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Thread: The TFF Member Appreciation

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  1. #1

    The TFF Member Appreciation

    Member Appreciation

    This has the potential to be a real sweet thread. So you’re probably thinking “What is she on about now?” Well, that’s my cue to step in and tell you right? ^~.

    The basis of this thread is to give your thanks or appreciation to members on this forum. Be it just for their friendship, a witty post, they’ve done something for you, they listened to you etc… Anything for which your grateful.

    Lets be honest here, we all like to see nice things written about ourselves. It gives you that glowy feeling and more often than not your lips curve up at the sides which is known as a smile. So why not spread the love around eh?

    Most you around here must have some good old friends, well show them how much they mean to you ^~.

    Rules are quite simple:

    Keep posts at a reasonable length. I don’t want this to become a spam thread of lists. Give reasons for your thanks.

    Only nice and kind things may be said. No flaming or nastiness of any kind. If there are any signs of it the thread will be dealt with in the appropriate manner.

    No double posting.

    You are allowed to post more than once, but just be aware that this isn’t a place to raise your post count.

    I felt this would be best in General Chat. I considered moving it to the Humour/Word Games forum, but it’s not a game. And it’s not intended to be humorous .
    If a moderator feels this thread will attract unwanted issues or cause trouble, please feel free to either close/delete it.

    Thank you for reading, now enjoy <3

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  2. #2
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I like this thread; we had one similar to it a couple of years ago.

    I guess in my "appreciation" post, I'm only going to include members that post on the actual boards frequently. This doesn't count people who I PM and vice versa or TFF'ers that left TFF and have me on MSN. Otherwise I'd be here all day!

    In no particular order;

    For the past two or so years, I have appreciated Ally's post and presense a lot more on the boards. To me, even though the forum might be slightly lacking in the magic that kept me coming back when I was younger and didn't have much to do, Ally's witty posts have always been a good reason to come back and take a look around.
    More importantly though, she's more than just a funny member and a great S-mod. She is an amazing person with tonnes of talent and a kind word to say about almost everybody. Ally has an incredible spirit about her that seems to show even through something as seemingly trivial as the Internet.

    Takes so little seriously on the Internet and I think that in that aspect, I can relate a lot to her. She's scarily intelligent about world issues (and most other things) that I'm starting to get scared and I think she might actually be a super computer. That said, I have a great sense of love for this scary robot. And the midnight humpings we have help that.

    Cain Highwind
    Cain is really underrated around the boards and I don't really understand why. When I look on his profile, most of the things I see are "can I have my name changed?" or "sorry I posted that in the wrong place" or "I'm having trouble with my profile!" or something else staff-related. Some of the members here seem to forget that he's not just a member of staff who does things for you all of the time, but a really cool, nice (and patient) guy.

    When Halie joined the boards, I thought she was a lot older than she is. Still being in high school though, I've noticed that she's still quite young which makes her even more impressive than I first thought. She's smart, pretty, funny and is a loyal to those that she befriends.

    Unknown Entity
    When UE first joined TFF, there was quite a bit of drama about a rule she broke and following this, a lot of people didn't really know what to make of her. What I like about Gemma is that she rose above what people thought of her and continued to post, making a bigger and better reputation for herself than a lot of people thought she might. There are a thousand reasons why Gemma is one of my favourite members on the boards, so I won't go on and on about it, but props on being a fellow Londoner.

    Kilala is my favourite new member. She's cute, bubbly, clever and hasn't got a bad word about anyone. She's only been a member of the boards for a month, which makes her reputation already hugely impressive. I truly hope she remains to be a part of the boards, since she brings some magic back to the forums with her posts being so utterly delightful and lighthearted. <3

    Djinn's been one of my bestest friends for such a long time on and off the boards that I sometimes forget that he's even a member here. He's one of the first people I felt some type of trust for on the Internet and he's a true friend. I'm sure he'd think this was totally lame, though.

    Meier Link
    Meier is somebody who I, at first, didn't quite know what to make of. He seemed like he could be quite quite lary, but he soon proved that he wasn't anything of the sort. Meier is a great laugh when you talk to him and he's one of the only people that could talk for a long time about Silent Hill, so that's even better.

    There are loads more as well, but I've worked up an appetite so I'll post my others later!

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  3. #3
    Asking all the personal questions. The TFF Member Appreciation RamesesII's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I am a god, where ever the hell I please.
    Blog Entries
    Wow there are plenty of people i would like to spread my appreciation for:

    Meier Link- I feel i have connected with him the most i can talk to him about kids and any family problems he is always ready and willing to listen to any problem you may have and he offers some god bloody advice. He is wise and smart but that doesn't hide his humorous side he is always ready to have a laugh but can be serious whatever the scenario. He was one of my first friends on TFF and guided me through my noobness. I am glad to call him brother so heres to you mate cheers.

    I know this person best when his name was Fate some may know him as Theif or Fayt Leingood or more recently Feyz, he is just a good laugh he is light hearted and very kind, i always enjoy reading his post and look forward to reading them knowing that i will laugh 90% of the time yes only 90 because he can be serious. He is quite quick witted and smart for someone of his age. I alays love to have conversations with him knowing they usually end in fits of laughter.

    Unknown Entity- This little chickadee is smart and fun loving, she is also a force not to be messed with, another one of my very first friends, she is such a pleasure to talk to and to listen to as well, kind and friendly she will back you up but don't mess with her otherwise she will strike you down haha.

    Kilala of course who could forget you, you are a 'Breath of fresh air' as Chez puts it, not that the forum was dead before you but you really livened the place up, where i look through the forum i see a post from her and i mean that to be a good thing because despite all her post and threads they are always interesting and a pleasure to read or participate in. One last thing thanks for the gloves haha. Cheers

    Aara- She is fun loving and very friendly i always love to talk to her and it is always a pleasure to have her around, she is my beautiful Queen and i respect he very much. You go girl.

    As much as i would like to thank every one i have met here i fear i may be here forever so i will leave it at that and may update later on if i missed you please do not be offended i appreciate everything you all have done and the welcoming personalities.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

    The finer details of a signature:

    CHE- "I pee sitting down after I have sex because for some reason after I have sex and I try to pee, it goes everywhere."
    Nuff said^

    My loving TFF Family:

    My beautiful go-go dancing Queen Aara
    My brother Meier Link, proudly supporting the World Wide Institute of Booze since 1982.
    My Spasmodic, spamtastic, spammer nephew Fate.
    My brother HUNK, he who wears the number 1 headband.
    My glowing Goddess of Egyptian thingy's, Unknown Entity.
    My Unique and unpredictable mother Kilala ^^.
    My little arcade freak brother nra4.
    My brother Captain of the Dragoon warriors, Mallick.
    My razzle, dazzle, razamatic, razphony brother Ralz
    My younger brother Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima, the Legendary Samurai who Doesn't take "No" for an Answer.


    Recently read-
    Belgariad- David Eddings

    Currently Reading-
    The Tournament by Matthew Reilly


    Currently PLaying

    - ASS Creed III

  4. #4
    I'm glad the idea of the thread has been accepted! Thank you *Happy Huggles Chez Daja and Dragoon*. And with that I shall put up my first thanks.
    Remember that these too are in no particular order. I owe my gratitude to many members here of the TFF community, so I may have to return some time haha. Bear with me <3

    Unknown Entity:: You were amongst one of the first to welcome me. You even gave me my first usernote. Gosh... it's only a little thing but it made me smile. Not long after we got to VMing, and before I knew it we were huggle buddies! *Points under username*. For someone who had just stumbled in out of nowhere, this was a big deal. Thank you Gemma. I hope we remain friends for a very long time <3.

