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Thread: Things about people that bother you

  1. #1
    Bananarama Things about people that bother you Pete's Avatar
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    Things about people that bother you

    I've been doing some thinking lately, and I think I've finally figured out what I dislike most about humanity in general. The purpose of this thread is basically to vent about what you dislike most about people in general, or your least favorite traits about people in general. Personal attacks won't be tolerated.

    Laziness and procrastination

    This irks me to no end. I really truly hate it when people do absolutely nothing on a consistent basis. It's one thing if you're sick, or physically unable to work, but when you're able bodied and choose to lounge around all day, it really bothers me. It contributes nothing to society, and is fairly disgusting to me. Why not volunteer your time, or do something worthwhile to better yourself?

    As for procrastination, why not get shit done today when you say you will? I HATE putting things off for tomorrow, and I really hate when others do it, especially if it involves plans with me. If I say something will be done on a certain day, I damn well make sure it's done. It's understandable if something comes up and something minute has to be put off for something more important, but when people just get lazy and decide not to do things because they just feel like lounging around or doing nothing, it irks me. "Oh yeah, I'll do this later." or "Oh, I'll start this tomorrow." Tomorrow turns into next week, which turns into next month, and before you know it, years have gone by and you've still accomplished nothing.

    Wasted Talent

    To me, there's nothing sadder than this. If you have a gift why not put it to use? I know far too many people who could really be something if they applied themselves in their passions and talents. Very few of them do, and those that do are doing really well and are happy with their lives. Those that aren't putting their talents to use, aren't happy and aren't doing anything. They're just sitting at home, being bums, while the rest of us are out trying to make a living. It's pretty sad to me, seeing kids with real potential just blow it by not using it, or using it for ill pursuits.

    Your turn.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  2. #2
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you


    People that can't figure out what they want in life tend to annoy me. I don't care for people that go back and forth with their ideas like a ping pong table; whether it's my buddy that can't decide where he wants to go for dinner, to a girl who is unsure if she is ready for a relationship after hanging out with a guy all day, to the meteorologists on TV. Seriously, let's make up our minds about what's gonna happen here now.


    A big pet peeve of mine is people who try to look good infront of others, but then they change and do a 180 as soon as the crowd isn't around. I dislike it when people try to manipulate situations while keeping a passive demeanor about everything like they don't care. It's people like that are hard to trust because they choose to not open up to anyone about their true intentions, and by the time they get done changing everything, it's too late.

    But yeah, otherwise I agree with your first two points Pete, especially the lazy people one. Its terribly sad to see classmates/coworkers that literally work half as many hours as I do and still get worse grades because they simply don't care about college. (just an example that I've witnessed.)
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  3. #3
    Do the elements trust you? Things about people that bother you bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    if others have to follow a rule, so do you. nobody is superior to anyone else so that ticks me off really bad
    pushy people
    if a person doesnt want to do something dont force them to, your desire is no better than any one elses
    and of course those who think they are all that
    self explanitory
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
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  4. #4
    Registered User Things about people that bother you winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I hate spoilt brats, a classic example of this is that I know a girl (girlfriend of a family member) who has spent her whole life being spoilt and pampered my her parents. A few months ago her parents said they would buy her a new car, then it turned out they had a few money problems and told her they couldn't afford to do it for another few months, her response to this was to pull up at the side of the road, get out of the car, lock the car with her parents still inside and walk off and leave them for about 2 hours, if thats not a spoilt selfish brat I don't know what is!!

    I also hate it when people are happy to bitch about something you like but when you say bad thing about what they like they get an attitude problem.
    Also hate it when people over-react. A friend of mine is put something on her FB durin an England match, saying "Oh so this is whats it's like to be a single mum" all because her partner had gone to the pub to watch a bloody football game, then started going on about how the enagement was off cos he didn't paint a bedroom when she told (not asked) him to.

