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Thread: Your top 10 (Descriptive version)

  1. #31
    My favorite movies. Mmmhmmm

    I. Sin City - Easily my favorite movie, I love the black and white and comic look like style they used for this film and with an all-star cast, they played the roles well. Marv was easily my favorite character even though I did like Rosario Dawson's acting in this film as well as Clive Owen's. Plus I love the novel.

    II. 300 - Easily tied with Sin City. I love Frank Miller novels. And this movie was based on an actual event, when Xerxes (Son of King Darius) tried to invade Greece. (mainly Athens) but in the movie it was Sparta. They got it a little mixed up with actual history but thusly it's a fictious work based on Historical Events. Plus lots of blood, violence, sex and nudity for both sexes to enjoy :3

    III. Underworld - I absoutely adore Kate Beckinsale. The sequel was okay "more action and lot more blood." but the first one had to win the cake for me. It was sexy, sleek, and a fresh idea (plus the computer game you could on the official site) was fun. .

    IV. Pirates of the Caribbean - I am a piratress by heart. I absoultely LOVED this movie. I named my cat after Jack Sparrow. Call him short for Captian. I love the open water (I am terrified of sharks however) but yes. The placement was good and everything. I love to pickpocket and be a trickster on others. So I throughly enjoyed this movie.

    V. Shawn of the Dead - Everybody loves a good zombie flick? You cannot even guess how much I adore this movie, for the comedy aspect of it. But the sheer genius of Simon Pegg is clearly thrown into this film. And I love Billy Nighly, he is like my 5th favorite male actor. <3 He appeared in the second and the final Potc and both Underworlds also.

    VI. V for Vendetta - This was a good movie. And to show how much a government can **** up a country. Hugo Weaving does a really good job, (he must have read a dictionary for the part seriously). Hugo Weaving earned the right as 4th favorite male actor in the Matrix. I seriously believe he moved right up to 2nd favorite with this flick. (Sean Connery is my favorite). But seriously and Natalie Portman earned a little bit more respect in my favor for her role as E-Vee. (not the Pokemon) Plus I love the music. ^^

    VII. Final Fantasy Spirits Within - Even though it had nothing really to do with the gaming series, didn't stop me from liking it. Although it did have Cid in it. Still, Dr. Aki Ross was well I am securing my sexuality by saying this, but she was really beautiful and well just plain sexy. The Phantoms were a clever addition to a enemy of some sort. Plus the graphics were just so goddamn beautiful.

    VIII. Grindhouse - Besides the "****" word being overused. I enjoyed this movie but I hate Rose McGowan (Cherry Darling) but I have an admiration to Rosario Dawson, and Kurt Russel. Even though Rose does say "****" a little bit cute. Though the gun leg isn't her best side. I loved the atmosphere, but not as much as I did in Sin City. Sin City was better quality.

    IX. The Mummy - This has to be the most watched movie ever put on the telly. I see it all the time. And I love it. One of those gritty, grunge feeling tomb feeling. Plus the acting is good at the way around. <3

    X. Silent Hill - They screwed up the entire story but the Pyramid Head ****ing pwns, enough said.

  2. #32
    oooh interesting I guess I'll have a shot.

    10) Donnie Darko-Pretty much standard. A good film,interesting and somewhat special plot(think about it there was nothing like DD before it was made and there's been nothing like it. I guess that's kinda why its a "cult" film.

    9)IT-my all time favourite horror movie Very poorly scripted,nothing like the book and the ending sucked but its still a great three hour romp of scary clowness.

    8)Fight Club-Who hasn't seen this film?! I think this one of the few films where I can say it's better than the book.

    7)Rocky horror-Like this isn't included in everyones top ten! Though the only reason the film was any good(apart from being generally a funny film) was for paving the way for the threatrical version! Dressing up in drag is always good!

    6) Memento- I spent the entire time watching this film going "what?" And had to watch it three more times to get the full idea of this film. Simply immense! We love you christopher nolan!

    5)The Stand-jeez 6 hours of this sure took its toll! I was physically drained after watching this. I think its a only watch once kinda film. Regardless of the difference between the book and the film it's still an enjoyable watch

    4)The nightmare before christmas- Awww I really do love this film. It always cheers me up. Danny Elfman and Tim Burton together are amazing!

    3)American Pyscho-oooh now here's a controversial film! A lot of people said it couldn't be done but they did it! Although it still got an R rating. Once again the book is better but that can be said for a lot of films.

    2)Nightmare on elm street-Call it cheesy but it was best of the big 3. It also bought a nice supernatural edge to the slasher genre. I'm a big Wes Craven fan gotta love his stuff.

    1)Battle Royale-now here's a fim! I love this film like I love my family(ie loads!) It's japanese cinema at its best I think. Better than anything else that's came out of Japan in a long time(including the audition). I've watched it gods knows how many times and its always made me feel throughly satisfied!

  3. #33
    Now lets see...
    1) Star Wars - my past my present my future, like most I watched it so many times that I can almost watch it without sound, know all the lines anyway
    2) LOTR: The fellowship of the ring - like the book much more, but the first movie was and still is a classic for me.
    3) The 5th element - dont ask why! I have seen it about a 15 times...or as much as Star Wars but still wath it with pleasure!
    4) Jim Carey films - I know this isnt a movie but I just really love how Jim Carey playes, so he is my favorite!
    5) Cartoons - most of childish cartoons like Mulan or Lion King, I like them because they teach good things, and sometimes those good things are what you need to see to feel better!
    6) X-MEN - Sadly, I never got my hands on the comics but seen the cartoons and games. I love super powers!
    7) Favns Labyrinth - sorry for the wrong name, but thats how it sounds in translation to my language. I really dont know how to fit it here, but all I will say is "its a mastrpiece". As an artist I like the mix of war and phantasy very much!
    8) Pirates of The Carribean - I like pirates and good stories with thought through charecters, thats why this adventure is in my top 10.
    9) Final Fantasy - all the 2 of them, classics for a fan like me!
    10) Spider Man - what did you expect to see, I like x-men and I also like Peter Parker, especialy played by Toby M.
    Guess thats about it!
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  4. #34
    Your top 10 (Descriptive version) scamrock's Avatar
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    This post is easy for me. I already have my top 25 ranked in order on my myspace page.

    10. Ghostbusters- Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Moranis. I've owned this since I was just knee high to a grasshopper. So its safe to say I've watched it my whole life. These guys are responsible for some of the funniest movies from the 80s. Take an improve genius like Aykroyd and let him loose to write a script on this subject matter and your end result is a barrell of laughs. It is also highly quotable.

    9. Christmas Vacation- This is a candidate for the funniest movie of all time. I don't really think I need to explain why Chevy Chase is one of the funniest people alive. This is a movie that everybody likes. It is just as much a staple of the holliday season as A Christmas Story. It is also one of the rare times when the third movie in a series can compete with the first.

    8. First Blood- This movie is my version of a masterpiece. This is my favorite Stallone movie by a landslide, and I am a huge Stallone fan. I love all of the Rockys, Cobra, Over the Top. But this is great. Take a man who was a hero for this country. Does he get a hero's welcome? No. He is forced to walk the earth as a bum. Not only is it a great movie, but it aslo speaks volumes about a lack of human decency in the world.

    7. Star Wars- I could easily place the whole series here, but I won't. Episode IV: A New Hope is my favorite, so this 7 spot is reserved for it specifically. I love all of the series, especially the original trilogy. But this is the one that started it all, and for that it is my favorite. I like the origianl cut better than the special edition. The combination of the crude special effects which I love, combined with a cut and paste version of modern special effects leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It taints the movie. But not enough to knock it out of the top 10.

    6. Napoleon Dynamite- This may even be ranked higher in the future. It is rare for such a new movie to make its way into my top 10. But this movie is soo funny. The first time I saw it, was when my sister in law brought it over. Well from the very first seen, I was laughing hysterically. My wife and her sister thought the movie was funny, but couldn't understand what I was laughing at most of the time. I think I actually was laughing from begining to end.

    5. The Goonies- How can you argue with this movie? Not only is it one of the definitive 80s movies, but look at the cast. Its one of those movies that may not be your favorite, but you can't admit that you don't like. I could try to give reasons why this is on my list, but I can't think of any reasons why it shouldn't.

    4. The Breakfast Club- This is the movie that made Saturday detention fun (okay, not really). The stereotypes were spot on. Great quotes, great actors, and great times. This is John Hughes at his best...or is it?

