Name: Vincent Cooper
Age: 31
Race: Human
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Eyes: Light blue-grey
Hair: Short and black
Upper Body: What used to be a longsleeved black shirt, but the right sleeve has been torn completely at the shoulder
Lower Body: Loose black pants that have been cut at the knees, and high black boots which stop below his knees
Armor: A vest of six-in-one chain mail, silver, of course.
Main Class: Weather Mage
Vincent can essentially "control" the weather. Though he has his limits, thunderstorms and blizzards are commonplace when he wishes their existance. He can even control the lightning itself, centering it within ten yards of his target. Rain, wind and temperature are also under his control.
Sub Class: Dragoon
The ever-famous lance class. He's got great agility, seconded by his equally impressive strength.
Weaponry: Erm, lance? It doesn't need a name.
Vincent carries with him a six foot lance, complete with a 4.5 foot titanium shaft (great for smacking people around like a staff) and an eighteen inch steel blade, slightly curved and sharp only on one side (and we all know what that's good for).
Magic: I think the Weather Mage covered it
My only request is lots of long, flowing lines. I'm talking flowy like the Sephiroth character model... but not nearly that ridiculously stupid. Lots of black, so each article of clothing should really stand out from the next; things like varying shades of black could help. Also, little things, like loose threads where the clothing has been ripped, and give him a little muscle mass on that exposed arm, eh? ;)
Kid Emo says:
how short hair are we talking, less than an inch, or just "not shoulder length"?
Cesar says:
We're talking like an inch or so, like an army cut but not that rigid
Cesar says:
Not really spiked, but just sorta tossed around atop his head
Kid Emo says:
ah, ok. Never done short hair but I'll try.
Cesar says:
You're free to add a bit more length to it if it makes it easier to draw
Kid Emo says:
I'll see how it goes.
Cesar says:
Perhaps you should make note in the thread that the characters will be drawn up in the same style as your avatar, so people know what they're in for
Cesar says:
And aside from what I've mentioned, you've pretty much got free reign with the character design from there
Cesar says:
Oh yeah, and skin color is just a touch darker than that of the guy in your avy
...in case you need to see it again, that is.