hahaha Fishie nah were cool, i hope LOL you did just type something and not a question though but eh :ohno:
Basik Ronso
Argai Ronso
Gazna Ronso
Nuvy Ronso
Irga Ronso
Zamzi Ronso
Q) how much to you have to bribe the lord ochu
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hahaha Fishie nah were cool, i hope LOL you did just type something and not a question though but eh :ohno:
Basik Ronso
Argai Ronso
Gazna Ronso
Nuvy Ronso
Irga Ronso
Zamzi Ronso
Q) how much to you have to bribe the lord ochu
Q. to bribe chimera brain.
Q) what are the co-ordinetes (sorry for spelling) of the omega ruins?
X= 69-75
Y= 33-38
what do you get from bribing ultima(te) weapon?
Pendulum x99
Q) where to you obtain the 4th al bhed primer
On Kilika, in the pub by the guy.
what does this mean:
E ys y tilg?
I am a duck
what does e ryja cykko hebbmac mean in al bhed ( rikku said it)
Rikku did not say that, but its translates to "I have saggy nipples"
just a tad weird?
name all the key items you can get.
Aeon's Soul Blossom Crown
Celestial Mirror
Cloudy Mirror
Flower Scepter
Jecht's Sphere
Jupiter Crest
Jupiter Sigil
Mark of Conquest
Mars Crest
Mars Sigil
Mercury Crest
Mercury Sigil
Moon Crest
Moon Sigil
Rusty Sword
Saturn Crest
Saturn Sigil
Summoner's Soul
Sun Crest
Sun Sigil
Venus Crest
Venus Sigil
Withered Bouquet
and the primers
Q) what is the description of the mark of conquest
For those who have surpassed mortal bounds
how much hp does Nemesis have?
Q) what is penances defence?
A. Penace's Main Body's Defense is 240
Q. Who said this?: " We turned our backs on the teachings, and strayed from the path of Yevon...this...this is our just reward".
Lucil did and welcome back phantom.
Q) who is the only ronso who can speak perfect english?
Thank You:)
A. I think Kelk is the only one that could speak perfect english, you can'
t understand that much of what kimarhi says even when he talks english, so yeah Kelk.
Q. Who said this?: "This plan won't work, you know that, lets just let them dream a while longer..."
Maester Kinoc
Q) who said this: "And that, as they say, is that."?
I think lulu.
Who said: I wont give up, not even in death ya.
A. Eh..Wakka?
Q. Who says this: "You dare impede on a summoner's pilgrimage?"
A. Dona I believe
Q. Who said this? "You know what Yuna must do".
who said; A summoner with bed hair! What's the world comin' to?
Who says "There is nothing futile in the life and death of a summoner"
(you guys do know there is a FFX quote thread right?)
that dude in zanarkand
Who say: I planned to stay there watching over you.
where is the location of the 6th al bhed primer?
The dessert????
Q. name the enemy u battle in the international version and not in the english version.
the dark aeons, and penence? SO HARD
Q) what is the evasion of the chocobo eater?
Ok well no one seems to be able to do this question so i'll answer it and change it.
A) 0
how much combined health do all the sinspwan guis have (including arms)
1st form
Body 10000
Arms 800 (each)
Head 4000
2nd form
Body 6000
Arms 800 (each)
Head 1000
what item can you steal from him?
A. You can't steal anything from him, believe me I've tried mulitple times but he has nothing.
Q. Name all of Evrae's attacks. ( His first form )
All I remember is Poison Breath, and side swipe... if you know more plz correct.
Q:Which Ronso has more health, Biran or Yenke?
A: i think its Brain
Q:how many times does Seymour(?) make an appearance including battles
I believe its 9...
Q: Where is the first place you hear Kimahri talk?
A. That would be the Djose Highroad ( omg he smiled too!)
Q. Where can you find the sword Avenger?