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I've been doing some thinking lately, and I think I've finally figured out what I dislike most about humanity in general. The purpose of this thread is basically to vent about what you dislike most about people in general, or your least favorite traits about people in general. Personal attacks won't be tolerated.
Laziness and procrastination
This irks me to no end. I really truly hate it when people do absolutely nothing on a consistent basis. It's one thing if you're sick, or physically unable to work, but when you're able bodied and choose to lounge around all day, it really bothers me. It contributes nothing to society, and is fairly disgusting to me. Why not volunteer your time, or do something worthwhile to better yourself?
As for procrastination, why not get shit done today when you say you will? I HATE putting things off for tomorrow, and I really hate when others do it, especially if it involves plans with me. If I say something will be done on a certain day, I damn well make sure it's done. It's understandable if something comes up and something minute has to be put off for something more important, but when people just get lazy and decide not to do things because they just feel like lounging around or doing nothing, it irks me. "Oh yeah, I'll do this later." or "Oh, I'll start this tomorrow." Tomorrow turns into next week, which turns into next month, and before you know it, years have gone by and you've still accomplished nothing.