    Fate (Feyz):: What can I say? When I arrived you had the rep of a demon poster and great person. You lived up to it. Not only that but you spoke to me and became my friend. It's because of the people like you I find it so great to come onto TFF. Thank you. I love talking to you... I love it all. FaRaKi <3333

    PurpleDiamond:: Mwhahaha. Oh yes, we're trying to dominate the world via glomps alright! The glomps have never ended! I love that ^_^ I love talking to you so much, having someone as amazing as you to take time to type words to me is amazing. <3

    Ralz:: FaRaKi for the win!!!! We have already had such great times. You have said such sweet things to me... I don't deserve them, but still it makes me smile and feel so happy. I thank you for everything :3 And for all the good times ahead. <3

    Chez Daja:: You were the first member of staff from TFF to welcome me. When I logged in and saw a VM from you I think I squee'ed with delight xD! Since then we;ve spoken more... discovered similar Daniel Craig ground and more.. and I truly value our friendship. Not only that... but I also discovered the lack of glomp and huggles you had received recently, so I intend to keep dishing them out ^~. Thank you Chez <333

    Uber Gilgamesh:: Awww you sent me the first PM! Not only that but it was the first PM containing something from the shop... THANK YOOOU! <333 You have given me so much. Shown me so much kindness... Gilgamesh, one of the greats <3

    Dragoon:: A brilliant writer, full of fantastic ideas! Soon to be RPing with you I cannot wait. You too have given many kind word which I value. Not only that but you take the time to talk to me. Our conversations can be a little odd (from my doing ^~) and I hope you keep on wearing those macho gloves I gave you ^~ <333

    Meier Link:: We haven't spoken much.. but I remember when I first arrived I was in awe of you. You just have this almost royal aura to you... Everything you haver to say is noticed, respected and heard. You too have said such lovely things to me, making me feel so welcome. My respect for you is very high, and I'd love for us to talk more. Thank you <3

    Noctis Lucis Caelum:: One of my first friends on TFF!! One of the ones who accepted me for me and wanted to talk to me :3 I'm never forgetting that. And any time you need help with WoW, just give me a call <3

    Dr Egon Spengler:: It started off with clowns. This led to fluorescent clowns... Movie making... you name it. Our conversations are undoubtedly the wackiest and best ^~. Thank you for all that <3

    Meigumi:: I invaded your profile page with random PM's... and despite this intrusion you still answered back and we became friends! I love the randomness to our chats... Thank you for being kind to me. <3

    There are many many more... But I don't want to make this post too large x3. So I'm sure I'll add some later ^_^
    A big thanks to you all <3
    Last edited by Kilala; 06-05-2009 at 08:50 AM.

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  5. #5
    Lord Deity of Harmony The TFF Member Appreciation Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Falling from the Sky
    Quote Originally Posted by Kilala View Post
    I'm glad the idea of the thread has been accepted! Thank you *Happy Huggles Chez Daja and Dragoon*. And with that I shall put up my first thanks.
    Remember that these too are in no particular order. I owe my gratitude to many members here of the TFF community, so I may have to return some time haha. Bear with me <3

    Unknown Entity:: You were amongst one of the first to welcome me. You even gave me my first usernote. Gosh... it's only a little thing but it made me smile. Not long after we got to VMing, and before I knew it we were huggle buddies! *Points under username*. For someone who had just stumbled in out of nowhere, this was a big deal. Thank you Gemma. I hope we remain friends for a very long time <3.

    Fate (Feyz):: What can I say? When I arrived you had the rep of a demon poster and great person. You lived up to it. Not only that but you spoke to me and became my friend. It's because of the people like you I find it so great to come onto TFF. Thank you. I love talking to you... I love it all. FaRaKi <3333

    PurpleDiamond:: Mwhahaha. Oh yes, we're trying to dominate the world via glomps alright! The glomps have never ended! I love that ^_^ I love talking to you so much, having someone as amazing as you to take time to type words to me is amazing. <3

    Ralz:: FaRaKi for the win!!!! We have already had such great times. You have said such sweet things to me... I don't deserve them, but still it makes me smile and feel so happy. I thank you for everything :3 And for all the good times ahead. <3

    Chez Daja:: You were the first member of staff from TFF to welcome me. When I logged in and saw a VM from you I think I squee'ed with delight xD! Since then we;ve spoken more... discovered similar Daniel Craig ground and more.. and I truly value our friendship. Not only that... but I also discovered the lack of glomp and huggles you had received recently, so I intend to keep dishing them out ^~. Thank you Chez <333

    Uber Gilgamesh:: Awww you sent me the first PM! Not only that but it was the first PM containing something from the shop... THANK YOOOU! <333 You have given me so much. Shown me so much kindness... Gilgamesh, one of the greats <3

    Dragoon:: A brilliant writer, full of fantastic ideas! Soon to be RPing with you I cannot wait. You too have given many kind word which I value. Not only that but you take the time to talk to me. Our conversations can be a little odd (from my doing ^~) and I hope you keep on wearing those macho gloves I gave you ^~ <333

    Meier Link:: We haven't spoken much.. but I remember when I first arrived I was in awe of you. You just have this almost royal aura to you... Everything you haver to say is noticed, respected and heard. You too have said such lovely things to me, making me feel so welcome. My respect for you is very high, and I'd love for us to talk more. Thank you <3

    Noctis Lucis Caelum:: One of my first friends on TFF!! One of the ones who accepted me for me and wanted to talk to me :3 I'm never forgetting that. And any time you need help with WoW, just give me a call <3

    Dr Egon Spengler:: It started off with clowns. This led to fluorescent clowns... Movie making... you name it. Our conversations are undoubtedly the wackiest and best ^~. Thank you for all that <3

    Meigumi:: I invaded your profile page with random PM's... and despite this intrusion you still answered back and we became friends! I love the randomness to our chats... Thank you for being kind to me. <3

    There are many many more... But I don't want to make this post too large x3. So I'm sure I'll add some later ^_^
    A big thanks to you all <3
    Boohooo!! You don't have me on your list.... But thats okay You probarly forgot me... so its no arguing... well lets go with my list

    Meier Link
    My all first friend of the forums! We have been talking about quite many things if my memory serves me right... An indead goldhearted man!

    Another very good new member! It was a long time a girl of instrest of FF had joined! But a very nice and sensitive girl...

    A brawy man! Loves all kinds of FF my latest friend is he! Such a good guy

    Probarly Everything now...
    My Reaction of People That Points The Obvious

    This is my Daily Day in 2Fort
    My TFF Family:
    Still working on rewamping this, Just give a shout if you wanna join!

  6. #6
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Member Appreciation Fate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Aww, I love this thread! Very thoughtful!^^

    Ralz: When I first joined, I didn't even know who he was. And we didn't talk that much either. but as soon as I got back after seven months of inactivity, I saw that he was back as well. So I started talking to him. And we got to know more about each other. Who knew, we had lots of things in common, and we became closer friends quickly. He is one of the members that make me want to log on everyday. Thank you, Ralz! And remember: FaRaKi Forever!

    Laura (Kilala): Laura is always such a sweet, nice, and talented person. From the moment she joined, I knew that she would become a beloved member! And guess what, everyone? I was right! Even Chez Daja loves you now! She's among one of the people that make me happy to be on this forum. And she's also the one responsible for making my avatar and signature picture. Thank you for everything, Laura! And remember: FaRaKi Forever!

    Chez Daja: Chez Daja, I don't think you remember me, so you don't know why I'm thanking you, but think back ten months. When I first joined under the user name Thief, I was a complete newbie that had no awareness of the rules. And so, I got a few warnings. Two of them were from Chez Daja. So I asked her what I did wrong, and she told me. Since then, she helped me become more aware of how things work at this forum. When I did things wrong, she corrected me and steered me in the right direction. And what's more, when other people were pointing fingers at me for breaking a rule, she stood up for me! And I think those warnings of hers really helped me to learn to follow the rules better. Chez Daja was the first really nice Moderator to me, and if I hadn't met her, I might have been banned by now. Thank you, Chez Daja!

