Originally Posted by Zro
Now Loco, if you'd posted a pic of the good old cartridge of Secret of Mana, I'd have been more impressed
I think it may be cheaper just to buy a Wii and download it on the Virtual Console for that one.
Originally Posted by Cesar
Wow. Just feels like a lot of money, I suppose.
That's because it is. Spending $100 on a game isn't easy, but sometimes it's worth it. For Shining Force 3, it was totally worth it. I love that game. For Dragonforce, I'll decide when I learn how to play it. Seriously.
Seriously Silver, -some- of the titles out now ARE actually good.
I'm just saying.
Yeah, I didn't say they weren't, just that most were overshadowed by previous titles.
I'd take Baldur's Gate II over Dragon Age any day but it doesn't mean I don't also enjoy Dragon Age.
The biggest thing I've noticed is how many traditionally longer games seem to be getting shorter and shorter. I played a completionist game of DA with all current expansions a while ago and finished it in a couple days and I worked at least five hours a day per day.
Some older RPGs a completionist runthrough takes at least a week to a fortnight if not more including time for work.
CP: Same titles as earlier.
Sticking to the subject of Bioware, Mass Effect is overshadowed by Kotor, though that's hardly old school.
Bioware is being odd these days. All they seem to be focusing on is this idea of sex and violence. I like those things, don't get me wrong, but Kotor was far superior both to Dragon Age and Mass Effect without excessive amounts of either.
That being said, I'm wet like a fish waiting for Mass Effect 2.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Originally Posted by
That being said, I'm wet like a fish waiting for Mass Effect 2.
This made me lol.
So, been playing more Dissidia, and while I'm loving the game, I'm also hating it at the same time. At times the game feels like the controls are so damned sluggish (maybe a low level deal?), but the computer does the same moves I do with little to no delay, back to back. Irks the living shit out of me it does, it's like fighting the computer on Very Hard on SoulCalibur 3. >.<;
SoulCalibur 3 (cuz I'm too damned poor to afford a 360 or PS3 and get 4)
WoW (listening to me rage in arenas has GOT to be f'ckin hilarious to people I'm sure, I just feel sorry for the guys who're stuck on my 3s team XD)
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Damn you Jin, damn you good.
Had one of those pirks of interest after you mentioned BioWare and KOTOR and googled/youtubed my way around to find some more info about Mass Effect.. and dude, why wasnt I made aware of the existence of such a shiny game? o_o and it was released 3 years ago ... shows how much I'm paying attention ^^; so I may have some away-time from FFXI in the coming days, when I head down to EB Games and grab a copy - looks like I'll be holding my breath with Mass Effect 2 aswell.. aint gonna be released for a short while yet.
One at a time she says, one at a time~
Maybe I should boot up Sith Lords (hell, thats one thing I havent installed since I've setup this new rig..) and totally push the graphics. 1920x1080 is juicy.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Gonna have me a pretty monitor like that here soon too Dawezy, should be worth it I'm thinkin.
Never did play the Mass Effects yet, heard they're pretty damned awesome. And the KOTORs are just win....I actually can't think of anything that BioWare has made that I didn't like.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
I haven't been doing much FFXI lately because PlayOnline was being a bitch and wouldn't let me update my damn credit card information last month.
So I've been revisiting my past while simultaneously indulging in a little game of catch-up.
In the past month(ish), I have completed the following games which either had not been finished before, or needed to be played again, or were played through with my girlfriend:
Co-op with Rebecca, or watched her play through
• The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past » SNES via Wii - her first time finishing it
• The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time » N64 - her seventh time finishing it
• The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask » N64 - who knows how many times she beat this
• Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story » DS - our first time through
• Star Fox 64 » N64 - she plays through so fast, it hardly counts
• New Super Mario Bros » Wii, two-player through all levels (except World 9)
• Chrono Trigger » DS remake - it was her first time! ^^
On my own time
• Dragon Age: Origins » XB360 - finally finished with one of my four characters :3
• Bayonetta » PS3 version - still need to finish 360
• Plants vs. Zombies » PC - sadly, there is an end
• Star Ocean » PSP remake - I'd gotten near the end but never finished it
• Star Ocean 2 » PSP remake - also my first time finishing this
• Dragon Quest V » DS remake - my first time playing/beating this
• Final Fantasy IV » SNES - I figured I had to play it on its original console for Dawezy
Hmm... I think that's about it.
