Alright, im taking an introduction to film class right now, and the very first day of lab our teacher asked each of us to list our top 10 favorite movies and why. I found this excercise actually quite difficult, as you could just list 10 movies you watch a lot, but this spans all movies you have seen, everything, and really trying to think about why each one holds significance and importance. What makes it so good you rank it in the top 10.
So take a shot, if you want to mention a series, like Star Wars, or LOTR, you can group them into one, or if you only like a specific one, feel free to list only that. You dont have to list them IN order, but try to have some sense of order.
To be honest, these lists are always subject to change, I know the list I made in class then is not the same as I make now, but there are so many good movies out there, its almost hard to put it into 10... so yeah, here are mine.
10. The Nightmare Before Christmas- I was looking for an excuse to put Pirates on there, trying to find a way to incorperate Johnny Depp, one of the best actors around, but I had to go with this. Tim Burton is an amazing man, with such amazing ideas, and it all breeds through in Nightmare. More people rant about it over I... but I feel its of worthy mention, The music is interesting and the puppetry is beatufiul. I think thats its best grace is the puppetry... a good holidy times film... watched on halloween, not christmas... hehe
9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail- Easily one of the Most quoted movies of all time. This is a great comedy, just plain wonderful. Its a classic in and of itself, and will endure the time as just one of the greatest movies.
8. The Testaments: Of One Fold and One Shepherd - This is a bit lesser known, as its a LDS produced religious movie, its going to be available on DVD soon, and I have seen it twice. It is such an amazingly powerful movie, its really hard to describe. On par with Passion of the Christ I would say. Just beautiful.
7. Spirited Away- Hayao Miyazaki really has produced a masterpiece. It took me a few viewings to really gain an appreciation for it, but I must say, its beautiful. The artwork is just amazing and wonderful, really shows how much change has happened with Japanese anime, but also in animation in general. Great story, great ideas, good stuff
6. The Mighty Ducks (I)- I have been on a 90's kick as of recent, and if there was one movie that stood out from my childhood. Its just one of those happy family films you return to again and again. This is something my kids will have to see, and it just has so many memories attached to it... great stuff.
5. The Bourne Identity- This one is tricky, as you could get good and bad from it. I had to include and action type americanized film, but I like the format of the movie. Its one of the "based off the book but not on the book" format. I appreciate both for their interesting ideas, but they are seperate and different. Great psychology, and you really follow Bourne, and seem to know about as much as he does through teh course of the films.
4. Star Wars (IV,V,VI) - You cant list a top 10 without this and the upcoming LOTR. Star Wars is simply amazing. The brilliance of it cannot even be fully comprehended. The story, the characters, the synergies, the ideas, the musical score. These movies are ones that will also endure the tests of time, and should not be forgotton. They take us to another galaxy and we are THERE... the Force is real for our time watching the film. The Special effects are also wonderful, and really do not show over the years.
3. The Matrix- You really must see it. This is the true product of greatness by the Wachowski brothers. It really is. The story takes us to the "What if's" of our imagination. What if we could fly, we could dodge bullets, we could be a martial artist. Not to mention the ideas it presents, the future, the world reality beyond our own. The idea of being trapped in the Matrix without even knowing it. The action is so anti-typical of your action films, the story is different, the actors had to do their own fighting, they trained, they learned... ok so Keanu Reaves cannot run, but this movie flies.
2. The Lord of the Rings- This really isnt hard. Its Lord of the Rings... Peter Jackson took us on a journey, took us to Tolkeins world and had us live it. We lived the wonder, the magic, the ups, teh downs. Howard Shores music is just stunning and spectacular. Pure greatness, bringing us to Middle Earth and back again, the series is a combined work of magic.
and now for my number one
1. Unbreakable- This may come as a suprise to some. M. Night Shyamalan made this after The Sixth Sense, and even furthered his ability to make a great movie that really just shocks you. Its intense, but not overwhelming, the story is just... really thought provoking, and just good. This movie is HIGHLY underrated in my opinion. The build up, the action, the intensity, its NOT what you expect, and I think thats why a lot of people dont like it. It really takes you on a believeable journey, it has you follow the ideas, the scene, and will keep you guessing at the same time. Its one that pulls you in and if you follow it start to end, the puzzle comes together in a perfect completeness... M Night Shyamalan is just brillaint, and it really shows in this work. My number one favorite movie of all time... a must see for all, Unbreakable
Ok, whats your lists? I may add some additions to movies I want to note later, but im curious to see what you people have to say, what your interests are, maybe we can all discover some new movies, directors, styles, ideas that we never discovered or looked at before.