My favorite movies. Mmmhmmm

I. Sin City - Easily my favorite movie, I love the black and white and comic look like style they used for this film and with an all-star cast, they played the roles well. Marv was easily my favorite character even though I did like Rosario Dawson's acting in this film as well as Clive Owen's. Plus I love the novel.

II. 300 - Easily tied with Sin City. I love Frank Miller novels. And this movie was based on an actual event, when Xerxes (Son of King Darius) tried to invade Greece. (mainly Athens) but in the movie it was Sparta. They got it a little mixed up with actual history but thusly it's a fictious work based on Historical Events. Plus lots of blood, violence, sex and nudity for both sexes to enjoy :3

III. Underworld - I absoutely adore Kate Beckinsale. The sequel was okay "more action and lot more blood." but the first one had to win the cake for me. It was sexy, sleek, and a fresh idea (plus the computer game you could on the official site) was fun. .

IV. Pirates of the Caribbean - I am a piratress by heart. I absoultely LOVED this movie. I named my cat after Jack Sparrow. Call him short for Captian. I love the open water (I am terrified of sharks however) but yes. The placement was good and everything. I love to pickpocket and be a trickster on others. So I throughly enjoyed this movie.

V. Shawn of the Dead - Everybody loves a good zombie flick? You cannot even guess how much I adore this movie, for the comedy aspect of it. But the sheer genius of Simon Pegg is clearly thrown into this film. And I love Billy Nighly, he is like my 5th favorite male actor. <3 He appeared in the second and the final Potc and both Underworlds also.

VI. V for Vendetta - This was a good movie. And to show how much a government can **** up a country. Hugo Weaving does a really good job, (he must have read a dictionary for the part seriously). Hugo Weaving earned the right as 4th favorite male actor in the Matrix. I seriously believe he moved right up to 2nd favorite with this flick. (Sean Connery is my favorite). But seriously and Natalie Portman earned a little bit more respect in my favor for her role as E-Vee. (not the Pokemon) Plus I love the music. ^^

VII. Final Fantasy Spirits Within - Even though it had nothing really to do with the gaming series, didn't stop me from liking it. Although it did have Cid in it. Still, Dr. Aki Ross was well I am securing my sexuality by saying this, but she was really beautiful and well just plain sexy. The Phantoms were a clever addition to a enemy of some sort. Plus the graphics were just so goddamn beautiful.

VIII. Grindhouse - Besides the "****" word being overused. I enjoyed this movie but I hate Rose McGowan (Cherry Darling) but I have an admiration to Rosario Dawson, and Kurt Russel. Even though Rose does say "****" a little bit cute. Though the gun leg isn't her best side. I loved the atmosphere, but not as much as I did in Sin City. Sin City was better quality.

IX. The Mummy - This has to be the most watched movie ever put on the telly. I see it all the time. And I love it. One of those gritty, grunge feeling tomb feeling. Plus the acting is good at the way around. <3

X. Silent Hill - They screwed up the entire story but the Pyramid Head ****ing pwns, enough said.