Currently Playing
• Phantasy Star Zero » DS
• Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite » PSP
• Mass Effect » XB360
• Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution » XB360
• Final Fantasy VI » SNES - given that I played "2" I just had to start "3" again...
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
You're confusing me. What do you mean Mass Effect 2 won't be released for a short while yet. It came out January 26. Or did it not come out in Australia? :huh?:
Mass Effect is good, but the first one has a plethora of flaws in it. If you can look past them, it is fun. The second one is pretty damn awesome though.
That you can make a list that long for what your girlfriend has played makes you an insanely lucky man. :D
As for me, I've been playing the ever loving shit out of Mass Effect 2. It blows the first one out of the water in almost every way. The side quests don't feel like side quests (ie, they're really good), the combat is way better and the technical flaws that littered the first game are all but gone. It's really early in the year still, but I think it's a good contender for GOTY already. The only problem I had with it is the same problem I have with most second acts in trilogies: they're not a real conclusion. With the first game, they had no way of knowing whether it would be a success, so, naturally, they offered you some great "holy shit, seriously?!" moments towards the end of it and there were few unanswered questions. Because they knew this time round that yet another game was coming after this installment, it almost seemed as if the game was just a prelude. But that's a minor criticism. Awesome game.
Also finished No More Heroes 2. Like Mass Effect 2, I think it was an improvement over the first as far as design goes, but I liked the story, if you can call it that, better in the first. Seriously though, this game is just a love song to old school gaming. All the money earning games (except one) are 8bit and the game is just littered with old school fanfare. Otaku fanfare too.
Heavy Rain comes out on Tuesday and I'm really excited for it, so I'll try to give my impressions of it when I can. Based on the demo, I think it'll be something to behold, or rather, to experience.
Assassin's Creed 2 DLC - wasting time until Heavy Rain.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Originally Posted by
You're confusing me. What do you mean Mass Effect 2 won't be released for a short while yet. It came out January 26. Or did it not come out in Australia? :huh?:
Yeah, its out - forgot to take into account that your post was about a month ago. But dude, EB Games has Mass Effect II listed for $99 >_> ft, I'll try my luck with eBay~ already grabbed Mass Effect from eBay for around $40 its so old that none of the game retailers around my immediate area stock it lol. Gonna rock out with ME I and finish the story or w/e it holds, THEN I'll get my hands on ME II much like I did with Supreme Commander. Worked through the game first, all factions, all story-based missions before touching the expansion pack.
CP: KOTORII, FFXI, GTAIV and a few ROMs between them all~
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
It's okay, honestly, you can skip the expansions for the first Mass Effect.
I haven't played through them myself, but one of my employees swears up and down by Mass Effect on a daily basis, and he said the first DLC was decent and the second was definitely passable - overall, skipping them didn't mean missing much.
@ Jin: Yeah, and the CP with her right now is Bioshock 2. Just for the curious.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
I have some quasi old school news for those that haven't heard. I want to refer all of you to the PS3 game "3D Dot Game Heroes", a self referring old school homage to the original Zelda as well as other old school games. Here's a preview via IGN.
And here's an example of the 3D retro style: 2D sprites in 3D!
The game is listed for a NA release of May 11, but I'm not sure if a PAL release is planned or not. Hopefully!
Also, Turbografx games (though I've no idea how many) have been available on the Japanese PSN for a while now and it looks like Neo Geo games will be joining them. Is this the sign of an emerging answer to the Wii's virtual console? Will this ever leave Japan? I have no idea, but I sure hope so.
