And now you know why I refuse to play World of Warcraft. Seriously.
As for the list of unfinished games... I have dozens... no, perhaps even hundreds. Trust me, it's not a list you want me to start writing.
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And now you know why I refuse to play World of Warcraft. Seriously.
As for the list of unfinished games... I have dozens... no, perhaps even hundreds. Trust me, it's not a list you want me to start writing.
Eh, most nights WoW isn't actually so bad, but there's times (like tonite) where ya wanna do something that's a group activity and it's just...GAH! >_<;
FFXI has it's fair share of that too tho, I can recall numerous exp parties that were just absolute fail after traveling all the way across frickin Vana'diel. At least on WoW I don't get the frustration of travel time on TOP of dealing with idiocy. XD
On that note tho, I miss my Mithra....I miss my Miqo'te from XIV beta as well, but anyway. ;;
You WoWzers, never will understand you. :P
Still waiting for my Turbo Duo to arrive, but in the meantime, I picked up a 3DO. Not sure if anyone remembers that failure from 1993. The controllers are the funniest thing I've ever seen. There's only one controller port, but each controller has its own second port built into it, so if you want multiple people, you have to chain them together. Not entirely sure what the thought process was behind that. I also have a controller which I can only assume is of the aftermarket variety that tries to give the impression that it has more buttons by moving the shoulder buttons to the face...because they're so useful there. There's only 1 actual extra button and they give it the same label "X" as another button. Genius. Still waiting for the games for it to come, but I'm pretty happy with its ridiculousness.
Shining Force CD
Managed to pull the Turbo Duo sale off? Nicely done, though I hope you know what you're doing getting the 3DO lol. Took a quick snap of the 3DO article in the last issue of Video Hardware Handbook by Retro Gamer that may give you a idea of what to throw your wallet at, game wise.
(re-sized it to 1920x1440.)
Was going to poke a few question about thar PSP at you Loco, may aswell splat them here where our other comrades can add to it;
- We got a different voltage down here, 240v, will that fry the battery or it'll charge regardless? (I do have a adapter for the wall socket)
- You got the PSP3000 model? :3
- Would Auzzie accessories and stuff be able to plug into it? not sure if there's any diff..
- Also, would Auzzie UMDs work on it? keeping the US thing in mind lol.
- Could probably download some media player for its OS to use it as a portable TV couldnt I? watch animes and stuff on it.. MP4 MKV AVI files.
CP: FFXI, Borderlands, ME2.
Tiff, why cant Borderlands 360/PC do co-op? ; ; damn consoles lol
The 3DO's crappiness is exactly the point. ;)
I'm doing this for the sake of collection more than entertainment. Though of course there are a few games here and there worth checking out for it.
The charge unit has an external power supply marked at 5V, supporting input ranging between 100V to 240V, so you should be fine. If all else fails, there's always the option of using that socket adapter you've got.
I do have the 3000 in stock; add $10 to the earlier quotes.
The systems should be identical in terms of accessories because their size and inputs are all the same.
Auzzie UMDs in terms of games, yes. I have games from Japan and Korea, both of which work flawlessly on my NA PSP. Movies, however, are region-locked, not that I'd anticipate you'd be purchasing any movies in stores anyway.
It comes Media Player ready, and plays Windows Media formats after doing a little agreement thing from the settings menu. It supports AVI, but I don't think it can handle MKV. Never tried, to be honest.
One other note, you will need a Memory Pro Duo stick for saving your data and media.
If you end up grabbing a PSP Dawezy, I think I have a spare 8gb memory stick lying around somewhere if you want it. Beats it collecting dust, and no local secondhand shops would take them.
And yeah, all my imports work brilliantly. :D
Been playing FFXI all day, that's oldschool now I think XD
Been seriously contemplating going back and playing some MegaMan Zero. Got an itch for it and no real clue why. Also, rambling because I wanted an excuse to poke the cult. ^_^
CP: XI! Scythe swings slooooooooow X.x
Rescuing the Cult from the dust ridden basement? Don't Mind If I Do!
I don't MMO much these days, I quit WoW early last year then played STO up until Mid December. Now I focus on School and work. That doesn't keep me from rocking the old skool. I am currently in the middle of LoZ:LTTP, Super Metroid and FFIV off of Dawezy's site ( which is still up amazingly ). In other news SU is officially dead, possible slowbro but I decided to check on a whim.
See youse guys and gal around!
I can't believe the last real conversation we had in here was when I bought Dawezy that PSP and shipped it out to the other end of the planet.
My oldschool urge has lately been fulfilled by little bits and pieces I've downloaded on my 3DS and Wii alike. Not that there's an issue with my NES or Game Boy, but let's face it - those are all the way over on the other side of the room and not attached to a sexy HDTV.
You know, because graphics matter so much with 8-bit games.
• The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES via Wii)
• The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA via 3DS)
• Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (GBA via 3DS)
• Kirby's Adventure (NES via Wii)
• Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (GBA via 3DS)
• Mass Effect 2 (PC)
• Mass Effect (PC)
• Soul Calibur V (PS3)
• Hyperdimension Neptunia (PS3)
• Fortune Street (Wii)
• Ultimate Marvel v Capcom 3 (PS3)
• Kirby's Return to Dreamland (Wii)
• Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection (PSP)
Obviously I'm not playing these all at once, but I figured I could give you a snapshot of what I've been doing for the past month. It seemed fair when I was typing it out.
