Originally Posted by
T.G. Oskar
Regardless of the circumstance, it is a life. Even as an embryo, it is a life. It's funny when people who agree with ecology and abortion claim that the planet is alive (not everyone, but at least a few), but don't think the same of an embryo. By the time it's a blastocite, it's pretty much already alive. If it feeds, it reproduces, it grows, and it breathes, it's alive. An embryo, at the very moment it separates into the first two cells, is both growing and reproducing. To grow and reproduce, it must begin to consume both oxygen and aminoacids; it both feeds and breathes. By that point, if you go with that narrow and possibly antiquated definition of life, it's a living being. A living being that will probably grow into a loving and caring child, killed before it even had a chance.
Now...how about rape? Well, I still find it stupid to abort under rape. I find more of a heroic act to actually raise the baby despite all circumstances and giving the child a chance to live. It's character development, so to speak; you might eventually find the decision a rewarding experience. As well, you might even shove the fact that, despite the dishonor and the horrible experience, you decided to go on with your life to the rapist. Aborting would probably give the rapist a sense of satisfaction that he did his job; proving him wrong can be difficult, but in the end rewarding.
And what if the baby is born with a "defect"? Now that's just being unfair. That's a challenge, and it's a challenge that most people simply can't handle...or well, they don't think they can handle. Perhaps it's just what they need? Or perhaps they are deluded into thinking they can't. I find a truly worthwhile woman (and man, too...actually, a worthwhile human) the individual who goes the extra mile to raise someone with a genetic "defect". Heck, I'm not going to say that it's "a test from God"; it's just being awesome. And true; not everyone can handle it. But whether it is fair or not depends on your beliefs.