Heavy Rain (Finished my first file, debating whether to start a new one right now or wait)
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
My intention is to finish Heavy Rain and then make it a "once a month (or two months) project" where I'll go through and change it all up on purpose just to see new shit.
Currently Playing
• Phantasy Star Zero » DS
• Lunar: Silver Star Complete (demo) » PSP
• Heavy Rain » PS3
• inFAMOUS » PS3
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Originally Posted by
I have some quasi old school news for those that haven't heard. I want to refer all of you to the PS3 game "3D Dot Game Heroes", a self referring old school homage to the original Zelda as well as other old school games.
Here's a preview via IGN.
And here's an example of the 3D retro style:
2D sprites in 3D!
The game is listed for a NA release of May 11, but I'm not sure if a PAL release is planned or not. Hopefully!
Do want.
If no local release, I'll definetely be importing. :drool:
Only real old skool I'm currently playing is on my PSPGo via EA Replay, Sega Megadrive Collection, ports such as Breath of Fire III, and if they count, several PSX games. It's awesome playing Road Rash, B.O.B., Ultima VII and Syndicate on PSP, but Wing Commander doesn't feel natural to me using the PSP controls.
CP: Games mentioned above (PSP)
inFamous (PS3)
White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
Divinity 2: Ego Draconis (360)
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
You bought a PSPgo? I weep for you. ;(
So my computer decided to die on me the other day. Apparently the motherboard is fried. Whenever I turn it on, the fan goes into overdrive and it sounds like a blow drier. And of course it doesn't work. It's a piece of shit Dell, so of course it needs special Dell parts to work, or at least that's what they tell me (the repair place, I mean). At any rate, I'm stuck using a netbook for a while. It's a bummer because I don't have anything to play right now until Yakuza 3 at the earliest (still not sure whether I want to buy it or not) and I really wanted to play Morrowind to fill in the gap. Oh well.
Nothing! Maybe I'll continue an ongoing Mass Effect file or something.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Originally Posted by
You bought a PSPgo? I weep for you. ;(
So my computer decided to die on me the other day. Apparently the motherboard is fried. Whenever I turn it on, the fan goes into overdrive and it sounds like a blow drier. And of course it doesn't work. It's a piece of shit Dell, so of course it needs special Dell parts to work, or at least that's what they tell me (the repair place, I mean). At any rate, I'm stuck using a netbook for a while. It's a bummer because I don't have anything to play right now until Yakuza 3 at the earliest (still not sure whether I want to buy it or not) and I really wanted to play Morrowind to fill in the gap. Oh well.
Nothing! Maybe I'll continue an ongoing Mass Effect file or something.
Yeah on top of a couple PSP3000 series, a PSP2000 series (sold all bar my FFVII themed one) and a homebrew enabled PSP1000 series.
Considering most old skool titles landed on PSN here, the Go keeps me happy, especially as it means I don't need to lug a large UMD collection everywhere. Plus it's small enough to fit in a phone pocket. Best part is they sold so shittily at that expensive price they came out at that almost no-one bought one so you can pick one up on clearance prices if you look around.
CP: Same as before and I just started a game of Fallout 3 GOTY the other day.
Which brings me to something else. NEW VEGAS THIS (AMERICAN) FALL!
It definetely ties in with older Fallout games judging by some of the released info (recognisable factions etc) and brings back Karma which I did notice gone in Fallout 3...
Should be interesting for fans of the old skool Fallout games I imagine.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Well my copy of Mass Effect arrived at my PO Box yesterday, and I've been having quite alot of fun with it.. even drags me away from FFXI! I took a few sc's of some of the characters to show you the sheer beauty of it, when I made my first character I forgot to modify the resolution to widescreen so they all looked dodgy - started a new file with the 16:9 ratio for my widescreen monitor, and well..
