair and a pale fair complexion. His eyes are a dark red. His features were sharp and handsome and his build was thin before he was bit, his recent status as a vampire merely accented these features. The most noticeable thing about his facial features are his long thin eyebrows. His fingers are spidery long with sharp fingernails. He wears a great Victorian ruffled shirt, black pants, leather flexible shoes and a purple long coat with gold-trim and deep pockets. During daylight hours he wears a wide-brim hat and sunglasses. Having been a beggar most of his like he likes to dress eloquent now.

    Since his trauma, Jafar tends towards silence and speaks reservedly. He has a dark sense of humor and something of a temper but, because he is so often tired, neither has much of a chance to manifest outside of a light chuckle or a hardened glare. In his energetic state he is quite dry and occasionally prone to heavy sarcasm. He is predisposed to long periods of sleep and lethargy; tires easily unless he has fed. If he goes unfed for too long (a decade) he will disintegrate to dust and must be resurrected in the proper manner. Too ashamed to carry on any remaining life he might be entitled to, his only hope resides in the GS…




    The only single weapon he possesses on his person is a long thin stiletto sword which he had stolen ages ago in his childhood. He keeps it with him, calling it his lucky memento. He named it woundlicker because he had cut himself on it when he was young. It’s hilt is silver and slightly jeweled. It was broken in the short fight between Oskar and himself. Jafar reformed it and improved on it incredibly shortly after the fight using vampiric magic. Along with an array of new abilities, every time it strikes an enemy or any living creature it drains power and feeds it to Jafar to heal him. The amount of healing depends upon if the strike is fatal.

    LvL1 abilities: (active when A.V. changed him into a vampire)

    Breaking Down:
    Flashes behind opponent and slips their weapon away from them and tosses it out of reach.

    Vampire's Death:
    If he disables an enemy he can feed off them and turn them into a vampire or kill him. This is never ever used by Jafar.

    Partisan Gore:
    Jafar stabs the ground, draining all of the surrounding life, he forms a blast of energy and discharges it from the tip of Woundlicker. The move is effective in how fast it can be executed and it’s wide range of strength.

    Beggar’s Ballestra:
    Using unreal speed, Jafar vaults forward in a charged blast, his Woundlicker extended, in an attempt to spear his opponent on his stiletto blade.

    The only offensive move that he can muster with his current curse. He engages in frenzied stabbing and slashing combination with Woundlicker. Each inflicted blow replenishes an amount of his health.

    Unarmed Combat:
    If pressed and disarmed he can turn into many varieties of the more wicked forms of wildlife or lengthen his fingernails into sharp knife-like melee weapons.

    Sin Bathing:
    The greatest attack that Jafar knows of. Drains the life out of nearby creatures such as trees, grass, wildlife and some from his opponent, the result is improved speed, strength, defense, reaction time and magical ability. Lasts only a about quarter of an hour and greatly exhausts Jafar when his rampage is through. Cannot use while cursed. Has to have fed recently to use.

    LvL2 Abilitiesactive once Woundlicker was reformed after the battle with Oskar)

    Thickest Blood:
    Every time Woundlicker strikes and blood is drawn, Woundlicker allows Jafar the ability to block an attack from the person the blood is drawn from, no matter the power of the attack, for every strike landed.

    Blood Bullet:
    A drop of Jafar’s poisonous Vampiric blood can be shot from Woundlicker like a sniper’s rifle's bullet. If hit, the person will find it increasingly difficult to stay awake and on two legs.

    Familiar: Jafar can possess and control indirectly the body of any person(s) he has drained of blood with his fangs.

    Artificial Body: Jafar can combine a partisan gore and a drop of his own blood. Blasting it into the ground causes a golem to be born. Useful only as a slow clumsy threat that and it makes a decent moving shield.

    Vampire’s Hypnotism:
    If he speaks while making eye contact with any person he can wrestle them for temporary control of their body.

    Jafar can injure himself creating an arterial spray that acts as a strong paralytic and depressant, fatal in high doses to the point of Vampirism. He can use this to poison Woundlicker or create various other weapons using it.

    Jafar can control mist’s placement, density, wind speed, humidity, opacity and movements. Uses to cover an escape, to obscure an attack, make an entrance or protect against the sun.

