A. "Kilika and Bikanel join as one."
Q. What are the names of the Al Bhed rankings as you collect them?
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A. "Kilika and Bikanel join as one."
Q. What are the names of the Al Bhed rankings as you collect them?
A: Alright, after 1 primer you become a Hujela (Novice), 4 Pakehhan (Beginner), 7 Typpman (Dabbler), 10 Maynhan (Learner) 13 Cbaygan (Speaker), 16 Hydeja (Native), 19 Unydun (Orator), 22 Medanyde (Literati) and finally 26 Sycdan (Master). Think all those are right!
Q: Name all the characters' Celestial Weapons :)
Wow, I'm impressed, hope you stick around the trivia, a challenge is always nice :)
A. Tidus - Caladbolg
Yuna - Nirvana
Wakka - World Champion
Lulu - Onion Knight
Auron - Masamune
Kimahri - Spirit Lance
Rikku - Godhand
Q. Which Crest is found on Besaid Island?
A. Moon crest I believe.
Q. Which crest is found at the Mi'hen Highroad?
A. The Mars crest I believe
I'm really liking these forums so I think I'll be here for a long time yet!
Q: What his the highest possible value for a particular attribute on the Sphere Grid (such as Strength or Magic)?
A. +4? I'm sure it's got be +4? And Phoenix, I'm glad :)
Q. What are the three places that can be found with co-ordinates on the bridge of the Airship?
A. I think there were actually a few of them. That would be: Omega Ruins, A hidden area in Mushroom Rock Road, and a hidden area in Beakanel Desert, under the waterfall in Besaid, and on a structure above where Tidus fought Kimarhi in the beginning of the game. (correct if wrong)
Q. True or False? Is it possible to obtain Yojimbo without paying him?
Is it false?(Correct if wrong)
Q.What do you have to do to get the sun sigil?
A: You must race the chocobo trainer in the Calm Lands and get a time of 0:00:00.
Q: Where do you find the secret overdrive for Valefor?
A. Talk to the dog that roams Besaid's town after talking to it's owner, and after you've obtained the Aeon. Then you'll find it mangled in the dog's mouth.
Q. Where is the first time you meet Belgemine?
ooh good one.
A: I believe, if memory serves me correctly, you first meet her on the Mi'ihen Highroad (Could be wrong)
Q: Why does Wakka give Tidus his brother's sword?
Thank you, and correct ;)
The answer to your question would be that Brotherhood was Chappu's sword which had been given to him by Wakka a year before Tidus' arrival, when he'd left to join the Crusaders. However, he left the sword behind for an Al Bhed weapon. He also gives it Tidus because they shared a physical resemblance and because Tidus reminded him of Chappu.
Q. What is Lulu's initial equipment?
x.x damn i wasn't expecting such a detailed answer. Hitting the nail right on the head though.
A: What do you mean by initial equipment? I know she starts out with a moogle and a bangle. Don't think she has special names for the beginning ones though. Hope thats a general answer to the one you were looking for.
Q: What is the name of the move Yunalesca uses that turns everyone into zombies?
A. Hellbiter >_< it hurts
Q. How did Chappu actually die?
He got owned by Sin
Q.What is the name of the boss in Baaj Temple(The second time you go in)
A: I believe Chappu ran to join the crusaders, left wakka's sword behind and took a machina sword, and got killed by sin.
Q: True or False - The city (Zanarkand) inside sin is a dream of the faith.
First off, Phantom's question. :)
@Phantom: 32,767 HP, 128 MP
@Hellblitz: True. Tidus' Zanarkand at least. The real one is in ruins.
Ok it's been a while so dont yell if its been said kk's?
Q) After Sin crashes down on Bevelle what was Shelinda's promotion?
Welcome back Meow:)
A. I think it was Captain of the Guards (correct if wrong)
Q. Name everything Overdrive Sin is Immune to.
A. Sleep, poison, zombie, death, demi, silence, petrify, power break, provoke, darkness, slow, magic break, threaten, doom, and eject. (Feel free to correct if missed any.)
Q. How much AP can you get after defeating Overdrive Sin?
Q. What differences are there in the normal FFX version and the International version?
The Dark Aeons would be the only ones that stand out the most for me.
The covers aswell LOL
Q) When Sin was created and what not. what were the guiding instincts that were programmed into it by Yevon?
To bring destruction to technology
Wheres the first place tidus lands when he gets to spira?
actually it was to attack any larger human settlement, to attack any machina, and to respond to aggression with overwhelming force
A) He first landed on the outskirts of the Baaj temple.
Q) Which Weapon gives Shiva Break damage limit?
O.....k, if you say so, but then he's sorta overlooking Luca then.
Lulu's Onion Knight
How many times must you fight Dark Yojimbo before he is truly defeated?
A) 5 times.
Q) who said
Enlightened rule by the dead is preferable to the misguided failures of the living.