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Thread: If Today Was Your Last Day

  1. #1
    Tsuna Feesh If Today Was Your Last Day Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.

    If Today Was Your Last Day

    I mean for this to be an Intellectual Discussion, but if a Moderator or an Administrator decides that this should go under General Chat instead, please move it for me. Thank you in advance if it does get move!

    If today was your last day, and tomorrow was going to be too late, what would you do with that last day?

    Please list your top five things descriptively or more if you have that much stuff that you want to do.

    Also, how would you want to die? Where would you want to die? Who do you want by your side before your death? And what would your last words be?

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  2. #2
    Asking all the personal questions. If Today Was Your Last Day RamesesII's Avatar
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    I am a god, where ever the hell I please.
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    If today was my last day i don't have a list of things that i would want to do or achieve there is only one thing i want i would like to spend the whole day with my family, playing with my kids, watching them chase after each other or watching them draw squiggly little lines on paper that they hold up and say 'I draw daddy' and then start to ask me what the colours of the pencils they are using are and the when i answer correctly or not they say 'Good job Daddy' and then i would make them the most special lunch they will ever have with chocolate milk etc and then we would watch a movie together (and if it was up to my eldest daughter we would be watching Cinderella or I Robots again) and then watching them fall asleep for the lunch time nap and then i would play with my youngest daughter and crawl after her and chase her and throw her in the air as she giggles with excitement and delight as i make my self look stupid to amuse her.

    At night i would bath them and brush their hair and braid my daughters hair and then i would sit all three of them on my lap and read them a story until they fell asleep on me and eventually i fell asleep and then my beautiful wife would come in and wake me up and i would put them in their beds and tuck them in and stroke their heads as i watch their peaceful, innocent little faces as they sleep and wonder what they could be dreaming about. I would kiss them and say goodnight.
    I would also of course spend plenty of time with my wife, i would hold her and kiss her and tell her how beautiful she is and we would tell each other stories of our past and of how we met and our wedding day i would cook a spectacular candle light dinner and then i would run a hot bubble bath for her and massage her shoulders as she relaxes and then we would go to bed and i would massage her feet and hands and then run my fingers through her hair as she falls asleep and then i would say goodnight to the kids one last time and then crawl into bed hold my wife until i fell asleep never to wake again.

    i would probably also go for a late night drive in my ute that i love so much and go to a spot where i could overlook the city with its glistening lights and look out over the valley towards the sea and the mountains.

    I would want my family beside me as i died and i would hold their hands and kiss them and tell them i will see them later, i would tell them a joke and i wouldn't tell them the punch line that way they know they will have to see me again so i can finish the joke.
    My last words would probably telling my family that i love them and will always watch over them.

    Wow writing that sort of brought a tear to my eyes.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

    The finer details of a signature:

    CHE- "I pee sitting down after I have sex because for some reason after I have sex and I try to pee, it goes everywhere."
    Nuff said^

    My loving TFF Family:

    My beautiful go-go dancing Queen Aara
    My brother Meier Link, proudly supporting the World Wide Institute of Booze since 1982.
    My Spasmodic, spamtastic, spammer nephew Fate.
    My brother HUNK, he who wears the number 1 headband.
    My glowing Goddess of Egyptian thingy's, Unknown Entity.
    My Unique and unpredictable mother Kilala ^^.
    My little arcade freak brother nra4.
    My brother Captain of the Dragoon warriors, Mallick.
    My razzle, dazzle, razamatic, razphony brother Ralz
    My younger brother Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima, the Legendary Samurai who Doesn't take "No" for an Answer.


    Recently read-
    Belgariad- David Eddings

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    The Tournament by Matthew Reilly


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    - ASS Creed III

  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. If Today Was Your Last Day Clint's Avatar
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    The only way I could know that it was my last day was if I knew I was going to die. Now, if I knew that I was going to die, I wouldn't sit around with the family, because if I do that, I'll just be accepting my fate. If fate is known, there are ways to change it. For example, I had this deja vu one time, and while I was experiencing my dream vision in reality, I shouted something out, causing a person to turn and look at me, whereas, in the original vision, I never did that, hence therefore changing an already set future. So if I know of my death before it happens, it's easy enough to prevent it... as long as it's not something like cancer, which doesn't run in my family, so I don't actually think that would be a problem for me. So I would spend my "last day" changing the future so I don't die.

