Originally Posted by Dawezy
Good to see ya Scorp :D but on another note can announce the following;
Today is my 22nd Birthday ;-()
And tonight I plan to drink my liver into submission, so I want you all to cheer me on. XD Booyah, and the past week or so have been good for me aswell.. since I've gotten my shiny new SEGA Saturn working with a handfull of games -> In particular I been thrashing Command and Conquer quite alot. Considering I have both C&C and the Covert Operations expansion for the PC, but it don't work on Windows XP >< fucking thing, heh.
I normally discourage people from giving me gifts, because I don't really want anything, the money could be spent on beer or lottery tickets or something instead.. but what do I wake up to this morning? a Jim Bean quilt cover, lmao. It looks pretty fucking cool on the bed I should take a photo of it. But speaking of the fabled Jim, I should rock down to the local liquor store and buy me a flask for tonight :D