    3. Vacation- No. This is John Hughes at his best. Ramis' best as a director (I would hear an argument for Groundhog day). Chevy Chase at his best. This is also in the running for the funniest movie ever.

    2. Back to the Future- I love everything about this movie. I love the fact that Bob Gale and Bob Zemeckis made the effort to cover every possible plothole scenerio. I have literally probably seen this movie 200 times. That would be ten times a year for twenty years...with that logic, I may have seen it 400 times. I love this movie, and there isn't anything any of you can do about it.

    1. Real Men- Okay, I know what you're thinking. "This list was so good...then he has this as number one?!?." Yes. I really want to explain why this is my favorite. But I can't. I don't know why. It just is. Some things are just because they are. And this is one of those things.

    I know this isn't in the rules, but everybody else threw in an honorable mention. So I will follow suit. And the only reason I am doing this is because this movie moves a little farther up my list every time I watch it. That movie is Borat. This is by far the funniest movie I have ever seen. It ranks up there with movies like Blazing Saddles, Vacation, and Caddyshack. The funniest thing about it is the fact that it is for the most part real. Well, I know he isn't real. But the interactions are real. Most of the people in the movie(interviews, etc.) are real people, unaware that this whole thing is a sham. According to, he got the police called on him 91 times during the making of this film. People sued him for making them look like asses and such. So this probably isn't an honorable mentions as much as it is likely a "coming soon" to my top 10 list.
    In the morning when I spash it on...

  5. #35
    some say............ Your top 10 (Descriptive version) The Stig's Avatar
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    10 the water boy i thought adam sandler was great i mean i dont like american football but i thought this was a fantastic movie it was soo funny i loved it
    9 shrek 2 i thought this move was almost perfect i loved donkey because he was hilarious and hom being just donkey also shrek was pretty funny inb this movie because its just like he doesnt want to be a member of the family
    8 troy i loved this movie it was very epic the story of a man who couldnt be killed and ofcourse he was a powerful warrior facing an army it was a truly powerful movie in my eyes
    7 has to be american pie the wedding i liked this one a lot because the boys are getting into mischief again and for once finch actually likes someone else and stifler is trying to be nice also i liked the part when stifler eats shit that wasw funny
    6 well probally the mummy with brendan fraser i like all these era movies this movie was good because it was an action movie yet it had a slight bit of comedy in it
    5 shrek the third this was absolutley hilarious this was fantastic eddie murphy who plays donkey was hilarious and puus in boots was good in this film the best part was when shrek sails of for a new kind and he smashes the boat
    4 die hard series these are one of the best ever i like the bruce willis films i yhink thre great he is the original action hero how he outsmarts everyone and kills all is fantastic but he didnt make it in the top three shame
    3 the austin powers series when i first watched this i couldnt stop laughing the best one has to be gold member when austin is kicking the living shit out of mini me that was hilarious also when he is at the base and mini meets austin again also it was a good twist that austin and dr evil are brothers
    2 the simpsons movie i loved this simply because it was fantastic and funny also it wasnt just an extended apisode it was a movie plus they did things you wouldnt get away with on tv
    1 drum roll please my favourite movie of all time is the shawshank redemtion i yhink this movie was perfect as it showed a man who was wrongly impisened in jail and hisa best friend i think freemansw dialogue was absolutley fantastic also my fave line in this is "on the outside i was sraight as an arrow, i had to go to prison to become a crook"
    Some say he's wanted by the CIA, and that he sleeps upside down like a bat... all we know is, he's called the Stig

    Some say that his tears are adhesive, and that if he caught fire, he'd burn for a thousand days... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say that his genitals are on upside down, and that if he could be bothered, he could crack the Da Vinci Code in 43 seconds... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say that the outline of his left nipple is exactly the same shape as the Nürburgring, and that if you give him a really important job to do, he'll skive off and play croquet... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

    Some say he isn't machine washable, and all his potted plants are called Steve... all we know is, he's called the Stig.

  6. #36
    Honorable mentions: 25th Hour, Goodfellas, Kill Bill, Annie Hall.

    10. Narc - Wow. Ray Liotta is so criminally underrated it isn't even funny. The film really digs deep into morals. I believe he didn't turn in the tape at the end, but thats me.
    9. Dog Day Afternoon - Great at characterization. How else could a movie take place at a bank for almost the entire time? Pacino excels and the ending is very suspenseful.
    8. That Thing You Do! - not a smart film, but it has a charm. I think its the whole teenager being in a band thing.
    7. Lost in Translation - Good film that becomes great because of Johannson. I briefly considered making a top ten list out of her movies. The film pulls off romance without showing it, all in the age of explicit detail.
    6. The Big Lebowski - Funniest film ever made, hands down. Walter is the perfect mix of every sort of crazy person you will ever meet. The plot takes a back seat to these characters. One of the few films that begs for a sequel.
    5. Reservoir Dogs - I used to love all of Tarantino's films, but this is the only one that is a classic. The plot is simple, but it keeps you in the movie more than those who Tarantino had ripped off of. Who is the rat? Where is Mr. Blue?
    4. Punch-Drunk Love - The only good Sandler film. The music is a fantastic complement to the actions taking place. The frantic pace set to the music gets you in the head of Barry as he is bullied and panicking.
    3. Little Miss Sunshine - a family takes a road trip and they find themselves. Even though most of the dilemmas are foreign to us, their humanity makes them completely relatable. You feel for them.
    2. Children of Men - You don't walk away from this movie once the credits roll. Instead, you sit there and ponder about life and humanity. I wanted to make this number one. But it isn't that great.
    1. The Royal Tenenbaums - Wes Anderson's greatest triumph, despite what any Rushmore fans tell you. Anderson does the impossible - make Ben Stiller not annoying. The movie is about three troubled kids and their uncaring father, but the beauty of the movie is the quirks of the others. Henry's stumbling across the English language and discussion of finances after a crash, Pagoda's wavering loyalty to Royal, and even Ari and Uzi. I still cry at the end, and I have seen this countless times.
    Last edited by Walter Sobchak; 02-14-2008 at 11:17 PM.

  7. #37
    Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Sweet Jesus!

    I somehow missed this, which was directly above my post... well then- here's my list :}

    I have a top 23, not a top 10... deal with it

    1. Magnolia - An amazing and beautiful story of interwoven lives, how when on the brink of desperation, we collide with one another; when there is no such thing as coincidence and strange things DO happen. I love this movie so much, it is so sad at times and so wonderful. "When it rains, it pours." My favorite line from this movie is when the little boy at the scene of the crime is rapping, and his last line is "When the sunshine don't work, the good lord will bring the rain in" If you plan on watching this, set a lot of time aside and get comfy, this movie is three hours and eight minutes long.

    2. Running with Scissors - Well first of all Terry bought this for me last V-day, so that has something to do with it, and secondly it's just an amazing story PERFECTLY orchestrated. It shows a very disfunctional family coping with eachother and how one person can make a big difference. It's hillarious at times too, so what's not to like?

    3. Crash - Much like Magnolia, this movie is about people's lives colliding into others, how they dip and sway in and out of the lives of "strangers" and how these small bumps effect the entire line of events.

    4. Fargo - This is set in a very boring atmosphere and call for the characters to create all of the color- which they do brilliantly. It's about an "accidental" murder in a small town, and the pregnant police officer who solves it. A husband hires men to kidnap his wife so his father-in-law will pay the ransom money and they will split it, but it all goes wrong when the men accidentally kill his wife.

    5. Clue - O..M...G... If you have never seen this movie then you need to get to the nearest rental store and rent it, hell just BUY it. It's extremely funny and witty, and it will leave you guessing until the very [strange] end. This will definately stay as one of my top 10

    6. Kairo [Pulse] (Japanese version, of course) - This movie is so complex, yet it never gets lost in itself... like many movies that attempt to be intellectual and symbolic. This beautful japanese movie shows how loneliness could be the most potent virus the world has ever experienced. Ghosts begin to seap out from electrical wiring and the like, only to spread their deep understanding of desperation and utter loneliness. They show the world that after life, there is just time and emptyness- so the world slowly gives up and they become black stains on the ground. [Note, the American version BUTCHERED the story like I knew they would and it's NOTHING like the Japanese version. The JP version is extremely poetic.]

    7. A Tale of Two Sisters - This is a Korean film about two sisters who are extremely close to eachother, but once they return home from a hospital visit, things begin to go superbly wrong. I won't give away the dark secret here, but this is another must see. I will put a warning at the end of this post for the Japanese movie Kairo and this film, please read.