Pictures speak for themselves. (note: texture quality I set to medium)
Hardcore details :3
(bare in mind each file is 1~2mb in size, saving it as a gif or jpg is robbing it of its glory lol)
CP: Mass Effect, little bit less of FFXI then usual.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
It's just too bad that the textures take so damn long to load in that game. Screen shots look beautiful, but it runs like dung. Thankfully they wholeheartedly fixed that in the second game.
Originally Posted by Silver
Yeah on top of a couple PSP3000 series, a PSP2000 series (sold all bar my FFVII themed one) and a homebrew enabled PSP1000 series.
Considering most old skool titles landed on PSN here, the Go keeps me happy, especially as it means I don't need to lug a large UMD collection everywhere. Plus it's small enough to fit in a phone pocket. Best part is they sold so shittily at that expensive price they came out at that almost no-one bought one so you can pick one up on clearance prices if you look around.
I totally get what you're saying with that - I originally bought one for the same purpose - but from the perspective of playing any new PSP games, it's a farce. Sony simply has not supported the console. I hate UMDs too, but if I had to choose them or the limited offerings on PSN, I'd choose them. I'm hoping that Sony learns from this mistake and improves their next digital offering. But it's Sony, so who knows.
I seriously haven't been playing anything lately. I've been watching the Office and Battlestar Galactica obsessively, but gaming has been rare lately. But God of War 3 will change that I think. :D
The waiting game.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
I'm currently trying to play through Dragon Age still. Going bit by bit through Uncharted.
I kinda stopped playing FF13. I suppose I was kind of spoiled on it, but at the same time I kind of lost the drive to play through it, even though I was almost at the end.
And I doubt I will get a PSPGo. xD
Super Street Fighter IV (PS3)
Dragon Age: Origins (PS3)
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Recently began to expand my gaming out from FFXI and Mass Effect 1~2, been having fun on eBay buying stuff heaps cheap. So a few days ago I got my hands on these 2 gems; Supreme Commander 2 and Command & Conquer 4 but I am conflicted, I'm sure these 2 are going to be filled with epic and awesome thus posing the question..
Which one do I play first? ;!
Was thinking the old coin flip would decide it, but while I'm typing this post up I'm also getting ready for work tonight.
Recommendations kind sirs?
EDIT: lol, Chief looks pissed off in your avatar Jin XD I remember that ep~
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Supreme Commander was laggy as hell for me on release, but now with a newer system I'd imagine it'd run fine so it might be worth a revisit from me (presuming I'm not all meched out from Thexder Neo). Command and Conquer games have pretty much always been in a league of their own, the third I probably put a few hundred hours into and if Command and Conquer 4 is equally engaging it'd probably be the more entertaining.
Some old skool news from me? I'm currently purchasing an arcade cabinet with 1505 games built-in. Yeah I could've bought several next-gen titles for the price, but shit, it's a ****ing arcade cabinet with 1505 games including some of the best I've ever played.
Can't wait to break her in with some Metal Slug...
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
You just made me add cream to my breakfast cereal, Silver. That's damn awesome. I always wanted an arcade cabinet.
Wish I could help, DD, but I've played neither of those. And yes, my man Tyrol is pissed and when he's pissed, a bitch about to get choked. :D
As for me, 3D Dot Game Heroes did not disappoint. I recommend anyone with a PS3 grab it (it's only $40 US). The Zelda parody is great and the gameplay is of course good considering it basically is Zelda gameplay. Funny as hell, too.
3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)
Mass Effect 2 (360)
Alan Wake as soon as I pick it up in a few hours (360)
Morrowind (PC)
Yakuza 3 (PS3)
Half Minute Hero (PSP)
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
As for C&C 4 and SC2, with C&C4, you actually have to be online to even play single player at all.