Maybe if we could all manage a weekly post, our lists could be smaller. :3
Makes me wonder, since I got the'ol PS2 emulator working I made a ISO of FFXII and I been getting into that but.. could it be slid under the "Old School" category now? FFXII was 2006/2007 and the PS2 was (Fat)2000/(Slim)2004. Going by our current year atleast.
So FFXII is 6 years old, almost.
But my love-child FFIV is back from 1991 so that's DEFINATLY under the OS brandname.
Though the FFIV Complete Collection on my PSP is a wonder in itself. (2011 release)
Also, changed my Avatar to another ye'oldie lol.
I would like to issue a challenge to my fellow Cult'ers, one of which I presented to Bisho-boy (ZRO) here but he hasn't made any progress! The story behind it is thus; I'm on Steam pretty much daily and there are ALOT of deals on old stock on a regular basis.. now I am a sucker for the retro gig I must admit but there was a heap of Sonic titles I jumped at (given my SEGA raised roots) these include Sonic Generations, Sonic CD, Sonic 4 - EPISODE 1, Sonic Adventure DX, and a shitload of old Sonic titles included in the old SEGA Bundle mid last year.
This copy of Sonic CD, has all the achievements to get so naturally I've been grinding it on and off.. as a result though, I find myself getting killed on a regular basis due to the difficulty curb they slapped in.. on the bright side you can use Tails after you clear the game once! but it doesn't make it any easier really.. during these I would constantly throw profanities at ZRO if his chat window was up when I got Sonic off a cliff, or into spikes, or squished.
Pretty sure he saw the lighter side of my frustration~
BUT! he mentioned that the Sonic games were more difficult then the Mario games (SNES generation).. now I can't speculate on the curb at which Mario presents, being raised on SEGA and all, but I challenged ZRO to pick up Sonic 3 & Knuckles, play it alllll the way through see how far he can go before he punches the monitor (or TV in his case, PS3, etc) - or play it on HARD MODE and use Knuckles instead. Bwuhaha.
An explanation if I may;
Playing Sonic (or Tails) makes the game somewhat easier, since Sonic can move faster and jump higher (and make effective use of Bubble/Fire/Lightning shields).. BUT, you get the chance to add an additional 3 or so levels to play through since you chase down Robotnik.
..but Knuckles? he runs slower, jumps lower, can't use the shields (he CAN have them active, but, can't use their abilities) but he can Glide instead.. this Gliding can go twice as fast as Sonic running given the proper distance - he can attach to walls and climb up past areas Sonic couldn't go, punch down the walls Sonic couldn't get past. But due to his lesser agility they made all the bosses (for some odd reason) twice as hard to get past.. example; Marble Garden zone Act 2 boss.. with Robotnik (Sonic route) he pops out of the ground for a second with a drill on a pre-set path, with Metal Robotnik (Knuckles route) he shoots spears with chains attached to them from random locations then drags the craft he is in across them. Whilst the drilling claws are aimed at him.
Yeah.. after that the stage starts to collapse and you have to move damn quick to get out before you get smushed.
Knuckles adventure ends in Sky Sanctuary, where as Sonic goes a couple steps further and ventures up to Death Egg~
I present this challenge to each of you.
ヽ( ̄ー ̄ )ノ
..well, if you have the time.
Dissidia 012
FFXI (not asmuch as I used to.. heh)
Postal 3
Mass Effect 2
Sonic Generations :3
Sonic CD
Sonic 4
EVE Online
Ninja EDIT: Sonic for hire, CLICK IT!! Watch season 1, its up to season 3 now. :D
I would figure "old school" could apply to anything two generations old - so by that logic, PS2 has at least a couple more years of being new-ish.
Just my two cents: if a game isn't 100% sprite based, I don't be consider it old school. Therefore, any game on the technological level of, I dunno, say Resident Evil, Virtua Fighter, FF VII/Tactics or Quake (or beyond)=new school.
Can I join this cult? Evil things I have done this month..... Killed a puppy with an IPad, stamped on a very yellow daffodil, took a old ladies purse and put her tenna ladies in a puddle and threw them at her, farted towards a vicar and knocked on my neighbours door and ran away..... Twice :0 I'm pure evil!
Also games im playing thru are all old school....
Legend of mana
Final fantasy 7
Zelda a link to the past
Hope to join your evil clan and teach and learn new extra evil tricks to play on unsuspecting people!
How am I back here. Wait. Don't tell me. No Brokeback Mountain jokes here, only nostalgia.
I got sucked into Homestuck. How is everyone here? Damn, some of my old posts are incredibly wince-inducing. Oh well.
I hath returned, o spoony bards.
How can I be like Kefka? I like old school games and despise new era ones, well most of them. Is that enough?
I'm not a member but I can already tell you no Odin.
Probably because there hasn't been a post in eight months. Social Groups really did render the Clubs forum a bit useless. :3
Furthermore, words.
» Sent via Tapatalk 2 on my Galaxy S2
Oh, I see. Thought I'd bring some life back into this thread. Yeah, makes sense for clubs to die at this point.
Also this thread gets activity when people like ZRO or Scorpian post.
Edit: Still waiting for my invite. :p
as well as a Soldier invite.
I don't know if I have enough satirical and metaphorical enough edge either.:D
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD
Final Fantasy Remnants ( AKA FFL v10.53 ) [Byond Client - ]
Also I'm referring people to Dawezy's site for sprites :evil laff: