ZRO4825: Heh....I was almost Smod...does that count? XD
LocoColt04: It does count as far as I'm concerned
jin fujiwara: <--has no comment as I have never been even a mod at any good forums (aside from loco's)
LocoColt04: But SU is a di...
LocoColt04: IDEA!
LocoColt04: IDEA IDEA IDEA!!!
ZRO4825: Bash SU? XD
LocoColt04: We can attack SquareUltima
ZRO4825: YES!
jin fujiwara: hahaha
ZRO4825: OMG, Jin, did you show him that thread? XD
LocoColt04: That'll be our cult avatar
jin fujiwara: I showed Dawezy
LocoColt04: I haven't even glanced at SU in a couple months
ZRO4825: Show Loco, he'll get a kick out of it I think, lol
jin fujiwara: righto
LocoColt04: I can't believe I was an SU member before the two of you were
LocoColt04: I was one of the first, heh
ZRO4825: 3
LocoColt04: No
jin fujiwara:
LocoColt04: Dawezy pointed me at it
ZRO4825: oh, lol
DarkDawezy: Mmm..
DarkDawezy: *ahem*
jin fujiwara: heh
ZRO4825: haha! I can actually get to it this time too XD
LocoColt04: ...heh, get this
LocoColt04: "Current administrator of SU"
LocoColt04: As though she knows she'll give up on it later
jin fujiwara: she?
jin fujiwara: tis a he
ZRO4825: Fewyn being a she wouldn't be a surprise either XD
jin fujiwara: or a liar ;-)
LocoColt04: Well hell, I don't know who the **** runs the place these days
jin fujiwara: morons
DarkDawezy: Fewyn? a dude
ZRO4825: supposedly XD
jin fujiwara: so he says
LocoColt04: But yes
LocoColt04: SU is our avatar target
ZRO4825: :-D
jin fujiwara: sounds great
DarkDawezy: chatted to him alot, when DSH was around.
LocoColt04: And yes, Jin, you can scream about capitalism
LocoColt04: ;-)
jin fujiwara: :-D
LocoColt04: Now... how to start?
DarkDawezy: has a fetish for php coding I swear.
jin fujiwara: lol
ZRO4825: Haha, he's the Admin of SU...and yet he plays more WoW than anything...****in ***** XD
jin fujiwara: Fewyn and Hobbes barking orders
jin fujiwara: good start?
LocoColt04: And man, this thread is great
LocoColt04: Oh... sprites for the two of them
ZRO4825: XD
jin fujiwara: hmmm
ZRO4825: Hmmm
jin fujiwara: echo?
ZRO4825: Fewyn...Zeromus?
jin fujiwara: XD
ZRO4825: Can't be Golbez...Golbez kicked too much ass
jin fujiwara: something large for him
jin fujiwara: and some pansy ass thing for hobbes
ZRO4825: poke fun @ the fat factor too? XD
jin fujiwara: somewhat
LocoColt04: Hobbes can be... who's the pansiest male in OSFF history?
LocoColt04: Besides Pally Cecil, Dawezy
LocoColt04: :-P
jin fujiwara: XD
ZRO4825: XD
jin fujiwara: Edward
ZRO4825: YES!!!!
jin fujiwara: although overdone
jin fujiwara: over used*
LocoColt04: But it's Hobbes... so it's okay
jin fujiwara: haha
DarkDawezy: I made Braska Spira a Edward/Pally Cecil hybrid
LocoColt04: Golbez = fewyn; Edward = Hobbes
jin fujiwara: not Golbez
ZRO4825: no, not Golbez
LocoColt04: Oh, okay
ZRO4825: Like I said, he kicks too much ass ^^
jin fujiwara: Golbez is too good
jin fujiwara: yeah
LocoColt04: And hell, we should throw BS in there just because
jin fujiwara: BS?
LocoColt04: "Well TFF sucks!" *kill*
ZRO4825: *got confused too*
LocoColt04: Braska Spira
jin fujiwara: oh
jin fujiwara: lol
ZRO4825: oh, yeah, lol
LocoColt04: Dawezy and I have a looooong history with him
jin fujiwara: I saw
ZRO4825: 'Old School stuff suck!" *death from above*
LocoColt04: Yep, pretty much
LocoColt04: We can kill him twice
ZRO4825: Where the hell did a Pally get JUMP from?!?! XD
jin fujiwara: XD
LocoColt04: Once in the middle, and again at the end, as a great closer
LocoColt04: At the end can be where he says oldskool sucks
LocoColt04: Makes for a perfect ending
jin fujiwara: lol
LocoColt04: Dawezy, I'll need those BS sprites
ZRO4825: Fewyn-"We revived a servant so powerful,that you can never stop him! BRASKA!! COME FORTH!!!"