    Unknown Entity: Along with someone else (who will come right after this), Unknown was one of the first members to welcome me with open arms when i first joined. She was always asking me questions like, "So, how are things going so far?" and "Are you having fun here?" Every time, she would help me if I ever need it. Soon after I left and I came back, she saw me, and welcomed me just as before. And now I've got an older sister! She always loves me, and loves my writing, so thank you, Sis, for everything!

    winterborn86: Winter was one of the first to welcome me when I joined. She has become such a good friend to me in those few months that I spent here before leaving for half a year. She always made me laugh with her messages, she was always nice to me, and she complimented me a lot. I don't think I would be surviving if it wasn't for her. She's always treated me as if I was family to her, and it makes me so happy to have someone helping me like that. Thank you so much, Winter!

    Sparky (PurpleDiamond): I first talked to her because I found out we had similar friends. And sure enough, she and I become fast friends. And I even gave her a nickname: Sparky! Sparky was always there to listen to my problems and tell me to keep my head up high. She gave me faith and hope and that really inspired me to keep on believing. Every time something happens to me in my real life, I tell her, and she would help me sort it out! I'm really grateful for that. Thank you, Sparky!

    I can't type anymore. But know that this list is absolutely not complete yet. I'll have more later.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  7. #7
    Choo-Choo Bear The TFF Member Appreciation Volendral's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Just moved to Lock Haven, PA
    Meier Link
    Unknown Entity

    All of them for making me feel welcomed, and understanding my quirky humor

  8. #8
    I feel epic... The TFF Member Appreciation Ralz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Fate - Well, things sure picked up fast with this guy. I was here for two years, granted, I was gone awhile, and in his not-even-year-long time here, he's gotten more posts than me. Oh, I remember all those conversations we had. He's my main reason for sticking around here. FaRaKi til the end of time!

    Kilala - When she first came here, I realized we hadn't had anyone like her in a long time. After a while, we got to know each other, and she's another of my main reasons for being on this site! And she's quite the artist as you can see from the sig and avie! She's the "Key" to FaRaKi!

    Well, these are my two greatest friends for now. I'll be sure to come back and add more later!

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  9. #9
    Master of the Shadow Key The TFF Member Appreciation KeybladerXIII's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Between Light and Dark
    Thank you Volendral, at least you respect me!!!

    Anyway here's my list:

    Feyz: Sure, we didn't start talking for a while, but as time went by, you have become a great guy to talk with! You're friendly disposition assured me that TFF didn't have any jerks in it!

    Ralz: You and Feyz are so similar to me that you could be brothers, which probably isn't surprising! Just like Feyz, you're a pretty cool guy, thanks for talking with me!

    Kilala: Wild. Crazy. FF8-lover. I respect that. You are newer to TFF than me and already you rocketed past my post count!! Can't wait for the TFF comic!!

    T.G Oskar: Oh boy. Your speeches on Kefka's awesomeness is what caught my attention. While I can't agree with your views (especially concerning Terra) I respect your views and hope for more!

    I want to write more, but my fingers have been hurting, so I'll continue this later....
    "Take a chance.....roll the dice.......pick a card....whatever suits your'll lose either way...."

    Organization XIII in a nutshell, in their most core personality:

  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    Hiding behind your smile.
    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez
    When UE first joined TFF, there was quite a bit of drama about a rule she broke and following this, a lot of people didn't really know what to make of her.
    Oh gawd. How embarrassing... goes to show I've grown up a bit in thr last year and a bit. ^^;;

    Okies, here I go!

    Kilala: The forums were quite... slow before you joined. Often, I'd log on and be the only person here, or there would be one or two of us just lurking. You brought back the life in my favourite site, and you brought back the light in me. I was very down about a few things going on in my life just before you joined, and although I didn't suffer from depression at the time, it sure as hell felt like it. Now... I'm back on the road of being me again - the cheery me. Even last few weeks when a family friend passed away, I still felt good when I talked to you - you helped me. So, thankyou, my huggle buddy. =333

    Halie: Like Chez, I thought you were older than you are when I joined. You aren't like most people your age, and you have some really good advice tucked in your belt. I'd say even more than most adults I know. You were one of the first of my friends on here (I think the 3rd or 4th). You are a really great girl, and I'm glad I have been given a chance to know you. Thank you also for getting me through the last few months. =333

    Chez Daja: We never really talked when I first joined, except through the odd bit of rep or VM commenting on something we wrote. It's only really been in the last year we've had a chance to properly talk, and what a pleasure that has been! You are a very intelligent and funny girl, and seeing you and Govinda in the same thread is always a bit of a giggle - especially when you totall own and pwn people. Your journal has actually snapped me out of mood I've been in, and is always a pleasure to read - some good advice can be gained from reading it.

    Oceaneyes: I was a complete and total biach to you when you gave me my first warning-nowait-warnings, and for that I'm really sorry. Total noob syndrome on my part... >>;;
    You are a very talented woman in the singing department - your voice is truely amazing. I've even cought myself going back to that link a few times now. You are also very purty!

    Meier Link: One of the first friends I made when I joined! You and loner-kid... We had some fun times over in Word and Humor Games. Hours of entertainment, and I don't think I really looked at the rest of the site properly in the first few weeks. =D

    loner-kid: One of the first friends I made when I joined! You were always a good laugh - haha, do you remember that thread called "What would you do if you woke up in bed with the above user?" or something like that? NOODLES LOL!
    We got that thread closed... =/
    You are also very talanted at writting - I adore that Gargoyle poem you wrote. =3

    Raider: RAIDERRRRR! Haha, so glad loner-kid got you to join, otherwise we'd never have met. You aren't as mature as Halie, but you remind me of a male version of her. Which is awesome. You've always made me laugh, and I love all your art work! You have some good stuff there. Can't wait until your band hits big, because I'm going to all your gigs. =D

    Feyz: My little TFF brother! You were a pleasure to meet when you first joined, and I'm glad we got to know eachother so. You were a little like me - the Epic Noob, - but you too have grown up a bit since you've been here. I loved the poem you wrote for me, and although it's no longer in my sig because of text restrictions, I still have a caopy saved both here in a PM and in Notepad on my PC.

    Rikkuffx: My TFF sister! Haha, we didn't really start talking and getting to know eachother until about... well, a good half a year and a bit now I'd say. You've helpped me loads too, overcoming one or two bad times, and were there to look after me. Now, it's my turn to look after you. *huggles*
    Thanks for some really good advice. =)

    Martin: Lately... it's been hard with us not talking as much as we used to. When I left Haggerston, I hit what could be called a Wall - I couldn't get around it, and as a result I just sort of... endded up down and depressed all the time. You saw that through journal entries I had made, and commented on it. Thats what I remember us triggering off a conversation from in the start, which had developed into a very good friendship. So thanks for that, for some really good advice on getting over shite and time management (I still have that e-mail LOL). And everything that happened in the last few months? I don't care anymore... I just want that friend back.

    Cilla: Haha, well you know what happened. I've never hated you, because I had no reason to - I've always respected you as an older member on here. I know we never really talked more when I joined except a rep or two every now and then, but still. I thank you for talking to me and helping me I guess in the last few months - I know it was only like... three convo's, but... they helped, and I guess you know why. =)

    Mistress Sheena: Heya. Couldn't not give you one of these. <3
    I'm going to be honest: you were scary to me when I first joined, even though we didn't really talk. I guess it was because I didn't get your sence of humor (and sometimes still don't ). But I've always loved the sarcasm. Sarcasm is hawt. Recently I looked through a few old VM's I had with you, and I must say I thought I must have really bugged the hell out of you when they were first implemented onto the site.

