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  1. #1
    Mydako's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2001
    City of Targiv in the Province of Silathe. Cetra Prime

    Post Character Statistics.

    With the deletion of the old topic (which is being investigated, even though I already have a suspect, whom I must destroy). I sadly say, there is probably no back-up, thus, we have nothing to do, but post again. Again, sorry for the inconvience.

    Name: Mydako Karec Matari
    Age: 17 or 1674 (It depends on if you face Good, or Evil Mydako.)
    Class: Jikuu Mage
    Weapon: The Staff Of The Traveler or The Dark Illumina (Again, Good, or Evil)
    Armor: Cetra Robes. (Nothing special, just normal Robes.)

    Mydako when younger (or Good) was weaker in Magic, but had forced himself to learn more about battles. As he grew older, and was driven insane by life events his magic potential exploded, The Dark Illumina came into his possession, though a more powerful weapon, Mydako has never taken the Time to learn how to wield it properly. The Older Mydako has learned how to alter Jikuu to an extent far beyond what most minds comprehend.

  2. #2
    Character Statistics. Malevolence's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Jeez, I think I really AM living in Tolwyn right now...o_0

    Name: Taere Flarion
    Race: Isparian
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 172 lbs.
    Hair: Jet
    Eyes: Green
    Place of Residence: Duran, Southeastern Alluvia
    Class: Mercenary

    -Malevolence: An enormous retractable adamantine-mithril alloy sword, Malevolence is Taere's weapon of choice. He has modified his Isparian Armor to hold this sword in a compact sheath. The blade can flow and liquify to be stored in a reservoir in the hilt, which is then clamped to the sheath. The edge of the blade is coated in chorizite, an anti-spiritual, anti-magical mineral than eliminates any momentum provided by ki or any magical effect it comes into contact with. The sword has a pommel jewel inscribed under the gem's surface with the image of the Red Dragon, the crest of his family. The creature was intricately carved into the gem using extremely delicate and precise tools, and then filled with liquified ruby to emboss the creature into the blue sapphire. The dragon has the head of any normal Dragon, but its wings are covered in crimson feathers, and its body is covered in intricate scales engraved with runes and symbols of ancient magic.
    -Gauntlet Blade: A retractable blade in the left gauntlet of Taere's Isparian Armor. This blade is also being constantly sharpened when retracted in the same manner as Malevolence.
    -Flashbang: A diversionary device, the Flashbang is fired off near an opponent, and creates a loud noise and a blinding flash, throwing off and confusing Taere's enemies.

    -Isparian Battle Armor: This suit of support armor is composed entirely of adamantium, and is virtually indestructible. The suit houses many battle support systems, including the gauntlet blade on the left arm.
    -Support Systems:
    --Blacksun Filter: A scope device, the Blacksun Filter gives vision in either infrared, ultraviolet, or light minimalization. The light minimalization option is enbabled when the Flashbang is fired (see above)
    --Multitracker: A HUD housed in the eye sockets of the helm on the armor, the Multitracker can track and designate over 5 targets at once.
    --Grappling Blade: The gauntlet blade can spring out - along with two other blades attached to it - from the left gauntlet attached with a monofilament mithril cable and magnetic reel, and be used as a grappling hook to retract Taere up to a ledge, or to pull an opponent towards him and impale them at the same time.
    -Gauntlet Blade: In addition te being usable as a weapon and a grappling hook, the Gauntlet Blde, when fully extended, can expand and wrap around iself to become a large adamantine shield with chorizite laced into the joints of the shifting plates of the buckler.

    The Malevolence can channel limited elemental energies such as basic fire, water, earth and air, and can also combine basic elements, such as earth and water to create acid, or fire and wind to create a firestorm. These powers are limited, and can only create small effects, such as a thin layer of ice on the ground or a coating of acid on the crystal blade of the Malevolence itself.

    -Overflow: The exhaust ports on the Isparian Armor flare with intense heat and excess plasma, releasing a purge of the system, a full plasma fission explosion.
    -Frenzy: Taere falls into a state of uncontrollable rage, a berserk state that lasts until the enemy that has reduced him to a beaten frame has been annihilated. This Limit break can only be activated after Taere has been severely wounded.
    -Grapple: Taere launches his grappling blade at his opponent, impaling them, or at least pulling them towards him onto the waiting point of the Malevolence.
    -Spearhead: Taere extends his Gauntlet Blade to its full length, and jumps high into the air, and dives, impaling his enemy with the blade.

    Final Technique:
    -Blade of the Red Dragon: Discover it when you see it...

    The True Red Dragon: When enraged or stressed to the point of death, Taere can undergo an amazing transformation. The red crests on his back begin to glow, and then begin to heat, as the fire of the True Red Dragon, the crest of Taere's family, burns through his skin. The back plates of the Isparian Armor begin to heat and glow, to the point of being as malleable as sheet aluminum. The plates break off from the armor as enormous crimson-feathered wings burst from his back, and his armor turns a shade of deep red. A blade of red fire and a hilt of the Red Dragon forms from a ball of fire in his hand, and the gauntlet blade unfolds into a shield wit the semblance of a scale of the Red Dragon itself. It is only in the from of the True Red Dragon that Taere can use his ultimate attack, Blade of the Red Dragon.

    Special Note:
    Taere's companion from ansar Aerie is the Silver Dragon Augheryd. In dire situations, Taere will call out with his mind to Augheryd and summon him. Augheryd generally will then burst out from a black hole coursing with blue iridescent lightning into the sky above Taere, and either dive to attack his enemeis, or land to allow Taere to mount the saddle-turret on his back. On the back is a Crysmal Gun, a small generator ergonomically and aerodynamically fitted into the front of the Saddle Turret, that, when Taere inserts the hilt of the Malevolence into it, extends the liquid crystal into a 2-meter-long dripped crystal blade that can either be used as an enormous lance, or can fire blastsof concentrated heated Ether as plasma-infused projectiles with a muzzle velocity of 500 feet per second up to 2 miles accurately using a targeting scope linked to Taere's Blacksun Filter.


    Name: Gilad Avigail Eren
    Alias: Apophys
    Race: Human - Undead (Vampire)
    Age: 526 - 25 at age of Immortality
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: Uncalculable (Hovers randomly to small degrees)
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Eyes: Dark Hazel
    Place of Residence: Wherever he can find a dark place
    Class: Vampire Warrior

    Generally, Apophys does not use weapons, but carries a set of two small daggers in his cloak, and will occasionally carry a rapier-sword (a longsword blade with an ornate rapier hilt).

    Apophys uses his natural speed when fighting, and will usually wear nothing but a large black cloak or leather trenchcoat.

