how did he die?
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how did he die?
A. Sin killed him when he joined the crusaders in their fight.
Q. What exactly are the Crusaders?
The Crusaders were an organization of volunteer warriors that pledged to defend the people of Spira from Sin, at the cost of their lives if need be. The Crusader organization was created 800 years by Lord Mi'ihen , who also had the Mi'ihen Highroad named after him.
name all known people who were in or joined the crusaders.
A. Eh lets see, Luzzu, Gatta (Is that how you spell his name?), Chappu and that's all I can think off. Feel free to correct me if I forgot anyone else.
Q. What is a chocobo knight?
The Chocobo Knights of Spira are an elite group of mounted soldiers, consisting of the serious but kind Captain Lucil, cheerful Elma, and uncomfortable and slightly incompetent Clasko. They encounter Yuna and her guardians at various moments along Yuna's pilgrimage and fight, bravely enough, in Operation Mi'ihen.
(and i cannot be bothered finding out the other people, but lord mi'ihen was a crusader)
name kimari's arch enimy ronso's. (excuse spelling)
A:Biran and Yenke
Q:What lancet abilities can Kimahri learn from them?
any overdrive that you've missed, to name a few, white wind, mighty guard.
how does their health, and strengths and weakness' vary?
depends on how many 'rage skills u have
Q. All aurons weapons
A. I don't know all of them but katana, spiritual blade, masamune, water blade, rune blade, kotestu, genji blade, dual blade, dark blade, blury moon, fire blade, frost blade, mirage blade, prism blade, sonic blade, stunner, the nameless, murasame, gorgon gaze, dozing blade, and corrupter. (Feel free to add in any if I missed any.)
Q. What is the name of the temple where you can get the Magus Sisters?
A:Remiem Temple
Q:What do you need in order to get to Anima?
A. You need to get all the treasure by using the destruction spheres in every temple in order to get Anima.
Q. What is the name of Anima's overdrive?
A. That would be Oblivion sir. And I'll leave a free question.
A: Anima's overdrive is Oblivion, yay!
Q: What memories come back as Wakka sees the brotherhood sword?
it could be a couplke fo things, it could just be the fact that chappu chose Al Bhed weaponry instead of the Brotherhood but it also could be that chappu was going to marry Lulu after he got back from that ill fated mission
Q) who is Shiva the Fayth of?
The...fayth of Macalania? queen...hehe
Q. What is the very first White Magic Spell Yuna learns on the Sphere Grid? ( Excluding the spells she already has learned.)
Cure,pray...thats it I think
no shes the fayth of a priestsess
Q. What is the name of the place where you can ride a shoopuff?
Fishie can you please refrian from asking that simple of a question.
A) Moonflow
Q) According To O'aka what is unusual about tidus?
heh, Okay. ^^
A. This is easy...his clothes. ;!
Q. What items do you need in order to teach an aeon fira?
Its his clothes mwuhahahaha
My question still stands...
Q. What items do you need in order to teach an aeon fira? (That's actually what I meant. ><)
fire there even a fire gem in the game?
Actually you need two bomb cores. And yes, there are fire gems in the game.
Q. What is the name of all the blitzball teams in the game?
Besaid Aurochs
Luca Goers
Al Bhed Psyches
Ronso Fangs
Guado Glories
Kilika Beasts
Zanarkand Abes
Zanarkand Duggles
Q) where did Zaons spirit end up after yunalesca beat sin for the first time?
He died jebote kaz teh finAL summn killz teh loved one....njehehe..Farplane
A. Yunalesca sacrificed him and he ended up becoming the next Sin.
Q. Why did Yunalesca become an unsent?
Cause she had to give hope and..the other crap.she tells the other summoners how to call the Final Aeon
Q. Why does Yu Yevon keep regenerating Sin?