Holy Hell, I live once more...and yeah...I went and re-registered...just Hobbes in charge?? To ****ing hell with that then. Anyway, sorry bout the down time folks, friend's house that I was at lost net access for a while (lack of payment capability XD ) and therefore, I lost my access as well. Scorp, shoulda called, I was contemplating yellin at you myself. XD As for all the anims I missed, good work there Dawezy. :D And I'm on AIM right now for about another....5 minutes or so...and no one else is online. XD Anywho, I'll try and stay a little more active, now that someone else around me has access again, but no guarantees, but anyway. And Dawezy...I hate that damned thing...it does itch. :P Anyway, off to make more pizzas...no, wait...that's tomorrow...oh yeah...wal-mart, gotta go to wal-mart...I hate wal-mart...anyway.
Got myself some goodies comin though, 21" monitor for me comp, plus a new vid-card and a DVD-R. :D Those should be fun when I get them out of layaway. XD Here's to hoping for my own net access back here soon. ^_^