DKC 2 = Rock on
DKC = Rock on you pimpity genius
I've been playing both for the last
week combined with,
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 stars
Lost Vikings
Tom & Jerry
Faceball 2000
Bubsy 2
Illusion of Gaia
Mario is Missing
Super Mario All Stars
Yoshi's Cookie
Tiny Toons Buster Busts Loose
Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
The Magical Quest Starring Micky Mouse
Oger Battle 64
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Donkey Kong 64
Star Fox
Star Fox 64
and just a little bit of Zoop to remind me how much it sucks balls.
As you can see my SNES jag has
been on a roll and has now upgraded
to an N64 jag combined with the SNES
jag. Which has now sabatoged my sleep
schedual entirely. I'm currently stuck
trying to figure out how to get every
golden gem in my copy of Mischief Makers.
Rock on \\m//