    Not spells per se, Apophy uses telekinetic and pyrokinetic abilities he posesses:
    -Kinesis: Apophys can move most objects with his mind, from lifting heavy things to maipulating lock tumblers.
    -Conflagrate: From anything as small as a match to a fireplace, using his mind, Apophys can kindle and to a certain degree control fire on any combustible material.
    Last edited by Malevolence; 06-19-2004 at 08:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Name: Celorian
    Age: 19 1/2
    Race: Human
    Class: Theif (is that a class? )
    Height: 5.11 feet
    Weight:130 pounds
    Weapons: Large Oaken staff strengthened with magic, Plain silver sword also strengthened with magic, 2 daggers. Pair of gloves with spikes that come out at will. Can weild almost any weapon given to him.
    Armor: Silver chainmail vest, strengthened with magic.
    Description: Has light brown hair down to tip of nose, blue eyes,
    Usually wears wide brimmed hat and dark sunglass' to protect his sensitive eyes from the sun, brown leather jacket, jeans, white singlet, wears a raven necklace, and sneakers. Gloves. And rides a black stallion by the name of Jackson
    Strengthes: Darkness
    Weakness': The sun
    Powers: Has moderate control over elemental (fire, water, ice, lightning) magics, read peoples minds( except in battle), transform into any creature, and can pass through rock
    Last edited by Ifrit; 04-19-2002 at 04:52 PM.

  4. #4
    Name: Garrett Pharn
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue
    Age: 39 (8 years in Nether Realm, 5 since return)
    Class:Monster Hunter(Ranger? Maybe, I was a hunter that knew swordsmanship in my last life, pretty much the same thing.)

    Weapons- Sword; Knife; Anything a hunter owns.
    Armor- Boiled padded leather over simple brown shirt and brown pants; Black enchanted boots with deerskin texture; wedding/signet ring; Enchanted Necklace(gold chain with emerald inside);

    Magic/Techniques- Ability to calm the undead; power to heal tortured souls; power to breath underwater; extreme strength of mind and focus(yoga master); wisdom beyond his years;psy-blast;

    Training-Hunting from father; Swordsmanship from Lord Bling, travelling knight who mixed arts from many places; White magic from monks; Other magic from those he tortured while in the Nether Realm; Wisdom and mental fortitude from his own suffering;

    Race- Frag Demon. (Think Ifrit except all black and only 8ft tall)

    Weapons: Sword of Shin, a sword with an emeral blade and gold hilt(very heavy, only strong guys can hold it); it extends the users magic.(Can extend waking the dead by waking them as soon as they have been killed)
    Armor-N/A (Ifrit is naked)

    Magic/Techniques-All those above except more; Command over fire; Slight control over lightning; Power to wake the dead; Flight; Strength of body(can bench 8 tons, an elephants weight, for three reps.); Fast reaction speed;

    Current Level(Victories): 1(Ivellios)
    Every Successful battle incurs a change in level.
    Time To Power Up Transformation- 2 turns, beginning and completion. Can't attack in either turn. 1 Turn once I reach 15th level.
    Time in form- 4 posts, increases every time I change levels until I reach level then its every two levels. It keeps on changing every. Multiple of 5 increase(level 5-8, 15-13, 30-18, 50-23, 75-28 turns etc. although I don't expect to get that far.)

    Human- he is limited to all weaknesses humans have. Same skin, can burn, freeze, cut, scrape, etc.
    Frag Demon- His weaknesses are lightning magic; Dark Magic involving madness(this form was his form in hell); Thanks to his fur cold doesn't affect him unless it is extreme(hypothermia if his body falls below 113 degrees farenheit, normally 117)
    Last edited by fragdemon; 04-23-2002 at 03:39 AM.

  5. #5
    Name: Chalimn

    Age: 14

    #1. Shield
    #2. Slip n' Slash

    Limit Break:
    #1. Blue Frenzy

    #1. Blue Sword

    Bio: Quick and agile kid but very powerful.......

  6. #6

    NAME: Dervin Ronso
    RACE: Ronso
    AGE: unknown
    WEAPON: Kamisori-a lightwieght spear that has powers only Dervin can unlock.Handed down to him by his father
    HEIGHT: 6'9"
    WIEGHT: 310
    HAIR COLOR: grey/white---FUR COLOR-blue/aqua
    EYE COLOR: yellow
    CLASS: Guardian-he is Eastern guardian in the Council of guardians/summoners/lost sumoners yet still seaks a summoner to guard.He is an expert white mage guardian who uses his white magic for only the purpose of his summoner and fellow guardians(in rp's since white magic isnt allowed in RPBs)
    ARMOR: Mythril chain mail-with a plate over the heart with a ruby inbeded in it.Leather boots,gold wrist guards with an intricate design only crafted by the guilds of Mt. Gagazet. Golden shin guards with similar design of wrist guards.
    CLOTHES: brown leather pants
    Acsesories: sacred ring of Gagazet-given to him by the high priest of mt.gagazet that holds the power of Gagazet allowing Dervin to use stronger attacks like his limit break Gagazet Rain
    ATTACKS: SKULL CRUSH:jabs at enemy,kicks enemy,punches enemy, powerful blow to enemies head.
    gagazet punch-uses power of sacred ring to punch
    gagazet kick-uses power of sacred ring to kick
    gagazet jab-uses power of sacred ring to stab the enemy
    gagazet stomp-uses power of the sacred ring to stmp on the enemies(ususaly small enemies)
    gagazet crush-uses power of the sacred ring to pound on his enemies
    gagazet uppercut-uses the power of the sacred ring to uppercut the enemy
    gagazet combo-uses the power of the sacred ring to combine all gagazet attacks leading up to the final blow,Dervins limit break Gagazet rain
    MAGIC: NOVA:a beam of light from space engulfs the enemy and implodes causing major non elemental damage
    CURE-heals a tiny bit of HP
    CURA-heals a good amount of HP
    CURAGA-heals massive amount of HP
    WATER:deals small amount of water damage.
    WATERA:deals a high amount of water damage
    WATERGA:deals massive water damage
    LIMIT: Gagazt Rain-a downpour of rain healing all alies full health---or---a downpour of ice,fire,and electricity on the enemy dealing possibly fatal damage(rare,usually just does massive damage)
    BIO: When Dervin was young he whitnessed his parants being murdered.He was then adopted by the Hight Priest of mt.gagazet and brought up for a while till they were attacked and most of his people were slaughtered. He set out on a mission to ease the worlds pain and to end destruction and avenge his people and friends. he is trained in white magic that he uses to heal any injured people he comes apon.His travels have taken him many places. Dervin has endured many adventures some sucsesful others not. Dervin has joined the guardian council in hope he can rid the world of evil. He travels with friends which makes him forget the bad times in his life..and now he is making his comeback in revenge.

    "You dont need a reason to help someone"

    NAME: Dervin Geldin

    RACE: Human

    AGE: 15

    WEAPON: Kamisori-a lightweight sword that has powers only Dervin can unlock. Handed down to him by his father

    HEIGHT: 6'1"

    WIEGHT: 80

    HAIR COLOR: blond

    EYE COLOR: blue

    CLASS: a kid abandoned by his family

    ARMOR: Mythril chain mail, metal wrist guards,leather boots

    CLOTHES: brown cotton pants,leather gloves,cotton shirt,cotton hat

    Accessories: ruby charm-is told to have the power of flame in it and Dervin uses it to cast magic upon his enemy.