    There are a few more people who I've not added here for a reason or two. Really sorry if I forgot you! I didn't mean it... Oh gawd, now I feel terrible... =S

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  11. #11
    Registered User The TFF Member Appreciation Halie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Blog Entries
    Awwwwwww, I'm getting all teary! *Shniffles*. Ahem. I'm lying. Really. *Cough*

    Now these are in no particular order, I'm just writing them as they come up. Wooooo!

    Gim (Entity) - My, oh, my! What can I say about Gim... well for starters, you're an absolutely fantastic girl. You've gotta be one of my best TFF friemblies, if not my best TFF friembly (rofl). I love talking to you, and I love how you're always there to listen =). And I also love how you actually seem to like my advice! Pleeeaase stick around for years to come. Melarvesyou<3.

    Raider - Gosh, my fellow sheep-shagger and fellow ginger-kid. Even if I'm not naturally ginger. In fact, I'm not unnaturally ginger. I'm red. Hah. Ah well. Anyhoo. Me and you have had some funny conversations. And ya know, you still don't know my mum's name, Mr. Raider-Milocious-Ieuanasaurus. Good times, mah brudda, good times. What? I don't know.

    Martin - I know you're not active and I wish you were, but either way I'ma say this anyway. You've helped me out so much, it's unbelievable! And I hope I helped you, too. Thanks so much for listening and for being there, and I surely hope you make your way back to TFF one day. Hah XD.

    Xeim - Gosh, you is not active either. Where is everyone? Anyhoo. You were my first real friend on here, I think. Maybe second. I dunno. Oh the times we've had, though. Absolutely fantabulous and funny. You're so mature for your age, I thought you were a little bit older than you are. Though I'm still younger than you by a smidge =). I'll never forget our amazing food-chat, or our little Evenesca and Xeilie Peanut Butter stories. I misses you! Come back, ya? =D

    Darkwolf - I misses you, too. And if I'm totally honest, for a while, you kept my life going. And though things may never be remotely the same and it'll probably always be awkward with us now, but I'll still always consider you an amazing friend.

    Chez - Boy, if I'll be honest, I was actually scared of you when I first joined. Why? No idea. I was just a noob, I s'pose haha. But my, oh, my, have your posts made me laugh! And you're actually one of the friendliest and funniest people on this site, and not to mention down-to-earth. And down-to-earth is one of the nicest comliments ever. I mean, it's from the heart, you know? Hah, I find ti funny how you and Gim thought I was older, as well as many other people... XD.

    Right. I can't be arsed to write anymore. I'll come back later. =D

  12. #12
    I invented Go-Gurt. The TFF Member Appreciation Clint's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Since it isn't covered in the rules, I'm assuming that I'm allowed to appreciate myself.

    So, with that said, I would like to send my appreciations to Dr. Egon Spengler. Dr. Spengler, you are a God among men. You are the greatest fellow that I have ever had the privilege to know, and I will always keep a warm, special place for you in my heart. Not a literal place, because that's impossible, but a figurative place.

    I would also like to send some appreciation in the way of Feyz. Although you keep changing your name, you are the man. The young man, mind you, but you're still the man.

    There are only a few people who can put up with my randomness and actually make sense out of it, so I would like to send appreciation to Kilala. There are very few people, both in the real world and on this forum, who understand who I am, and therefore, don't realize that I'm never the least bit serious. In a forum full of people who piss me off by taking me seriously, Kilala, I thank you for not doing the same.

    Now, on a serious note, I would like to appreciate Sasquatch, merely because the debates are fun. You, my friend, would make a good lobbyist, if you would do what I do and just not shut up, even if you're loosing. That way, no matter if your argument is wrong or right, as long as you outlast your opponent, you win.

    That's pretty much it. I don't really care enough about anybody else to include them in this.

  13. #13
    Ellipsis The TFF Member Appreciation Meigumi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location: Location:
    Well, I may not have alot of friends, but I appreciate everyone for talking to me~~
    Thank ya, good fellas! I hope you guys a safe summer, and a happy life!

    And thank you, admins, for making the forums! Otherwise I'd never be here~~
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

    TFF Family~:

    Ice-cream loving brother Fate
    The great benevolent dark lord Elyon Demidias
    Lovable doll ViviMasterMage
    Soul Stealing, Chaos-loving, Pom-pom eating older brother Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus
    The Awesome and Dashing Thief, ethan
    The Stealthy Swordsman of Poetic Power, genome's blade

  14. #14
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Blog Entries
    Soldier #819: Once upon a time he was the main administrator. Before that, he was a Super Moderator, and a kid who would always say "just kidding, sorry, so sorry ><" That is what I loved about him. Now, he just has too much self confidence in himself. I mean, he gives me a bad time sometimes, and it's always supposed to be the other way around! But yeah; the only TFFer I kept in contact with the year that I was absent (well, maybe not absent, but not particularly active.) I think I might even invite him to my wedding (if that ever happens.) That's how much I like the guy!

    Meier Link: Probably the reason I am still around the forums. He was one of the few willing to approach and get to know the scary older member (or bored enough to get to know the weird outcast; whichever way you want to look at it.) I look forward to doing more projects with you.

    Aerif: Such a good child! Even remembered to wish me a happy Mother's Day And creative! You make me proud to be your mother!

    T.G. Oskar: You talk a lot... Much of it is very articulate. Some of it is very informative, too. Definitely an interesting member to talk to.

    Violet: Really nice young lady. Always seems to start talking to me whenever I'm on MSN and she is at the same time. Fun to tease, too; one time, I was all like, "Did you break the internet again?!" and she was like "Of course not!" She's a good sport about it. Very creative, too, and a good artist.

    Masamune: An underappreciated member, I think. Has some creative ideas that sometimes go unnoticed by the general populace. Also, is evil; not just a poseur like the rest of us.

    Sarah: Sarah friend! She gives me the lurker love! I was very surprised the first time she talked to me; wished me a happy birthday. I was like, "Why are you talking to me? You're a friendly person..." Is she around, lately? Hmm...

    Hyzenthlay: Another person brave enough to talk to the scary older member/weird outcast. Really nice, cheerful, and friendly. Like a ray of sunshine, or something.

    Dr. Egon Spengler: You're a funny asshole

    Silver: Very laid back, friendly dude with a strong sense of humor. I enjoy talking to him, and am glad that he, too, was brave enough to talk to the weirdo/scary.

    SSJ4Goku: I see him around every once in a while. Back in the day, man, we were like this. Gonna do a DBZ rp with our own separate message board thingy and everything! ...what happened to that? Oh yeah; we were lazy. Still, very nice and patient. The reason the DBZ club lasted as long as it did.

    Cain Highwind: I see that guy doing stuff every once in a while. I didn't think he liked me at first, but then he was all like "Hey Taco, this exists! I thought you would be interested!" and I was like "cool!" And also, Cain Highwind is cool! He's like, really nice and helpful.

    Chez Daja: Even though she didn't even mention me Where's the love for your fellow Summer '06 nazi mod, huh? I guess we haven't been talking that much lately. But when we do, I remember why she is awesome.

    Sinister: One of the few highly intelligent members around TFF who isn't also extremely arrogant. I enjoy reading his posts; they are thought-provoking. Make me go "oh..."


    Wuv, Yer Mom

  15. #15
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Give appreciation? Ok


    Oskar - Cool guy, knows more about Final Fantasy then anyone I've met.

    Rocky - His coolness is in another league.

    Sheena - I talk to her now and then, probably the only member on here I talk to off of the site. She's cool.

    Jin/Jarad - For people who know him, you know why I put in down.

    Dawezy - Look up one.

    All I can think of. I suck at giving these.

  16. #16
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Broken Arrow, OK
    For some reason this will probably turn out like I just won an award and I am giving one of those long winded speeches. Haha. But I will give it a go, just keep in mind that if you did not make this list as of now, don’t be upset. I just have a lot of people that fill a lot of spots and latter on I will probably come back and type some more.

