As an American, I believe that no human has the right to take away another human's rights unless those rights threatened the rights of another person.
So like I said, once the baby is concieived it should have rights, if for nothing else but because it will change shape into a body. This body is a human, and nothing anywhere should be able to deny this human its rights as long as it does not threaten the rights of another. Destroying a fetus by abortion should be illegal because it is preventing a human being from having rights. You may still say: "The "human" is just a bunch of cells at the time, and therefore is only thus: a bunch of cells that has no rights." This is true, except for one thing: The bunch of cells will become a human with rights, and denying that human those rights by destroying the cells is not only a logical matter but should be illegal everywhere and is the same as destroying a fully grown human or a child human. It does not matter if you were raped so badly that your vagina is sterile or if you are a pregnant man you are scarred for life, you have no right to deny the rights of another human unless that human threatens your right to rights (or right to life)
Now, on an occasion where abortion should be permitted. If a mother is told by her doctors that if she continues to have a baby and does not have an abortion, the baby will survive and she will die, she should be able to make a choice. Because not only does she have the possibility in most cases to create another human baby with rights, she herself has rights that should be protected. Rights balance rights in this situation, and if the mother gives her life for her baby I consider her extremly valient and worthy of paradise in another life, but if she chooses to abort the baby than it should be protected under the law.
Unfortunatly, 100% of the time it is not 100% clear whether the baby truly will kill the mother in dangerous scenarios, so I defeinitly believe that a mother should take the chance and try and have the baby.
Oh yes, and important point I would like to add is that the right to life and the right to have rights(which go together) is the most important right of all, the right to your personal happiness does not outweight another persons right to life, happiness, property, etc etc. This is all assuming that the cells will become a human, and this is true in basically every case...If you can find a case where it is not true than kudos to you and please post.