    ATTACKS: SLICE-uses his two daggers to slice enemy
    SLICE AND DICE-uses two daggers to slice enemy and Kamisori to Dice them
    FLAME DAGGERS-uses the power of his ruby charm to set flame to his daggers adding damage to his attack(flame element)
    FLAME RAZOR-uses the power of the ruby charm to cast a flame unto Kamisori(his sword)making his attacks more devistating
    HELL BRINGER-uses the power of the ruby charm to cast falme on all his weapons and uses them in a combo of slices and slashes.
    FLAME TOSS & CROSS-uses the power of the ruby charm to cast a flame spell unto his weapons then throws his two daggers towards the enemy and draws Kamisori and cross slashes the enemy.

    MAGIC: NOVA: a beam of light from space engulfs the enemy and implodes causing major non elemental damage
    FLARE-deals massive amount of flame damage
    CURE-heals a tiny bit of HP
    CURA-heals a good amount of HP
    CURAGA-heals massive amount of HP
    FIRE: deals small amount of fire damage.
    FIRA: deals a high amount of fire damage
    FIRAGA: deals massive fire damage
    LIMIT: FLAME WAVE-Dervin leapes in the air throws his daggers on the enemy then draws Kamisori falls back down repels off enemy a second time and comes rushing down and stabs Kamisori into the ground causing the ground to shake,then open up,then a huge wave of flame engulfs any enemy with in a one mile radius.
    BIO: Dervin was once part of the wealthy family of Geldin but one greedy man destroyed most of his family exept him his sister his mother and his father so the moved far a way and started their own town where they set up and began to farm but one day the village was attacked...Dervin stayed with his father in the village while his mother and his sister fled to safety.that same day Dervins father was murdered by the general of the army that attacked the village.he went to the wise mage of the wood for help but he was murdered also...except there was a note left for Dervin along with a good luck charm a ruby charm ...the note read:my dear lad Dervin I am sorry that I could not be there for you but I knew my days were over,I want you to have this it is a stone with the power of fire...then the sentence was ended and blood splattered at the bottom of the page. He dug through the rubble of his home and found a burried chest.the key his faher gave him years earlier fit and low and behold inside was his sword Kamisori(look in weapon section for more details)Dervin was being trained in white magic and with help of the ruby charm he soon learned flame elemental magic. He was asaulted by the dwarves of the wood that lived near his village,they stole Kamisori but he soon got it back because the same knights that kille dhis father raided the dwarf village in the wood. But now Dervin is just trying to seek revenge for his fathers death...a determined young boy on a journey by himself......

    "You don’t need a reason to help someone"
    Last edited by Dervin; 07-30-2002 at 09:10 PM.

  7. #7
    Character Statistics. Liquid Shadow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    On the move
    Name: Zeto Numbra.

    Age: Appears around 20.

    Race: Physically, Human.

    Eyes: White (Blind).

    Hair: Medium length brown hair.

    Class: Astrologic wanderer.

    Weapon: The twelve Stellazzio coins. Through intensive study of astrology and the nature of the coins Zeto has discovered the power of the coins which is open to those who know their secret. When used, each coin gives upon the person of Zetos' choosing its' power, whether it be a special item or unique powers. Many coins may be used at once but they must have a common bond, ie Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn may be used together on a single person since they are all Cardinal signs.

    Clothing: Grey travelling cloak with hood. Cloak has texture of snake skin, shimmering with a thousand deviations of grey at once. Coal black ninja costume without head or feet covering, arms also bare.

    Attitude: Relaxed. Fights only to learn, not to kill.

    Powers: Was given a gift as a child to make up for the fact he was blind, now able to 'shift' his sight to see different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Markings: Sometimes visible silver symbol of Cancer upon his forehead.
    Last edited by Liquid Shadow; 08-04-2002 at 08:13 AM.

  8. #8
    Scar Face A.K.A. Vye
    Name: Dragon Master,Drakion,Demotica,or Ultikri
    Race:Wind Ninja,Dragon,vampiric demon,or Angel.
    Age:15 or 1,000,000 or 1,000
    Weapon:Stormy blood:His most powerful sword.
    Hurricane blade:Has all the winds of earth in it.
    Weight:250 LBS.
    Armor:Who needs armor when your speedy!
    Clothesragon Master:White ninja suit.Light blue gloves and boots.Ultikrirakonia's Armor.Demotica:Has all black on.
    Hair color:long and silver.
    Eye color:Blue and Green.
    Fast slashes
    Drakions bite
    Drakonias Wings
    Drakonias energy
    Dragon energy ball
    Pheonix and thunder bird feathers
    Dark Past
    Vampiric blood
    Dark Desires
    Psychos mind
    Psychic powers:Can use any psychic powers he wants by using the jewels on his head.
    The Dark Blood
    Dark Aorea
    Storming howl
    Bloody Moon
    Drakions rage
    Blood flow

    Bio:A very good person but you don't want to get him in a rage or he'll use an attack not listed.he can transform when he wants but only when he needs to.he saw his mother dieat the age of 6.he then went on a journey to kill the person who killed her.He has three jewels on his forehead which are shaped like Fire balls.They can't be broken or smashed to pieces.His power comes from them.He was said to be a Demonic force to be reconned with.

    Name:Scar face A.K.A. Vye
    height:5ft.11 inches
    Skill:Shadow skill
    clothes:a blue tanktop with blue boots.
    eye color:brown
    Hair color:brown,short.
    attacks:kick,jump kick,renkoukicken,demikicken,kenkiketi.

    Chant:I am the master...the master of shadow one can withstand my shadow skill.I AM INVINCIBLE!NO ONE CAN WITH STAND MY SHADOW SKILL!

    Last edited by Scar Face A.K.A. Vye; 04-23-2002 at 04:38 PM.

  9. #9
    Character Statistics. Mugetsu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    age:approx 30

    height: 5,11''

    armour:light but extremely strong mythril ninja jumpsuit.

    clothes:the afore mentioned armour and a pair of black boots.he also has a facial covering.

    weapons:twin blades once reffered to as the soulblades,18 shuriken,two smoke bombs and a prototype hand elemental device.
    powers:he has various powers but to find them all out you will have to fight me. he has two trance/limit break attacks. the first one is simply a huge energy beam which destroys the body and mind of the opponent if they are hit.

    but the second is a transformation (much like kuja in ff9 turns to trance kuja) which gives him a new weapon a huge double ended axe which is held on him by a chain.
    my character develops feathers which are red and white and has the ability to float.his power becomes immense and his energy seems infinite.once transformed in battle there is no turning back.

    background:he was a mysterious child often avoiding others.when he was a skilled swords man he and his sword the yinyan set out on a quest to find the ancient pirate cervantes treasure.the quest was long and tedios but he stuck to the task and made it to a sealed vault.he opened the vault with his sword but got a shock when he entered the vault as there was a man waiting for any intruders.he was obviously blind and crazy but his other senses were razor sharp.after a long and difficult fight mugetsu emerged the fiht he had shattered his sword.he took only a pair of mysterious swords with him from the vault which he later re-named yin and yan the enchanted swords.
    Last edited by Mugetsu; 03-03-2002 at 01:12 PM.