    First off, I want to give special attention to all of the staff at the Chocobo Digest, each and every one of you are awesome. With out you the digest would have never been revived and I would have probably lost interest in TFF along time ago. Seriously it gave me new hope in this forum and filled my time until I found my ways back to my roots. I am greatful for all of the time the staff has put into their articles and all of the hard work they put forth to keep things running smooth. I know at times you might feel under appreciated, but if it means anything you have my utmost respect.

    Along the same note, a mention has to go out to Andro, thanks for giving us the chance to what we have, it has been a privilege working with / for you. I hope we don’t let you down because I know this is one of your babies. And even though most people don’t know half of what you do for this forum, I still want to say thanks.

    Oceaneyes (Ally) – You have always treated me justly, you are fair, and you make this place a fun place to be at. You are fun to talk to on and off of the forum. You are just a good hearted person all around. You, Andro and Dawezy have my vote for best S-mod of the year!

    Ok, time for my evil side to come out and have a little fun. Taco / Hellfire and Masamune / Valc. You two had to of known you would of made this list. With out you my plans for world domination via TFF would not have became a reality. Everyone just doesn’t know it yet but we are the kings of kings at this forum! Plus I had to make mention of Taco in fear of being OBLITERATED! We have had some good times so far and we will continue to do so. Also I have to give you guys props because you two have also given me reason to stick around these parts.

    Rocky Crao Porr Cock8!!!!
    Pete Crao Porr Cock8!!!!
    Dragoon Crao Porr Cock8!!!!
    H.U.N.K. Crao Porr Cock8!!!!
    Joesteel Crao Porr Cock8!!!!
    Taco (again) Crao Porr Cock8!!!!
    Valk (again) Crao Porr Cock8!!!!
    Silver Crao Porr Cock8!!!!
    Ann Crao Porr Cock8!!!!

    Really that should be enough said but as I am me and everyone knows how I am I can not leave good enough alone, you guys are great and make this place fun, I have had a blast with each and every one of you. Getting to know you guys and watching everyone has been great. Plus you know I wouldn’t let the chance for shameless self group promotion go unnoticed.

    Chez, actually now that I get to thinking about it you where the first person to rep me on here. You blasted me on a comment that I made where I felt like I was old in comparison to everyone else. I am glad you corrected me on that one. But you have been good to me ever since. I am glad to have someone that I can not only carry on a conversation about Silent Hill with but can also understand what the hell I am talking about.

    Toph – By far out of the staff you happen to be the one that I am probably the closest too. You are a bad ass mod and have a very good sense of humor, even if others are to dry to see it. Don’t let the man bring you down and continue being your self.

    Fishie – I think between you and Silver (and a few others) where the first to welcome me to TFF and helped me get accustomed to this forums way of life. I wish you would frequent this place some more because I know there is still a lot of fun to be had.

    Gov, I had to make mention of you for the sole fact that I am still your prize along with the ¼ scale replica of me. I must say I still find you really random at times but hell that is what makes you fun. If I ever make it over seas I am defiantly hitting you up for the official tour of your home land.

    Unknown Entity – How can I not make a list with out adding you to it? You made this place fun for me after I first joined, and you still manage to bring a smile to my face when I see some of your posts.

    Kilala Yes I have to agree with you, we have had some good conversations and there indeed needs to be more. As others have mentioned you are a great new member and you have brought a spark back to this forum. You defiantly have my vote for best new member at this years award ceremony even if for some reason you go inactive between now and then.

    Damn this has gotten even longer then I expected and I am only half way through, bad thing is I have consolidated my list down some haha. Anyways check back later I will try and add some more, might just make a whole new post.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
    My awards:

  17. #17
    Registered User The TFF Member Appreciation Yesha's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Mmm.. I wouLd Like to thank.. LoL!

    Hiromi Kikawada: You're such a good friend, an artist and a very very thoughtfuL person.. though.. you're not very active in posting here.. you aLways takes time to say heLLo to me.. and I appreciate that..

    Meier Link: Though.. we don't taLk much I reaLLy appreciate on how you gave me tips and aLso the critics on my drawing (art) thread and it reaLLy heLp me.. :-)

    Cilla: Do You remember we're taLking about Death Note..? That was a Long time ago but.. I reaLLy enjoyed that conversation.. :-)

    Rocky, siLver, etc.: I remember we're having a conversation on MSN.. that is to, a long time ago, LoL! Though I can't go onLine there again.. I reaLLy appreciate the conversation we had..

    ShiieLa: LoL! LoL! Omigoooooosh!!! Stop P.Ming me again! Hahaha! Peace sis! You're such an adorable one.. I just hope you go onLine more, more often and post more, more often.. :-)

    Azuteor: My FiLipino kuya! How've you been? You're a very good artist and I reaLLy Love aLL your works (especiaLLy the manga one!) yeah, reaLLy! LoL! :-)

    To those I forgot I'm sorry.. but aLL in aLL.. I've changed and reaLLy thankfuL to.. be here! And aLso to those who made a comment in my art thread.. thanks aLot guys!

    Quote for the month:
    “Try harder to succeed.”

    What am I Loving right now?:

    My Art Thread:


  18. #18
    Warrior Ninja The TFF Member Appreciation Led Zeppelin's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Under your futon.x
    Here's my Member Appreciation list 0=3 :

    Kilala: Kilala you were so welcoming when I first came to this forum and you're always able to brighten other peoples day :]... You're sweet and kind and full of glomps which is why you're the best glomping buddy in the world =]... I hope that we can stay friends for a long time since you're a lot of fun to talk to =D... Thanks Kilala for always being so fun to talk too and for being so cherry *MegaGlomples* :3

    Fate: Or should I say Faterz XD.... You're fun to talk to and continue a conversation on absolutely anything..and I can tell you anything since you're so trustworthy ;].... You're a great friend to have and so sweet and I'm grateful that I got to meet you Faterz :3... So thanks you so much; you're an awesome person and don't change for anybody!!! =]

    Ralz: I don't really know Ralz all that much but he's a very smart guy and seems quite kind =3.... I ask him questions about Kingdom Hearts and he always answers then... He's the master at that game O.O if you ever have any questions about him ask him I'm sure he'll have an answer ;]... So thanks for being such a great help Ralz ^^

    Neo Nagisa: Sure you're barely on the forums anymore but you were the first person to talk to me when I was new ^^... You made a very good impression on this forum and I'm glad that you talked to a newbie like me =]... You're also very funny and I know you have a love for penguins =P... Thanks for being so kind Nagisa :]

  19. #19
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    F*ckin' Australia!

    I'll apologise in advance to those I forget, I think I've always forgotten one or two important people every time I do one of these things...

    Violet: One of my best friends even if we do only communicate online. I've really been able to open up to you about most things and that for me is more of a rarity due to my usual keep some information hushed til it's time to play that card mentality. Also no matter how much I've ever ****ed up, you've still been around.

    Fishie: Another person I trust more or less completely. Good times in the past, good times now and to top it off you have a remarkable ability to seemingly not piss anyone off too much. Like the glue that holds a few people together who might otherwise be at eachother's throats.

    Zeromune: Probably the most regular MSN regular. If it wasn't for you being on at some crazy times half the time I'd possibly get bored. And you have a good taste in some old skool games which many younger people seem to be lacking in. Megaman and Metal Gear FTW!

    Sasquatch: I only ever see you posting in threads, but I respect your strength and willpower. Plus you don't strike me as a ***** which can be a big thing for me respect-wise. You've made my time on TFF ridiculously fun at times when it would have otherwise just been the mindless posting of word games responses and similar.

    Meier Link: Good times on MSN, you strike me as a good guy and I really do enjoy seeing people not being a **** to newer members who don't know the answers to things some might feel are really obvious. Plus you like booze and the vast majority of decent behaving pissheads are fine in my book.

    The Crao Porr Cock8ers: Crao Porr Cock8!!!! Keep it real.