    8. Cloverfield - Amazing monster movie, brilliantly filmed and extremely well thought out. The marketing techniques used for this are very interesting as well; I have never been more excited for a movie to come out than I was for this one.

    9. Hero - It's a very artistic story of a Hero in ancient times who fought against an entire empire for the sake of revenge. He sacrifices everything he has to strike against those who have forsaken his family. Plus, they fly around ridiculously fast with swords and spears...

    10. Elephant - This movie is filmed in a very original way, and there was a VERY vague and loose script, so the characters have a very natural way of speaking- you feel like you're just following these kids around on a normal day of school. It's a film about a school shooting, and it follows various students around during one day of school and what happens during that time.

    11. What's Eating Gilbert Grape - The book is better than the movie, but the movie is still really good. It's very sad at times, and funny at others [like most of the movies I like] It's definately worth watching ^_^

    12. Party Monster - I love this movie because it's so quirky and strange. I love their outfits and the music too, the drugs aren't as alluring however. It's another "must eventually watch"

    13. Stranger Than Fiction - A movie I wish I had thought of before they did, but I didn't. It's definately something I would have thought of though- it's very creative.

    14. I <3 Huckabees - Very strange and quirky, must see.

    15. The Devil Wears Prada - It's a very girl-esque movie, but I still like it. It's definately never going to be on my top 10, and will probably eventually move off of this list alltogether, but for now it's something I enjoy watching.

    16. Kung Fu Hustle - lmfao

    17. Bunshinsaba - Another Korean film that is very cool. A little less poetic than the other two, but it's still worth seeing. It's about the murder of a mother and a daughter in a small town, and their spirits seaking revenge.

    18. Year of the Dog - Quirky, cute.

    19. House of Flying Daggers - Much like Hero, it's very cool to watch.

    20. Constantine - Very cool movie.

    21. Pan's Labyrinth - This was fun to watch, if you haven't seen it yet, you should. It's very magical and whatnot.

    22. Adam and Steve - My token "gay" movie. Although it has some serious parts about it, it's mostly funny. Terry and I were cracking up when we saw it on Logo.

    23. Sunshine - This movie was good... lmfao.

    If you haven't seen or heard of any on my top 10 yet, I suggest you look into them. They are all really amazing, I don't accept crap for movies . As for 11 and down, those are just my personal favorites that I like simply because I'm strange.

    Disclaimer for Kairo and A Tale of Two Sisters: Do not attempt to watch these films unless you have a habbit of enjoying symbolic movies and discovering their hidden meanings. You WILL be confused and you may need to reference the internet to fully understand these stories. If you like the typical action movies with explosions and blood shed, then just stick with them.
    Last edited by Momo Mastermind; 02-15-2008 at 08:09 AM.
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  8. #38
    Synthesized Ascension Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Zardoch's Avatar
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    Alright, as a man who's watched so many ****ing movies, I couldn't EVER put ANY movie in my top ten. Not saying no movie is too great or too bad, but I have just so many movies I like simply putting them in TEN slots is not enough. Thus, I have decided to put them into categories. First off, the action category [including foreign action ].

    10. Duel to the Death
    Yet another old kung fu film, this movie is the SHIT my man. There's flying, sand, exploding, kite, giant, and chick ninjas in this movie that are beyond badass. They are epically badass. Besides them, the two main character's are even more badass than them. This movie is one of the best examples of wire-fu in Asian film history at it's best with how well the effects are done. Cheesy, definitely, but well done. I only blame myself for only seeing this a week or two ago.

    9. Pitch Black + Chronicles of Riddick
    Out of any Vin Diesel movies, these two are the best. Vin truly makes himself a badass in these movies and the first movie is actually pretty damn interesting besides the lack of a great story. Even though it's a bit more sci fi, the sequel makes up for that.

    8. 7 Grand Masters
    Yes, it's one of those old kung fu movies, but out of ALL the kung fu films I've seen that are so damn cheesy [and this one still is], 7 Grand Masters WORKS. The choregraphy is incredible and actually believable. Actually, it's amazing that way. There are amazing stunts in this movies that'll either make your jaw drop or laugh out loud. Yes, it's a typical kung fu movie storywise, but I was never bored except maybe for a few minutes in non-fighting scenes.

    7. Anything Bruce Lee
    Now, you're wondering why is Bruce Lee, the god of gods in martial arts, so low on the list? Because I find some of his movies boring as hell. Some of them are great classics, but often I find myself bored since the acting or story might be bad.

    6. Hard Boiled
    Honestly, while Chow Yun Fat is a pretty awesome badass, I got tired of his shoot'em up movies. It wasn't until I saw Hard Boiled that I was hooked. This John Woo classic is GREAT with everything you expect from John Woo and Chow Yun Fat.

    5. Zatoichi series and movies
    Anyone should know of the blind swordsman. He's an awesome, funny, and talented killer. Almost everything Zatoichi is in is great.

    4. Anything with Jackie Chan
    Another action god, but he leans towards comedy so he's lower on the list. Still a great guy though.

    3. Anything with Toshiro Mifune
    The God of old chambara movies [50-60's samurai films], almost every film I've seen him in is awesome. He created Yojimbo, he played Miyamoto Mushashi, and he played a crazy samurai in Seven Samurai. He's a badass.

    2. 90% of Jet Li Movies
    I've seen just about everything he's put out. He's a god in the action genre.

    1. Lone Wolf and Cub Series
    Honestly, if I had a choose one action movie I'd watch over and over again, it'd be the Lone Wolf and Cub series [6 movies]. There's story, there's emotion, and above all, there's ACTION. Not to mention plenty of blood and gore. I do believe even a man's nose is cut off. These movies are epic.

    Sci Fi

    10. Spriggan
    Yeah, it's an anime, but it's still a movie so HA! Anyway, I think this movie really peaked the interest with the whole "ark" thing of the bible by turning it into a giant machine of life and death. It's a bit Akira-ish, but the action is still awesome, stylish, and the story is quite interesting.

    9. Akira
    Duh, from the comment above, of course I'd add Akira to this list. It's really one of the most innovating anime with such a weird story I got confused the first or second time watching it.

    8. Alien Saga
    The Alien series is definitely one of the greatest sci fi films of all time. I think I loved all, but Alien 3.

    7. The Blade Series
    Ok, so it's not entirely "sci fi" and it's practically an action movie in the end. I'm sorry I love action so much. But anyway, the Blade series has to be pretty interesting when it comes to the vampire world and how the original basically invented the half-vampire concept. Sadly, I'd only consider the first two to be apart of the series as the third sequel was more of a popcorn flick with weird humor, bad jokes, bad dialogue, terrible clothing design, and boring story. I still liked it was entertainment, but it deserves better judgment.

    6. The X-Men Series
    Hugh was great as wolverine, all three movies were great, and I can't say too much more. Good action, story, character development, and use of those characters. It did the comic/cartoon justice though I would've changed a few things .

    5. Predator + Sequel
    Arnold, the predator, nuff said.

    4. Stargate
    Good story, acting, characters, and really had something going for it. It could've been more, but they were wise to not go overboard with the idea. Great movie.

    3. The Fifth Element
    Who doesn't love this movie? Funny, touching, badass, and awesome effects.

    2. Star Wars
    Star wars has been apart of my history for quite awhile. It's not AMAZING, but I loved 4, 5, and 6. Then I liked 1, hated 2, and enjoyed 3. Overall it was great with awesome effects, battles, and storyline development.

    1. The Matrix Trilogy
    Oh **** yeah, you knew I'd pick this. The story is just so interesting, the action is amazing, and it really just revolutionized the whole thing making you think about the idea of post-apocalyptic war. Third was boring, yes, but the first two really either made you think or stare in amazement.

    I'll post more categories later. For now, this will get REALLY long if I try to shove it in one post.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 02-15-2008 at 09:41 AM.

  9. #39
    10 - jesus christ superstar - alot of peaple hate this movie and i dont understand why. i dont in anyway find it offensive, and i would love to play judas. i love his solos

    9 - the rock - a great movie with great action, comeby, suspense and everything you could want in an action movie *cough* marines! *cough*.

    8 - aliens - yet another good movie with marines kicking a**! i liked the fact that it was a whole swarm of aliens rather than one on a ship full of civillians.

    7 - sixteen cadles - enough said lol.

    6 - the breakfast club - great movie that shows diversity can be accepted among stereotypes.

    5 - step up 2 - now before i get bashed, i liked this movie alot because it finally broke the racial boundries among movies imo. the entire crew of "good guys" were either not black or rich prodigies that werent "thug at all".

    4 - goodfellas - great movie about a great cultrue, go ities!

    3 - flags of our fathers - the ultimate marine movie!

    2 - the rocky horror picture show - everyone loves this movie, i played eddie in a local production once, though they only picked me because i played sax well.

    1 - across the universe - one of the greatest movie i have ever seen. great music, great characters, and everything else.
    by the way, the broadway production should be casting around the time i am old enough to play max, so wish me luck im going to new york.

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  10. #40
    Your top 10 (Descriptive version) V_Translanka's Avatar
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    Transylvanian Dimension
    Hmmm...kind of a tall order, but I'll see what I can do...I don't know if I have the order exactly down and it probably constantly changes depending on what I've watched or whatever, but, here we go...!

    10 - Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn - Just a plain great movie. Before Shaun of the Dead, this was the original, classic, cult horror comedy. Maybe not as many awesome one-liners as Ash has in Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness, but some of Sam Raimi's best work. The laughing scene put me in stitches.

    9 - Requiem for a Dream - A great movie that'll make you want to have absolutely NOTHING to do with drugs of pretty much ANY kind after seeing it (and not want to be black in the south...>_>)...Absolutely unforgettable must see movie...ASS TO ASS!!

    8 - Akira - Yeah, it's the only anime on my Top 10 list...yeah, it was the first real anime movie I saw...yeah, I've read some of the awesome manga since then...So it's not only my favorite anime and one of my favorite movies...but one of my favorite adaptations! A really touching story about friendship over a futuristic backdrop involving psychic powers, lasers, and reincarnation. KENADAAAAAAAA! TETSUOOOOOOOOO! Very touching ending too (basically the reason why Akira beats out Princess Mononoke to me as top anime spot).

    7 - Donnie Darko - Quite possibly the best super hero movie ever made. And it barely focuses on the fact! I also love the fact that you just won't see everything the first time you watch it. I love all the quasi-montage scenes where the music takes over as characters are introduced or something is revealed. Awesome soundtrack (NOT THE DIRECTOR'S CUT though, which, for some reason uses lamer songs from what I heard).

    6 - Shaun of the Dead - Why someone didn't previously so successfully combine zombies & comedy we may never know. But at least we got this movie when we did. It simultaneously pokes fun & pays tribute to the genre and does so with flying colors.

    5 - The Host (Gwoemul) - Good lord this Korean movie is pretty ufckin awesome. Screw Cloverfield & King Kong, baby! The monster in this movie shows up in the first 10 minutes! It's a great combination of comedy, dramatic horror & even a touch of satire. I don't want to overplay the comedy elements, which ARE great, but it's like the Korean equivalent of a Shaun of the Dead for monster movies. It's nuts because there's a lot of sewer scenes and they actually went into REAL sewers to film them...there's an extra on the DVD that goes into it. It's really kind of disturbing & gross. Since they don't do union stuff over there, it seems like it was some real guerrilla film-making. They're lucky no one really got sick (or worse). As soon as they showed Kang-ho Song, who plays the oldest son, sleeping at the helm of their little shop I instantly knew two things: 1) he's gonna be the hero, definitely and 2) I'm gonna absolutely love this movie. And I did! You should too!

    4 - Secretary - This movie really made me fall in love with Maggie Gyllenhaal. It's kind of a romance movie...but with a twist that can keep anyone's attention because it's basically a S&M love story. It's just awesome and I couldn't recommend it to anyone, any sex, any age, more. It's a different, and better take on the genre & the "culture".

    3 - Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas - This is one of the best book adaptations I've ever seen. Up until the end, it's practically word for word in sync with the book by Hunter S. Thompson (R.I.P.). An awesome movie about a quest for the American Dream addled with hilarious and copious amounts of drug use and wanton acts of destruction. You've never seen Johnny Depp or Benicio Del Toro as they are in this movie and their performances are, as always, top notch.

    2 - Mulholland Dr. - Awesome freak fest you will not understand your first watch through (or maybe even your second...or your seventh!)...Plus, lesbian fun and a horrible crying & masturbating scene by Naomi Watts! Disturbingly weird...Oh David Lynch, you're an absolute CARD! Some people may choose Blue Velvet, but I think they do so just because it has a more easy to follow storyline, but I like the absolutely raw emotion of this one...even if the first half is difficult to get through, it's like that FOR A REASON! Which is amazing to me and very cool.

    1 - Dogville - This movie probably isn't for everyone. The play like aspects may lose interest for some. To me, it was just amazing and made me finally really appreciate Nicole Kidman for the first time. It's kind of a story about people's true colors and intentions...and the ending is just...great and deserving and awesome. Another movie that just kind of eats at you so much that you won't be sure you can take watching it any more...but it's worth it, I swear!

  11. #41
    Stage Dives, High Fives. Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Confession's Avatar
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    Jam and Cream. Butterscotch Fairies.
    1) Pulp Fiction & All Bond Films - Absolutley amazing, I can watch it over and over again and not get bored, the characters are so unique and amazing. And Bond films are just amazing, I just wish they had made them more to the books.

    2) Natural Born Killers - This has to be one of best directed movie I have seen. I love Woody H. In this movie, it is overall a fantastic film.

    3) Snatch - THis movie is hilarious, Brad Pitt is bloody amazing in this film, it is a crack up of a film, and a extordinary storyline.
    It's tip top I just don't like the color is all.
    4) Fight Club - One of the best storylines I have seen, Again Brad Pitt plays his character so well, and Edward Norton is a great very under appreciated actor.

    5) Casino - A wonderful gangster movie, It potrays the gangster life style, but in a different manner, shows another just as ruthless side to the mafioso

    6) Scarface (not the original) - What do I have to say? It is a classic film, and Al Pacino plays him so well.

    7) Trainspotting - A very different film, shows what drugs do, a very well done film that can teach aswell as amuse.

    8) Star Wars (all of them)- George Lucas is a godsent, This is actually probably equal first, but I didn't want a series so high up there.

    9) Smokin' Aces I love the story line, I bunch of hitman trying to get one guy, it was very well directed, and again brings a new look at crime.

    10) Catch Me If You Can - I loved this movie, I think that they told his life so well, it was extremely well made and both Lenardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks play their characters so well.

    Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.

  12. #42
    10. National Lampoons Dorm Daze
    This is a FF forum, so most here is familiar with FFIX. In one of the parts of the game, there are some love letters that get misunderstood by wrong persons and so on(Dont remember what that's called). I love those things, and this film gets so funny when everyone misunderstands what everyone else says and does.

    9. Se7en
    I don't really remember this movie well, but I remember Morgan Freeman's awesome performance.

    8. Blues Brothers
    Cult Classic with awesome music, and the coolest car chase "EVAH"

    7. Halloween
    Most probably the best horror movie made.

    6. I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry
    Noone actually think this movie is any good, but I just loved it, and the most funny character history is in this movie, The Bum.

    5. Back To The Future
    Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd and Thomas F. Wilson are hillarious in this movie, which is just.. EPIC! Only bad thing I can come up with is the scene outside the mall, when the car disappears, and it looks like Marty and Doc levitates 10 feet over the ground.

    4. Transformers
    Most people hate this movie (for a unknown reason), but the CGI is awesome, fight scenes are awesome, actually have some funny lines, and overall is really good.

    3. The Lion King
    One of the most epic soundtracks through history. Also, the characters are just.. AWESOME! This is probably my most fond Childhood Memory when it comes to cinema.

    2. The Green Mile
    Really nice movie, with one of my fav. actors in the lead, Michael Clarke Duncan.

    1. V For Vendetta
    I loved the plot, dialogue, effects, music, and the acting. Especially Hugo Weavings, one of my favourite actors.

  13. #43
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Your top 10 (Descriptive version) ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Ipswich, UK
    10. The Matrix:
    Probably one of those films you have to watch over and over again to really appreciate how awesome the plot really is.

    9. Scarface:
    This film is a true epic that contains some of my favourite movie quotes of all time. "Say hello to my little friend!" is truly immortal.

    8. The Simpsons Movie:
    The Simpsons is my favourite cartoon of all time, and I find this film hilarious. My favourite comedy film by far. It is a little more farfetched than the series, but, what did you expect?

    7. Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi:
    A lot of people I talk to say that this is one of the weaker entries of the series, but for me, this was the first film that I became completly obsessed with, and the battle at the end made this the best in the series for me.

    6. Nightmare Before Christmas:
    I love the animation in the film. The fact that it is stop motion makes this film even better. Also, the musical aspect is something I don't always go for in films, but this one does it for me.

    5. The Crow:
    The plot is very dark and the whole film is very gothic. Brandon Lee is one of my favourite actors, and the fact that he died while filming, created more of an atmosphere, which is hard to match in any other film.

    4. American Psycho:
    This was a strange one for me. I think this film is amazing, but I still don't fully get the ending. Christian Bale is my favourite actor, and this, for me, was his highest point. He played the part of Bateman really well, and I don't think there are any other actors who could play the part.

    3. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children:
    Come on, its FF! I love this film because of the how well it leads on from the game. And don't get me started on the effects!

    2. Saw:
    Very few films have made me think "Wow!" at the end of it. Saw is one of them. I loved the plot of the film, and the huge twist at the end made it for me. The twist is can only be appreciated if you saw the first one without knowing anything about the others.

    1. Donnie Darko:
    I Absolutly loved this film. The plot was really good, and Jake Gyllanhaal really is a good actor. I loved the whole structure of the film aswell.
    Last edited by ZantetsukeN; 12-01-2008 at 05:33 PM.

  14. #44
    Warrior Ninja Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Under your futon.x
    10. Mulan:
    Mulan was an awesome Disney film especially since it happened in Ancient China....It's about a girl who didn't know where she belonged and joined the imperial army in her fathers place without him knowing....I thought it had a great story line and it had some suspense when Shan-Yu (The one that leads the Hun Army) comes back after being trampled with snow from an avalanche and is going to attack the Imperial City O.O...

    9. Finding Nemo:
    I mean come on Dory made me laugh so much during the whole movie XD...And I felt bad for poor Nemo when he got tooking away from his dad from the fisher men =[....But I thought it was overall a very cute movie...And who can forget those sharks "Fish are friends not food" XD

    8. Wall-e:
    I thought Wall-e was the cutest little robot in the world!!...It was those big eyes of his that got me >.>...I like how he falls in love with with Eve and in the end they help the human race,who where a little plump, be able to live on earth again...=]

    7. Harry Potter:
    This goes for the whole series, the books were far better though in my opinion but the movies weren't all that bad...They all still carried the basic story line and I thought they were amusing to watch <.<... I love all the magic that it contains and how Harry's story is so interesting...

    6. Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow:
    I always loved Naruto it's just overall a great anime...I like how in this movie Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke all have winter jackets on since it's probably cold and how Kakashi only had a scarf on!! XD...Kakashi just makes me laugh with his crazy book and everything... I just thought this to be a fun movie to watch and the whole rainbow chakra thing at the end with Narutos Rasengan...

    5. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children:
    This was hilarious to watch..I'm not crying XD...And it was a pretty epic movie and I liked the graphics in it... It was genrally a good one :]

    4. Aladdin:
    Alddin was the greatest back when I was younger and I still like that movie..Especially Abu he was adorable and he would steal absolutely anything like gems...And don't get me started on Carpet XD...Genie was also pretty awesome it was sad when Aladdin wished that he would be free =[...Atleast he still stuck around

    3. Kung Fu Panda:
    Now I don't know how many times I laughed at this movie it was so cheesy I loved it xD... It caught my attention because I knew it was about China, but I never expected it to be so funny...Po was just an awesome panda and his crazy dad who was a bird talking about how when he was younger he got the dream about noodles XD

    2. Pirates of the Carribean:
    Okay this was one of the greatest movie series I mean Jack Sparrow was the bomb...It had a really great story line and it was interesting how the gold medallions could turn pirates into creatures that were neither alive or dead...All three movies though were great and I like watching them all =]

    1. Princess Mononoke:
    This movie was just random...When you were in a very suspenful situation in the background there would always be a random guy walking aroung with a diaper thing on XD... I couldn't help but laugh the whole time I just thought in general the movie was a work of art <3

  15. #45
    Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Red XIV's Avatar
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    Here are my top five (call it the non-conformist in me) films in no particular order.

    American Beauty - Sam Mendes' best film, American Beauty is, without a doubt, the greatest depiction of suburbia ever. I've always thought that the perfect American family, the kind you see in 1950's shows like Leave it to Beaver or The Donna Reed Show, is a fantasy. Every family has its problems. You can pretend that they don't exist, but that won't make them go away. Mr. Mendes' film lifts the hood on the American family and brings those problems to the surface. This movie deserved every Academy Award it won. I wish Alan Ball would write another movie, but he's too busy writing True Blood. Damn you, HBO, and your premiums!

    There Will Be Blood - Paul Thomas Anderson + Daniel Day Lewis = 'nuff said. This film also has my favorite ending of all time. Want a milkshake?

    Boogie Nights - More PTA? You betcha! When I was a kid, walking down the aisles at the local Hollywood Video, I was enamored by the cover art on the jewel case. It wasn't until years later that I'd get a chance to sit down and watch it, and... wow. After my first viewing, it had already cemented PTA as my favorite director, and it was the only PTA film I had seen at the time. A darkly humorous, deeply moving film, all wrapped in a funkalicious '70s wrapper.

    The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - A cliché choice these days, but with good reason, the LotR trilogy is the epitome of epic... ness. I chose Fellowship because I feel it is the most complete movie-going experience, but the entire trilogy is fantastic.

    Jaws - If I had to pick a favorite, this would be it. It saddens me to see young kids these days who have never even heard of Jaws, which is easily the most suspenseful film of all time. I saw Jaws when I was three, and I became obsessed with sharks. It took me about ten years, but I was able to figure out that, it wasn't sharks that I had taken a liking to, but movies. Jaws is the movie that made me love movies.

    I'll dish out a few honorable mentions...

    -Jean-Pierre Jeunet's entire filmography

    -Magnolia, PTA's take on Altman's superior Short Cuts

    -Taxi Driver and Goodfellas, two great films from a great filmmaker

    -Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, Jackie Brown, but NOT Death Proof

    -Double Indemnity, the greatest film noir of all time (and, there are a lot of 'em)

    -Anything with Kate Winslet in it

    There are countless others, but I just can't think of them all right now.
    Last edited by Red XIV; 06-13-2009 at 06:51 PM.
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  16. #46
    Asking all the personal questions. Your top 10 (Descriptive version) RamesesII's Avatar
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    I am a god, where ever the hell I please.
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    In no particular order:

    Gone in 60 seconds (the Mr Cage version)- Cars, sex, speed, fighting,sex in cars, watching sex in building from car, Angelina Jolie, Vinnie jones what more needs to be said haha. No seriously i haven't seen the original but i can say i liked this one it was fast paced mmm the hot cars and the hot Angelina Jolie so yeah it makes one of my favs.

    Transformers- I liked it as a kid i have the whole original cartoon series and watched most of beastwars and loving the current cartoon version so yeah of course i am going to like the movie. The SFX are just brilliant the fight scenes are well planned and once again very face pace, and that is the hotsttgod damn truck i have ever seen haha.

    Shooter- I love the story line anything to do with Snipers etc interests me and i like Mark Whalberg, i really like it how Bob is always one step ahead of the government as soon as he realised he was being framed all hell broke loose and then in the end he didn't have to do that because he could prove he was innocent from the start haha he just wanted to flush out the truth.

    The Ring- It was an absolutely excelent story it had all the twist and turns at the right time it was well blended making the movie real smooth going, enjoyable to watch not relly scary but worth the watch.

    The Grudge- Bugger those asians and their scary movies haha this movie really freaked the hell out of me but nonetheless it was well created and had a brilliant story line i just love the way they interpret their sayings etc and the view they have on spirits and ghosts.

    Shutter- Saying that about The Grudge reminded me of another one, this one is much the same as Grudge and Ring same story someone dies and the spirit is left behind to haunt someone but not in the way you think. Worth the watch and it is one of those movies where at the end you just say "Oh now i get it"

    The Mummy 1,2,3- I love Egyptian history and the like so i really liked these movies and i am using them as one not individually because they are all pretty much the same, but like i said Egypt i likey likey haha and Brendan Frasier brings some good humour to the series which it wouldn't be the same without and of course mmm Rachel Weiz.

