Yeah that's true, It's kind of like in FF XII where you don't exactly completely control the characters but you can alter their strategy mid battle so you do still have a bit of control. Mostly you just want to make the right preparations before battle, what troops you put together, classes, etc. I thought it was a great game for it's time, being a realtime strategy rpg, in comparison with all the other turn based ones. It's gameplay was unlike anything else at the time. And it had a lot of replay value, depending on how you played the game, what characters you recruited, what classes you played with, how you defended towns, etc. I think it had up to 13 possible endings! I never got to play Ogre Battle 64 though, It's probably going to be on the top of my list if it ever gets released on the VC, or else I mite try to purchase it online or something. I'd say I like Tactics Ogre more than Ogre Battle though, that's more of your typical strategy rpg for sure. Both parts of the series are great imo though.
That's crazy about gauntlet legends not working though. That's one of the few gauntlet games I have beat (a friend and I never made it through Gauntlet IV for the genesis). My friend and I rented it one day and it took us awhile but we went thru it in 2 player mode, getting all the extra classes, etc. Simple games, but I think they can be pretty fun, especially in multiplayer mode. I actually wanted to try to rent and do the same for the newest PS2 version, but my Blockbuster doesn't even carry the game. :(
Phantasy Star IV is great, I wouldn't say it's the best rpg on the genesis, one of them though. I personally like the Shining Force series better, and in terms of Phantasy Star, I think II takes the cake as the best in the series (don't even bother with III i'd say though). I think to this day, Phantasy Star II is probably the hardest rpg I have played, if not, one of them for sure. I wanted to rip my hair out playing this when I was younger. IV is definitely good though, but I'd put it behind II.
Speaking of Genesis RPGs, i was reading Play magazine at work and read an article about this game Beggar Prince, originally a Chinese Genesis RPG released in 1995, it was translated to english by super fight team and is actually being OFFICIALLY released on Genesis carts. First commerical release since 1998, long live the old school!!