I like this thread; we had one similar to it a couple of years ago.
I guess in my "appreciation" post, I'm only going to include members that post on the actual boards frequently. This doesn't count people who I PM and vice versa or TFF'ers that left TFF and have me on MSN. Otherwise I'd be here all day!
In no particular order;
For the past two or so years, I have appreciated Ally's post and presense a lot more on the boards. To me, even though the forum might be slightly lacking in the magic that kept me coming back when I was younger and didn't have much to do, Ally's witty posts have always been a good reason to come back and take a look around.
More importantly though, she's more than just a funny member and a great S-mod. She is an amazing person with tonnes of talent and a kind word to say about almost everybody. Ally has an incredible spirit about her that seems to show even through something as seemingly trivial as the Internet.
Takes so little seriously on the Internet and I think that in that aspect, I can relate a lot to her. She's scarily intelligent about world issues (and most other things) that I'm starting to get scared and I think she might actually be a super computer. That said, I have a great sense of love for this scary robot. And the midnight humpings we have help that.
Cain Highwind
Cain is really underrated around the boards and I don't really understand why. When I look on his profile, most of the things I see are "can I have my name changed?" or "sorry I posted that in the wrong place" or "I'm having trouble with my profile!" or something else staff-related. Some of the members here seem to forget that he's not just a member of staff who does things for you all of the time, but a really cool, nice (and patient) guy.
When Halie joined the boards, I thought she was a lot older than she is. Still being in high school though, I've noticed that she's still quite young which makes her even more impressive than I first thought. She's smart, pretty, funny and is a loyal to those that she befriends.
Unknown Entity
When UE first joined TFF, there was quite a bit of drama about a rule she broke and following this, a lot of people didn't really know what to make of her. What I like about Gemma is that she rose above what people thought of her and continued to post, making a bigger and better reputation for herself than a lot of people thought she might. There are a thousand reasons why Gemma is one of my favourite members on the boards, so I won't go on and on about it, but props on being a fellow Londoner.
Kilala is my favourite new member. She's cute, bubbly, clever and hasn't got a bad word about anyone. She's only been a member of the boards for a month, which makes her reputation already hugely impressive. I truly hope she remains to be a part of the boards, since she brings some magic back to the forums with her posts being so utterly delightful and lighthearted. <3
Djinn's been one of my bestest friends for such a long time on and off the boards that I sometimes forget that he's even a member here. He's one of the first people I felt some type of trust for on the Internet and he's a true friend. I'm sure he'd think this was totally lame, though.
Meier Link
Meier is somebody who I, at first, didn't quite know what to make of. He seemed like he could be quite quite lary, but he soon proved that he wasn't anything of the sort. Meier is a great laugh when you talk to him and he's one of the only people that could talk for a long time about Silent Hill, so that's even better.
There are loads more as well, but I've worked up an appetite so I'll post my others later!