    The Notebook- I would have to say 90% of men who watch this movie cry and i was one of those 90% haha it was so sad it was a brilliant story great actors and was funny as well one of the very best love stories.

    P.S i love you- This would have be one of my fav girly movies once again it was a tragic sad story but it was so romantic and a great idea with the notes etc ( if you have watched you know what i was talking about) and it was quite funny as well.

    Fearless- How can i do my top ten without one of my fav martial arts movies Feraless was an epic movie absolutely unreal quite different to some of Jet Li's latest ones, i like the fighting of course but i also like how it is not only about the fighting but he is out their to prove that eastern civilisation is not to be mocked and takin lightly.

    I do have plenty more but it only asks for ten so i will stop there.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

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    Nuff said^

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    My little arcade freak brother nra4.
    My brother Captain of the Dragoon warriors, Mallick.
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  17. #47
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Xanatos's Avatar
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    No particular order.

    The Prestige - Surely the best movie I have seen so far. It has impressive acting cast with the most intriguing and complex story that I have ever seen in movie industry.

    American Gangster - I just love this movie, it's ten times better than any godfather movie, well that's just my opinion. I like it because it's based on true story and on top of that Denzel Washington plays the main gangster.

    Shawshank Redemption - Another movie based on the true events. Excellent movie, Morgan Freeman + great story = you don't need anything more.

    The Last Samurai - I don't like Tom Cruise at all but I must admit he's a good actor. This is probably his best movie (Who would imagine that little midget like Tom Cruise would be the Last Samurai). This movie has great story, good actors, lot of action and it somehow reminds me of "300" but with samurais.

    Don't be a Menace - Best comedy ever made, the mother of all comedy movies. I have watched this movie thousand times and it's still hilarious.

    Gangs of New York - Who would imagine that New York was like this before. 70% of this movie is pure action, and the rest of the movie is not bad either. The best Leonardo DiCaprio movie I have seen so far.

    Bourne (all movies) - Finaly some great spy movies, not like that Bond shit. Every Bourne movie has an excellent and well connected story. Matt Damon as Bourne was an excellent choice I don't think that anyone could do better.

    Underworld (all movies) - Maybe the only vampire movies that I like (Well not completely vampire there are also Lycans). Every movie has a great story with hot Kate Beckinsale as a main actor (She doesn't appear in third Underworld but nothing good lasts forever). Anyway a hot chick killing Lycans and later also vampires, that's great movie, well in my opinion.

    Saving Private Ryan - I don't like war movies that much but this movie is really something else. Steven Spielberg has really made a masterpiece with this movie. Amazing actors, great story and lot of action make this one awesome movie.

    Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls - Much better than the first one and the only one who is responsible that this is one great comedy is Jim Carrey. I love this guy, he is way to hilarious.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 07-25-2009 at 04:05 PM.

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  18. #48
    Registered User Your top 10 (Descriptive version)
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    Okay, I also made a list of my top ten, but they are in no particular order. I love all these movies.

    Pirate of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

    I liked this movie, but not the other two. It made pirates pretty damn cool, in my opinion, and it had awesome special effects. Story-wise, it was fair. I mean, it was good but not the greatest.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the first movie)

    I grew up with the Ninja Turtles, so when a live action movie came out, you bet I was there to watch it. It still remains a favorite of mine to this day, even though it hasn't aged all that gracefully, and had terrible sequels. Also, the ending was rather anti-climatic, but when you are an obsessed TMNT fan like I was back in the good old days, you are there for the journey, not the destination, and the journey with the turtles was AMAZING!

    Spirited Away

    I love Hayao Miyazaki! My first film of his was actually Kiki's Delivery Service, but Spirited Away was a far greater movie. The animation, the story, the characters, and the setting all just seemed so fantastic to me. It has a certain "magical quality" that you juat can't find in many American animated films.


    Don Bluth in his hey-day was a very talented storyteller and animator. He still is an excellent animator, but his last few movies certainly aren't his best work. His best work in my opinion will always be "The Secret of NIMH", but my favorite is "Anastasia". Okay, so it chock-full of historical inaccuracies, but if you can get past all that, then you would find an enjoyable movie.

    Wizard of Oz

    Quite possibly the greatest fantasy story ever told. I love everything about this movie, and it has really kept up with the times. It doesn't need fancy CGI or high-end special effects. Nope, it's just a great movie from 1939 that relies on 1939 era movie magic.

    Beauty and the Beast

    The only animated movie to earn an Academy Award nomination for best picture. It didn't win, but it was a damn good contender.

    The Land Before Time

    I only liked the first movie, the others weren't as powerful as this one. Again, it's a Don Bluth film, and one of his best works.

    Princess Mononoke

    Hayao Miyazaki should have gotten more praise from this film, but Disney did a crap job of promoting it, so only a select few actually saw it when it was first released in the US. Which is a shame, because it's a great movie. All of Miyazaki's movies are excellent, and Disney should learn to promote overseas talent.

    Back to the Future Trilogy

    My favorite trilogy! It's a great set of movies, although I do think the first is the best of the bunch. What's not to love about a snarky teenage boy, and a kooky professor who build a time machine out of an old DeLorean?


    The newer versions of Batman are great (Batman Begins, and the Dark Knight) but I prefer the old school Tim Burton versions. Jack Nicholson makes a great Joker, and the setting of Gotham City is done spectacularly.

    Well, those are my top ten movies. Remember, I put them in no particular order. I love all these movies pretty much equally.
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  19. #49
    All is One.One is All. Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Firefly's Avatar
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    The Woods
    1.Titanic-I absolutely love this movie!One of the most romantic,saddest,and drama filled movie I have ever watched.I still cry when Rose lets go of Jack at the very end.
    2.Indiana Jones~Temple of Doom-My fav movie of all the Indiana Jones movies.
    3.Elf-A really funny movie,one of my fav Christmas movies.
    4.The Notebook-Again,a really romantic movie,kinda sad,but a preety good movie overall.
    5.Inuyasha~Through the Looking Glass(sry,can't remeber the title)-Best movie of all the Inuyasha movies.I like it because after almost 180 episodes they finally kiss.
    6.Transformers-Love this movie,action filled and kinda unique.
    7.The Spongebob Squarepants Movie-I know,I know,a baby movie,but this movie is preety awesome!
    8.Forrest Gump-This movie rocks!Kinda full of history and has some romance in it.
    9.Star Wars Return of the Jedi-The best movie of the 5,I love the little teddy bear things.
    10.Twilight-A good movie,(even though some of the actors suck~*cough* Kristen Stewart*cough*~But books are better than the movie.
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  20. #50
    Registered User Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Locke4God's Avatar
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    Ahhhhhh - I love films. I will say that it's an interesting debate because some people will list movies they like, while others will list movies with genuine artistic value. Which is more accurate is up for speculation.

    1. The Godfather Parts I & II
    2. The Last Emperor
    3. Gladiator
    4. The Passion of the Christ
    5. Terminator II
    6. Blazing Saddles
    7. Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade
    8. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
    9. Pulp Fiction
    10. Saving Private Ryan

