I think Guantlet Legends is the greatest Guantlet game ever made. I heard dispointing things about the more recent ones. I used to play it with two other players and it was insanely fun. It's one of the greatest multiplayer experiences I've ever had. I prefur cooperation over competition.
I've been playing Paper Mario for the N64 recently and wow, is that a great game or what. It is really cool seeing so many classic Mushroom Kingdom characters appear in an RPG. I also liked the small damage scale on the game. I mean 9 damage is awesome and your HP maxes out at 50. I think more RPGs should utilize the Action command idea, but it's practically become trademarked to Mario RPGs as they've been in them since the first one on Snes. Right now I'm giving superstar saga a try. Although it is quite good it is nowhere near as good as paper mario. I would really like to play 1000 year door or whatever paper mario 2 is called but I don't have a gamecube. I'm hopeing Nintendo might release GC games on the virtual console.