  10. #10
    Name: Zyrus
    Age: 17
    Class: Psychic
    Weapon: The Psychi
    This includes teleconesis, telepathy, and elaconetics(controling the elements such as fire, water, wind, ice, ect.) Taking years to master, it give the user great ability over mind and body.


    Found at a the age of 6 by his master Gotetsu, Zyrus had possesed the unusual ability of the Psychi. Normaly it takes one years to even begin to tap into their power, but at such an early age is unheard of. Zyrus had been cast out of his vilage for causeing "Bad Things" to happen to the vilage. He unleashed the full fury of his prematre power on the unsespecting vilagers. Gotetsu just happen to pass by at the time of his attack. Using his Psychi, Gotetsu knocked out Zyrus stoping the attack. He then took it apon himself to train Zyrus.

  11. #11
    NAME: Anubis
    AGE: Suspected to be over 1000 years but has only ever been seen recently
    ORIGIN: Born from the thunder
    SPECIES: Thunder Ninja
    HEIGHT: 9'3''
    WEIGHT: 295 LBS, large build
    WEAPON: Thor, a 6 foot long axe with a foot wide, curved head on either end, sharpened for hours every day
    ARMOUR: Whole body armour made from an unknown material, fitting tightly, dark grey in colour
    CLOTHING: Only a black cloak and black shin high boots along with the armour

    Not much is known about Anubis. It is known that proficising a cataclismic war in the future, a great thunder god created Anubis from thunder as a weapon to prevent the inevitable from happening. He has the ability to teleport using thunder as well as controlling the thunder to use in attacks, however it drains him quickly and he uses it only when necesary. He use his large axe with lightning speed and accuracy despite its large size. Among his skills, he has one specific attack which is completely devastating, it is called Lightning Destruct and is a suicide move which is virtually impossible to dodge, although it does not kill Anubis, it leaves him unconscious.

  12. #12
    Name:Remus Arthonon


    Race: Human

    Ocupation: Mercinary

    Eyes: Deep Blue
    Hight: 6'4"
    Clothes and Armor: Blood red cape,Gold plate, covered by a thin robe
    Weapons: Flame Lance, Long sword(very long!! )

    Bio:Both of his parent died when he was very yong, around the age of 7 he decided to leave his deserted house and home to find what true life means??He left oon a journy to find a life a love and a home!


    Magic/Summons: Glare(hipnotizes), Element dash(makes weapns out of the different elements), Flare, Hades and Artimus.<-- Last 2 are summons
    Last edited by Mydako; 02-23-2002 at 05:04 PM.

  13. #13
    Name: Nanaki Juiry Nahika
    Age: 356
    Class: Creature
    Weapon: Platinum claws, Teeth, and tail
    Armor: Stone Skin
    Special Abilities: Can Morph into Flame his human form(see below)

    Name: Flame Juiry Nahika
    Age: 18
    Class: Fighter Mage
    Weapon: Platinum Flame
    Armor: Stone Skin and clothing.
    Other: Both are immune to fire and practice an unknown element, the Mystic element.

    Man this ia a shorter version of my profile, seems i can't copy and paste it from somewhere.
    Last edited by NanakiXIII; 03-18-2002 at 11:40 AM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by NanakiXIII
    Name: Nanaki Juiry Nahika
    Age: 356
    Class: Creature
    Weapon: Platinum claws, Teeth, and tail
    Armor: Stone Skin
    Special Abilities: Can Morph into Flame his human form(see below)

    Name: Flame Juiry Nahika
    Age: 18
    Class: Fighter Mage
    Weapon: Platinum Flame
    Armor: Stone Skin and clothing.
    Other: Both are immune to fire and practice an unknown element, the Mystic element.

    Man this ia a shorter version of my profile, seems i can't copy and paste it from somewhere.
    SephirothsBlade: Just because i'm feeling nice, i gave you 100 gil NanakiXIII.

  15. #15
    The Old Skool Warrior Character Statistics. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Figaro Castle
    Blog Entries
    Dude, this thread is for character profiles only. There's no reason for you to write an entire post stating the fact that you gave some member a hundred gil. I'm not going to ask you to delete your post, but I will ask you not to do it again. Next time, just send a PM or something, eh?

  16. #16
    Name: Shkono Jin

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Class: Contractor assassin

    Apperance: Often he wears a white trench coat which dosen't look much, but makes an excellent armor. Underneath his trench coat is a common black shirt. He wears light brown baggy pants and steel toe boots.

    Weapons: He has a varius choice of weapons, depending on what he needs when he's going into combat. In long range; sniper, and a magnum. In melee fights: two steel daggers and a short blade katana.sassin

    Skills/Abilities: Abnormal speed and reaction time. Shkono is very good on using short bladed weapons, hand to hand combat, and marksmenship. He also posses psionic and shadow magic.

    Personality: Shkono has a strong arrogance and wouldn't go down easliy in a fight. He can be loyal to people who has earn his respect. He would get rid of his enemies as soon as he make some so that he can rest a sure that he dosen't have any. Shkono loves to fight and would take up any challenge.

    History: There isn't much background on Shkono, most of it is unknown at this time. He wanted to have a job that'll put his skils to the test, so he became an assassin.

  17. #17
    Character Statistics. Annikai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Just south of Hell
    Name: Teki Go-Maru
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown but looks to be in his early 20s
    Class: Ninja
    Weapons: 2 swords that are built into his arms and a gun that shoots through his nee cap (can only be used once in battle)
    Personality: He is cold and only speaks when spoken to and even when he speaks it is usually in one word answers.
    Apperence: He wears a black ninja suit and mask that covers his face except for his eyes and his blonde bangs.
    History: He was born in a small peacefull village. That is untill one day. When Teki was six his brother went crazy and slaughtered every one in the village. Teki was barelly alive and he was missing his arms and his right leg. He was found dying by a scientist. The scientist rebuilt his arms and leg. In his arms he put in swords that could come out when he pulled off his hands and in his leg he put a single shot riffle that was only to be used in emergencies. His searches for his brother made him lead the life of a ninja.

  18. #18
    Version 3.0 and final.


    Name:Captain Gavin Starron

    Age: 25

    Race: Born in Selaggis City.Father, Colonel, Mother one of few Lost Summoners protecting Selaggis secretly. Fire Element.

    Magyk Level: 11

    [B}Weight:[/B] 70kgs.(I'm Australian)

    Skin Colour: Pale, but slightly tanned.

    Height: 6.4 ft

    Elements: Fire and Ice.

    Clothing: A blue shimmering cloak.Black pants and simple joggers.