    The ability to transform into a disarming form as camouflage. Jafar developed this ability to survive and avoid an attacker. Not battle related... Cannot use during the day.

    Transformation: The ability to transform in a wolf, dog, bat or mist. Transformation increases melee attacks by ten and decreases abilities and negates sword techniques. Cannot use during the day.

    The ability to speak the particular language that allows conversation with slain creatures and dark-natured beings. Allowing for Jafar to control them in multiple quantities in any battle so long as his will is more powerful than their sum.


    Jafar was the son of a rich aristocratic politician. His father, though influential, was indebted heavily by proxy to a lobbyist named Aster Volataire. A person to whom he had never met and when the debts were called(when Jafar was twelve), his inability to produce the debts resulted in his death and the burning of his manor. As Jafar escaped the manor he caught a glimpse of a piece of paper tacked onto their immolating door. The note was on expensive paper and it read simply, “Debt collected” and was signed “A.V.” at the bottom.

    Jafar was now left a poor Village waif, a mere pickpocket urchin. He grew up not knowing any comforts but those he stole from others. It was one day when he was eighteen that he spied a great carriage rolling down the dour city cobblestone causeways. Gold glinted off of every angle of it down to the gold-gilded wheels.

    He slipped his knife from his sleeve and quietly stalked the carriage until it finally stopped outside of a townhouse far from the city. He began to cleave shavings of the wheels and stuff them into his pockets.

    It was that day that he was bit. When a beautiful woman stretched out of the inner-carriage. She had long blonde hair and red lips that were curled into a grim smile. She grabbed him by the neck and heaved him into midair. She inspected him through red eyes.

    “So you live on the wealth of others, child?” She had said. She pursed her lips sympathetically. She drew him into the carriage. He could not see because of the heavy drapes of the carriage. He felt a sting to his neck, he tried to cry out but was surprised when breath to scream was denied him. He died that day in the act of doing something selfish. But the evil owner of the Carriage was not content to mar his existence, but cursed him as well.

    She proclaimed that he would ever “give what he once took.” Always existing to serve others. “That way, if we ever meet again,” she whispered “you might be of some use to me, instead of trying to rob me.” She tossed him out of the carriage. The driver walked back out to the carriage and it took off. Jafar saw on the back of the carriage, for the first time, the initials "A.V."

    She cursed Jafar by burying his selfishness. The result is that Jafar is selfless to the point of danger to himself, and he can no longer self-sustain. He devoted himself to reading scripture and reciting litanies. Studying all the pure magical arts in hope of being able to cure his cursed condition but is frustrated by his inability to use them. It was vital to him as he could not provide his own needed sustenance due to his curse. He is on his quest to drag himself to the gates to beg help against his curse.

    In doing so, he became friends with Oskar, who had saved him. Oskar taught him about his own state and defended him from criticism. Jafar made a solo assault on Castle Volataire ending in his possession by A.V. She caused a conflict between Oskar. The small conflict concluded with both of their near deaths. Jafar lost and sealed away, with Oskar’s help and integral part of his personality that Volataire could control. This caused him to loose almost all emotion. Oskar also shattered his sword, which Jafar eventually reformed.

  18. #618
    Character Statistics. You's Avatar
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    Dec 2006
    ***If any of this seems too God-moddish e.g. knowledge of certain spells, too many spells, please let me know and ill remove them completely, this is my first attempt^^. I did try to balance her out though. Also if your intrested in helping me out by fighting me in my first RPB please let me know as well***


    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Age: Real age is approximately 80, however has the physical body of a 20 year old due to the results of time magic.
    Class: Time Mage/Green Mage
    Height: 165cm/5’4’’
    Weight: 50 kilos
    Weapons: Whip with three tips. Each tip has a small blade. Throwing knives, shuriken kept in a pouch on her right leg along with a couple bombs used in her overdrive only. Throwing knives can be used as a close up weapon.
    Armour: None

    Spells and abilities:

    Slow – Standard Slow spell, lasts about a minute or two.
    Haste – Standard Haste spell, lasts about a minute or two.
    Stop – Standard Stop spell, lasts about a minute or two.
    Invisible – Makes the user invisible and thus harder to hit with melee attacks, a single hit with a magic spell cancels it immediately otherwise lasts about a minute or two.
    Float – Standard Float spell, lasts about a minute or two.
    Blind – Standard Blind spell.
    Sleep – Standard Sleep spell.
    Silence – Standard Silence spell.
    Poison – Standard Poison spell, deals continuous minor damage.
    Reflect – Standard Reflect spell, lasts 2-4 minutes.
    Protect – Standard Protect spell, lasts 2-4 minutes.
    Shell – Standard Shell spell, lasts 2-4 minutes.
    Cure – Standard Cure spell
    Esuna – Standard Esuna spell

    Ghost Prototype: Casts Ultra-haste on herself and runs all around the enemy faster than a human eye can follow whilst throwing shuriken and throwing knives as well as 1 bomb. Projectiles appear to come from nowhere, from all directions, all at once, resulting in an explosion.

    Permafloat: Has a permanent float effect upon herself. Uses the bare minimum of energy. Is constant while conscious.

    She has many indirect spells to inhibit her opponent and cause as much annoyance as possible as her physical attacks are comparatively weak and as such need to be used in conjunction with spells to cause more damage.

    Appearance: Velox appears as a young woman with a kind face a soft nose and chin but hardened green eyes. Her hair is short and black on her right side, stopping just above the shoulder, whereas the left half of her hair is long flowing and pure white. A side effect of all the time magic she has used around and to herself. Her physical appearance is that of a reasonable toned 20 year old female (think gymnast), however her real age is closer to 80 as she has slowed her bodies aging process with her time magic. She wears a tight fitting green sleeveless shirt ripped at the shoulders and base. Wears brownish-green leggings that end above the knee and her shins are wrapped in green and brown strips of cloth in a criss-cross pattern. She wears no shoes due to having perfected a permanent float spell and so doesn’t actually walk on the ground. She wears brown leather gloves and has a brown bag strapped to her right leg containing a multitude of shuriken, throwing knives and a couple bombs.

    History: Growing up Velox started to learn Green magic as a child from her mother and Time magic from her father. She soon learned to use these in conjunction with each other. While young and still inexperienced she used her spells wild and freely resulting in her hair showing signs of her wild magic abuse. As she reached her mid twenties she managed to devise a spell that drastically reduced the speed of aging. Realizing the potential damage and destruction the spell she had created could create should it be discovered by a person with the wrong motives she forced herself into hiding.
    She is much wiser now and acts calm in most situations, due to her time away from civilization she like to indulge in conversation and even flirt sometimes if the random wanderer she encounters and sometimes help is attractive enough. She currently lives deep in a forest away from civilization continuously training and perfecting her spells and attacks should the need to defend the secrets of her spells arise. Indeed she would prove to be a mighty adversary should anyone try to take them from her due to her having trained non stop for 60 years and still having the body of a twenty year old.

  19. #619
    This is my first Character.

    Name: Kelv Eidona
    Race: Burcumian (That Rat race from FF9, I don't know if I spelt it right)
    Age: 16
    Height: 5'9" tall, he's rather tall.
    Weight: 7.5 stone
    Hair: Messy, shoulder-length silvery grey hair done in a natural pony tail.
    Fur: light Grey
    Eyes: Crystal Blue
    Place of Residence: Alexandra
    Class: Dragoon

    Paristan: A 3-point Trident-like lance favoured by most Dragoons of Gaia(FF9), it is made of steel and is lighter than a basic spear, it is also very durable and will not break under pressure.
    Mage Smasher: A dagger designed to kill mages and wizards with, they are lightly enchanted and are immune to most magical attacks, this is his side weapon, just in case he loses or breaks his Paristan.

    Dragoon's Armour: An armour set designed for Dragoons, it is lose, yet has the durability of steel armour.

    Jump: A powerful ability that requires two attack phases to use, Kelv will jump extremely high into the air, and then at the next attack phase he comes down with 3 times the force he used to jump with and strikes the enemy. However he can be hit with a ranged weapon or spell, however the chance of the enemy hitting him is low due to the height this ability takes him.
    Lancet: An powerful lunge that drains both the Hp and Mp of the target, this is useful against mages.
    Reis Wind: A good restorative ability, the Dragoon calls a healing wind to heal himself(or herself) and his allies on the field, this ability casts a Regenative effect (Like Regen on the whole party), and restores injuries over a long period of time.
    Dragon Breath: A fire-based ability, borrowing some dragonic powers the Dragoon breathes a cone of powerful dragon fire at the enemy.