    Craven: I admit to not thinking too much of you at first, but you've really surprised me a lot after the first impression. You've got balls (unlike most bloody 'city dwellers' )

    Rocky: Your posts are funny most of the time and you make for some decent conversation. And your journal was one of the more interesting ones.

    Hellfire: Let me start by saying I *LOVE* how directly confrontational you are. It's a refreshing change from the talking of behind backs and other crap I expect from some other people. It shows a good character and to top you off you seem kind of crazy which as far as I'm concerned is definetely a good thing.

    Emperor Masamune: (aka Valyarc and half a dozen other names) I see you as a very spiritual, happy and mentally healthy person... NOT!
    Nah truth be told you're fairly fun and I get the feeling half of what you do is simply for the lulz which you're upfront about. Also someone who does things rather than saying they might do something and then forgetting about it altogether (like me half the time). If the world had more of you, shit would get done.

    Fate: Honestly the best thing that has happened to this forum in ages. Your sudden ID outburst left me stunned and then laughing like a maniac (in a good way, I just didn't expect it). You're good with word games activity and saying things as they are and I feel you're deceptively brilliant, just some people don't know it yet.

    T.G. Oskar: I stopped hearing from you since I started working so damn much but it was always good to chat with you. You get damn technical and know your shit from the basic corner stones to the advanced stuff. And I enjoy your posts. Often a bit of hidden humour, full of detailed information, they're brilliant.

    Mistress Sheena: You've totally changed in a good way. It's always good to chat these days and I respect that you're trying to become who you want to be in every meaning of the sense.

    Unknown Entity: Another member I really like. It's good seeing your posts and positive attitude which I can only see making the forum a much greater place. Actions mean more to me than words and I see that you through both your words and your actions are a truly great person. I hope it's people like you who remain as TFF's newer regulars.

    Kilala: It's mindblowing what you've done for forum activity and in a totally constructive way too. Fresh, original and more capable than many I've met online. Likely my favourite newer member.

    Govinda: You have a sharp wit and tend to know a whole lot of relevant stuff not many around our age as a percentage seem to really give two shits about. In other words, you're not ignorant! And while we've come to blows once or twice here and there I do genuinely respect the vast majority of what I've read from you and feel you might be on the path to greatness sooner or later if it's what you want. But then I also feel it mightn't be what you'd neccesarily want. *chuckle*

    Sinister: Where the **** did you bugger off to? Me and Fishie haven't had any MSN drinking games with you in ages. Oh, also you're good intellectually even if you might be a total tool to the Tao. *wink*

    MSN Regulars: You bitches are like family to me. And I do mean that in a good way, even if when in large numbers it gets really dysfunctional.


    Forgot bloody Joe. ><

    JoeSteel64: A great man who's destined to be the creator of the next advanced OS franchise or similar due to his advanced technical skills. Also you like Linux which is really cool and I'll be damned if I don't enjoy talking to you, usually about something geeky (especially when combined with Oskar) which I think has actually freaked one or two others out. MWUHAHAHAHAHA.
    Last edited by Furore; 06-15-2009 at 10:46 PM.
    victoria aut mors

  20. #20
    Registered User The TFF Member Appreciation Dimi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    West Coast
    Zeromune: You're one of the few people on here that I can honestly consider my "best friend". I view you as an equal and you seem to be a lot older then what you actually are. There's never a dull moment talking to you on MSN and we're on our way inventing our profanity dictionary dude! ****glass? ****ing porkshit? Melon****er? Who comes up with this shit?! Only us! \m/

    Violet: Another person on here that I consider my best friend. A majority of us live so far from each other but you and I actually don't live that far from each other. I hope the day we hang out with be the coolest time ever because you seem very laid-back and the type of person that would be fun to hang out with. You're very artistic and have quite the imagination and I still say you're secretly Mexican.

    Silver: Out of everyone that I chat with the most, you're definitely someone that I can trust. I miss those drinking MSN games with you and Sin, but I know for sure that it won't be the last time either! You're one hell of a chill person and I like how you take shit from no one.

    Flash: LOS FLASHOS!!!!! My long lost latino bro! It's always awesome talking to you on MSN and it'll be even more awesome if we ever hang out.

    Sin: Another person that I can trust. I can consider you a bro because you're awesome. You kickass. You're weird. And you're a strange goffic. Aside from that, you've been through a lot of shit and I can only hope that it gets better for you.

    Xeim: You're seriously like a sister to me. I wish we could get a chance to talk more but I hope to talk to you more soon and hope things are going okay.

    Froggie: MUH P.I.C.!!!!!! You ****ing rock. And I hope the day the wedding happens, that I get invited and you somehow managed to kidnap EA in her CC g-string with Bean as the flower girl. Perfect Kodak moment? I think so!

    Djinn and Oceaneyes28 aka Allijinn: I know you two might want to kill me for putting you in the same apprecation thing, but it's always awesome chatting to both of you. Ally, you got a heart of gold and I think that members who think that the mods are anal rulebook humpers actually need to chat with you and other mods outside of TFF. You're very talented who can sing and act, and also be a nurse. You're a triple-threat! And Djinn, R.I.P. to the names that have been laid to rest. We need to talk more so we can come up with new ones. I was thinking Cinnamon for the next one but who knows. Hit me up on MSN and we'll see!

    Rocky: You're ****ing gay and that's all I have to say. J/K. You're hilarious as hell man and it's always cool talking to you.

    Meier: Even when TFF has slowed down, you somehow manage to always post and you have something to say. It's always interesting whenever I come on here to see what you have to say because you've become a big asset to TFF.

    Joesteel: Haha. Joe, Joe, Joe. Aside from the mom comments, it's always cool talking to you. Even when group convos seem dead as ****, you're one random guy. JSYK, I still think them wizards in MS are whack.

    Mistress Sheena: Vicky Vicious. I think that's probably one of the coolest names that I came up with. It can be defined in so many ways. I'm a genius. It's always cool chatting with you on MSN.

    Cilla: Once again, thank you for the Christmas card you gave me last year. Hopefully you get the B-day card I sent you in the mail soon. You're a really caring person and it's always awesome talking to you while we plot evil blackmailing against ex's.

    Martin: You're quite a character man. I wish we would talk more on MSN. You're one of the chillest people I have ever met.
    Last edited by Dimi; 06-16-2009 at 04:41 PM.

  21. #21
    Freezing Ring! The TFF Member Appreciation Darkdragoon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    Enity Unknown
    Kind hearted and talkitive

    She was one of my favorite member's, and I talk to her almost everyday. She is a very kind woman. She is alway's my my friend <^^> huggy?


    Ive only talked to her for a couple week's but, she is the kindest person in TFF.

    Meier link
    helper and friend

    Meier link was the first person to hep me out on FF VI, and told me he would even help me step by step. I was very suprised to hear him say that because nobody's never told me they would do that for me.

    Kindest moderator in the world

    Im very serious, she is alway's calm and ive never heard her get angry... EVER! She's alway's nice to talk to, and is my favorite mod.


    Funny and smart

    Rocky is a very inteligent man. He is also hilarious. Rocky your very funny ^^

    Misstress sheena
    tough and snappy woman ^^ (Which is a good thing... I think ^^)

    She is a very tough woman, and she showed me where to go to find out what the rule's are. She has helped me alot so... I thank you for your help my misstress *Bow's on knee's and kisses her shoe's*

    an artistic woman

    She make's the best banner's (No offence to the other great banner maker's) and is a very,very, very Artistic woman. And she has those look's to! She's a very ... Ugh how can i say this where everyone can understand... HOT!!!