    Sword- Named Starslasher.A Crystal and very powerful sword.His Fire magic propels his power through it, with touches of flames sometimes burning his enemy.Primary Weapon.

    Daggers- Named Meteor and Comet. Lethal, similar to his sword, and formed by ice.inside the handle a sapphire is there.It powers the Dagger, the ice does not melt or break.

    Gun,Special Elemental-After his time in the Navy, he kept his gun, rarely used.Emits Gravity Magyk.
    (Elementa lGuns are allowed in RPs and RPBs.Not normal ones.))

    Armour: Black Hole , creates a black Gravitational ball of energy around Gavins stomach, tosses back swords and other weapons from stomach based attacks.

    Robe- A blue/turquoise robe, shimmers.


    Black Hole- Gravity Lv.8

    White Fire- Fire Lv.7

    Shadow Flare- Fire/ Gravity Combined move. Lv.6

    Polar Drop- Ice lv.6

    Starstruck - Combination Ice/Fire/Gravity Lv.7

    Shadow- Gravity Lv.7

    Hometown: Selaggis

    Extra: His mysterious eyes, because of his mother powers his magic in times of need.

    Face and body

    Eyes: Deep blue.

    Hair: Light brown,streaked with blond.

    Facial Hair: None.

    Ears: Slightly tanned, medium size.

    Hands: White.

    Stomach: Covered by robe.

    Waist:Black leather belt(tight).

    Thighs: Extra pads.

    Knees: Extra pads.


    When Gavin was born Selaggis was at war, his Father led several strikes at enemy territory.Gavin understood the Navy & Army Corps and joined immediatly when he turned sixteen.The Lost Summoners, led by his mother helped defend Selaggis.He realized that he had a few magical powers like his mother.He grew up in a time of hardship and Selaggis's Defense Force, got weaker.As the Navy was decimated over the seas, he joined the Army.His talent was immediatly recognized and he was promoted to Lieutenant and was sent over to the Navy battle.He pulled off the first victory for Selaggis and helped win the war.He was promoted to Captain.He kept his rank, but when the war was over, he was seventeen and left to learn about fighting...

    He met a weapons trainer called Gronz.He was twenty-one when he decided to leave.Gronz attempted to kill him.Gronz was an enemy of Selaggis.He was captured, though he killed Gronz in the process.His Mother and Father came using there leadership skills to lead an army of Summoners and Troopers into the enemy.They were killed but saved their son.

    Gavin pursued his vengeance keeping his rank and wandered around the world, then one day he turned twenty-five...

  19. #19

    Randal Harrington

    Name: Randal Scott Harrington (Sharzademar)
    Race: SArtogian (Radiated Human)
    Class: Flaming Swordsman
    Armor: Clad in SArtogian Rock, which as little armor purpose, but shows his heritage and tradition.
    Weapons: Quickblade - "My first weapon back in the day, oh the memories. Not too powerful, but as fast as lighting." Kiathe-Maelor- "The sword forged by the spirits of the fire demon and lightning demon. Now forgiven for their sins and holy preists, I recived their dual-edged fire-lighting emitting sword as an apology for the evil they brought upon me and to help me with further evils. I forgave them a long time ago..." Sephiriam (Angel of God, I think). - "The long hard fight with the very devil himself. So much joy in fighting him, but i thank god every time i lay eyes for the Sephiriam, the Holy Sword of Extreme light. Without it, i may have became one of the devil's slaves to burn in hell forever. Plasma-Machine Gun- "A simple machine gun. Sometimes the damn thing gets jammed."
    Radiation: Blaze, Mind, Freze , Bolt.
    Note: "A can survive very fatal cuts, but not always. Depends on the opponet's skill."
    Last edited by LocoColt04; 04-06-2006 at 07:15 PM. Reason: KERBLAM! (signature removal)

  20. #20
    Character Statistics. Shelus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Kansas... without the accent
    >>> Name: Shelus Enzinual
    >>> Age: Unknown (estimated to be several thousand years old)(appears to be late teens)
    >>> Race: Banished Angel(Seraphin)/Human.

    >>> Physical Atributes
    Shelus is a tall White Half Seraphin, half human. His hair is White, wild and short almost. Shelus stands at 6 feet and 3 inches tall, weighing 157 lbs a with a medium Build. Strong and Agile His eyes are a bright orange and has an orange tattoo under each eye. Showing no scars on his body, surprisingly, Shelus wears no armor over the upper part of his body... his Armor is his flesh and the Two long 8 foot white wings that fade to orange at the tips on his back. The pants he wears are black and loose. Shelus wears no shoes as well. There are also two circle scars above his wings, and two below. The other two sets are destroyed upon his banishment from Gods house. No more to cover his face... no more to cover his feet.

    >>> Class: Unknown (possible Spectral or Abyss Knight)
    >>> Elemental Class(es): Holy, Darkness, Wind, Air and Solar Winds/Plasma

    >>> Personality:
    Shelus is mostly quiet and rarely talks and is considered very Mature. Hates to argue. Shelus is very Evil but at the same time very good. (Will be more detailed in bio)

    >>> Weapons:

    Shelus Blade: The sword that is used by Shane was made by the one and only Shelus Enzinual. The Shelus Blade can be used Masterfully by Shane, but when used by Shelus... everything comes to him almost like its predicted. Shelus Enzinual Made this Sword through the forging of many Metals folded with the emotions of all living beings. (such as hopes, dreams, Nightmares, fears and wishes)

    Kaitoryu and Poetic Night: As other weapons can be used by Side and Shane... Shelus is of the ability to wield them as well. See "Side" bio for appearence of these two.

    >>> Background/Bio

    Being ordered to slay the Dragon by the direct order of his Master of the Time 'God' Shelus encountereed the beast for the first time. As a the long battle between the two pursued, it seemed evident at the time that the dragon would most surely triumph. But through a mishap on the dragons behalf, Shelus took quick initiative of the situation and poised to finish the beast off for good.

    With the life of the dragon in Shelus' grasp, he couldn't find the ability within himself to finish the job. How could someone who has only been there for a small flicker of time slay something so magnificent as a dragon who has been there for aeons and aeons and has traveled into unknown galxies and even possible to say... different universes. With the Dragon bearing this in mind, it spoke softly into Shelus' mind, a voice of old that promised great strength and protection for the deed he had performed to the dragon by not slaying him.

    Returning to his Master of the time. God had already known of Shelus' failure and how close he was to completing the task that had been set before him. For his punishment... God sentenced him and sent him into the Void where he would soon encounter the mutilated being known as the Kolobos. It didn't take long for Shelus to come in contact with Kolobos. All Shelus could do was take the agonizing pain of torture and apparent mutilation as he stood stunned in front of the Voidish beast, unable to believe the betrayal that had been set upon him. Unfortuneatly... The Greek God of old had only been able to torture and partially mutilate Shelus of a considerable amount before Xenomide forced his away into the voidish resting place of the Kolobos and brought Shelus out of harms way. Although now out of danger, it could easily be noticed that Shelus had lost his entire left leg.