    Cure: The most basic healing spell, it heals a tiny amount of Hp, and heals small cuts and bruises.
    Enusa: A cleansing spell that purges the target from all affictions, except Zombie, Death and Doom.
    Protect: A basic protective spell, it resists physical damage.
    Shell: Similar to Protect, but it resists magical damage instead.
    Fire: A basic fire spell, it can cause small burns.
    Blizzard: A basic ice spell, it forms a semi-thick casing of ice on the target's body and shatters it, causing it to freeze and cut the enemy.
    Thunder: A basic thunder spell, it shocks the enemy with a small bolt of lightning.

    Trance Form:
    After so much abuse or if someone is in danger, Kelv will go into Trance, his armour and lance becoming a platinum silver, and his Dragoon hat morphs into a helmet. He has even more powerful abilities in this form, however he cannot cast his Black and White Magic spells, nor can he use his normal Dragoon abilities.(Note: This is a last hope ability, and will activate when Kelv is weakened, also this will only last 5 attack phases at most)

    Dyne Dragoon Abilities:
    Omouse Lance: A stronger verson of Lancet, it Drains a larger amount of Hp and Mp.
    Kain's Hope: Similar to Reis Wind, this refreshes the user, restoring Hp and Mp.
    Levatan's Wrath: Calls a powerful torret of water to strike the enemy, this can pierce through most weak armours.
    Bahamut's Tempest: His most powerful ability while in Trance. He unleashes a powerful barrage of non-elemental magic bursts, these can be avoided. This ability can blow a good sized hole in the wall.

    Background: Kelv is a Dragoon of Burcumia, he is still very young for a Dragoon, and his Timid, thoughtful personality and buggy clothing oftain makes his enemies underestimate him, he is a lot stronger than he looks, especially due to his thin, dancer-like build.

  20. #620
    Character Statistics. You's Avatar
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    Dec 2006



    Unknown. Possibly elf or half-elf.





    Appearance and attire

    Aurora wears a black cheongsam, split up to her hips, with a dark green vine from the front bottom corner traversing up and twisting around her waist and body, with thorns on, on it as well. It splits open to reveal some cleavage before disappearing under her cloak which rests on her shoulders, as well as covers her head and obscures her face and trails behind her. Her cloak is black and also has the vine pattern on it. She wears knee high black leather boots and has several arrows held onto her right thigh by an arrow holder as well as a quiver full of arrows strapped to her back positioned so that the cloak does not get in the way. She carries a katana at her waist used in close combat. She also wears black leather gloves and carries a bow. Her skin is fair which leads many to believe that she is an elf; however her race is unknown as very few people have seen her face and lived to talk about it although most tend to agree that she appears to be in her mid twenties. Rumours do say that she is very beautiful but has a serious hardened expression that never changes as she has seen most things in the world at one time or other. They also say her facial features are very elf like, giving rise to the rumour that she is an outcast elf making her way as a hired assassin.


    Not much is known about Aurora’s personality, but rumours say she is curt and straight to the point. She does not talk much, only when it is necessary and even then only simple sentences are uttered.



    A mid range bow

    A quiver containing about 20 arrows

    8 special arrows on her thigh, poison arrow, explosive arrow, darkness arrow, armour piercing arrow, immobilize arrow, petrifying arrow, sleep arrow, magic arrow.

    A katana used in close combat.


    Light armour, allowing swift movement yet still allowing adequate protecting against light attacks.

    Fighting Style

    As an assassin Aurora likes to strike her target from afar with her expert marksmanship with the bow, although she is an expert as close combat with her katana as well. Her close combat skills are rarely executed though as she rarely misses her target.


    Initiative: As an assassin Aurora has tuned her senses so well she always knows what is going on around her and so she always gets the first strike.

    Archers Bane: Due to having finely tuned senses and being a master archer Aurora is able to strike or grab arrows out of the air.

    Multi-strike: Can fire up to 3 arrows at once. Accuracy is slightly decreased when using this ability.