    How would you want to die?
    Does anybody really want to die? If I had to choose a death, I would die saving somebody's life. I'd rather die a hero then die peacefully in my sleep, or surrounded by family. Why would I want to die in my sleep? It would just disturb my rest. Why would I want to be surrounded by family? I don't want them looking at me. It would be embarrassing. I would have no problem dying like Judd Hirsch's character in Independence Day, flying his airplane into the opening in the alien ship, sacrificing his own life not only to save his children, but showing the entire world how to save the planet.

    Where would you want to die?
    Space. It's the only logical choice.

    Who do you want by your side before your death?
    That depends on the situation. If I die in an explosion, I don't want anybody by my side, say for an arch enemy of some sort, of which I do not have... yet.

    And what would your last words be?
    "Bacon is very fattening."

  4. #4

    Please list your top five things descriptively or more if you have that much stuff that you want to do.

    1. Immediately fly to Holland to be with my loooove ^__^ That would be my upmost priority. Even if I just had second with him from the moment that I stepped off of the plane it would be worth it. For nothing is more important to me than my love <3 Oh and family XD. <_< Omg I look bad now...

    2. I'd throw caution to the wind and consume all my favourite foods. Like a lasagna... I'd have the real deal. Full fat. Everything! I shan't be a slacker on my last day alive xD. Mmm I may also just try things I've always wanted to.. OH! And most importantly I'd have a fatty greasy full of goodness portion of Fish and Chips. Nothing can beat that in this world <3 Holy goodness!

    3. I'd dote on my cats for absolutely ages. I love them to bits. They may not be human but sometimes the bestest friends anyone could ever wish for. They listen - don't answer back and love you. Not to mention.. they're so darn cuuuute and I can't get enough of them x3. God Uni is gonna be haaard.

    4. I'd contact all of my dearest friends and tell each of them how much they mean to me. If it weren't for my friends I wouldn't have lived such a loved and fortunate life. I owe alot to alot of people <3 So on my last day I would love to spend precious moments with them. Go out with a blast I say!!!!

    5. Be with my parents. I've always been so close to my parents, so it would only be right to be with them (and my loove). Do something simple like watch the best movies ever... Talk... Just be there. That would be enough for me.

    I know none of that sounds very out of the ordinary... but it's all I would need on my last day. Only the real things that matter x3. And well yeah.. the food thing <_< thats like not meaningful at all. But anyway!

    Also, how would you want to die?

    Ideally I'd like to die in my sleep. Something painless because there is so much pain in life I don't want to go that way. I don't want the last thing that I feel to be awful... Of course life doesn't go that way. So my option would be to just go fast.

    Where would you want to die?

    I'd want to die where I call home. And that is in Switzerland.

    Who do you want by your side before your death?

    Tim, Family and Friends. And if I could only pick one, then Tim. I love my Tim <3

    And what would your last words be?

    I love you.

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  5. #5
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I... almost cried reading dragoons one. Honestly, I have a few build up tears in my eye. *shniffles*

    Please list your top five things descriptively or more if you have that much stuff that you want to do.

    1. Tell someone I have forever fancied that I fancy them. Only one person knows I have a crush, but even they don't know who it is. It is killing me inside knowing that I can never be with this person, but... I have to tell them. Because if I don't, I'll die with it upon my shoulders, and will haunt the Earth for eternity, looking for my... love. <3

    2. Get into serious dept. Really bad. I haven't a clue what I'd spend it on, but I would.

    3. Get arrested. I think for indecnt exposure. Somewhere very puplic, possibly with a partner. Or join the mile high club, without being sneaky about it.

    4. Tell every single one of my closest friends (Ella, Sam, Michelle, Nga, Priya, Cem, Grant... even my teachers Mrs Matthews, Mrs Pomphrey, Mr Yamoah...) how much they all ment to me, and that what they taught me will live on in my heart forever. I'd also come on here and tell all the friends I've made here how much I love them, and that how much I look forward to meeting them soon. <3

    5. Share one last drink with my family. Courvosier and coke. Double. Tell them all how much I love them, how much they mean to me, and lock them forever away in my heart when just as my last second approaches. I'd pull them all into a tight embrace before the end takes me away on my next journey.

    6. If I have kids, number 5 won't be an option. Or most of the above. But I would treat them to whatever they wanted to do. When the day is nearly over, I'd snuggle with them on the sofa or on my bed and read them a book. When the story is finshed, I'll sing them a final lullaby. If I have a partner, I'd kiss them and tell them how much I adore them.