    Fortuneatly for the banished Angel, Xenomide knew of certain techniques that could replace the flesh now dangling off of where Shelus' leg once was. Although few have ever seen his leg due to the fact that his pants keep it out of sight, it is of the very metal that was used to forge the Blade named after the Angel himself. Various metals make up the leg and and the sword. As for the leg, all componets are attached to nerves and skin to make it feel as it once did, except for pain. Now... Shelus had the sword made by him and named after him, and... a leg of various metals unknown to man... made by Xenomide.

    Unfortuneatly again... the torture that had seemed to go on forever had corrupted part of Shelus' mind and created unto him a second persona. Mostly unheard of, but especially dangerous for one whom had just been betrayed by all he knew. The power that he could unleash when in his unstable state was almost unsurpassed, but dangerous none the less. With time running low for Shelus to find a catalyst, Xenomide had some terrible plague affecting him as well... an after affect of willingly entering into the Void to save Shelus. The price Xenomide had to pay however was much different than physical scarring... he became mentaly insane, not too insane to where it would take over him with haste, but with slow agonizing time. Shelus would almost find himslef giving up hope on finding a cure for his mood changes and one for Xenomide. But one day, Xenomide mentioned to Shelus of a method that could help contain the power of his burden, or gift, and one that could keep himself, from entering into the same state as Shelus. A safe and reliable method it turned out to be...

    Shelus searched long and hard for a young man that would be suitable enough to be a catalyst for half of his persona. Shane would end up becoming the first catalyst. To Shelus' suprise though... Shane would have to find a catalyst for the second half of the persona. Side would end up being that which would hold the faith of Shane and Shelus in his very hands. However... to Shelus' suprise, once both personas were handed out, Xenomide would have to finish the process of making Shelus' power dormant for a while. In simple, Shelus had to lay in deep Slumber in both Side and Shane.

    Before Shelus could be put into slumber inside Shane and Side, Xenomide had to infuse his very soul unto Shelus to keep them both from a mental death. What Shelus did not know... this would alternatley kill off Xenomide to an extent. No longer would the Ancient dragon be able to live and move freely by himself, but instead... he would now find himself soul bound to Shelus. In simple... Xenomide can only be free upon the moment Shelus is free and of the ability to summon his presence when in need of his strength.

    >>> Special Accesories
    - Galactic Necklace - A Necklace that contains a galaxy within it that was said to be destroyed by some unknown force. Contains immunity towards all ailments.

    >>> Basic Attacks
    - Poetic Chi - The Yari used by Side is hurled at his enemy in forms of wind.
    - Eletrical Slash - Shelus throws blades of electrical energy at his foe using his sword.

    ((( Although this new addition to my bio may seem overpowered... Rest assured that only few people ever have to see this. Usually those who I believe are talented enough. xP )))
    >>> Unique Abilities
    - Plasma Orb (Orange) - One of the four Orbs Shelus can cast out during or before a battle. The Orange Orb is able to conjour up a random weapon of Side, Shane or Shelus and lash out physical attacks against a foe.
    - Plasma Orb (Green) - One of the four Orbs Shelus can cast out during or before a battle. The Green is able to spew out a rare metal that can warp in order to defend against most physical attacks aimed at Shelus.
    - Plasma Orb (Blue) - One of the four Orbs Shelus can cast out during or before a battle. The Blue Orb is of the ability to use any of Shelus' magic at whim... usually to keep certain enemies on their toes.
    - Plasma Orb (Black) - One of the four Orbs Shelus can cast out during or before a battle. The Black Orb is able to defend against most magical attacks aimed at Shelus.

    >>> Special Attacks
    - Darkened Beam - An orb of dark light hovers in Shelus' palm. From the orb, a dark beam of intense energy is shot out torwards a single foe.
    - Dual Ray - Shelus sends two orbs of light out at his foe. When the orbs are close enough, they lash out with multiple beams of light.
    - Sword Stretch - With space between Shelus and his foes, he holds up his sword and aims it at his enemy. Within an instant, the sword stretches out and is lunged at a foe.
    - Electrode Shrapnel - Shelus forms 5 small spheres of plasma at the end of each finger tip and casts it out towards his foe.

    >>> Magic
    - Omni Light - Shelus stretches out gathering energy to every single part of his exposed body. With a single blast of energy, seven rays of light home at the imidiate area of his enemy
    - Dark Flux - Shelus sends a flicker of dark light into the ground. Soon, multiple beams of dark energy tear away at the earth under his enemies feet.
    - Lightning Tempest - As storm clouds hover above the earth, several bolts of electricity shoot out torwards the enemy and earth to ensure some sort of pain.
    - Plasmatic Pillars - (Only used while in his Level 4 Limit Break) - Seven pillars all made up of Light/Holy, Darkness, Plasma and Solar Winds are fired forward out of the Shelus Blade at any target as the Insane Shelus sees fit.

    >>> Summons

    >>> Xenomide <<< - A grotesquely, but attractive looking beast that once inhabited the deep recesses of Space. Being a beast that inhabits space however, only by chance would it be that this beast and Shelus were to meet along time ago.

    - Appearance - To be more exact... the Xenomide takes the appearence of an ancient dragon that can take to flight with the seven massive wings that make up most of its back. All four of its legs are of equal size and strength to one another and make the appearance of the dragon... equal and simple. The tail that branches off... you know where... is a little longer than most and seems to have a snake like mind of its own and contains the looks of spinal cord bones along the whole shaft of the tail itself and splits at the end to look like sickles of a ghastly radiant steel.

    >>> Class: Ancient Dragon
    >>> Elemental Class: Solar Wind magic use/damage, Mass destruction on a severe level.

    >>> Limit Break: Shelus Enzinual Whole

    Limit Level 1

    Shelus Enzinual Whole - Taking the other half of the Persona from Shane and Side, Shelus becomes enraged and uncontrolable. Shelus starts attacking all foes from the sky with wings, sword, magic and his Special attacks caring for know one who will be in the path of his destrustion.

    Limit Level 2

    Supernovae Nemesis - Shelus calls upon the Companion of the Sun 'Nemesis'. While it approaches Earth... the affect of its gravitational push can be felt almost instantly. As it screeches to a hault next to the sun... Both 'Sun' and 'Nemesis' react together. This causes them to fire beams of beams of Fire, Plasma, Energy, Lightning, Ice and Gas into the immediate area in and around Shelus' Foe.

    Limit Level 3

    XenoShell - The two souls of these powerful entities become one. Shelus now takes place of the Dragons Soul and their attacks and defenses are even stronger than before. With Shelus in control of the Ancient dragon, he can mix the attacks of both as he seems fit. His appearence is as the angel himself looks, but a bit different... markings of the dragon tounge outline his body as do Alchemic circles and other unknown glyphs. Four of the dragons Plasma like wings also find their own place on Shelus' back.