    Overdrive: Shadow Strike: Aurora fires an arrow as the arrow near Aurora appears out of the arrows shadow to slice the target at the same time the arrow strikes.


    Vanish - Makes the user invisible for a short will. Can be completely nullified by a magickal attack.
    Steal Will (absorbs a small amount of HP from the target)


    Not much is known about Auroras past due to the fact that she rarely converses on matters apart from business. Even her race is hotly debated as few people have seen her face and lived to tell the tale and those that have tend not to talk about it. What is known is that she has been the cause of many assassinations over several hundreds of years. This has led to the theories that she is an outcast elf making her way as an assassin or that several skilled archers have taken her persona over many years. She is responsible for the assassination of King Leonas as well as Emperor Vlondoch the fanged most famously as well as several other rulers and famous people. As such she is both wanted and revered in almost every country.
    Last edited by You; 01-25-2009 at 03:51 AM.

  21. #621
    Name: Jimmy
    Race: Human
    Age: 25
    Class: Fighter
    Weapons: 2x Long Handled Axes: Each axe has a 2 foot long handle made of Iron, and the Axe head is also made of Iron. The grip of the axe is made of leather strapping wrapped around the iron.

    Appearance: Jimmy is six feet tall and looks to be in his mid twenties. He has very short hair, cropped close to his scalp and strong blue eyes. He has a youthful face. Jimmy wears an old grey coat that he doesn't close with a brown leather vest covered in belt-like straps underneath. His pants are made of a hamp like material tucked into long black leather boots. He wears two long handled iron axes as his weapon.

    Background: Travelling Mercenary - His future is what's going to be important

    Magic: Shell - Reflect - Esuna - Curaga

    Sin of Kefka - Combonation attack ending with a strike into the earth causing an Earth 3 type attack.

  22. #622
    Oh Boy! Character Statistics. Lavos's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    NC in a very small town
    Name: Rasuro
    Race: human
    Age: 17
    Weapons: Double bladed bright blue sword (resembling FF9 Ultima Weapon, but not nearly as powerful or awesome) that can split into two short swords and reatatch at will.

    Appearence: tall, with bright red hair spiking up to the left. Very muscular. His outfit is a simple t shirt and sweat pants, though a magical aroura forms on an increase in strength, sometimes resulting in armor. His sword is on his back or split, one in each hand. The hilt has the engraved symbol of a dragon.

    Background: As a small child, Rasuro's home town was attacked and destroyed by marauders. The only survivor, carrying his family heirloom, a double bladed sword, Rasuro wandered. After being attacked by theives for the sword, Rasuro awakened to find both men dead. He runs to a random house, where an old man teaches him of his powers, of a powerful spirit sharing his own: a white dragon. After years of training and harnessing his powers and knowledge, especially with the dragon and sword, Rasuro leaves for a new journey.

    Magic: Fira, thunder, blizzard, cure, protect.

    Overdrive: Dragon's Rage: As Rasuro takes damage, a white aura begins to form around him. When his life is in danger, the dragon's protective spirit comes forth, creating a white aura around Rasuro and unleashing a dragon shaped blast of white energy. It leaves Rasuro's body relativly weak, however, causing him to miss the next attack phase.

  23. #623
    Genji Character Statistics. Skai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Oakland, CA
    Name: Skai
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: A young man with Asian features. Skai wears his hair in a ponytail that falls to the small of his back. His bangs split at the middle and extends to his chin. A shade of blood red can be seen over his natural black hair.

    Skai stands 6 feet tall and weighs 160 pounds. Over his slender yet muscular build, he wears a set of shinobi shozoku with a pair of matching kung fu shoes. A black scarf covers his neck and route to the back of his shoulder. The light clothing allows him superior freedom of movement, perfect for his agile frame.

    Skai is a swordsman mastered in the art of elements, making him a mystic swordsman. He is skilled in controlling the five elements of fire, wind, lightning, earth, and water, utilizing the elements and implementing the properties to the swords he forged.

    He possesses a pair of gloves with two magical gems on the back. The gems act as storage for his arsenal of swords, three on each gem. Besides the six, he also is in possession of a seventh sword tied to his back. Among the swords Skai has, the seventh is his most prized and presumably the strongest.

    Work in progress. To be finished at a later time.
    Last edited by Skai; 01-12-2012 at 04:37 AM.