    Also, how would you want to die?

    Depends. If I'm single with no family, then I'd jump off a very high cliff. Like in... Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon when the woman jumps at the end in hope of making her lovers wish come true about going back to the desert.

    If I have a family, then it would totally be with them. (6)

    Where would you want to die?

    In my home. But if I jump off a cliff, I'd be dead at the bottom of the cliff. Unless... my home is at the bottom of the cliff, and I crash land through the roof. :S

    Who do you want by your side before your death?

    My boyfriend/husband, my kids and my mother.

    And what would your last words be?

    Boyfriend/Husband: I'll always love you. If you shag anyone else when I'm gone, we are going to have words when you die. J/k.
    Kids: See you again, very soon my loves.
    Mother: Thank you for being the best mother you could possibly be. Please... look after <boyfriend name> and <kids names> for me?
    Friends: I'm going to miss laughing and mucking about with you lot. I'll be sure to join in when I can from the spirt world, so don't be alarmed if you hear another set of footsteps following you around! And Ella? Thanks for being a good God Mother to my children.


    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  6. #6
    Registered User If Today Was Your Last Day ladysilver's Avatar
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    Queensland, Australia.
    I don't really have a top five list as such, but if today was my last day ever... I would spend it with my family. I would take my kids shopping and then to the park and have everyones favorites spread out (chocolate cake etc.) In the afternoon we would come back home and have a huge BBQ with all my family and friends there and I would tell them all how much I loved them and that I will never be very far from them. Then after everyone went home I would tuck my kids in and read them a bed time story and tell them how much i love them and cuddle them to sleep. At the end of the day I would make a video for my kids to watch and then sit back and have a quiet drink with the man i love and be his partner for the last time.

    How would I want to die?
    Quietly in my sleep without any pain or suffering.

    Where would I want to die?
    In my bed.

    Who would I want by my side?
    No one, I wouldn't want to put them through the pain of watching me die.

    What would my last words be?
    Never do or not do anything you will regret, life is for living and I will be right there watching over you and loving you no matter what happens.
    I shall rule the Dead City (kinda)
    Life is what you make of it, when it shuts a door, smash a window

  7. #7
    Warrior Ninja If Today Was Your Last Day Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Under your futon.x
    If today was your last day, and tomorrow was going to be too late, what would you do with that last day?
    1. I'd probably try to beat the video game that I'm in the middle of playing because I don't want to die knowing I never got to beat it ^^...Make me feel regret probably and wonder how it all ended which isn't good for your conscience...Even if you are dead

    2.Hang out with my family. I'd tell them that they were great parents who I loved very much and will miss dearly...And I'd probably run over to my brother and glomp him and tell him that I'll miss all those talks about video games he gave me that I never listened to because they were about to win at Halo and I don't like that game...I'd miss them =]

    3.I'd probably attack my best friends house and tell her that I'm dieing and that she was a great best buddy to have =]...Probably end up watching Wild Boyz too down at her place for my last time xD...Then I'd have to run across the river and attack my other best buddy and play Rock Band with her... :]

    4.hmm...I'd probably eat that Chocolat bunny my mom bought me yesterday and told me that I'd better eat this one <.< >.>...I can't help it I don't like chocolat that much and she was upset that I let the chocolat bunny at Easter go to waste so she bought me another one yesterday xD...I'd try to eat it for her sake so she feels accomplished...

    5.I'd say goodbye to everyone that walks down the street and tell them all that I'll miss them...I live in a small town you end up knowing practically everyone ^^...Say goodbye to the neighbour tell those french kids down the street that they always kind of scared me...

    Okay I couldn't think of anything good once I said the third thing I'd do xD...I don't have much I need to do before I die... =P

    Also, how would you want to die?
    I want to die in my know pass on piecefully =3

    Where would you want to die?
    I'd like to die in my own bed if that would be possible...You know in my nice =]

    Who do you want by your side before your death? And what would your last words be?
    I'd want my cat by me when I die and I'd like family and friends to be there too...My last words would probably be something weird...Like I'm in the middle of telling my friends and family all a story and then I just die and never get to finish it...Talk about a cliff hanger xD

  8. #8
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Haha... I can't possibly think of a single thing I would want to do with my life if I had but a day left to live. I've already wasted so many days of my life doing nothing productive for my social life, love life, or family life... one more wouldn't make any sort of a difference.