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  5. #5
    Registered User Things about people that bother you
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I can generally put up with a lot of things that people do, so it takes a lot to get under my skin. One thing that sort of gets on my nerves quickly though is when people have a negative attitude. I don't mind it so much if it happens once in a while. I can handle something like that. However, when it's a constant thing, it's kind of draining, especially when it seems like they like to complain about the most insignificant things.
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  6. #6
    I want to play a game. Things about people that bother you Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you


    When people have made plans to meet at a specific time, but consistently show up late and don't give any heads-up that they will be late is annoying and a tad rude. If a person knows they can't make that time, plan whatever for at a better time or if they know you are going to be late they should notify whomever they are meeting up with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Laziness and procrastination

    This irks me to no end. I really truly hate it when people do absolutely nothing on a consistent basis. It's one thing if you're sick, or physically unable to work, but when you're able bodied and choose to lounge around all day, it really bothers me. It contributes nothing to society, and is fairly disgusting to me. Why not volunteer your time, or do something worthwhile to better yourself?

    As for procrastination, why not get shit done today when you say you will? I HATE putting things off for tomorrow, and I really hate when others do it, especially if it involves plans with me. If I say something will be done on a certain day, I damn well make sure it's done. It's understandable if something comes up and something minute has to be put off for something more important, but when people just get lazy and decide not to do things because they just feel like lounging around or doing nothing, it irks me. "Oh yeah, I'll do this later." or "Oh, I'll start this tomorrow." Tomorrow turns into next week, which turns into next month, and before you know it, years have gone by and you've still accomplished nothing.
    I know a few people who like to procrastinate with cleaning up their mess. They'll just let the garbage can overflow, stink the kitchen up real bad before taking it out. That is some procrastination I can't take: they are adults - at least they should be - clean up in a timely manner. And no, a timely manner doesn't mean let the pots that have been used to sit there for a couple of days or to let the sink get full of dirty dishes and let that "stew" for a few days as well.

    One of those person's whom procrastinates also doesn't do much with their life - except raid in WoW. I, along with another friend, have tried to get this person to get a move on with their life, to get a job at least, but he sees certain jobs beneath him (the only job he has had was when he was 21 & lasted for 3 weeks). We have even tried to garner his grandmother's support but she buckles and enabled him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Wasted Talent

    To me, there's nothing sadder than this. If you have a gift why not put it to use? I know far too many people who could really be something if they applied themselves in their passions and talents. Very few of them do, and those that do are doing really well and are happy with their lives. Those that aren't putting their talents to use, aren't happy and aren't doing anything. They're just sitting at home, being bums, while the rest of us are out trying to make a living. It's pretty sad to me, seeing kids with real potential just blow it by not using it, or using it for ill pursuits.

    Your turn.
    A Bronx Tale by Robert DeNiro.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I can generally put up with a lot of things that people do, so it takes a lot to get under my skin. One thing that sort of gets on my nerves quickly though is when people have a negative attitude. I don't mind it so much if it happens once in a while. I can handle something like that. However, when it's a constant thing, it's kind of draining, especially when it seems like they like to complain about the most insignificant things.
    I hate constant complainers, especially when whatever they are complaining about is trivial. I have my own problems and I don't want to listen to theirs 24/7.

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  7. #7
    This ain't no place for no hero Things about people that bother you Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Women Politics

    Haaaate it. Women in general are so freaking awful to one another, its crazy. So much competition, sneakiness, slyness... etc... Its freaking retarded. Its also why I don't have many friends who are girls. Girls are way too complicated. Not all of course, there are a few who don't play the stupid games and whatnot but they are few and far between.

  8. #8
    Registered User Things about people that bother you Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you


    I don't like people very much. I know, it sounds bad but I know so many idiots. And sure, I'm not perfect and sometimes I do the things that piss me off, but what can I say. I fit the 'people' criteria, too.