    1. The Godfather part I & II (I don't think I need to explain this pick or it's sequel. They are simply the best movies ever made. Action, love, power, corruption, family, historical context, true to life scenerios or a world most of us will never touch. They are supremely acted and directed, and all you need to do is watch the director comentary by Copella to learn how much thought and detail went into these films. They are without a doubt the most brilliant pieces of filmaking ever.)
    2. The Last Emperor (If you have not seen this movie, make plans to. It's long, so take a few days if necessary, but you will never watch a more beautiful tale of one mans life. You literally see his entire life pass by. The settings are astounding, his trials are both epic and futile, you view him as powerful and pitiful. It's just amazing. Watch it immediately.)
    3. Gladiator (I've never seen bad ass meet Shakespere like this film does. Maximus is a god and a legend)
    4. The Passion of the Christ (I am not a religious man by any stretch, but this movie was brilliant. It's brutal portayal of the crucifiction was jarring in it's realism, and made you realize not just what this man went through, whether you think he's significant or not, but allowed you a window into what our ancient cultures were like, and what people are capable of doing for their beliefs. The use of language was astounding and it was just a beautiful film with a single purpose that it never strayed from or embelished.)
    5. Terminator II (It's an epic film. I almost put Alien here, but T2 was huge, I watched it over 30 times, and it's a sci-fi classic. Perhaps the best of them, but this gets my personal stamp of approval)
    6. Blazing Saddles (You will never see a comedy like this. It's completely irreverant, vulgar, inappropriate, and a social testimant to how dumb mankind can be at all levels. Turn your PC sensors off and look at the bigger picture when you watch this, and enjoy the ending too. I'll just say that the movie intentially screws up the ending so bad you'll almost want to turn it off, but keep in mind that that's exactly what makes it funny. Enjoy)
    7. Raiders of the Lost Arc & The Last Crusade (Fun, adventure, and everything else. The Last Crusade is bar none the best adventure film there ever was, ever so slightly better than it's original, with the mix of meeting Indy's father, the epic nature of the quest, and finality and resolution it brings to the series was monumental and could not have been done in any more successful manner. This is a brilliant and fun film, but you can't possibly not include Raiders along side of it.)
    8. The (original) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Absolutely the best horror film ever made, and horror is actually a very fun genre when not cheeseballed up. If haven't seen this, do yourself a favor. Get a little intoxicated and watch it in the dark alone. It's so intense, realistically portayed, and touches that sense of pure fear within you.)
    9. Pulp Fiction (This movie was a character study like no other. That's all it was, was pure character study, but in a weird mix of outlandish humor, insensitivity, bizzarness, enlightenment, brutality, reality, and every day life. It's the best of it's kind, hands down, and everybody should appreciate it.)
    10. Saving Private Ryan (It's a work of art. The best portrayal of what war was. It wasn't always large battles, but subtle missions to do what was right. The constant fear of death. The constant trappings of duty and honor. And this was so real you could feel it. My grandfathers couldn't watch it. You must see this and know what WWII meant to our planet and mankind.)

    Honorable Mentions: Alien/Aliens/Alien 3, Psycho, Shawshank Redemption, The Great Escape, The Ten Commandments, Planet of the Apes, LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring & The Two Towers, The Empire Strikes Back, Jaws, The Silence of the Lambs, Rocky I & II, Rambo (the first one only, it's different than you think), Casino Royale, Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, Star Trek: Generations, Dark City, American History X, Young Guns II, V for Vendetta, Saw I, Monty Python: The Meaning of Life, The Hangover, Unbreakable, and we'll leave it at that
    Last edited by Locke4God; 10-29-2009 at 10:50 AM.

  21. #51
    Sir Prize Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Sinister's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
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    Please Don't Watch "Let Me In", this October!!!!!!!!!!

    1: Låt den rätte komma in

    I didn't know where to place this one until I realized that the whole reason that I'm making a new list is because of this film. I don't care about Matt Reeves and his bullshit "Let Me In" film. He should've never DARED to remake this movie. It's not that old and just because it's in another language, is that really a reason? To all you people who fawn over the mawkish cornball of a movie/book series, Twilight... You do not impress and you have no idea.

    I'm not even going to attempt a review or a summary as I'll most likely bollix it. If you haven't seen this movie yet, do not accept summaries or IMDb reviews. Don't Wiki for the plot or ask a friend. Get your pantywaist ass and log onto your netflix account and put it on your damn queue. If you have to...see the bottom of this post for a Trailer.

    2: Henry V

    I haven't changed so much that I thought it necessary to leave out this masterpiece. I still have a nice cross-section of brain cells devoted to every line in this version of Shakespeare's best. And thought I moved it down to 2 does not mean I see any less in it than the day I first watched it.

    3: Casablanca

    Once again this movie must make my list. Leaving it out is not an option. For a hardcore devotee of film noir and post war drama I'm putting this movie third; a position that is not likely to degrade over time. Each time I watch this movie it makes me want a bottle to drink from. Maybe that's not a good thing?

    4: Gosford Park

    Robert Altman was a man destined for greatness ever since he made M*A*S*H. Little did he know then that, before he died, he would create an ingenious homage to film noir and a thematic movie about upper British life during the turn of the century. Literally, the death knell of an entire era of tradition, industrial revolution, war economy and dishonest living. Watch, rapt with attention as you see all the evil little critters turn pale and scatter from their mansions like king cockroaches. This very same thing will happen to America soon, I can only hope they celebrate it with half as cool a movie as Gosford Park.

    5: Throne of Blood

    It's long been held that Akira Kurosawa never had a breakaway film. That is to say none of his films broke away from the tradition...of being amazing. Throne of Blood was actually an adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Pity Shakespeare because, I like it better. Macbeth was nowhere near the epic thematic chilling tale of madness and powerlust that Throne of Blood is. And what Kurosawa film is complete without Toshiro Mifune?

    6: The Name of the Rose

    This movie may have crawled up a few spaces on my list...but having read the book over and over again, I see how this movie(even though it has Sean Connery) is puny in comparison. The book holds dominance in my library, this film is not as powerful. But let me assure you that although not every theme that Umberto Eco wove into the book is present here, this movie is not empty. Each hour is a labyrinthine mesh of confusing red herrings that will have you so utterly confused at conclusion you'll never figure out the ultimate mystery the movie presents. Which is simply: "Why was this movie called 'The Name of the Rose'?" Maybe you're just not smart enough.

    7: Session 9

    One could figure this listing out from my profile(seen visible on the left). The fact that I think this movie was one of the more disturbing films I've seen weighed heavily on my placing it on this list. Something in the cinematography and the low-fi grainy feel made it seem dangerous. The characters were people you knew, the events were nothing special...just a job. The setting was a little outrageous but the fact remains it was real. What really happened in the making of this movie was a miracle.

    8: Night of the Living Dead

    I realize this is replacing Day of the Dead. I'm okay with this. Why is it that Day of the Dead feels more contrived and fake than Night of the Living Dead? Why is this movie more real? Why is it more wounding? How amazing is it that Romero could take themes like Racism or Mall-Culture or the Military/Industrial complex or Elitism vs the Homeless and work them into something so seemingly mindless as a zombie flick? This movie is all about racism and deals with it without mentioning it, without pointing out the obvious and for it's time it was a loud voice contributing to a serious issue.

    9: La Jetee

    Have you ever had to make a choice? Was it important? There is no dialogue in this French-narrated black and white film. It's kind of sweet-tasting that they make a movie about the future in black-and-white in such a dark way. It's not a happy future, I suppose. For those wondering, this movie was stolen to make Twelve Monkeys with Bruce Willis. It's only 28 minutes.

    10: Stranger Than Fiction

    This movie is in complete contrast with the rest of my list. It's a very heartwarming comedy that delivers an almost fairy-tale arrangement of impossible meets the unexplained. It has the single best ending of any movie on my list with the exception of #1. I admit it, it's a feel-good movie and a stereo-typical chick-flick(if I can be forgiven for saying so). It is the cinematic equivalent of eating chocolate cake with a glass of milk.

    Runner-ups and honorable mentions:

    Plan 9 from Outer Space
    The Big Lebowski
    House on Haunted Hill
    Star Wars(IV-VI)
    Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse
    Any single James Bond movie
    Any single movie done by MST3k

    Did I mention Låt den rätte komma in? It's Swedish for..."Let the right one in." Please watch it instead of that Hollywood filth coming out this fall.

    Last edited by Sinister; 02-17-2010 at 08:17 AM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  22. #52
    .............. Your top 10 (Descriptive version) smurphy's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Your top 10 (Descriptive version)

    Battle RoyaleEasily my favourite movie. I dont know what i love so much about it but it could be the concept of a government trying to control youth or the great characters such as Kitano and especially Kiriyama.

    Public EnemyA korean movies from a few years back this is one of the funniest black comedies ive seen. Nothing is subtle in this film. The story of a crooked cop hunting down a crooked businessman has never been done like this.

    Hard Boiled The last movie John Woo made before going to Hollywood is probably his best. For an action movie it has got a pretty convuluted plot and has an excellent performance from Chow Yun Fat. Slow motion, Baby.

    AkiraTruly a feast for the eyes. There is no better looking movie and the atmosphere of Neo Toyko is just so darkly conveyed. Anyone who hasnt seen it needs to see it before the remake ruins everything.

    FF VII Advent ChildrenBeing a FF VII means that this has to be on my list. This film looks infinitely better than real life and out of all the films ive ever seen it probably has the best chereographed fight scenes in any film. A worthy addition to any list.

    OldboyProbably one of the darkest movies i have ever seen. This film is just simply perfectly paced with you finding out just enough to keep you hooked.And despite the ending being a bit of a damp squib the twist in the story is just astounding.

    Die Hard Similarly to Oldboy this is an action movie which is perfectly paced. Alan Rickman is perfect in his role and this film has a perfect balance of action, romance and humour. It also has some very memorable set pieces. Ditto Die Hard with a Vengeance.

