A. Umm, Al Behd ship? lol ( correct if wrong )
Q. Where can you find the monster "Chimera"? And what can you steal from one?
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A. Umm, Al Behd ship? lol ( correct if wrong )
Q. Where can you find the monster "Chimera"? And what can you steal from one?
A. I've found them in Macalania and the Calm Lands. I remember stealing Arctic Winds from them, but I asked a friend who said the he got Lightning Marbles.. So I'm guessing one's the common and the other's the rare.
Q. What 'Ronso Rage' ability can be learned from a Chimera?
A. I believe it was Aqua Breath
Q. Name the locations of all of the Dark Aeons and their total Max HP.
Time to revive, I'll make a new a question:
Q. What is the button combination for Auron's Tornado Overdrive?
A. X, Right, R1, Left, L1, Triangle.
(as for you other question, I had absolutely no idea at all XD.)
Q. Name every ultimate weapon, and their abilities.
Tidus: Caladblog: Triple Overdrive, Evade&Counter, Magic Counter
Yuna: Nirvana: Triple Overdrive, One MP cost, Double AP
Wakka: World Champion: Triple Overdrive, Double AP, Evade&Counter
Lulu: Onion Knight: Triple Overdrive, One MP cost, Magic Booster
Auron: Masamune: Triple Overdrive, Counter-Attack, First Strike
Kimarhi: Spirit Lance: Triple Overdrive, Evade&Counter, Double AP
Rikku: Godhand: Triple Overdrive, Double AP, Gillionare, No Encounters
Q. Name all of the "Auto" Abilites.
A. Auto-Protect, Auto-Reflect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Potion, Auto-Med, Auto-Phoenix.
Q. Name the ability that occurs when you use Rikku's Mix Overdrive to mix 2 Maps.
After alot of confusion, Potato masher
Oh yeahs Im back :D
Q) After The Demise of Seymour, and the truth had been found out, where did Tromell Guado, along wiht the rest of the Guado,and why did they go there?
A. Summoner's Soul, and 4 Fire Gems.
Q. Name every Species Conquest monster.
HAHAHA, sorry about the question doods, I wasn't in a right state
Jumbo Flan
Nega Elemental
Sleep Sprout
Bomb King
(hope i can manage a question
Q) What Is the Defence and Magic Defence of "Shinryu?"
- Defense : 60
- Magic Defense : 98
Q. Explain why Yevon hate the Al Bhed.
Ok Well I dont know who to say this without writing a lecture but i will try to sum it up.
Yevon Is Against the use of machina, which is the primary resource for the albhed and they see no reason why they should just stop using it because of the "teachings" that have been made, just because of the machina war.
The Albhed show Distain to the Yevon teachings because they believe that a way of life cannot be changed by these strict guidelines just because of the machina, which makes the Yevonites very angry and shows hatred towards the albhed because of their machina usage.
Also the fact that The Albhed were kidnapping summoners to stop the final aeon.
(correct if more needed)
Q) How many summoners have sucsessfully summoned the final aeon and defeated sin? (there is more then you probably think)
A. okay......
- Yunalesca
- Gandolf
- O'halland
- Yocun
- Braska
- Yuna
Q. Why was Kimarhri designated to protect Yuna. Explain the FULL story. ^^;
A. After Auron was defeated by Yunalesca at Mount Gagazet he was near death as he slowly climbed down Mt. Gagazet and arrived in Bevelle, where he concedently found a Younger Kimarhi who had been driven from Mt. Gagazet after losing his horn to a Ronso named Biran in a fight. As Auron laid there near death kimarhi was by his side. Auron's last words were for Kimarhi to find Braska's daughter Yuna in Bevelle and take her far away from Bevelle to Besaid Island, as this was Braska's wish. Kimarhi agreed to Auron's last request and with that Auron died ( well.. he became a walking unsent afterwards, that's our Auron lol).
Kimarhi found a younger Yuna and took her to Besaid just like Auron asked him to. There for the past 10 years Kimarhi has watched over Yuna, to protect her, seeing as there was no point in him going back to Mt. Gagazet after losing his horn. He still watches over Yuna as her guardian when she decides to become to summoner and go on her journey to defeat Sin. The Ever silent, yet very protective guardian. Wow I'm good XD.
Okay, i'm running out of questions lol.
Q. Name what Al Bhed letter goes with each English letter (eg. A = G )
A = Y
B = P
C = L
D = T
E = A
F = V
G = K
H = R
I = E
J = Z
K = G
L = M
M = S
N = H
O = U
P = B
Q = X
R = N
S = C
T = D
U = I
V = J
W = F
X = Q
Y = O
Z = W
Had to consult my notes for that one...
Q. What is Tidus' starting HP?
A. Tidus starting HP is 520 HP
Q. What is Auron's Starting HP?
A. I'm pretty sure I'm wrong but I'm gonna have to say 1075HP if I recall.
Q. What is Wakka's starting HP?
A. I think it was between 800-830 HP ( correct if wrong )
Q. What is the name of the Al Behd Blitzball team?
A. Al Bhed Psyches.
Q. What are the original starting players of the Besaid Aurochs?
A. Kippa, Datt, Lenny, Josh, and Botts.
Q. Name all of the Different "Shots" you can use in Blitzball.
A. Sphere Shot, Invisible Shot, Jecht Shot, Jecht Shot II, Venom Shot, Venom Shot II, Venom Shot III, Nap Shot, Nap Shot II, Nap Shot III, Wither Shot, Wither Shot II, and Wither Shot III, Volley Shot, Volley Shot II, and Volley Shot III.
Q. Name all the "tackle" Blitzball abilities.
Venom Tackle
Venom Tackle S
Venom Tackle X
Nap Tackle
Nap Tackle S
Nap Tackle X
Wither Tackle
Wither Tackle S
Wither Tackle X
Drain Tackle
Drain Tackle S
Drain Tackle X
Q. Name all of the Blitzball "Pass" Abilites.
- Nap Pass
- Nap Pass 2
- Nap Pass 3
- Wither Pass
- Wither Pass 2
- Wither Pass 3
- Venom Pass
- Venom Pass 2
- Venom Pass 3
Q. How much health does the crane, on the boat at Luca, have?
A. 65,535 HP.
Q. How much HP does Gilgamesh have? (After going to Baaj temple late in the game.)
A. Don't you mean Anima? There is no Gilgamesh in this game lol. I think he had 4000-6000 HP. (correct if wrong )
Q. What are the fight commands you can give to the Magus Sister's in battle?
A: i think he meant the fish guy...
Do as you will
Taking a break
Once more
work together
help each other
there are probably more
Q: What abilities does Kimahris Gungnir have?
A. Break Damage Limit
Q. What abilites does Kimarhi's Matador Spear, and his Luin Spear have?
>.> I meant Geosgaeno. Sadly, I got the name's mixed up. ;! Oh, and he has about 32,000 HP. Sorry for the confusion.
A. Kimarhi's Matador Spear has Deathtouch and his Luin Spear has Overdrive > AP, Triple AP, Triple Overdrive.
Q. What abilities does Tidus's Brotherhood and Lulu's Onion Knight have?