    Limit Level 4

    Chaotic Enzinual - (Only used after Limit Level 3) - XenoShells entire body becomes the fourth state of matter... Plasma. His attacks are relentless, his sanity is destroyed, his mind is warped. All he will know and inflict is pain, torture and destruction.
    Last edited by Shelus; 09-29-2006 at 07:45 PM.

  21. #21

    It is whatever you think is going to jump you on a dark lonley night, or what it hiding in your closet. It is your worst fear, right in front of you, whatever it may be. But it's not as simple as seeing it. For it is an entity held most dear by the devil himself. Some says if you are able to fight, fight hard, and you may be rewarded.

    (Trust me, it's not lacking. IT's very open ended with endless possibilities.)
    Last edited by Sharzademar; 06-23-2006 at 08:03 PM.

  22. #22
    Character Statistics. Bonezero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The spanish word for mountain.
    Holy crap! How long has it been since I posted in here?!

    Name: Ultramecia
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Ultramecia has curved spikes along the back his arm. His head has an arch along the back of his head that goes down towards the ground. He also has curved spikes along the back of his legs as well. His body is a pitch black, and has a glowing line along it. Its colors change depending on Ultramecia's attack

    Weapons: ULtramecia wields a weapon called the Demons storm. If used to kill a person, they are put under Ultramecia's control. The blade can also fuse with Ultramecia, giving him extraordinary power.

    Abilites: Can regenerate certain parts of his body, if they are severed. If his body is shattered into pieces, he can create an energy field to attract the pieces to the energy source.

    Attacks: SInce the historical recored of SII says that each new ruler gains all the abilites of the defeated one; his attacks cannot be mentioned.

    History: Ultramecia gained control of SII around 3000 years ago. Since then no one has matched his power, and has planned an invasion for this world the humans call earth. Ultramecia has plans for earth neverbefore seen, and will kill anyone who stands in his way. He seeks warriors to fall to his blade, only to become his servants with potental unlocked they had never seen.

  23. #23
    Name: Sora Ichigo (Sky Strawberries)
    Nickname: The Grimm Reaper
    Sex: Male
    Age: 12
    Height/Weight: 150.8 CM 97.2 LBS
    Physical Appearance: Sora has shaggy dark brown hair, thats a medium length. He has light brownish highlights at the roots of his thick locks. His skin is a light auburn peach, and is as smooth as lavender or silk. He has eyes that are a steel gray, and a mixture of light blue; making them look like two pools of crystaline water, or miasma. Sora's build is thin, yet muscular, like a rapier. His body is well toned from constant training.
    Attire: It looks something like this.

    Primary Class: Lunar Heaven Knight
    Secondary Class: Omni Mage
    Tertiary Class: Keyblade Wielder

    Specialty: Dual Wielding

    Right Hand: Life Stream
    Left Hand: Apacolyps
    Head: none
    Body: Shoulder Guards
    Arms: Wielding Gloves
    Legs: Magi Shorts
    Feet: Skyline Shoes
    Accessory 1: Kingdom Chain
    Accessory 2: Nova Materia
    Accessory 3: none

    Life Stream: A keyblade that slightly resembles the former keyblade: Oath Keeper. It's white, and made with a shining platinum tint. Life Stream is thin, and long; which allows Riku to exacute fast and powerful blows. Dark silver designs of tangles run up this keyblade. The handle is all platinum, and has room for Riku to let go of the blade and use it to do new and interesting combos. At the end of the silver key-chain is a small glass sphere, filled with a glowing green liquid. This keyblade is of the magical type and boosts Mana reserve.
    Apacolyps: This keyblade is wraught from a rare material known as mythril. It has a crystal shade of light blue to its color, and is longer than the Life Stream, but thicker. Apacolyps is wider as well, and has gaps in it's blade, making it resistant to pressure. The handle is slick and thin, made for straight forward combat. Riku preferrs this keyblade because of it's great defensive and offensive boost.

    Wind Slash: Sends a strong blade of air at a target, when it hits target it explodes with a powerful air compression.
    Aura Explosion: Slashes the air sending a powerful beam of energy at the enemy. It explodes when it strikes the target, and explosions of aura from beneath.
    Lightning Claw: Conjurs lightning around the hand, and creates powerful claws of lightning.
    Cure Light: Summons the power of holy light to cure minor wounds.
    Invisable Wind: Uses the wind to hide between air particals. It makes Sora invisable.

    Sora doesn't remember most of his memories. Most of his memories seem like a blur of others. He has an instinct for fighting, and dual wielding. No one knows him. All that Sora has to lead him to the mystery of his existance is the few memories he has.
    Last edited by Tenrai_Kaze; 07-01-2006 at 06:57 AM.

  24. #24
    skin:ice blue
    clothes:Light Blue Bikini, Purple Sarong
    weapon:IceAngel wields two diamond blades
    armour: She's currently wearing a frost bangle, with abilities of nulfrost and raises magic defense by 25%
    Special attack: Heavenly Strike
    Black magic: Blizzara, Blizzaga, Thundara, Thundaga.
    White Magic: Nulfrost, NulBlaze
    Background Info:
    IceAngel, born from shivas ( one of many aeons from final fantasy 10 and 10-2)spirit,currently living high above the clouds on the peak of Mt. Gagazet.
    Last edited by xXxsArAhxXx; 04-08-2006 at 11:18 AM.

  25. #25
    (OOCK let me know if this is alright)



    Appearance: black hair,blue sun glasses,In his left ear he has a small blue earing,Blue Shorts,Blue Tank top,Blue gloves,Blue boots,and Blue eyes.
    Personality:Calm but when adjetative tells off evryone he sees.

    WeaponsIf this is not okay tell me and ill change it)2 Blue keyblades(Like the ones from kingdom hearts)

    Magic:cure,and Ice.



    Name:Leo spitfire


    Appearence:He has a sleevless leather jacket with his nam on the back.He has black pants with flames at the bottom.he is tan and has dark red eyes.and black hair with mixed in red.

    Weapon:Has a huge sword that is red at the handle and black at the blade.


    Last edited by Roxas; 04-26-2006 at 02:02 PM.

  26. #26
    Appearance:Wears a white tank top,and Has a blue star carved out of saphireon a chain around his neck.Has faded blue jean pants,and blue sneakers.He also has red spiked hair about down to his shoulders.
    Weapon:The wizards Blade(It is like rikus keyblade in KH2 except it has a blue handle, blue hand guard,Keychain is a yellow star,blade is blue with yellow stars printed on it).
    Abilities;Teleport,and all magic
    Stats:low HP,but has high attck,def,and speed.
    Biography:He never knew his parents and ran away from the orphanage at 15.

  27. #27
    Synthesized Ascension Character Statistics. Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Character Name: Scion Ventosus
    Age: 2,130 years
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dalfe (New Breed of Elf)
    Class: Black Magic Knight

    Appearance: Scion stands at about 5’8, a decent height. He has a long black hair and a pair of emerald green eyes. His skin appears soft and rather pale, his body with a slender figure and medium build in muscles, almost perfectly balanced. But this is not what makes him stand out the crowd.