  24. #624
    Name: Kotosho, the Warder of Night and Day
    Eyes: Sky blue
    Face: Sharp features, young but deep, tired looking around the eyes. Caucasian but pale skin tone.
    Build: Slender, does not seem physically strong. 6’4”

    Appearance: Tailor fitted chain-mail armour made of reinforced steel, folded and compressed over a thousand times. Due to the amount of tension, age and magical properties infused into the metal, it has a dull black sheen. Over this he wears loose fitting, crimson robes (similar to that of a classic wizard) with a golden sash wrapped around his waist and across his body to, and over, his right shoulder. The sash itself is enlaced with silver thread around the edges and seemingly random streams of red lace that take the form of contorted lines that run mainly through the centre of the cloth but also extend outwards in places, but not into the silver.

    Over his shoulders are two further lays. The outermost of these is a hooded cape of the same colour of his robes. Similar to the sash, a pattern much like the red lines, but in golden thread instead that runs down the cape. The hood itself is rimmed with gold thread and the pattern (as mentioned) begins densely from there, becoming thinner as it runs down the cape. Underneath this cape is a second one that only runs to Kotosho elbows. It is completely gold with dense streams of silver running down it. This second cape covers over to the front of his body, unlike the first which comes just over his arms, but can be pulled further forward for protection against the weather.
    Other than this Kotosho wears fingerless leather gloves and hardened leather boots (both black).

    Artifacts: Book of Ki’jal’nem – Not merely a tome of knowledge, the musty book is also an amplifier for the users spells. By having skin contact with the book and performing a spell, the power unleashed in increased threefold. However, it has two other uses concerning its self. The book itself is bound with spells of it own that the wielder can activate on their own accord by opening the page it is on and channelling their energies through it. This however, due to the magnitude of the spells, pays a toll on the user as well. This can be further strengthened by blood contract with the book. However, both these abilities, due to their energy draining drawbacks, can eventually kill the wielder. Book is attached to his sash around the waist

    Eye of the stars – This glittering diamond, suspended on chains that were forged in the depths of stars, appears to have no magical properties about it. However, its true power is more cunning than mortals dare to think. Those that are weak minded who look upon it are drawn to it whilst it is in their view. The purpose of the diamond though is to drink from the user’s magic. Unless checked by its holder, it can rip souls out in its thirst, but it must be kept appeased with even a small amount of magic to drink. In return, the jewel wards off physical attacks (unless magical) and provides some defence against magical strikes by drinking from them. Wears it between his robes and chainmail.

    Abilities – Due to his vast knowledge of magic, Kotosho has manipulation over many things. These consist of the four elements, space, time and energy, among others. However, he does possess some unique spells from his own creation and the book of Ki’jal’nem.

    Kotosho’s abilities: Distortion Wave – A compression of space and time that distorts the very frabic of reality when fired. The attack itself takes the form of multi-dimensional arcs that hold no definite shape that shimmer and reflect the reality around it. High velocity and force.

    Reign of Stars – An object or a magical projection of Kotosho’s own is shattered into millions of tiny shards that rise up thousands of feet into the skies. The shards shine like stars as they circle the battlefield until a turn later they fall randomly into the area. Inaccurate, can hit Kotosho. Has to give up attack to charge (charging leaves him vulnerable) but attack on the turn it fall, attack is allowed with it.

    Night and Day – Illusionary technique. Causes light and darkness to become distorted, intermix and disperse. Deceives the eyes of the target. Counts as attack, last two posts.

    End of Time – Follow-on technique for ‘Night and Day’. High energy consumption and output, a ball of pure magical energy that splits into many before it reaches its target. Each individual ball swarms round the target, taking a different element or form (completely random). Damage can vary on what forms are taken.

    Ki’jal’nem abilities: Diablo’s glare – Fire based spell. A ball of fire, roughly the size of a 2 storey house, is propelled from the book. Burns with a heat of 3000 degrees but cools down rapidly over long distances. Second underlying spell. As an attempt to make it more accurate, the ball, to the enemy, looks like the eye of a devil in order to try and freeze them with fear.

    Heaven’s Force – Defence. Forms a crystalline wall around the user protecting them from most attacks. Uses the attack for that turn, takes 4 turns to recharge.