    People can be bullies, which I can't stand the most. People can be ingorant, stuck up, all kinds of crap. Girls are the worst. Sure, I am one. But I don't really feel like a typical girl. I'd like to think I'm a little bit more down-to-earth than most of the girls I know. I'm feminine, but not... well, Tiffany described them well enough. >_<

  9. #9
    Certified tech, come at me! Things about people that bother you SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I can give you plenty of my pet peeves about others. First one on the list is, most like everyone else

    People who complain over EVERY LITTLE THING:
    I have complained about some stupid things but not as much as i've seen around other people. It doesn't matter what it would be, like something would either happen or change in a way they don't like and they just get mad about it.

    Next thing on my list is people who assume things of me that either aren't true or something i've gotten over that they think i'm gonna have problems with again:
    If any of you find this offensive i don't intend to offend people about this, but anyway it ticks me off when people assume different things. Theres nothing wrong with assuming but if you're going to assume the negative about people its really stupid. I hate it when people think I do things that I don't do and ask me about it. Seriously, I wish they keep their thoughts to theirselves.

    Another thing I hate about people is when they get pushy about things:
    I've been around people who keep rushing me either when its needed or when its unnecessary. My parents have been known to do that sometimes. I respect them but I just don't like them rushing me.

    One last thing that bothers me is when people do annoying things on purpose:
    I'm ok with it if its a 1 to 2 time deal, but when the friend or some other person repeats whatever they do that you know that annoys you really gets under my skin.
    Last edited by SuperSabin; 07-05-2010 at 10:29 AM.
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  10. #10
    I invented Go-Gurt. Things about people that bother you Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I'm bothered, and quite frankly offended by people who are "politically correct." Political correctness has pussified society to the point where anything that anybody says is offensive to somebody. For example, you call somebody a retard, and somebody who's not even a retard gets offended. Or if you call a black person black instead of "African American," even though the term "African American" indicates that they immigrated to America from Africa, which in 99% of instances, is not the case. Or the fact that it's perfectly fine for a black person to have "black pride," or a gay person to have "gay pride," but at any indication of a white person having "white pride," or a straight man having "straight pride," he's automatically a racist and a homophobic. Political correctness is for pussies.

  11. #11
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Laziness, tardiness, etc.

    Sure, I can be lazy sometimes, but I don't complain when I have to do something. Almost every single day for the past two weeks, I've gotten up early to shower and get ready for college. The first week of the two was for me, because I was a bit behind. Thankfully, that's all done now - I'm freeee! But last week, I only got up for my friends. They were more behind than me, so I offered some assistance with the practical work because I'm good at that. The only thing I asked for was that they had to do the written work at home, and that I get an extra hour sleep in the morning (so I'd turn up at 10am other than 9am).

    Well. One of my friends decided they'd just go home and play games until bedtime, leaving the written work off another evening. This didn't just happen once, by the way. My other friend? Well, they slept in until noon, and showed up when I was getting ready to go home. I don't mind helping, but that just really irked me that I'd put myself out like that, just for them to mess up. I'm not doing that again this week.

    Fakers, putting it on, braggers, etc.

    People who constantly fake being sick to get out of something, to get something, or to get attention. I have faked ill once or twice, I know, but at least I space them out over a year. I've known people who have a new illness or disease every single day. What's even worse is when they seriously put it on to the point it's not even believable any more... but people still run around after them as if they don't have much longer. ¬¬

    As for people who brag about illnesses... is it just me, or do older people really go on about their medical history as if it's a competition? You know, to see who has the higher chance of dying first? My grandmother, as much as I love her, goes on about it forever. When I escort her to the store, and she bumps into a friend, I'm left there listening to her (and her friend's) medical history. "You know, two years ago, I almost died because of a kidney stone," "Oh really? I had five kidney stones, and they put me on nil by mouth," "No way! Well, the year before that, I had phenomena, and was in hospital for a week..." and on. I wouldn't mind if they were showing any genuine care about it, but it's all just competition.

    Ghetto kids, or chavs, or whatever you like to call them.

