kimarhi BEST SMILE
A) via purifico?
Q)where is the spot where you can get up to 20 potions (only one spo not a whole area)
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kimarhi BEST SMILE
A) via purifico?
Q)where is the spot where you can get up to 20 potions (only one spo not a whole area)
A. That would be the Ship headed to Kilika Island I think it was the S.S Liki. It's below deck in the room where some of the Aurochs are, its located inside the suitcase. ( which happens to be yuna's lol, through she left behind )
Q. How much HP does the Spectral Keeper have?
I missed our little back and forth things phantom
A) 52,000
Q) what is the accuracy of the spectral keeper?
whats the number you type into the chest in the al bhed home?
A) 5633
Q) what are the first thrre words that rikku (aka ????) ever says to you
A. I remember her saying" I'm sorry..." after she punched Tidus in the stomach, but that would be two words, or on the Al behd ship first first foods there are" Hey! It's because you eat to fast". But that's not 3 words, so the "I'm sorry" was her first words...well in Al behd lol. ( correct if wrong )
Q. This should be easy, What were Kimarhi's First words when he finally speaks?
A) He says: In dark times, she must be. She must shine bright.
Q) What Place in Spira has the most fiends for capture in the Monster Arena?
A. I'm not really sure, but I'll take a guess, I think it was either Mt. Gagazet, or Zanarkand Ruins. ( correct if wrong )
Q. What are the rewards Belgaimine ( the summoner you always fight ) give you when you defeat all of her aeons at Reminem Temple?
I think it is the Blossom crown or flower scepter... not sure which...
Q:What spear is Kimahri equipped with when he joins your party?
Q. What is O'aka's brother called?
How much money must you donate to O'aka in order to get the best discount?
at least 10,001 which gives you a discount of 30%
Q: Which two cities had a major war against each other, leading to the rise of Sin?
Zanarkand and Bevele (sp?)
How many Chocobo Runners can you have at a time at Clasko's Ranch?
Umm sorry but that appears to be a question in the wrong game. Believe that's X-2, try asking a new question only about FFX, otherwise maybe post in the FFX-2 trivia thread.
I'll start a new question:
Q. Who said this: is you after all who will send me.....but even after I'm gone..Spira's sorrow will preveil..."
A. I could be wrong but I think it was Yunalesca that has said that.
Q. What made Auron become an unsent?
(further on the last question)
wouldn't him trying to forfill jechts promise to look after tidus?
Q. name three things that has the same skin (aka flan - ice flan, water flan,)
that has the same skin as Behemoth
A. I'm not really sure how to go about answering this question but I'll try:
1. That Spider Boss you fight at Bajj temple with Tidus
2. Those floating mummyfaced fiends you randomly encounter in Mushroom Rock and the Mt. Gagazet.
3. A Dark Elemental
Q. What is everyone's starting Weapons?
Hey Hey People IM BACK!!!!! :woot:
Tidus: Londsword
Yuna: Staff
Auron: Blade
Wakka: Offical Ball
Rikku: Claw
Kimarhi: Spear
Lulu: Moogle
(oooh it's been a while
Q) According to Maechen, why cant hypello be good Blitzballers?
A. I would say no skills but lol: Something about their feet I think. ( correct if wrong )
Q. In the past what was Yu Yevon originally? ( Before he made Sin )
a summoner
Q: What happened to Wakka's parents?
I know this was answered but yu yevon was the ruler of zanarkand and he was the father of lady yunalesca.
How could he have been a summoner when he created sin? the purpose of a summoner was to defeat sin but he created it, and he created the fayth, he did summon them, but in this game he is not classified as a summoner because, he would not be fighting what he is, so im sorry but your wrong
A) Wakka Lost He's Parents due to Sin
Q) How did Yu Yevon create Sin?
Yu Yevon gathered a multitude of pyreflies and transformed them into an armor which became the monster, Sin.
who was the first to know of the Teachings of Yevon?
It was yu yevon considering he created it?
Q) How long has Mika Been Grand Maester?
A. I believe it was 50 years ( correct if wrong )
Q. What 3 characters in the main party are the only ones who can swim?
A: Those members that can swim are Tidus, Wakka and Rikku.
Q: Which character is the first to speak in the game, narrations apart?
A. I believe it was Tidus
Q. What year was FFX made?