    I would write out a will, wishing all the valuable items I own and are not currently under any sort of a finance to my friends and family who I feel would get the most of them. This would include changing the password on my WoW account and letting a close friend know, so that they may sell it for the absurd amount of money I'm sure it's worth, as well as signing over the title of my car to my parents as a "gift" so that it's nontaxable, so that they may sell it.

    I would withdraw any and all money I have and give it to my family, closing my bank accounts.

    I would clean my living area so that no one else has to come in and do it behind me. This includes piecing out all the items I decide to give to friends and family members.

    I would format all my computers and destroy any data I had, and rebuild my computers into working systems and donate all but one to a charity, leaving the most powerful to my brother.

    I would then leave and drive to my local watering hole and drink until it was time.
    Last edited by Sean; 05-12-2009 at 11:08 PM.

  9. #9
    well if today is my last day, i would say i will like to do my best that i can.... since my future profession after i leave this country will be teaching people particularly kids... i will share the Gospel to my people (i don't care what people will going to say to me) that The Word of God is real and Heaven and hell is real. Not only teaching but also doing the things right from what i have done wrong before.... I believe why this world has not yet come to an end because God gave us more chance to do right. So I will going to fill the emptiness i left before. Actually, this time is the TIME to do these things... do your job as if it is your last job!!

    My last words must be the IMPORTANT! i will going to share my feelings for the last time to my loved ones, especially my husband that's always there for me no matter what... and then i will going to encourage my friends to do more for God and for their people.... I believe that things here are so cruel... but I thank Him for the things He gave to me... I should be more thankful til the last breath i will take....

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  10. #10
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    If today was your last day, and tomorrow was going to be too late, what would you do with that last day?

    I'd make sure to have a shitload of fun and go out with a bang.

    Please list your top five things descriptively or more if you have that much stuff that you want to do.

    1. Quickly pawn most of my stuff and take out all my money to fund my last adventure. I'd also look into getting a decent car from someone with a percentage of that money. And then fill the back with food and booze I love.

    2. Find an animal eating protestor throwing red paint at a meat eater and throw white paint at him/her. White paint as some plants have white sap and those damn vegetarians eat those poor defenceless plants exclusively.

    3. By the end of the day I'd set up a nice drinks fund at a nice pub and go out in style among friends and friendly random strangers. Because that's how I'd want to go out.

    4. Quickly write up a will giving all my assets to my friends rather than to the Government or someone else I wouldn't want getting my shit.

    5. I'd smoke two joints in the morning,
    I'd smoke two joints at night,
    I'd smoke two joints in the afternoon, it'd make me feel alright.
    I'd smoke two joints if a time of peace, and two if a time of war,
    I'd smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,
    And then I'd smoke two more!

    Also, how would you want to die? Where would you want to die? Who do you want by your side before your death? And what would your last words be?

    I'd like to die how I lived. On my feet and not thinking too hard about the future. Less worries and all.
    I'd prefer to have seen my friends and had closure before my death, but I wouldn't care if anyone was there or not when I died.
    Last edited by Furore; 06-27-2009 at 10:05 PM.
    victoria aut mors

  11. #11
    Registered User If Today Was Your Last Day Yesha's Avatar
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    If today was your last day, and tomorrow was going to be too late, what would you do with that last day?

    I wouLd taLk to my reLatives (my parents).. and I wouLd say how I wouLd miss them and How I Love them.. I wouLd aLso write my Last words for my friends if I haven't got the time to see them.. aLso.. I wouLd do the things the I Like or want to finish.. Like.. pLaying the piano.. finishing my sketch book.. and before the sun goes out I wouLd go to my favourite pLace.. Like, the park.. and I'LL start remembering what good things that had happened there, and LastLy before I cLose my eyes.. I wouLd pray.. that if I die, I wouLd go somewhere safe.. and I'LL pray for aLL my Love ones safety..

    (I think.. one day is very short.. especiaLLy if you have a Lot of things you wanna do.. so I just made it short and simpLe.. )

    Quote for the month:
    “Try harder to succeed.”

    What am I Loving right now?:

    My Art Thread:


  12. #12
    If it were my last day (as in the world wasn't going to end - only me) then I would try to initiate as many "pay it forward" ripples as I possibly could. The closest thing we can get to the purpose of life is establishing a world that became better due to your existence. Sounds idealistic, I know, but by causing a positive ripple I think it's pretty possible to achieve.

    As for personal indulgences, I'd eat a ton of tacos, get drunk, and listen to Tool all day.

