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Thread: Things about people that bother you

  1. #31
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    One thing I forgot to mention. I hate unusually happy people. They just irk me and rub me the wrong way. I mean I don't have a problem with cheery people, I myself am quite cheerful. But I mean those people who are just SO cheerful, so gosh darn whillikers happy they seem fake or robotic. It's not a bad thing per say (unless they're one of those two-faced people), it just tends to rub me the wrong way.

  2. #32
    Magically Delicous Things about people that bother you Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Typically, being happy non-stop is a defensive mechanism to cover up something going on that you do not want others to know about. On a lesser scale, people who laugh in awkward situations or times when they don't want to answer a question. People like that I have no qualms with. If anything, I'd like to help them out if possible.

    But there is another version of this that is quite trying at times, and that is people who are overly optimistic. No matter what you tell such a person, it doesn't seem to phase their optimistic view of everything. People in this category typically get burned all the time and are easily exploited by others. For example, I knew someone at college who would always say "Well it was only a dollar!" when he purchased something from the grocery store. This seems fine and all since spending a dollar for something can be a good deal. There are two problems with this though. There are plenty of items that cost less than a dollar and you can be overpaying. He was getting the generic brand of things for a dollar and I could get the name-brand from somewhere else for less. The second problem is he was often getting poor quality food and justified it by how much it cost. Buying bread that expires today and calling it a good deal is mixed signals in my book... Especially if you don't plan on eating it today.

    So anyway, if you're happy I'm fine with that. If you're overly optimistic when I tell you your parents were brutally murdered, I have to start wondering if you have a screw loose.

  3. #33
    DJ at Radio Things about people that bother you tebian's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    "Good Morning" a simple a greeting.

    I cant stand people who have to tell its not "morning" in there part of the world and proceed to tell you the time at there house in Outer Mongolia. Most times i do not even have my coffee yet when this happens ....

    Final Fantasy Radio
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  4. #34
    Things about people that bother you Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Wow, really, Cain? For that?

    Until now!

  5. #35
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    Wow, really, Cain? For that?
    Well, you hate everyone, so who are you to talk? Personally, I just hate hate.

    I agree on the tough guys, especially those who are e-thuggin' it. (btw; if you're out there, you need to thug it harder; you're doin' it wrong.) I also have a friend who has to make conversations about him, his experiences, and what he's done all the time. Even when his experience is not really comparable. He's just gonna shove that in there. It was pretty awesome the other day, because a friend was talking about their cousin, who has some sickness they can't define, and he also has a sickness they can't define! That we've all heard about already. And this cousin was having a fund raiser the next day, but we didn't get to hear any more about it then, because after he'd told us about his sickness again, he continued on as if that were the end of the conversation. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #36
    SOLDIER 3rd Class Things about people that bother you Copperfire's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Willful ignorance. Basically, they don't know and they don't care attitude.

    It's okay for certain things, like if that ignorance affects only themselves. But when it causes hurt to another individual and they still don't care. Gets me tearing my hair out.

  7. #37
    Things about people that bother you Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I wasn't referring to his post, Telegraph.

    Until now!

  8. #38
    Registered User Things about people that bother you
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I don't like people who look down on you, or go out of there way to ruin your day, i hate them, but in some way feel sorry. As they clearly have nothing else to do with their lifes, it also shows that they haven't really grown up.

    Also not a big fan of people who constantly take photos of you and everyone else, but the second you take one of them it's "DELETE IT, DELETE IT NOW", "DON'T TAKE PICTURES OF ME".

    I don't like (wouldn't say hate) people who constantly updated their status on sites such as Facebook, but seem to hate it when people ask them what they are doing saying "why do you want to know".

    There are a few more things as well, but i wouldn't go as far as saying Hate to most things, just annoyance really

  9. #39
    Memento Rhapso Things about people that bother you Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Interruption- By far one of my biggest pet peeves. I'll be trying to talk and bam cut off. Try again and BAM cut off. Eventually I get so frustrated I just abandon the point I was going to make and let it go. Kind of unfair in a debate though. Stupid judge not doing his job...

    I'm sure there's more but I can't think of any right now. I'll edit with an update when one occurs or pops to mind.

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

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  10. #40
    Crash Boom Bang Things about people that bother you Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Dishonesty. I know everyone tells the odd white lie, but dishonesty in general bugs me no end, whhhhhhhhy lie about summat tah either doesn't NEED to be lied about or if you know you are gunna get found out anyway

    If you don't wanna go out, dont say you will, just say you DON'T WANT TO. Is it REALLY that hard really? Instead of last minute, oh sorry cant make it for X reason or other

    I could go deeper, but then it'd be getting to personal...xD But liars, they really do my head in

    Also, generally just nasty people, those who are arses to other people, making them look/feel bad on purpose to get their kicks, are you really that unhappy with your own life you have to try to bring someone else down with you?
    Last edited by Lily; 07-13-2010 at 10:02 AM.

  11. #41
    SOLDIER 3rd Class Things about people that bother you Copperfire's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    Another thing I hate is when people demand perfection from others, when you know damn well they themselves are far from being perfect.

    It's hypocritical.

  12. #42
    Registered User Things about people that bother you Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: Things about people that bother you

    I dont like it when people believe they are above others.
    They either have more money,looks,or popularity.
    In order to maintain that 'level' in the public image, they crush those beneath them.
    Thats why I try to ignore people like that, I just brush them off
    I feel pity for the ones they pick on, so I befriend them.
    Final Fantasy and Samurai Champloo FTW!!

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