Honestly I couldn't get into the SC franchise at all. I'm a C&C player. But I don't own 4 yet because the lack of funds.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Now we shall have a bit of feedback, maybe give others buying these aforementioned titles for themselves;
I installed Supreme Commander 2 first (which requires a Steam account to use) and had to download an additional 2300MB~ to complete the process, sure no big I already had a Steam account for Half Life 2 back when it was released.. the gameplay itself is extremely smooth, even with over 50 or more units cluttering the screen (then again I got a pretty beefed up system.) but this new "Research" system is a tad tedious.. How about we do a comparison of the sort?
Supreme Commander
* Was very laggy, even with my system specs set to low or high.
* Easy to organize forces, even put them in formations.
* Campaign/single player story was very in-depth, alot of missions.
* Could see the distance limit of your currently selected unit. (how far they can shoot)
* Hell of alot more units.
* Air units had fuel meters >_>;
* Need power on constantly to keep shields/building up.
* ACU can solo just about anything, get hardcore shields, pretty high dps.
* Units need to be constantly repaired (besides experimental/ACUs)
Supreme Commander 2
* No lag.
* No formation setting. (Units kinda make themselves in a epic pile on the spot you move them to lol)
* Can upgrade individual buildings with its own defenses (shield/aa gun, etc)
* Cant see range of normal units, defensive towers get a border tho.
* Dont need constant power for keeping buildings/shields up.
* ACU moves like a turtle, no shields, fires slow - but it can stand its ground vs experimental units.
* All units Regenerate health!!
* Resources alot easier to gather, but you dont need alot to build stuff.
* Campaign/story is much shorter this time.
Kinda mixed up the good and bad there, but theres a fine difference.. its a case of a "have to play it for yourself" to see the points above. I would recommend it to anyone in the RTS junkie social groups and maybe to those new to the genre.. but if you have played the original and its addon's you may be a tad bit disappointed. I'm not complaining but it coulda been done alot better..
Now for Command and Conquer 4!
Well shit, I'm happy I paid to little for both of these titles lol.. C&C 4 has destroyed the essence of the series ;_;. Some may see the combat system as an improvement - others may see it as a cancer, which sad to say I am leaning more towards. All those familiar with the older games knows about the Tiberium Harvesting to build your credits, buy units/building and send an army down the front gates of the enemies base. This time around there is no resource/harvesting instead you are given a Command Points system in place - when you purchase a unit it goes towards the current CP cap (which is 50 by default) so say you want to buy a Mammoth Tank? 6 CP is taken from the 50 until the tank is destroyed; CP now at 44, can buy a further 6 Mammoth Tanks to put the CP at 2 thus leaving no room for any further tanks.. thats it.
You cant building anything else until that CP is back down to the cost of a single Mammoth Tank. -.-
BUT here is the winner, There is no Construction Yard where you toss everything out you have these new units called Crawlers - they work the same way as a old Construction Yard but are divided into 3 classes.. which you can only choose one at a time. Offensive/Defensive/Support.
Offensive Crawlers can build tanks/bikes and defense towers.
Defensive Crawlers build troops, engineers, all the cannon fodder. Bunkers to station troops.
Support Crawlers does the air units, artillery.
Can only have 1 Crawler out at any given time, to get a new Crawler in you have to Remove the current one (by pressing delete! whee) and summon the new one.. which can only be done at specific points on the map. THEN you have a limit of changing Crawlers 4 times in any given mission. (may vary for multiplayer I dunno).
And they still use real actors and videos for missions, the same dude who did Kane back in 1995 or whenever is still doing it..
Phew, lol.
I'd hold onto your money Vic, if your a fan of the old series and its methods. ^^
Oh, and you need to be online to play either at any time. :3
CP: Supreme Commander 2, Mass Effect 2, Hentai and some FFXI~
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
I have absolutely nothing important to say, but I want to give you credit, Dawezy, for sporting your old avatar.
Gives me happy memories of SU before it exploded. ;(
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
I lol at the mention of that place.
But anyway, onto something more random and recent! last night I decided to play around with the heavy weapons in Mass Effect 2 (I usually just use one for the entire game, while there is about 8 to cycle through) but in particular this beauty called the "M920 Cain" .. mobile nuclear slug launcher. Makes one hell of an explosion right.