  13. #13
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth If Today Was Your Last Day Xanatos's Avatar
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    I don't think that there is much I could do if this was my last day. I would probably stay with my family and friends, make few calls and do some little thing that I always wanted to do (I said little things, no some big wishes like go to Tokyo or something like that).
    But if I would have a few months or weeks to live than that would be diffident. I could do many things that I never have done.Anyway I would make a big goodbye party and invite everyone I know. If I must go I will go with a style.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 08-28-2009 at 07:49 PM.

  14. #14
    I want to play a game. If Today Was Your Last Day Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Crashing the Alexander into your home.
    I would make some sweet love to my girlfriend for most of the day. Tell her I love her a lot, that I'll miss her, and if I possible I'll watch over her.

    I would want to fly to New York with my girlfriend, her first time there and get some pizza!!!! That's right people, some great N.Y pizza with meatballs!!!

    I would want to play all my favourite songs from Para Para Paradise/Dancing; hopefully I would achieve a perfect score. That would be awesome. I guess I would put some time in playing DDR, ITG, and Pump It Up!!!!!

    The last thing I would want to do is watch with my family and girlfriend, the New York Mets win the World Series. I know I will cry when they do. After celebrating their championship I would want to die by atomization - something original

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  15. #15
    That's an interesting question and I admit that it is very very difficult for me to say something on this topic.

    I'd freak out. Most likely. xD" If I knew that this was my last day, I'd definitely cry, because I really don't want to die that early. I don't think I could enjoy the day. I'd try, but I'd end up crying all the time because I'd know that this was the last time for me doing this...

    So I try to think about something...
    - First things first. I'd visit my dear brother. He's the most important person in my life, so I HAVE TO see him before I go. .-. He probably would be the person to calm me down. xD" I don't know what I'd do when I meet him, but I suppose we'd be talking for hours...
    - Go out with friends. I really enjoy going out with friends, so I have to do that one more time. But I doubt that I'd have fun. That would be one of the things that would make me cry. xD"
    - Perhaps I'd even talk to my father to finally remove all the arguments we had. I've got a few problems with him, and when I'm emotional I tend to make up with people and forgive them for all that they've done. I'm quite sure I'd do this. O.o"

    There wouldn't be more... and all the things I listed would take a few hours. xD" So the day would be over very soon .,.
    I really dislike the thought of having to list things I'd do on my last day here. xD" That really makes me sad...

  16. #16
    Freezing Ring! If Today Was Your Last Day Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Im 12 so i dont think im gonna die soon but if i did a would do these 3 thing's ^^

    eat a nice juicy pork/hamburger with everything at montana mike's ^^
    Say good bye to Unknown on TFF (She'll be dead before i die maybe ^^)
    And... Also say good bye to Meier link, and andro...

    how would you want to die?
    I have no idea... quick and painless i guess...

    Where would you want to die?
    In Itally (Im gonna move there when im 21)

    Who do you want by your side before your death?
    Unknown XD Lol jk. My cat (If his still alive =) And my sweet dog Babe (I call here babygirl^^)

    And what would your last words be?
    Let me think............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...............

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  17. #17
    Registered User If Today Was Your Last Day smithhanson's Avatar
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    Deep Space
    If today was my last day, I'd spend it with my family and friends. I would make it a meaningful day that they would remember. Simply a day at home, a home-cooked meal, and spending time looking at family albums or something. I would probably give my family some special keepsake, and we could do some entertaining stuff like play board games to keep it off of our minds. While it would be a very emotional day, it would certainly be something memorable and there is nothing I would want more than to spend my last moments with my family.

    How would you want to die?

    Probably in my sleep, where I wouldn't acknowledge it. If I knew it, I don't think that my last moments would be happy. I'd rather be peacefully dreaming.

    Where would you want to die?

    In my living room. Wouldn't that be ironic?

    Who would you want to be by your side when you die?

    My parents, my cousin, and my lover.

    What would your last words be?

    Something special, like "Goodbye" or "I love you".

  18. #18
    If I absolutely knew it was going to be my last day, I'd have to get some things checked off on my to-do-before-I-die list, or at least do some stuff crazy enough to sit back, laugh, and go "Okay, I can die happy now". I'd probably start by googling how to hotwire a car. I'd then drive my own to the rich part of the city and steal a Ferrari. I'd call the chick that always wants to bone me but I always turn down and pick her up. I'd have her naked and doing something to me while I drive around.