    Reincarnate – The author of the book, Ki’jal’nem himself, is made flesh by his own work. Takes the form of a gigantic monstrosity (picture shall be provided soon) that lasts for two turns (only if summons are allowed). During this time, Kotosho rides on his shoulder, controlling him with his own magic. Ki’jal’nem can only use abilities from his own book but does not require it.

    Oblivion and his chain – Dimensional attack. Kotosho creates a portal that is as empty and black as the void. From within the circular portal, chains of burning iron shoot forth to constrain, crush and drag their victim into it. The closer the victim is drawn in, the more of the dwelling creature can be seen. Can be dodged, can escape from chains also.
    Bio: (Will be written later)

  25. #625
    Twilight's Enigma Character Statistics. Sato Arashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    In the middle of light and dark
    Name: Takensai Yomaro

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Eye Color: Red

    Hair Color: White

    Appearance: Takensai has a slender build and lightly muscled who stands at 6'2" with pale skin tone. His left arm is mutated with a curse, revealing a red skin tone that extends to his left shoulder. Takensai wears a sleeve-less tan leather vest, bandages around his abdomen and extends up around the right side of his chest. A black traveler’s trousers with a belt around it, seen hung off to the left side, and tan leather boots. Has a black pauldron on his right shoulder with the insignia of an exorcist in white. Has magic attuned cuffs on his left arm, one right above his wrist, the other on the middle of the bicep.

    Weapon: A great sword that is designed as a headhunter’s weapon. The blade is black with silver edge. The hilt is covered in bandages.

    Class: Exorcist

    Skills: Exorcist’s Cleave- Takensai can swing his sword to send a manifested energy wave at the opponent, either in a form of three waves, or a charged one that he has to wait before sending it.

    Witch Crasher- Takensai grabs the opponent with the cut hole on his sword and swings it over him, slamming down on the opponent. Can prove fatal with light armor.

    Edge Grounder- Takensai swings down at the legs then rounds up with another strike at the abdomen section of the opponent.

    Unholy Terror- Takensai jumps in the air and swings down with his might, cleaving down on the opponent with a burst of an energy blast.

    Bio: (Will get later)

  26. #626
    Registered User Character Statistics. Vivi97's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Alexandria castle

    Post My charter ^^

    Class: Mage
    Race: Blck mage/Demon
    Name: Vival Orunitia
    Age: 16
    Story: He is the big brother of Vivi (FF 9). He live's in a village, where only blck mage's live.
    Pet: He has a pet cat named Petla.
    Weapon: Staff of Flamestorm
    Weapon story: His staff was hand made out of fine oak, and was blessed by a godess.
    Armor: Mithril body, and leg's. But a magical helmet made of dragon hid, and gemstone's cover his face and head...

    Spell's/abilitie's: He can use Fire, Fira, blizzard, thundra, doom'sday, Healing ring, and flare wing.

    Strength- 39
    Stamina- 197
    Defence- 12
    Attack- 499
    Speed- 39
    Health- 200
    Mana- 1000

    Weaknesses: Is slow, has hardly any defence.
    Strength's: Pack's queit a punch ^^.
    Last edited by Vivi97; 06-22-2009 at 01:36 PM.

  27. #627
    Twilight's Enigma Character Statistics. Sato Arashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    In the middle of light and dark
    Name: Kivorav

    Gender: Male

    Age: Appears to be 21, real age is 375

    Race: Demon

    Appearance: Kivorav stands at 6'3" tall, has long white hair tied into a ponytail that extends to the middle of his back, and red eyes. Most of his appearance is human, except for left arm which is longer than his right arm and is like an organic plate armor. He wears a sleevless white shirt with a black long drenchcoat overtop with the left sleeve torn off, black pants, and black boots.

    Weapon: Kivorav carries a legendary shapeshifting weapon called Charade that can change into any weapon of existance but for the price of the wielder's soul, which Kivorav can compensate for. It is also indestructable.

    Weapon Form: Demigod- It is Charade's usual default form, it is an obsidian black blade with no edges.

    Nightmare- It is a greatsword with a black blade in shape of a head hunter's guillotine sword.

    Barghest- It is a black fanged sword with an ability to drain someone's strength, causing weakness.