    Scion was born as the first of his race, though actually he is his race since there were no beings like him. What separates him from other creatures or elves is the fact when night draws over the sky and the moon rises, many black glowing symbols cover his body. These symbols are similar to the elven language, but are not written in words. However, anyone who has seen these symbols have died and none have translated what they have said. His attire is specifically designed to cover his body.

    Sitting over his forehead and placed like a crown is a head ornament one would assume he was a high elf. The only thing that is different is a pair of black wings designed to sit backwards upon the end of the ornament. They are rather small as well. From there is a necklace with a violet stone sitting just above his chest. He then wears a black jacket with mithril laced on the insides and patched up to look like a simple jacket. Under the jacket is a silk black shirt and then down further is loose black leather pants held by a thick belt of unknown properties. It holds an emerald stone as a buckle and then right behind the sides of his legs connects black sheathes for his weapons. Lastly, he wears black elven boots with silver lining for design.

    Personality: Scion is both a romantic and a sad being. You usually find him wooing some girl or another, but he isn’t really a skirt chaser. Most people never see the part of him where he just shuts down. Normally he just creates conversation and is rather neutral when it comes to certain subjects, but when he becomes silent most people avoid him. Usually silence means he’s in a bad mood and many have turned up in terrible shape from a beating, yet this is not anger he releases. No one has ever heard him yell. And out of all that not many have seen his intellect on the matter. The speed in which he thinks is usually a matter of seconds or even milliseconds before you realize what is or was happening. And he’s very observant.

    Biography: Two years before Scion was born, something had happened that no one expected to happen.

    It had begun when an Angelic creature defied its master and like any angelic creature was sent to live among the mortals and become fallen or forsaken. This one angelic creature was a man whose history is erased with no name, but as the man lived upon the earth he had grown attached to an elven woman. For which, both beings defied their lords and ran away together. And as any story goes the couple had given birth to a child two years later; this was Scion. However, the High Elves had foreseen this and decided to persecute the couple and easily found where they were hiding. When they finally got to their hidden home the child was already gone. They had sent Scion to a Drow city due to his features. Course, most drows had black skin, but white wasn’t that rare among the race.

    Not long after both the fallen angel and elf were executed and the council had set out troops to find the child. It was ten years before they finally gave up, not being able to see forward. This scared the council though since through fate when a certain subject could not be foreseen it meant great change. What they didn’t know is five years before the Drow society had exiled the child after finding out what he was and sent him to be offered as a sacrifice to a large dragon village nearby.

    After leaving the child alone for the dragons to consume it was not long until one dragon finally appeared after hearing what they were doing and found the child tied to a tree. When the dragon began the sacrifice an explosion occurred. Other dragons close by flew in to find out what had happened. When they had came to the site they found the dragon almost completely destroyed from a black smoke and found the child standing on the only piece of land around him. The dragon’s immediately took action and started to attack but were soon stopped by one man in armor who grabbed the child and began defending him. This man was far from ordinary as he killed three of the dragons before the last of them flew off.

    When he took off his helmet it was another drow. Strangely, this drow did not seem to care what the boy was. In fact he had taken the child to be his own and gave Scion the title of apprentice.

    This drow wasn’t just any drow, he was a legendary General who had also been exiled thousands of years before. And thus began Scion’s training.

    Basic training in both drow and elven lands took a matter of 40 years, but this training had gone on for one hundred years. When the General had taught Scion everything he knew of war, strategy, and life Scion had taken in these skills well and eventually overpowered the General at some point. At this point, the General let go of Scion and let him walk into the world upon his own journey.

    From the beginning of this journey Scion had gone throughout the world to a great extent and during the present time and era, he is still not known. This was his intent, of course. He had done many deeds for many sides, but was skilled enough to stay within the shadows from the biggest societies. However, in the underground of the world he is known for a few things many would idolize, yet no one has ever come to meet with him. And now something has stirred his intentions and slowly through the exaggeration of rumors and truths he is becoming known. Time will tell when the High Elves learn of his life.


    Terminus & Oblivio: Twin-blades that are 24” in full length and the blades are 17” themselves. Connected to a black leather belt and set in two black leather sheathes, these blades are anything but normal. Their width in fact is almost 3” thick, but that’s from looking at its spine. The strange formation of these blades is the fact there seems to be four blades side-by-side that are at their sharpest. The metal used for these blades is a black formation of mithril, light and strong, but hold magical properties. Their technical side though is the fact that both blades can turn into “Windmills”. By flicking a hair-trigger on the upper back side of the handle it releases them into a cross shaped weapon. There is even a wire wrapped around the cylinder that holds the four blades together, which further gives reason to why they are called “Windmills”.

    Another transformation they take is during regular form where they split into more of a claw-like figure like a fan. And the last use they have is the written spells they have upon them. They help increase user’s power if the user knows the spell as well and can even intertwine spells. These are the “Windmill Daggers”.


    Black Magic – During his training, Scion found that he had the ability to use black magic quite effectively. He has created a book worth of spells with this power.

    Time Magic – Though he was gifted in black magic, his Master taught him some spells of Time and space. Nothing truly extreme, but he has found the spells useful one time or another.

    Elemental Magic – This kind of magic isn’t his strongest point. He knows a few spells for almost every element, but he has never dived into its power and is a step up from basics.

    Weapon Spells – Given any weapon, Scion may be able to fuse certain spells upon weapons that will last as long for an entire day.

    Telepathy/Telepathy Weapon – Elves are required to learn how use the telepathic ability of their magic, thus Scion learned how to speak to both people and animal minds. There also involves a technique in attacking one’s mind in order to drop their guard.

  28. #28
    Character Statistics. ShadowX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Your mom's house
    Name:Shadow Ex
    Apperence:Black hoodie,black pants,old gray shoes,red eyes,brown hair
    Weapon: Dual weilded swords
    Ablities: Invinciblity, all black magic
    Stats:Med hp,High Atk,Low def
    Biography:When born his parents set him off to sea as he traveled for 12 yrs.
    as a murderer named koshi found him. The murderer tought Shadow everything he knew and when trainining was complete he gave Shadow 2 swords as Shadow followed in his footsteps.

  29. #29
    Name:Blaine Age:19
    Race:Hume' Height:5.7
    Gender:Male Weight:132
    Job:Swordmaster Title:The Holy Prince of Valiance
    Weapon:Excalibur Hair:Long Dark Blue
    Head:Masterband Eyesark Blue
    Armower Wrist Attitude:Very serious
    Body:Leather Plate Home:Valiance
    Feet:Running Shoes Loverincess Maya
    Limit:Climhazzard Summons:Alexander
    Meteor Crush Omega
    Last edited by Blaine; 09-01-2006 at 06:59 PM.

  30. #30
    The White Mage


    Name: Egam the wiked
    Race: Human
    Class: Lunar mage
    Weapon: Moon Stave Of Wisdom
    Armor: Robe of darkness
    Special Abilities:Can change from day to night using time

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