    I'd rob someone at an ATM, because I'd need a phat wad of cash to do anything. I'd then phone a friend and have him get me a gun, since I'd need protection to make sure my day lasts to the fullest.

    I'd want to die having sex and doing drugs in the back of a strip club. Or maybe having a threesome with a hooker and the gear shifter in the Ferrari.

  19. #19
    Boredness rules us all If Today Was Your Last Day Midnight Panda's Avatar
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    In a house
    1. spend the day with my loved ones
    2. invent something
    3. win a race
    4. drive my car off a cliff
    5. blow up my house
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


  20. #20
    If Today Was Your Last Day Ragtime's Avatar
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    Over there
    1) I would plant a tree. I know it sounds cheesy but it serves to purposes, firstly i would be creating life before my death and secondly it will be my last mark on the world which will live on and make me remembered.

    2) I'd play basketball with my best friend in the world. It sounds boring and nothing special but this is the thing the two of us share, and we don't just play basketball, we also talk about old times, the future and just chat crap.

    3)I'd give all my stuff to all my friends and family and visit them all one last time. And i will leave my book of poetry to my other best friend because she always loved them and encouraged me to write more.

    4) I'd take out all my savings and take all the friends I've made over the years, my brothers and my cousin to the pub and get pissed.

    5)I'd tell the girl I love that I love her if I haven't done it already. If I have told her, I'd ask her to sit and watch the sun set with me and then watch the stars. (I know this is cheesy and such a cliche but I'll do it)

    Also, how would you want to die? Where would you want to die? Who do you want by your side before your death? And what would your last words be?

    How do you want to die?

    I'd want to die by drinking too much

    Where would you like to die?

    In a field under the moon.

    Who do you want by you?

    Nobody. I wouldn't want to see anybody die, so why would i inflict it on another.

    My last words:

    Good luck...

  21. #21
    Crash Boom Bang If Today Was Your Last Day Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    I'd liek to die in an interesting way, a big burning ball of fire off a cliff on a motorbike or summat....i guess that means I wouldnt have anyone by my side, and if im going in that way, my last word would probably be Bollocks

    erm, top 5 things Id do....

    See my boyfriend
    I think Id also like to cram some fun things in, maybe bungee jumping, streaking down the street completely butt naked. Id ahve to do all the stupid things I wanted to do and never got round too/wasnt brave enough to do. I can only think of those 2 things off the top of my head....
    Go to the pub after all my fun, might as well get trashed, its not like I have a hangover to worry about

    Then I guess I'm going drink riding on a stolen motorbike to my doom

  22. #22
    How do you want to die?

    Going really fast either in a spaceship, airplane, car or boat and having an epic crash. If I could hope it would be while driving a Porsche in Germany through the Auto Bahn (spelling?).

    Where would you like to die?
    Well, if it wasn't the above, then probably on a rollercoaster or something wild like that (skydiving?)

    Who do you want by you?
    I would want my entire family by me if it was possible. Also my boyfriend and I would want my puppies there.

    My last words:
    "Easy come, easy go."

  23. #23
    Death Before Dishonor If Today Was Your Last Day Josh_R's Avatar
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    I would beat the shit out of everyone who had mocked me in the past..Because I used to be a huge nerd before I hit puberty and started playing sport....But even though I am very large and muscular I am still a nerd and hate bullies so I would still kick their ass...

    I would smoke a gigantic blunt because I have not smoked in two years and I dont really miss it but if im going to die I might as well for old times sake right...

    I would beat every FF game out their..because I have not beat them all and I would really like to and it wou;d make me happy and I could die with no regrets...

    Oooops I can only think of three to bad!!!!

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  24. #24
    Registered User If Today Was Your Last Day Ether's Avatar
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    In a handbasket
    If today was your last day, and tomorrow was going to be too late, what would you do with that last day?

    I'd probably live my day how I normally do weather I knew I was going to die or not. Go to work come home make a dinner and be with my mom and cat
    I'm rather simple.

    Also, how would you want to die?

    In my sleep.

    Where would you want to die?

    Wherever I fell asleep at.

    Who do you want by your side before your death?
    My cat she is after all my baby.

    And what would your last words be?
    None. I'd be asleep=)

  25. #25
    Professional Klutz. If Today Was Your Last Day Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Holy Kharlan
    If today was your last day, and tomorrow was going to be too late, what would you do with that last day?