    Monty Pythons life if Brian The funniest film i have seen bar none. This film doesnt lack for memorable characters( Biggus Dickus anyone) or memorable lines("he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy") Proof that when done correctly surreal humour is infinitely better than sophisticated humour. The holy grail just missed out on my top 10.

    RanIn my opinion Akira Kurosawa is the greatest director who ever walked the earth. Any number of his films such as Rashomon, The Seven Samurai, The Hidden Fortress, Kagemusha or Dreams could have made my list. Akiras interpretation of King Lear is in my opinion his masterpiece. The film is distinctly his with its amazing palette of colours and his ability to put stark images in your head as well as feel the loss when a character dies. A film everyone should see.

    Ichi the killerLIke with Kurosawa i could have put any number of Takashi Miike movies in here. I chose Ichi as it has one thing his other movies dont. Probably the greatest screen performance i have seen from Tadanobu Asano as a masochist who is hunting down the sadist who killed his Yakuza boss. Honourable mentions to One missed call, Crows zero 1 and 2 as well as Happiness of the Katakuris from Miike.
    Last edited by smurphy; 02-17-2010 at 01:47 PM.
    "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
    Winston S.Churchill

  23. #53
    Oh, My Giddy Aunt! Your top 10 (Descriptive version) The Doctor's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Lakertya, at the moment

    Re: Your top 10 (Descriptive version)

    I'm fond of science fiction and crazy stuff. I don't like American cinema too well, it's too fake for me. These are in no particular order(I can't be bothered to number them)

    • Chungking Express

      Someone mentioned this movie, I think? I saw it and had to put it up. I like the soundtrack, which is to say I like this one song they play over and over again. It's a lot like Tarantino, even though it isn't. But it has the random, chopped up timeline and the criminal intrigue along with a real story about second and last chances.

    • Dune

      I do like David Lynch and practically everything he does. Twin Peaks is choice. Dune was David Lynch doing Sci-fi, how could it be anything short of brilliant? The acting is over-the-top and cheesy just like sci-fi should be.

    • Forbidden Planet

      This is the movie that would be at the top of my list(had I numbered them). It's American cinema at it's finest, which is to say it's about 50 years old. It's well-written and full of that Flash Gordon greatness.

    • Dr. Strangelove

      Peter Sellers will never be anything but genius and this movie was his masterpiece. And for a comedy, people simply don't take it serious enough. The laughs are real, but this movie isn't really meant for laughing at.

    • Murder on the Orient Express

      Murder Mystery is something my auntie got me into. This is that kind of old-style dapper British Agatha Christie sleuth whodunnit. It's just hilarious how happy the music is in this movie.

    • Clockwork Orange

      Sci-Fi, genius, well-acted, well-written and a cinematic classic. It's actually a little darker than I like movies. But it's still a classic.

    • Bedazzled

      It had to be on here. Peter Cook.

    • A Scanner Darkly

      A nice piece of work, despite Mr. Reeves. Phillip K. **** will always be a favorite. You may well wonder why I have this one up instead of Blade Runner. Well, this is a placeholder for pretty much every Phillip K. **** movie ever made.

      EDIT: Good Lord!! You censored the poor man's name! Sacrilege! Poor Mr. ****! *I had such a laugh over this, you've no idea*

    • Flash Gordon

      I'm a pretty big Flash Gordon fan and the fact that Brian Blessed is in it makes it movie gold. It's so cheesy, so awful that it can't help but loop around and be brilliant.

    • The Count of Monte Cristo

      SWASHBUCKLING! It doesn't have Errol Flynn, but it's amazing and it does have Richard Harris in it, RIP.
    Last edited by The Doctor; 09-30-2011 at 08:26 AM.

  24. #54

    Re: Your top 10 (Descriptive version)

    1. The Amityville Horror (1979)

    -I love this movie. Alot of people don't like it, but I think it's good. Instead of relying on cheap thrills and CGI effects like horror movies today tend to do, this film slowly built up the creepiness and tension, and the atmosphere was great! Felt like a real haunted house. I like how it was (for the most part) a depiction of what a real haunted house is really like and not all fake. Only problem was the ending was kind of anticlimatic, but I'm not really sure how you could end it in a bigger way without keeping the realistic feeling to it.

    2. Scarface (The one people care about)

    -Good movie. Pacino did a superb job in his role. I don't think anyone else would've been better for the part. And I liked his character...ruthless, yet still had heart and a caring side. I liked the storyline and I liked all the action also. Hated seeing Tony kill Manny and hated seeing Tony die, but those moments are key parts to the movie and needed to happen.

    3. Dumb & Dumber

    -My favorite comedy movie of all-time. Loved the plot and the characters. Jim and Jeff played their dumb characters to perfection. So many funny lines and moments, it'd be easier to list moments that weren't funny. Gotta love how they go through all the trouble they went through for it to be all for nothing in the end. Supposedly a sequel is in the works, with Jim Carrey on board. Not sure if Jeff Daniels is yet, but I'd imagine he'd be happy to do it. Hope it happens.

    4. Bram Stoker's Dracula

    -It's one of those movies I can only watch once in a while, but that doesn't mean I like it any less. It's just that kind of movie. Loved the whole dark atmosphere. Especially in the early part of the film, when John Harker was unsuspectingly lured and trapped inside the castle. Creepiest part of the movie. Gary Oldman did an awesome job as Dracula and I liked Anthony Hopkins' portrayal of Van Helsing. Oh, and yes, I loved the short kiss between Mina and Lucy and the nudity showed a few times throughout the movie.

    5. Friday

    -This has always been a favorite of mine since I was still a pre-teen. The characters were all great, Smokey, Debo and Ezail especially. Many funny moments and some good moments that weren't funny, but more serious. All around great movie. Hated seeing Debo get beat up by Craig, though.

    6. Bad Santa

    -Effing hilarious! Everything in this movie was hilarious. From the kid and his funny weirdo personality, to the midget to Willy. So many funny lines. My favorite parts are when Willy and Thurman are playing checkers, the part where they're in the car and Thurman asks about the raindeer and being dropped on his head, and the part where Therman cuts his hand. The part where Willy beats up on the bullies bullying Therman was nice also in a warm-hearted kind of way.

    7. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

    -No doubt one of the greatest action movies of all-time. It's not often the sequel is better than the original, but in this case, the sequel blows the original out of the water. Had alot of action. The characters were all awesome. Sarah Conner...a woman doesn't get much more badass than that.

    8. Planes, Trains & Automobiles

    - When I said Dumb & Dumber was my favorite comedy ever, I had forgotten about this one. They both tie as #1 in my book. So many hilarious moments (the two central characters wake up spooning with each other, they burn the car to a crisp and still drive it, "The Mess Around" ). My favorite John Candy film and he was just great in this movie. Got a little sad towards the end and really made you feel sorry for Candy's character. And it almost always gets to me at the very end when it freezeframes on Candy smiling, knowing he's no longer here. Still one of my favorite lines in any movie: "You do more ball-handling in an hour than Larry Bird does in an entire night!" "You know what would make me happy?" "What, a couple more balls and an extra set of fingers?" Hilarious.

    I'm gonna stop at 8, if nobody minds. I gotta get ready for work. Those aren't in any particular order, by the way, since it's kind of hard to rank movies in order when they're different kinds/genres.
    Currently Playing: Final Fantasy

    Up Next: Final Fantasy II

  25. #55
    All evil will see the light Your top 10 (Descriptive version) Assassin's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    The shadow tower

    Re: Your top 10 (Descriptive version)

    1.A Walk to Remember: The best romantic movie I have ever seen, actually the best movie I have ever seen.
    2.Lord of the Rings: I would say I love all of the parts coz' all of them are awesome.
    3.Stardust: I can never get tired of this movie. The best movie I have ever seen.
    4.Dragonfly: The sweetest movie I have ever seen.
    5.Life as we Know it: The best romantic-comedy movie I've seen, so far. It's pretty awesome.
    6.War Horse: It is the sweetest movie I have ever seen. The story's really good.
    7.Zombieland: It's just so funny. I've watched this movie like a thousand of times and I can never get tired of it.
    8.Harry Potter: I love all of the parts and they are just awesome. I can never get tired of it.
    9.Black Hawk Down: The best action movie I've seen so far.
    10.Due Date: It's just so damn funny. It makes me laugh, every time I see it.

    Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

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