    This isn't meant to be offensive, before I get hated. I live in an area which gets called "the ghetto", and... well, I look around and I don't see a ghetto. I see a bunch of kids making it that way. They graffiti everywhere, they drink, they smoke weed, they leave their trash everywhere BUT the bin, they spread their legs for the first boy they meet when they hit thirteen, they piss up walls, etc... if these kids were removed from the area, it wouldn't be a horrible place to live.

    Our council had recently re-built some sheds that were falling apart, and already people have had to make their own repairs on them; new locks, new pieces of wood for the door, plastic sheets on the roof to keep rainwater out... it went to brand new and back to shanty town within a few months.

    Then they grow up complaining that they have no money for this, this and that, when it's their own fault for dropping out of school, "getting up the duff", getting a crappy council estate flat with damp walls, spending money on repairs and food for the quickly developing ASBO kid, and living off the tax payers money.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  12. #12
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    People who lack common sense.

    This has always been a pet peeve of mine and it seems like it is running more rampant day to day. Sure book smarts will get you far but lacking a simple limited amount of common sense can contradict any amount of book smarts that one might have.

    Mob mentality

    I hate this also for most instances. Sure it is fine when it is all for fun but when things get out of control it just gets ridiculous. Sure it is human nature to do so but over all it is a pretty bad thing.

    Sorry my two are short but there is so much I can say about them but it would all just lead back to these two short paragraphs haha.
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  13. #13
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Laziness? Come on, man! There's a place for lazy people in society. If not, then I'm screwed... But yeah. I hate...

    Accentuating the negative. Sure, with the right doseage, it's funny. But all the time gets a little old in my opinion. And the internet has made this old a thousand times over by now. I think the band put the question best: What Are You For?

    People who purposefully try to piss others off. Especially "for the lulz." I think that simply is the reason why I hate the term "lulz." I have my suspicions about anyone who uses that term. But yeah. That's good. It entertains you, and annoys/pisses off/hurts everybody else. Yay.

    Stuck ups. I can't stand that. I don't even want to be in the same room as people like that.

    People who don't like others for traits they can't help and generally don't cause anyone else any direct harm. There are some obvious ones like racism or bigotry, but what how about this: I remember someone once said they didn't like shy people. How can you hold that against someone? And how can that annoy you in the first place? Shy people generally leave other people alone anyway. (I may be biased on that one...)

    Can't think of anymore. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  14. #14
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Things about people that bother you The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Laziness and procrastination

    This irks me to no end. I really truly hate it when people do absolutely nothing on a consistent basis. It's one thing if you're sick, or physically unable to work, but when you're able bodied and choose to lounge around all day, it really bothers me. It contributes nothing to society, and is fairly disgusting to me. Why not volunteer your time, or do something worthwhile to better yourself?

    As for procrastination, why not get shit done today when you say you will? I HATE putting things off for tomorrow, and I really hate when others do it, especially if it involves plans with me. If I say something will be done on a certain day, I damn well make sure it's done. It's understandable if something comes up and something minute has to be put off for something more important, but when people just get lazy and decide not to do things because they just feel like lounging around or doing nothing, it irks me. "Oh yeah, I'll do this later." or "Oh, I'll start this tomorrow." Tomorrow turns into next week, which turns into next month, and before you know it, years have gone by and you've still accomplished nothing.
    I also hate when you find people like this, and then they complain about who they're not or all the problem's in their life.

    • People who are judgmental, and do not respect others opinions.
    • Unpatient people.
    • Acting before thinking.
    • No thirst for knowledge.
    • Being an asshole for a bigger d**k or for no reason what so ever.
    • Stupid people. (No common sense)
    • Beggers who want to be choosers.
    • Boasters and bragger's
    • Talking the talk, but not walking the walk.