    Now drum roll please!!! DAMN IT!!! DRUM ROLL!!! *Throw's a knife at drummer* Oh well.... No drummy roll =( *Open's envolp* And the last person is... The one... the only...

    nice and fun to talk to

    My first visitor post to here was about her location, and I guess beijing. Then we just started talking XD. She does diserve those big text up there ^ ^ ^ ^ because... She was the first person i ever talked to... *Crys* Huggy? *hug's silkangel* here's your trophy! *Cry's handing over the trophy*
    Silkangel: Hell yeah!!! Im the last person!!! I GOT THIS TROPHY AND YOU GUY'S DIDNT!!!
    Outdoor whisper's: I wouldnt do that if i were you. People could get mad!
    Silkangel: Sh! This is my moment!!! WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO MEAN!!
    Outdoor: O.o Their coming at you with sword's and spear's...
    Silkangel: No there- OUTDOOR! WAIT!

    that all folks!!!
    Well... That's all i think...
    No one apperait's me XD
    But it's ok...
    Last edited by Darkdragoon; 07-29-2009 at 12:35 AM.

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  22. #22
    Registered User The TFF Member Appreciation
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    I appreciate you!

    I'm still pretty new here, but there are a few members out there that I have gotten to know and I appreciate very much!


    You were the first to welcome me to TFF, so you get to be first in my appreciation post!


    You gave me my first thank-you, and I've read a bunch of your posts. They are very interesting and funny to read, and you seem like you have a big heart.


    You sent me helpful hints on how to beat the CoD in FFIII, and you also accepted my first friend request that I had ever sent. It's nice talking to you, too!


    You helped me with my profile page, and now it looks GLORIOUS! You also accepted my friend request. Yay! Friends!


    I haven't really gotten to talk to you that much, but I appreciate you accepting my friend request. Oh, and you liked my siggy, so you are awesome!


    Another friend I have made. Oh, and you said that you liked my username! Btw, in case you were wondering why it's Dodie16 instead of just Dodie, it's because Dodie16 is the default username that I use for most everything.


    You love Okami, you love samurai, and you love FF7. You, sir, are made of win, and I think you are totally awesome! You are also my friend.


    You sent me a friend request, and I gladly accepted! But I really haven't got to speak to you much. I would love to, so if you feel like it, you can send me a PM or a VM. Oh, and your pics in your album are great!

    Meier Link

    You were the first friend that I made, and you are patient enough to put up with my annoying noobish ways (lol)! You make a great Moderator, and you have a beautiful family! I wish you well.

    UltimaCloud and Darkwave

    You guys also gave me a warm welcome on my introduction thread, but I haven't seen you around much. I still appreciate you.


    You still probably don't know of me, because I pretty much just lurk on the forums a lot, but I think your threads are great and your siggies are wonderful. You have a lot of people that like you, and I can see why. You are very talented and very nice. Keep up the wonderful work that you do!

    Umm, I'm sorry if I forgot to name anyone. I'm still getting to know people and people are still getting to know me, so hopefully in the future my list will be longer!

    Happy posting to everyone on TFF!
    Click at your own risk.:
    Proud Member of:
    Por Rorr Kitty9
    "Mess with us, and the claws come out!"
    Evil BAD Guys
    "Not just evil...not just bad...EVIL BAD!"
    The above userbar was made for me by FATE!!! He is awesome.
    The above banner was made for me by VIVIMASTERMAGE!!! He is awesome as well.

  23. #23
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ The TFF Member Appreciation SilkAngel's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    A city where the traffic is slower than a fat kid in a sandbox. -__- A REALLY fat kid. >.<
    Kilala- You are the first person that talked to me on here, so you will always have a special place in my heart ^.^ You have been a great friend, and I hope we will stay friends for a long time :3 *cough*World domination*cough*

    Ralz- XD You are one funny guy ^.^ Who else can I talk to about Japanese falling into water with? I really hope we can become great friends...then we can host our own reality show ^.^ (Where we enslave the human race)
    My TFF Family! <3

    Fate, my cuddly and lovable brother-in-law.

    Armageddon, my awesome, evil, chaotic younger brother.

  24. #24
    The TFF Member Appreciation Jin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Jin, you are one cool guy. You actually bothered to post in this thread and grace it with your awesomeness. How cool is that? I think I speak for everyone when I wish that I could be just like you. Even though you never post anymore, you are not simply a pillar of this forum, but the pillar of this forum, the removal of which would spell doom for us all. Thank you for existing.

    Until now!

  25. #25
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Blog Entries
    So I'm in notepad now, because I had half of this shit done when all of a sudden my computer completely fxcking owned me like a sore randy johnson noob so fml!!!

    Anyways, hereeeee I go, going down the friend list lolz: LONG READ AHEAD OMFG

    Aerif- You always have something insightful to say, and you are working on a kickass sequel for FF7. GL with it.

    Anachlirium- HAWT. tRaDe No0Dz? haha Congrats with everything, and hope to see you on msn and tff more often.

    Atma-Noah- One of the most spiritual people that I have met. GL with the RL and I'm praying for ya!

    Azuteor- You remind me of that one quiet asian kid in my class that seems kinda nerdy at school but is a total riot outside of class, haha. You have some sick artistic talent, I might add.

    Benjisan- A genuinely nice guy. Keep it real for reals.

    Bleachie- Haha, you're so naive! I loved to pick on you in msn chat. Everyone's favorite little sister, mine included.

    Cheesevixen- Glad to see you're not intimidated by me, haha. Hope things go well with you and the family. Also, read: MILF!

    Chez- A very nice staff, approachable and pleasant to talk to (and to look at ). I like your humor.

    Craven- What a goofy kid, haha. Enjoyed talking to you on msn, wish you and your aussie crew would come back and fill your presence on the forums more often.

    Djinn- The epitome of a gentleman. An enjoyable person to talk to as well, always has nice things to say.

    Doc Rocco- I appreciate your smarty sense of humor, lol. You need to come back and post more often!

    dragoon- At first, I didn't really care for you because I was too absorbed into your noobish posting habits. You grew on me, and I realized how much respect, for you being a familyman, a working man, a CPC8 man, and so on.

    Draken- Thanks for helping get me sponsored.

    ekimeinna- A very nice lady to talk to! Hope being a married woman is going well for you.

    Emperor Masamune- What a piece of man. This guy is so badass, it's unreal. As we speak, I'm working on tailoring us some matching capes, haha. Hope to see you post more not only in the RP forum, but in the ID as well.

    FF Ace Cid- I miss seeing you post on the forums! Hope things are going well for you.

    Fishie- Aww man, where do I start.. You are the silliest mexican I have ever talked to on the phone, actually scratch that, I still think you sound korean more than anything, lol. You are an amazing person and friend, wish you the best.

    Flash- Haha, another goofy kid that I liked talking to on MSN. Congrats on graduating recently, hope you do well in future ventures.

    Fluffy- Though I may disagree with your views on certain things, I respect you as a person and how you carry yourself on the forums. Also, another friendly intelligent person!

    Govinda- I designate you the offical mad scientist of TFF. So much intelligence, randomness, and humor from a single person. Your intellect in world politics is unmatched, and sometimes I find myself embarrassed on how much knowledge you have of a government that you don't even live in, compared to me.

    H.u.N.K.- Very friendly and mature for his age, hope things are going eood for ya mang.

    Hyzenthlay- Very friendly and outspoken, not to mention attractive. Post moar plz!

    James K. Polk- I think I have an unwritten norm that I laugh out loud at least twice each time I read a post of yours. Not only that, you are the coolest FFX fanboy that I have talked to. I hope we meet up this summer at Minneapolis.

    joesteel64- awwww joe! You laugh at all of my jokes, no matter how bad they are, lol. You are a great person to talk to, and I hope you find a great job soon.

    L5Death- I don't know you rofl, but thanks for the add!

    Lady Rika- Yet another nice attractive friendly lady that went out of her way to talk to me, lol. Wish you would post more!

    Lococolt04- The man, the myth, the legend.. Quite a friendly zany person, and I love the curly hair. Hope things are going well with you and your gf, which I still approve of btw.

