Im pretty sure there isnt one in zanarkand I have the FFX official guide next to me and there is not any stated
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Im pretty sure there isnt one in zanarkand I have the FFX official guide next to me and there is not any stated
After you beat Yunalesca, you go back to Zanarkand. Then you have to the whole puzzle thing again, this time by finding each of the 2 x 2 squares. Once you do that, it will open the shelf that holds the destruction sphere. After that, put the Destruction Sphere in the slot and then a treasure chest appears, showing the last item. You need all 6 to get Anima and the second chest in Bevelle is there no matter if get the destruction Sphere or not.
You are definitely forgetting the Zanarkand sphere. The only reason I haven't told you what it is is because how would you learn then?
Sorry for interrupting. It's a Magistral Rod.
NQ Open
Dark Valefor: Besaid Island
Dark Ifrit: Bikanel Desert
Dark Ixion: Thunder Plains
Dark Shiva: Macalania Temple
Dark Bahamut: Zanarkand
Dark Yojimbo: Cavern of Stolen Fayth
Dark Anima: Mt. Gagazet
Dark Magus Sisters: Mushroom Rock Road
Q: After you have defeated every Dark Aeon, what enemy "unlocks"?
A: Penence (i think thats correct spelling)
Q: What does Ject like to listen to
NOT His son...But seriously, the Hymn of the Fayth.
NQ Open
At the start in dream zanarkand, which tournament are the zanarkand abes in?
The tournament is the Jecht Memorial Cup, and the opposing team is the Duggles from C-South. :D
Question: Tom Kenny, the voice actor for Spongebob Squarepants, voices which NPC?
Answer: Rin
Question: How do you obtain the Energy Blast Ability for Valefor?
A: Return to Besaid Island and speak to the young girl with the dog. Then speak to the dog, and you'll receive the item required to unlock the overdrive.
Q: "Tidus" is derived from what Okinawan word?
Answer: "Tidus" is taken from the Okinawan word tiida mean "sun". I do not know where I learned that, it just one of those useless information bits, I guess.
Question: What colors are used to mark the paths each character takes on the Sphere Grid?
Tidus: Light Blue
Lulu: Purple
Kimahri: Dark Blue
Rikku: Green
Question:What are the attacks of Yojimbo?
- Daigoro
- Kozuka
- Wakizashi
- Zanmato
Q: The first time Tidus reaches Luca, which two songs (who by the way originate from previous games in franchise) can be heard in ongoing FMV?
i did some research and while i never heard it myself apperently you can hear i wanna be your canary thats the only one i can think of besides the background music to the announcers
how many sinspawn are there and what are they called
I don't know about Lucas ongoing fmv but in the very beginning you can hear prelude from ffvii it sounds the same just sped up
There are four, and their names are Sinspawn Gui, Geneaux, Genais, and Echuilles.
What is the tattoo on Seymour's chest?
You forgot about sinspawn ammes the one you fight on zanarkand, pre-spira
I always thought it looked like two Pegasi ya know winged horses
Q: how many blitz all teams are there what are they called and where us each team from.
I'll give this a shot.
1. Besaid Aurocs (Besaid)
2. Killika Beasts (Killika)
3. Luca Goers (Luca)
4. Guado Glories (Macalania)
5. Ronso Fangs (Mt. Gagazet)
6. Al Bhed Psychs (Bikanel?)
I think that's all of them.
Q. What's the name of Tidus's weapon that has Triple AP, Triple Overdrive and Overdrive into AP customised onto it.
Haha the ragnarok. I'm literally using it this very moment
Q: what is tidus' weapon with 4 status strikes? (Poison, darkness, silence etc)
Edit- you forgot zanarkand Abe's but they don't really count I guess
I wanna say rikku that's my final answer.
Who has full life on their sphere grid? O.o
Everybody has the same Sphere Grid.
Also Kurt, the Guado team is not from Macalania...they are from Guadosalam.
Q: Name every member ever on the Aurochs.
Wakka, Tidus, Datto, Letty, Jassu, Botta, Keepa.
Q. Name all of the Al Bhed Psyches.