(You can see why I defected from the "Bringers of Light" club. They were just too hardcore goody goody for me. Freaked me out.)
Why certainly. You = IN. I'd love to hear some of your opinions on... stuff. And I'd also like to see you post in a few more threads around the FFVI section. Just because I said so. :D
Anywho, as far as a current topic goes (because any comments you have on that thread I linked can be posted in that thread... *HINT*), I'll let ToroMor come up with something new. I always let the new guy (or girl) get us back on track.
I used a lot of parenthesis in this post. Yikes.
Currently Playing:
FFIIIj, The Sims 2
Heh, I hadn't noticed that when I first read your post in that thread. Nice. ^_^;;Quote:
Originally Posted by ToroMor in the thread about the different gaming generations