    I'd most probably live out everything I can think of. Things that would make my last day happy for me. I'm not talking about things like bungee jumping or anything, I'm not a fan of adrenaline. I mean things like- Listening to my favourite music, eating the foods I like, seeing all my friends and family in one place. All of them. Then David could come! Then I'd simply play piano and sing all night because it makes me smile. If given the choice I'd like to see the sun go down, also. I don't think I've ever done that... It's the types of things that would just make me happy, ecstatic even. I don't care much for all this 'things to do before I die' crap. I'm one for what and who I love.

    Top 5 things:
    1. See all of my friends and family in one place, all getting on and happy. This could involve alcohol, food or whatever. It doesn't matter to me. There are friends I haven't seen in years and family members I haven't seen my whole life. It would mean a lot to me just to have that time with people, even if it was only for a short time.
    2. Play my piano and sing. I think near on everyone I know on here is aware of how much I adore music. If I had my own way I'd spend my life as a slave to notes and rhythm. It's the one thing that can make me happy when I'm sad. A way to escape when I'm stressed. Even more so than people, sometimes. Seems kinda sad but I just adore it. My piano means a lot to me, If I'm going down I'm going with my piano playing and my voice singing.
    3. Eat my favourite foods and drink. My favourite food is pizza, I'm a big lover of Italian food. If I could have a giant pepperoni pizza and a bottle of coke I'd be content. I'm beginning to realize that simple things make me happy.
    4. Spend some time reading. This is a way to relax. I think I'd accept my ill fate if I were in a state of relaxation. I'd get lost within the pages of a classic and live out a few hour with my mind completely at ease.
    5. Having sex would be nice. Crude, I know. I'm being honest; I do like sexual relations very much. I'm not saying I'd slut around, having sex with a special person would be nice. Spend some of my last moments with love and intimacy. It's one of the ultimate natural pleasures and something I'd defiantly want to experience during my last day of life. I'd probably do the ultimate of cheesy things and hold the person for a while afterward, just to feel that unbeatable feeling.

    Also, how would you want to die?
    In a really awesome way like... Spontaneous combustion. Go out with style, that's the way. You don't know when it's going to come so you can't be scared and you still get a cool ending. (This would have to be whilst playing the piano, how cool would that be?)
    Either that or the peaceful in my bed thing. (After the 5th of my choices.)
    Just gently drift from consciousness whilst watching teh sun set with friends.

    Where would you want to die?
    I already put this but- Playing the piano, in bed or watching the sun set.

    Who do you want by your side before your death?
    Anyone who means anything to me, I love everyone in my life. I would want to spend my last moments with happiness and laughter surrounding me. With all of my friends there I would achieve this.
    It would also be nice to have a partner to die with. David, get your ass here it's my last day of life! Ahhhhhhh.

    And what would your last words be?
    Lyrics: "There's no script for normal people, we haven't got a minute to think about our lines... It's too bad, and stupid... I guess It's left you with memories." then BOOM!

    I enjoyed this Fate.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 09-25-2009 at 07:50 AM.
    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  26. #26
    Ellipsis If Today Was Your Last Day Meigumi's Avatar
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    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location:
    If today was your last day, and tomorrow was going to be too late, what would you do with that last day?
    I want to cry my eyes out. Okay, actually I would. I'm scared of dying, but....I take looots of vitamins. I shouldn't be scared.

    Please list your top five things descriptively or more if you have that much stuff that you want to do.
    .......I can't think of anything. Baw, I'm so hopeless, I don't think I would want to do anything if I knew I was going to die.

    Also, how would you want to die?
    Quick and painless. I don't like pain.

    Where would you want to die?
    In a nice field of flowers. That would be nice.

    Who do you want by your side before your death?
    Eeehhhh, anyone would be nice. I'm quite the lone wolf, so I don't have many friends in reality. >_____>; Otherwise they would cry over my dead body in a hospital. I'm so kind, I can make their eyes dry out..... But to the point, I really don't care.

    And what would your last words be?
    "I hate you."

    The last one sounded too harsh. ;A;
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

    TFF Family~:

    Ice-cream loving brother Fate
    The great benevolent dark lord Elyon Demidias
    Lovable doll ViviMasterMage
    Soul Stealing, Chaos-loving, Pom-pom eating older brother Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus
    The Awesome and Dashing Thief, ethan
    The Stealthy Swordsman of Poetic Power, genome's blade

  27. #27
    The Lost Writer If Today Was Your Last Day Psiko's Avatar
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    Before I begin...

    Then David could come!
    I'd already be there. Psychic.

    It would also be nice to have a partner to die with. David, get your ass here it's my last day of life! Ahhhhhhh.
    After THAT, you are lucky I didn't go hop onto a plane right now, whether you are dying or not. It was tempting.

    NOW THEN...

    If today was your last day, and tomorrow was going to be too late, what would you do with that last day?

    I would initiate World Domination Plan v822.7 and become the unified leader of the world, leaving it all behind to Aimee-Beth when I die. Well, either that or I would send her the money for a round trip flight to get her beautiful ass here to be with me, and then make all my semi-local friends come here. We'd all have a great time and I would make them act out Romeo and Juliet. And Aimee-Beth would be my Juliet. Oh yes. Come to think of it, why wait until my last day to do this?

    We'd have to have some good food. Barbeque Ribs perhaps? Some kind of steak, at least. There would have to be some Rock Band, and poker, and munchkin played. Lots of fun. No other option there. And I'd want to be outside as the sun sets, reading William Wordsworth.

    Please list your top five things descriptively or more if you have that much stuff that you want to do.

    1. Reading some good, but short, literature. I think the acting of the play and the reading of Wordsworth would be a good start.

    2. Have my friends and family there. And especially Aimee-Beth. As long as there was lots of fun going on around me, I'll be happy. And sneak off with'll be innocent, I swear!

    3. Send everything I've ever written to DragonHeart, with written permission for her to be able to publish anything contained within after I die.

    4. I'd probably have to write a poem much like Keat's When I have fears that I may cease to be and let it become my poetic legacy (or part of it)

    5. See Aimee-Beth's #5. Yeah, it is much the same. Not even kidding. I'd think that would be an obligation to do that. And if it were with her, then I would be able to go happily.

    Also, how would you want to die?

    A pen in my hand and Aimee-Beth by my side. Close family and friends. I'd try to make an epic monologue. Pretty sure Aimee-Beth would silence me. I'd not complain too much.

    Where would you want to die?

    Beneath the stars by a lake.

    Who do you want by your side before your death?

    Aimee-Beth, holding her close after some #5. Le sigh.

    And what would your last words be? your favorite color? Blue, no yelloooooooo...*silence ensues*
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.

  28. #28
    A Plain Old Derp If Today Was Your Last Day Padraic's Avatar
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    My last day would have to be spent at school, cuz I'm that much of a nerd. I would hang out with my friends from school, work hard so I'll be remembered as a hard worker rather than the lazy one I am now. Hopefully a final preformence with my beloved improv team .

    Afterwards, spend awhile with my "girlfriend" (too complicated to explain... especially on my last day ;P) kiss her. Go home hang with my friends from another school. Call my friend in Alberta and talk with him for awhile.

    Have family supper with my mom, and brother. Either call my dad or have him come meet me and talk. Take my three cats and go to bed. All the while no one but me knowing today was my last. and peacefully go in my sleep with the warm feeling of being in my bed with my three beloved cats.

    Just writing that makes me kinda sad... imagine if it really happened...

  29. #29
    Elloewen If Today Was Your Last Day ultimatekupo's Avatar
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    I think I would refuse to believe its the end and do something to distract myself from the idea... like read a good book. And I want to die in a way that might be useful to someone, when my aunt died I was 6 and crying on the kitchen floor starving, and I prayed with my mom. Next thing we know there's my pawpaw at the door with a box full of food from her house. We had no idea she had died. So I guess I would want to save someone... I don't want to go to waste or become someones problem when im old, or need to depend on someone else to wipe my as s every day.
    "There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow" -Shakespeare

  30. #30
    I will finish the hunt If Today Was Your Last Day Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Top 5 things I would do before I die:
    1. order all of my favorite dishes
    2. invite all my friends and family over
    3. buy two packs of smokes, a bottle of crown and a bottle of vodka w/ oj and coke
    4. go buy a whole new outfit and dance the night away with those I love and care for most
    5. Take my kids everywhere I never got to take them because we didn't have enough money....I would find the money !

    how would you want to die?
    holding on to my husbands hands in a drug induced calm

    Where would you want to die?
    at home in my bed

    Who do you want by your side before your death?
    More than anything my husband, and my kids so they could say good bye to me

    what would your last words be?
    I wouldn't have changed anything. I couldn't have asked for a better life or a better partner to spend it with. I love you guys so so much.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

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