As the illustration below suggests;
(2.45mb pic, need the quality to capture the awesome.)
The game slows down temporarily as the explosion goes off and the screen goes blurry lol, its pretty sweet. Crowd control baby! >:3
Despite the distance I had from the blast and multiple objects I was covered behind it still wiped off my shields o_o; not too long later around a corner you cant see on that screen I fired off a second slug, into a small group of Vorcha (ugly lookin humans that regen quick) failing to take into note my distance between them and the explosion. Kinda tossed my corpse off the bridge behind me lol.
"Oh yeah, forgot that nuclear explosions are aoe."
Much like KoTOR theres a kind of karma system going, positive answers make you look "good".. negative answers make you look evil-ish. As this image illustrates also;
And I'm kinda ashamed that I had to resort to doing such a thing, with C&C4 *but* I will admit my doings~
Been going after trainers, to unlock the unit cap/building cap etc.. to make the game playable without bashing my head against the desk.. so, kind of cheating you think? or am I ok for trying to make the game like the original? lol
CP: Not much change from previous post, been tuning into RadioSEGA alot more in recent times.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
As far as C&C4 goes, I did a little research and found out that C&C4 basically half-ass copied Dawn of War II.
I think they could have sold more copies if they retitled it C&C: Tactical Squad.
And the Command Points reminds me of Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3.
I am indeed a fan of the original C&C series and the way Westwood created it, but at the same time I'm not some rabid close-minded fan with tunnel vision.
I'm willing to give the new gameplay a shot. I've read tons of user reviews and a lot of them are saying it's not as bad as fans make it out to be. Sure, if you are a hardcore fan, it's not for you... but, from what I can tell; it's not aimed at hardcore fans anyways.
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
I started up FFVI (yes, yes, again, I know, the 40th time should have been enough) on the GBA yesterday and the game hasn't left my mind for a moment ever since.
So yeah, there's that.
Victoria mentioned Valkyria Chronicles and I just wanted to note that the game is badass.
New-age titles for me in the past two weeks include (but may not be limited to) Red Dead Redemption, ModNation Racers, 3D Dot Game Heroes, and Skate 3.
Videogames are expensive. :(
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
I've been on FFXI pretty much straight for the past several weeks. Yep, my FFXI addiction hit hardcore again...only log on to WoW for raids and the occasional PvP with friends now. XD
On a side-note, been playin through GTA4, when the 360 I'm using isn't being a complete piece of crap with the "disc is unreadable" bullshit. Been tickin me off that has. Otherwise tho, loving it, in spite of the fact that it's missing some of the stuff that made me love San Andreas. Also quite vehemently irritated with Dead or Alive 4. Either they severely cranked the difficulty on that game, or I've just gotten stale as hell at it. >.<; Gotta try like 20 times just to beat the last boss on Normal, and the difficulty doesn't go down, lmao.
Honestly haven't been reppin the oldskool much admittedly, tho, I do keep picking FFIII back up on my DS. Just kinda randomly here and there, but only up to having the second set of jobs unlocked so far, lol. I r slowga. X.x
CP: FFXI, go go Samurai Kitteh!
GTA4: Niko goes Airborne~
Re: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!
Holy crap, he lives!
You should post more often. :D
Anyways, not much new for me to report. Still in the throes of 3D Dot Game Heroes and loving it. I'm currently saved right at the beginning of the fire temple. I've left it there for a bit to play Red Dead Redemption, which is also a pretty damn awesome game. Finished Alan Wake and I can't recommend it enough to people who like survival horror-esque games. My hats off to Remedy for that one.
I've had urges to start up Shining Force again, but I've so much to play I think I'll wait for a dry spell on it. Besides, the next Monkey Island special edition should be coming out fairly shortly, so I'll get my old school kicks from that.
Good times.
Red Dead Redemption (PS3)
3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)