    I'll edit it if I think of anything else.
    Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 07-05-2010 at 11:28 PM.
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  15. #15
    Bananarama Things about people that bother you Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Waltz View Post
    I also hate when you find people like this, and then they complain about who they're not or all the problem's in their life.
    Yeah, it really bothers me when people are given opportunities to do great things, they blow it because they're just lazy or immature, and then blame numerous other factors. My brother's failed out of college once, almost failed out a second time, and is barely hanging on right now. It's all because he stays up to all hours at night being on his computer and not doing his schoolwork. He'll then make up excuses for it, when the answers to his problems are right in front of his face. It really disgusts me because in college, I worked 3 different jobs, had a full course load (even overloaded for a semester), got on the Dean's List twice, still managed to party it up 2-3 times a week, and STILL graduate in 4 years. I could've graduated in 3.5, but I said **** it, and wanted to graduate with my friends, and enjoy an easy final semester.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  16. #16

    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    People who lack common sense.

    This has always been a pet peeve of mine and it seems like it is running more rampant day to day. Sure book smarts will get you far but lacking a simple limited amount of common sense can contradict any amount of book smarts that one might have.

    Mob mentality

    I hate this also for most instances. Sure it is fine when it is all for fun but when things get out of control it just gets ridiculous. Sure it is human nature to do so but over all it is a pretty bad thing.
    I think you summed it up for me Meier

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    From The Clint Eastwood
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    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  17. #17
    Sir Prize Things about people that bother you Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I dislike Agitators and human irritants. People who lord over others with their laurels and look down on people who aren't able to or are too timid to accomplish similar feats. People who are eager to provoke, overconfident beyond their abilities and seemingly two-faced.

    I admit a similar thread to this one once popped up on these forums. I replied that I didn't let things like those bother me. But that was quite a few years ago and I stand corrected these days as a wiser student of human nature.


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  18. #18
    Magically Delicous Things about people that bother you Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    About the only thing that bothers me is the double standard. A person that claims it bothers him/her when someone does something or acts a specific way, yet that person is the spitting image of the description.

    For example: saying that one is bothered by people who are sexist, yet the person is a sexist.

    Other than that, nothing really phases me.

  19. #19
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Things about people that bother you che's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
    About the only thing that bothers me is the double standard. A person that claims it bothers him/her when someone does something or acts a specific way, yet that person is the spitting image of the description.

    For example: saying that one is bothered by people who are sexist, yet the person is a sexist.

    Other than that, nothing really phases me.
    What's wrong with the double standard? Not every man is created equal, and thus shouldn't be treated that way!

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  20. #20
    #LOCKE4GOD Things about people that bother you Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    You're right Che! Some pigs are more equal than other pigs!

    I hate rich people. To clarify, I don't hate them for being rich. I don't hate people who work hard. I hate rich people for the way they behave, and how practically everything is geared toward making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

    Firstly, their behaviour. Now of course I'm simplifying and homogenising, and blah blah, just shut up, this thread is for 'lulz' anyway. I find that rich kids are pushy, which really stems from their parents. By 'pushy' I mean that they are just trying to get ahead of others by stamping people down. But more importantly, pushyness creates arrogance. Arrogance is the most annoying and rude trait anyone can have. Far over and above laziness. This weird assumption that one is better than others.

    Secondly, society works for the benefit of the rich. Which aggravates me to no end. There are two houses. One is worth $1,000,000. The other is worth $100,000. Now if house prices across the board increase 10%, the wealthy person's house increases in value by $100,000, while the poor person's only by $10,000. This gap only gets larger and larger, and the positions of people in society only more intractable.

    Where am I going with this? I don't know.

    Suffice to say that I hate arrogant, pushy types. Otherwise you're all good in my books.

  21. #21
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I've been doing some thinking lately, and I think I've finally figured out what I dislike most about humanity in general. The purpose of this thread is basically to vent about what you dislike most about people in general, or your least favorite traits about people in general. Personal attacks won't be tolerated.

