Member Appreciation

This has the potential to be a real sweet thread. So you’re probably thinking “What is she on about now?” Well, that’s my cue to step in and tell you right? ^~.

The basis of this thread is to give your thanks or appreciation to members on this forum. Be it just for their friendship, a witty post, they’ve done something for you, they listened to you etc… Anything for which your grateful.

Lets be honest here, we all like to see nice things written about ourselves. It gives you that glowy feeling and more often than not your lips curve up at the sides which is known as a smile. So why not spread the love around eh?

Most you around here must have some good old friends, well show them how much they mean to you ^~.

Rules are quite simple:

Keep posts at a reasonable length. I don’t want this to become a spam thread of lists. Give reasons for your thanks.

Only nice and kind things may be said. No flaming or nastiness of any kind. If there are any signs of it the thread will be dealt with in the appropriate manner.

No double posting.

You are allowed to post more than once, but just be aware that this isn’t a place to raise your post count.

I felt this would be best in General Chat. I considered moving it to the Humour/Word Games forum, but it’s not a game. And it’s not intended to be humorous .
If a moderator feels this thread will attract unwanted issues or cause trouble, please feel free to either close/delete it.

Thank you for reading, now enjoy <3