Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
According to the Yevon religion, Sin is reborn from all the sins of the people, like using the forbidden machina. So you're both wrong! I even told you in the hint that it wasn't the truth, which is actually Yu Yevon merging with the Final Aeon.
A: Don't you mean Ascalon? If that's what it is, it is in the Sanubia Desert after finding a secret location on the Airship. Otherwise, I have no clue.
Q: Who needs the Saturn Crest and the Saturn Sigil for their Celestial Weapon?
Bonus question: What does FQ stand for, anyway? I keep seeing that when people skip their questions.
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Kimahri.
BA: FQ = Free Question. Which translates to, I'm too lazy to come up with a question, so someone else can. Not that that's a bad thing...
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Hehe, I was just wondering.
Q: What is the name of Anima's Overdrive?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Oblivion (I hope xD)
Q: Who in retrospect, can deal out the most possible damage in a single turn?
I always thought FQ meant Forward question lol
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: I believe wakka with his celestial weapon and using attack reels
Q: Luck is comprised of what other 2 stats
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Evasion and Accuracy!
Q: In the ending, Yuna says "I love you" but in the Japanese version she says what?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Thank you.
Q: What did Sins previous form look like? (Amano stated it though tetsuya designed it)
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
Thank you.
Q: What did Sins previous form look like? (Amano stated it though tetsuya designed it)
There are no references to the previous sin's apperence all you can know is the order of high summoners starting with High summoner Gandof deafeat of the first sin with his final aeon followed by former blitzball player high summoner ohalland then former crusader high summoner yucon followed by high summoner braska then of coarse yuna and company deafeting jecht and sins core, yu yevon banishing sin forever.
Q. How did Omega weapon come to be?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Well sins previous form was thought to be a bird.
Omega? Hmm, this is from the FF wiki, if I'm allowed to use it lol
"Omega was a monk of Yevon 700 years prior to the events of Final Fantasy X. The maesters of Yevon branded Omega a traitor after he rebelled and exiled him off Spira's mainlands onto some small island ruins. Omega's hatred for Yevon grew so great and intense that when he died, he transformed into the fearsome monster known as "Omega Weapon", as well as spawning the lesser beast known as "Ultima Weapon"."
And I always thought Lord Zaon was an omega >.>
Q: What exactly is penance and the reason of it's existence?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
Well sins previous form was thought to be a bird.
Omega? Hmm, this is from the FF wiki, if I'm allowed to use it lol
"Omega was a monk of Yevon 700 years prior to the events of Final Fantasy X. The maesters of Yevon branded Omega a traitor after he rebelled and exiled him off Spira's mainlands onto some small island ruins. Omega's hatred for Yevon grew so great and intense that when he died, he transformed into the fearsome monster known as "Omega Weapon", as well as spawning the lesser beast known as "Ultima Weapon"."
And I always thought Lord Zaon was an omega >.>
Q: What exactly is penance and the reason of it's existence?
The information from FF wiki is true lord zaon became the fayth for the final summoning after lady yunalesca used him as the final as the very first final aeon to defeat the very first sin i dont know how i could have allowed myself to leave out yunalesca in the last post with the high summoners but zaon was the first final aeon and Omega was like you found out a preist that was exiled, died in solitude and became an unsent that eventually turned into the omega weapon
penance is an optional boss that you must defeat in the calm lands after you have defeated the other dark aeons i dont know for sure but from what i know about the story i would guess that penance is the counter balance of sin
Q. where do you get the onion knight?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Thunder Plains, after dodging the lightning strikes 200 times.
Q: Just what was the relationship between Tidus and the fayth?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Q: When Sin's overdrive guage is filled, how ****ed are you?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: 100%, unless you manage to land a finishing blow before he KNOCKS YOU DOWN! <----Garland reference
Q: What's one type of enemy that can't be captured?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Sin, I should know, I tried...
Q: Who originally asked Kimahri to protect Yuna?
Originally Posted by
A: Thunder Plains, after dodging the lightning strikes 200 times.
Q: Just what was the relationship between Tidus and the fayth?
you are wrong and you have to get the onion knight underwater at the baaj temple.
as for tidus' relationship with the fayth it exists mostly because he is a fayth himself. When yevon takes the memories of the survivers of zanarkand to create dream zanarkand by sealing the memories in fayth statues at gagazet, shuyin's memories become the fayth that would be tidus.
And yuna's protection from kimahri was braska's wish delivered by auron on mt gagazet who then became an unsent
who was the one to tell tidus not to try anything with yuna?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Wakka said so early on, and I think Lulu said something similar later on, but I don't recall.
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
where do you get world champion?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
where do you get world champion?
If I remember right you get to pick up the world champion from some women at the bar in Luca.
How many Lancet abilities in total can Kimahri pickup in the game ?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
The Ronso
If I remember right you get to pick up the world champion from some women at the bar in Luca.
How many Lancet abilities in total can Kimahri pickup in the game ?
A: 12!!!
Q: What major element is sins power focused around? :woot:
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
A: Gravity.
Q: What is Seymour's overdrive?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
Heartless Angel
Q: What is Seymour's overdrive?
A: Requiem
Q: How did seymores mother become an fayth and what fayth was she?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
she was the fayth anima she gave her life so she could protect her son because he was half human half guado
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
how do you get the sun sigel
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
how do you get the sun sigel
You gotta beat the chocobo trainer in the mini-racing game with a time of 0:0:0.
When does Kimahri speak his first words in the game and what does he say.
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
The Ronso
You gotta beat the chocobo trainer in the mini-racing game with a time of 0:0:0.
When does Kimahri speak his first words in the game and what does he say.
Actually, you have to beat 0:00.0 . I just played through FFX again, and I learned that the hard way. :mad:
A: That's a good one though. I remember it's on the Djose Highroad, right after Tidus says "She's awfully cheery" and it's something to the effect of "In dark times she must be. She must shine brightly."
Q: Name all of the Destruction sphere prizes in every temple. (I'm counting two in Bevelle. No need to name abilities on equipment either. Just the name of the piece.)
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
besaid = rod of wisdom
kilika = red armlet
djose = magic sphere
macalania = luck sphere
bevelle = hp sphere and knight lance
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Where do you find each dark aeon?
Re: Final Fantasy X Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)
Originally Posted by
besaid = rod of wisdom
kilika = red armlet
djose = magic sphere
macalania = luck sphere
bevelle = hp sphere and knight lance
You are forgetting the one from the Zanarkand trials. In order to receive Anima, you have to have unlocked all 6 Destruction spheres prizes.