    Laziness and procrastination

    This irks me to no end. I really truly hate it when people do absolutely nothing on a consistent basis. It's one thing if you're sick, or physically unable to work, but when you're able bodied and choose to lounge around all day, it really bothers me. It contributes nothing to society, and is fairly disgusting to me. Why not volunteer your time, or do something worthwhile to better yourself?

    As for procrastination, why not get shit done today when you say you will? I HATE putting things off for tomorrow, and I really hate when others do it, especially if it involves plans with me. If I say something will be done on a certain day, I damn well make sure it's done. It's understandable if something comes up and something minute has to be put off for something more important, but when people just get lazy and decide not to do things because they just feel like lounging around or doing nothing, it irks me. "Oh yeah, I'll do this later." or "Oh, I'll start this tomorrow." Tomorrow turns into next week, which turns into next month, and before you know it, years have gone by and you've still accomplished nothing.
    I'm sad that I fall into this group. Though I hate when I see this one scruffy guy who sits outside our store for most of the day. I can't help but think he's just wasting his life. Even if I was in that position, surely I wouldn't just sit around all day like I'm waiting to die.

    But for me on my days off, somehow my days mostly involve mindless channel/web surfing. I don't get what's wrong with me. Note to would-be eager young adults: Living by yourself is NOT as fun as it sounds. But I'm not a total loss, I do exercise and bike regularly and do various house projects.

    Anyway, here I am making excuses like Black Waltz said ;_;

    As far as people I don't like

    -People who are full of themselves and brag a lot. My sister's boyfriend is like this and he's a real douche.

    -People who have no respect rules and common courtesy. It's so aggravating to see people at the store I work at who think it's okay to take small snacks or fruit for free and not pay for it. Like it's okay as long as it's one little thing for their kids.

    -Irresponsible parents. Kinda goes with above. But it's just sad to see children walk all over their parents and yell and scream with their parents giving in to their every little tantrum.

  22. #22
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Those who get seized up in a group mentality

    I deal with these guys while working. Their hobbies seem to include defacing other people's property, recycling two, possibly three insults, torturing animals, acting like hoons etc. Unfortunately you also get them online on occasion and though their behaviour isn't quite as bad as the IRL variety, unfortunately my Mag-Lite doesn't have an online equivalent that I know of.

    Shifty Bastards

    Those kinds of people who attempt to manipulate people in the background. Unfortunately for some of them I used to be a right shifty bastard myself so I can often recognise it and am all too happy to mess with them.
    victoria aut mors

  23. #23
    Bananarama Things about people that bother you Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Cain, the difference though is that you work, and you're lazy on your OFF days. What bothers me is when people are lazy 24/7, with zero ambition for anything. It's just like "Ok, I'm gonna sit on my ass and watch tv all day, maybe have some hot pockets, and then go to sleep." That's what bothers me.

    I'm also not a fan of the typical "tough guy", both internet and in real life. "Oh yeah, if you said that to my face, I'd kick your ass," or "Oh, I wouldn't kick your ass in front of (person)." Congratulations, you're retarded! Chances are nobody's gonna say anything to your face because nobody wants to make the effort to see you. I also bet, that if something were said to your face, you'd flinch. Actions always speak louder than words.

    Braggarts also piss me off. I hate when people come into a conversation and make it all about themselves and their antics, especially when the things said are so out of the blue and just plain ridiculous. We all know it's a cry for attention, so just save it. If you tried to act like a normal person, chances are, people would pay more attention and want to hang out with you.
    Last edited by Pete; 07-07-2010 at 02:04 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  24. #24
    Sir Prize Things about people that bother you Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete
    I'm also not a fan of the typical "tough guy", both internet and in real life. "Oh yeah, if you said that to my face, I'd kick your ass," or "Oh, I wouldn't kick your ass in front of (person)." Congratulations, you're retarded! Chances are nobody's gonna say anything to your face because nobody wants to make the effort to see you. I also bet, that if something were said to your face, you'd flinch. Actions always speak louder than words.
    I couldn't agree more, Pete.
    You know, Silver. You're a lot like that and that always got on my nerves. Do you feel like less than a man if you're not constantly pulling the whole "macho" thing? It's really dependent on the whole faux masculine stereo-type and it's almost like a walking insecurity-complex. Like you have to attack people in order to maintain your "cool" image in front of your friends. I think you're in denial. Frankly, you make all these under-handed and cowardly comments that sink under the radar in order to attack other people...that's kind of passive-aggressive and a little pathetic. No "normal" person does that.