    Succubus- It takes form of a snake sword where the blade can extend outward still connected by a cord. The blade's design is of the stalk of a rose, covered in thorns.

    Abilities: Death Touch- Kivorav's left arm has inherited the ability to absorb someone's soul which he can use to prolong his age span, or use it as the sacrifice of his weapon in his place.

    Bio: Kivorav is an exiled demon for stealing the legendary weapon, Charade. The fact that he was too powerful in the demon realm that the only way to be able to kill him was in the human world, where demons are a bit weaker, but countless of demons that hunted down Kivorav to kill him and return Charade failed and died in Kivorav's hands. Kivorav roams around the world as a mercenary, even though he kept his heritage hidden in human's sight. His true goal is to seek a way back to the demonic realm to extract his revenge on the heirarch for exiling him even though he was meant to be the wielder of the weapon.

  28. #628
    Selkie in training Character Statistics. Silver Spyro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Name: Silver.

    Class: Selkie.

    Race: Human.

    Age: 16.

    Side: Good. (He may seem evil, but he just wants to see his parents once again.)

    Sex: Male.

    Appearance: Silver hair. Looks pretty much like Luneth, but has an extra layer of Chain mail, and thicker clothes. (Same design, though.)

    Height: 5'7.

    Weight: 120 LB. (Yes, that is Neccasary. (Sp?))


    *Steel lance: An average Steel lance.

    *Zantetsu: A black, swift sword.

    *Crystal: A crystal. Allows the holder to use Crystal Magic. (From FFCC: The crystal bearers. )

    *Light sword: A sword used to banish Darkness and Demons.

    Armor: A thick, leather and Chain vest, with another, more defensive chain mail layered behind it.

    Abilities: Silver's Selkie class has made him one of the fastest humans alive today. Oh yeah, and he carries bombs.

    Bio: Silver's parents died in a fire when he was 13, leaving him alone. Since then, he has been training privately as a Selkie. He bought a bomb/string/mine/ect pack and was nicknamed, "The master of Traps". On his 16th Birthday, he was Gifted a Crystal shard. Only 3 others in the World carry a Crystal shard. He was told that he can resurect his parents with the 3 other Shards, combined with his. Now not even his best-of-friends will stand in his way on his possibly Eternal Quest to find the other 3 shards.

    (Sorry if it sucks, but i'm not any good at these. I just like RP'ing.)

    * Of course, he can only use one in a battle.
    Last edited by Silver Spyro; 08-04-2009 at 11:22 AM. Reason: I added more stuff.. :P

  29. #629
    Eternal Spyro
    Name: Eternal

    Class: None

    Race: Demon

    Weapons: A dark sword and a light sword.

    Info: Has a Dark wing and a light wing

    Elements: Dark and light.

    Appearence: Hair is brown and shaggy. He has a ripped up shirt and ripped up pants and one half has black and half is White

    Bio: Master of Dark And Light... He is a mage and swordsman... He was sent by the Dark and Light Gods to help protect the universe in the future...The reason he is a demon because he was only Dark when he was little then the Darkness took over him and turned him into a Dark demon... He didn't want to be only Dark so he commited suicide and the Gods gave the Light element.
    Last edited by Eternal Spyro; 08-09-2009 at 10:02 AM.

  30. #630
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Character Statistics. Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I live in your Mind, your Heart, and your Soul...There is no way in Hell you can ever escape from me! I'm everywhere...
    Blog Entries
    Character Name: Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima
    Class: Samurai
    Specialty: Dual-Wield Katanas
    Technique: Swift Dual Slice, Swift Step, Flight(Only When Needed)
    Ultimate Attack: Swift Omega OmniSlicer

    Bio: Legend in his own right, Ryu-Kentoshii is the best Samurai to have ever lived. He has never lost a battle, and he has never turned down a Challenge. He is an honourable Samurai, and he always shows mercy to his Opponents, unless forced to kill them, which he has. Don't Underestimate this worthy Samurai.
    The Only One to Have Even Ever Land a Single Attack on him, is his Own Big Brother, Alther Primus. But, Not Even his Big Brother can Defeat him in Combat, Atleast not yet Anyway.
    Last edited by Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima; 08-11-2009 at 06:20 PM.

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