    Lunasa- A nice lady, very smart and pretty. I liked our MSN talks.

    Martin- you are very chill, and I wish you the best.

    Meier Link- One of the people I am closest to on here, I have all but the utmost respect for you. Congrats on #2, and Crao Porr Cock8!!

    Mistress Sheena- You have some amazing writing talent, and I enjoy our gossip on tff.

    mjrouse- It's been awhile, gl with rl.

    Neggropino- another fanboy of mine, hope you come back to tff so people can get to know you.

    OceanEyes28- We had some good talks on msn, I miss that. You always have something interesting going on in your life, and you better make it to the big screen someday!

    Omega Weapon- Though we never talked much, you seem pretty easygoing.

    Pete- This guy is the real deal, folks. Once I turn 21/get a fake ID, we need to go bar hopping or clubbing someday. I will bring the World Championship Tag Team Belts for us as well!

    Phantom- You were very gay, and we all knew that. Hope you become more accepting of what others have to say.

    Priscilla- First off, I'm really sorry about how things didn't work out. You're always a happy person that I loved spending time with online, and I wish you the best.

    Psiko- Obviously, we are the two coolest people from TFF since we come from the same hick state, lol. A friendly individual, a skilled RPer, a great staff, need I say more?

    Raider- You are a silly kid, and if you weren't so adoringly cute and cuddly I would let you in the CPC8, lol.

    Rasler+- haha, since I don't even know if you're a real person or not, I will just say GL to you.

    Richard M. Nixon- I appreciate your intellect and your sense of humor, even though I may not pick up on it all the time. Definitely someone I could talk to with whatever I have on my mind.

    Rikkuffx- You have a kind heart. I pray for the safety of your BF and brother.

    RIOT999- thanks for the add!

    Sarah- A good looking computer savvy women, with her all of my problems would be solved! We need to play Seiken Densetsu 3 online sometime.

    Silver- This kid is so ill, I can catch the swine flu from him right where I'm at haha. I like your views on life, and I have to reciprocate on how your journal was always an interesting read. I'm glad that break did you well.

    Sinister- I vote him the most interesting in all of TFFland. You are quiet, mature, and sharp as a tack, and with that I bestow my respects.

    soramaster- thanks for the add siree!

    Spiral Architect- You would probably be the funniest person on tff if you would come back, I enjoy the random msn chats we have at the random times of the day or night.

    SuperSabin2005- Everytime I sign online, you are the first on to say hello without a doubt, haha. You are a kind person that I love to discuss videogames with, and congrats on your graduation.

    T.G. Oskar- Thanks for helping me out with all of your SaGa lore, and I am thankful to know someone who appreciates this series as much as I do, so kudos to that!

    Tiger Lily- You and all of your aussie friends, lol. We had some funtimes in msn and on tff as well. Wish you kids would visit once in awhile.

    Unknown Entity- Haha, I love to bother you whenever I am up in the wee hours of the morning. Remember, my offer still stands

    Ven+- I appreciate you for your honesty, wish you would see how petty the whole situation was so you could come back!

    vince- this kid has more friends then I do toilet paper.

    Violet- I appreciate all of our msn talks, you are probably one of the few people I trust enough to vent to. Hope you can find a job that you will enjoy!

    Xeim- a smart and mature individual with some sick talent at writing stories. Come back already!

    Zeromune- yet another goofy aussie I talk to. You are very mature and intelligent for your age. And happy recent birthday!

    Also, a big shoutout to the Crao Porr Cock8! Without you all I would have gone gay a long time ago. (JK) My adderall is wearing off so I'm crashing, peace...
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  26. #26
    アズテオル The TFF Member Appreciation Azuteor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Holding down the low end.
    Making this list will probably be difficult. I don't socialize with everyone enough to get to know them, haha.

    Ex-Light Club Members
    - I miss you all. Many of the members, except a few, have left and never came back. They are family to me and it would be nice to have a nice chat with them and catch up.

    T.G.O - Thanks for being a very dedicated person and a friend. I enjoy your vast knowledge on RPGs!

    Sinister - We talked a few times on MSN. You are always there to greet people and make sure to say 'hello.'

    Xeim - She is a very good club leader and creative writer. I hope she comes back! Where are you?!

    Yesha - Thanks for putting me on your appreciation list! You are also my TFF filipina sister too! Pinoy pride!

    Fate - My talkative and curious asian buddy. You are easy-going and you make friends quick. I see your posts everywhere!

    Silver - An insightful person and cool to talk to! It's an honor to have group chats with you!

    Violet - My awesome artistic rival! You better watch out because I'm coming for the Best TFF Artist of 2009 award!

    Rocky - Thanks for adding me into your appreciation list! Your comment made me laugh out loud. xD

    I will add some more later...

  27. #27
    I invented Go-Gurt. The TFF Member Appreciation Clint's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    In my last post here, I said that besides the four people that I mentioned, including myself (it was actually three including myself, but who's really counting,) that I didn't really care about anybody else to include them in this, but over the last few weeks, a few people have been growing on me.

    Ralz, for instance, has begun to talk to me via visitor messages about things of interest such as which drugs God is on, and why the hell he created thieving penguins, and why space-midgets keep screwing over the galaxy. I have to send appreciation in the direction of anybody that interesting.

    I also want to appreciate OceanEyes28 for being the only moderator on this forum that I've spoken to that doesn't literally piss me off, as well as being the only moderator I've spoken to that seems to have any humor, intellect, and personality.

    And on a final note, I want to send appreciation in the way of Jin. I don't know the guy. I think I had a few arguments with him a while back, but the guy comes on here and only appreciates himself, and because of that one thing, he's now awesome in my book. And this book I'm speaking of is metaphorical. I don't have an actual book.
    Last edited by Clint; 06-25-2009 at 07:42 AM.

  28. #28
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Member Appreciation Fate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    And now to update my list with an additional four people. I'll continue to update it, though.

    Dr. Egon Spengler: You really make me laugh with your random comments about everything. And the idea for luminescent clowns, flying Asians, aqua Caucasians, and space midgets is very creative... I think that people would appreciate your humor, only if they talked to you more.

    OceanEyes28: We didn't start out very well, but once I got to know you, I realized people weren't joking when they say that you're extremely nice. I can ask you about anything, you've given me advice, take all the horrible VMs I've sent you without giving me a warning, and you've proven to me that Mods are nothing to fear. And you've stood up for me, too. Ally, I'm voting you for best Mod of the year!

    Silver: Back when I first registered, I didn't want to speak my mind because I thought I was going to get in trouble for it. But you encouraged me to do so, and I don't think that I'd have been the posting maniac that I am today if it weren't for you. Thank you for the inspiration, and I may have left early if you didn't see my post that day.

    Azuteor: My Asian bud!^^ I didn't know you for a very long time, but then for some reason that I forgot, I began talking to you. And you really changed my opinion of you. You're so easy to talk to, you're smart, a wonderful artist, and I believe you were my inspiration for... trying frog legs!

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  29. #29
    I was really hoping to not be appreciated at all, but Rocky ruined it.

    Alisyn - for being funny and awkward.
    Heather - for being drunk and dismissive.
    Meier Link - for running my club without the benefits, like a 401K, and for drinking Yoo-Hoo.
    Polk - for being responsive and reasonable.
    Rocky - for being blonde and humorful.
    Telegraph - for being exactly what society wants him to be.

  30. #30
    This is my sin... The TFF Member Appreciation Lucid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Silent Hill
    Hyzenthlay - For congratulating me on my win from the war long ago. I really appreciated that.

    Emperor Griffith - Because you're the only person on my Friends list. lol

    Anomaly - It was fun while it lasted. It's a shame that everything turned out the way it did. Maybe we'll meet up again someday.

    Toromor - Ever since he and the BoD left after the war, I've been bored to death. Thanks for making it more interesting while you were here.

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