    Last edited by Sinister; 07-08-2010 at 03:58 AM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  25. #25
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Braggarts also piss me off. I hate when people come into a conversation and make it all about themselves and their antics, especially when the things said are so out of the blue and just plain ridiculous. We all know it's a cry for attention, so just save it. If you tried to act like a normal person, chances are, people would pay more attention and want to hang out with you.
    Yeah, I agree with Pete too.

    Sin, it bugs me how you get frustrated so easily when others are on a different tangent and you're always bragging about how elite you are with your friends and going into indepth conversations of why you hate or dislike other people. Quite frankly it's unsociable, quite cold and not something any decent person should do. Do you really feel acting like that will make you more socially accepted or worth anything to people who matter?
    victoria aut mors

  26. #26
    Sir Prize Things about people that bother you Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I guess you're right, you Magnificent Australian Bastard. It's a good thing we had Pete here. He set us on the path with his ways. We still have a long road to go to be socially acceptable and mature but we have a great mentor.

    Thanks Pete.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  27. #27
    Bananarama Things about people that bother you Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I'm always happy to help. Someone's gotta tell it like it is

    I'm also not a fan of the Hipster mentality/ culture. I was at two hipster bars in Brooklyn last night, and there was something about it that just irked me. Everything was done to be ironic. They had PBR, but it wasn't there for the sole purpose of being cheap beer. It was some ironic statement. My friend ordered a Duvel, and someone called him out on it, literally saying "Oh, well look at you, drinking your beer out of a wine glass." Now, I'm all for cheap beer, but when I drink PBR it's because it's 8 dollars for a 12 pack, and if I drink fast enough, I can get a nice buzz for 4 dollars, and drunk on 8.

    I also don't understand the mentality. You're 30, dressing like you're 15 and wearing shirts about things that were popular when you were 6. You're living off your parents trust fund and will probably never grow up, but you moved to New York from Bumble****, and are now a "real" New Yorker.

    Or, how about "I hate Wal-Mart, but I'll go there because it's totally ironic to go someplace that you hate and spend money there... yeah, that'll show THEM."

    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  28. #28
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Though I'm not one to judge by any means, it's kinda sad to see people that think like sheep and can't form an opinion without the 100% help of peers, media, etc. People that think like sheep are a big reason that there are things like ignorance in the world we live in.

    I'm also not a big fan of people that have mailboxes at the moment....
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  29. #29
    Registered User Things about people that bother you Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    @Sin and Silver: Wow. That was like... the most civilized thing I've ever seen. I'm wondering whether that was a joke. O.o

    Anyhoo. I hate it when people pretend to be something they're not. Now I'll admit I've done this in the past, but hell I'm only a teenager, it's a lot more normal for people my age. Part of "finding yourself" and whatnot. Granted, I don't pretend to be somebody else anymore, I won't change myself for anyone. However, although it may be "normal" for kids my age, I still see so many people who do this. Whether it's to please someone, or just to fit in, or whatever reason... some of these people are twice my age. Some of them are my age. And it's really sad. Thankfully I learned at a young age to be myself, but most of the people my age haven't clued up on that yet. Life would be far more pleasant if there weren't a load of sheep stinking up my classes. Sure, I live in Wales, so you'd expect a lot of sheep. But they're meant to stay in the fields. Not the classrooms.

  30. #30
    Things about people that bother you Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I dislike when people exist.

    It really grinds my gears.

    Until now!

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