LocoColt04: Shit, if we get this figured out, I might actually do this tonight
LocoColt04: HAHAHAHA
LocoColt04: XD
ZRO4825: Braska - "Old school sucks"!!
jin fujiwara: does Dawezy have em on his laptop?
ZRO4825: OSCOK - *mass death upon teh BS*
LocoColt04: Hmm... he's spriteless on the lappy. You got them hosted?
jin fujiwara: come back to us aussie!
LocoColt04: I feel bad for Edward
jin fujiwara: don't
LocoColt04: But I <3 teh bard
LocoColt04: Spoony or not
jin fujiwara: :p
ZRO4825: he's a wussy...come on, he could've banged his girl...but he didn't
DarkDawezy: *was looking at White Mages Gone Wild*
DarkDawezy: err, what?
jin fujiwara: XD
LocoColt04: You wouldn't happen to have the Braska sprites hidden online, would you?
LocoColt04: I don't see them on your list
DarkDawezy: never made any
jin fujiwara: o.O
DarkDawezy: just used normal FFIV sprites
LocoColt04: DarkDawezy: I made Braska Spira a Edward/Pally Cecil hybrid
ZRO4825: They're just the Pall Cecil
LocoColt04: Oh
ZRO4825: Sometimes he was Edward, sometimes he was Pally Cecil
LocoColt04: Ohhhh, my mistake
DarkDawezy: yep
jin fujiwara: well, that works better
LocoColt04: Well, he'll have to be Pally Cecil then
LocoColt04: Since Hobbes is Edward
LocoColt04: And ZRO's custom Pally, so it's all good
ZRO4825: :-D
jin fujiwara: heh
DarkDawezy: you got the FF3j Knight, so dont worry ZRO :-D
LocoColt04: Oh yeah, that's true
ZRO4825: :-D
LocoColt04: We could use that as well
ZRO4825: Yeah, we could use all FFIII sprites
jin fujiwara: both have the tiara, thats all that matters
ZRO4825: ASS!! XD
jin fujiwara: :-D
DarkDawezy: LOL
LocoColt04: Butbutbutbut... Sabin!
jin fujiwara: :-(
DarkDawezy: use sprites from all generations
DarkDawezy: 1 to 6
LocoColt04: yeah, that's why I'm making Psiko the FFI RDM instead of the FFIII RedWiz
LocoColt04: Oh shit, we could use someone from FFV for fewyn
jin fujiwara: X-death?
ZRO4825: brb fellas, gonna run down to the near Wendy's for some food ^^
jin fujiwara: righto
LocoColt04: *checks sprite list*
ZRO4825: or more going to do so soon as I get done berating my little brother >.>
LocoColt04: I don't have the X-death sprite
LocoColt04: But I could pick it up
jin fujiwara: >.>
jin fujiwara: are they versatile enough though
jin fujiwara: he doesn't have any combat sprites does he?
LocoColt04: No, not for actual movement
LocoColt04: I was thinking they should all three be characters
LocoColt04: So we can chase them around
LocoColt04: Maybe the four of us start
LocoColt04: Confont them
LocoColt04: They flee
LocoColt04: Get cornered by the other OSCoK members
LocoColt04: ;-)
jin fujiwara: heh
ZRO4825: :-D
LocoColt04: And then it's a SquareUltima sammich
jin fujiwara: lol
jin fujiwara: still need a sprite for Fewyn
LocoColt04: Looking through the FFV ones now
LocoColt04: Trying to decide which character/job to use
jin fujiwara: lol
jin fujiwara: *checks his list*
LocoColt04: Maybe we should make him a bard as well
LocoColt04: ;-)
jin fujiwara: lmao
ZRO4825: XD
ZRO4825: Nah, hold on
jin fujiwara: the traveling retards
ZRO4825: He considers himself the SquareUltima Knight
jin fujiwara: true