A. 5: X-Potion x 2
10: Mega Potion x 2
20: MP Sphere x 2
50: Strength Sphere x 3
100: HP Sphere x 3
150: Megalixir x 4
200: Venus Sigil
Q. Explain how "The Hymn Of The Fayth" came to be. Hint: (Machina)
Printable View
A. 5: X-Potion x 2
10: Mega Potion x 2
20: MP Sphere x 2
50: Strength Sphere x 3
100: HP Sphere x 3
150: Megalixir x 4
200: Venus Sigil
Q. Explain how "The Hymn Of The Fayth" came to be. Hint: (Machina)
" During the entire millennium before the Eternal Calm, the fayth residing in the inner sanctum of each temple could be heard singing the Hymn of the Fayth. It is initially described as a gift from Yevon himself, given to soothe the hearts of the faithful and the souls of the dead. However, it is later revealed that it was in fact a song sung by the people of Zanarkand in defiance of Bevelle"
So the hymn of the fayth came about after the machina war, after the fayth and sin and dream zanarkand was created, to soothe the fayth
What are the prizes for getting hit by lightning bolts?
A. Nothing... :huh?:
Q. How many sinspawn are in the cage at Operation Mi'hen?
Really? Wow, I had no idea that actually getting hit by them gives you prizes....learn something new everyday huh :lol:
A.Warrior's Sword
Enchanted Rod
Power Ball
Magical Mog
Shimmering Blade
Umm...If i remember, I think its Pearl?
Pearl Shield
Pearl Ring
Pearl Armguard
Pearl Bangle
Pearl Armlet
Pearl Bracer
Phoenix Down
Eye Drops
Echo Screen
(usual crap lol)
Q. Explain Bahamut's religious meaning :cool:
A. Bahamut is a beast of Arabic Mythology "altered and magnified" from Behemoth. In Arabic myth Bahamut is really a giant fish, describerd as so immense that as human cannot bear its sight aka to big to even come into eye sight's vison. Bahamut is a giant fish swimming in a vast ocean. It carries a bull on its head, it bares a rock, and above the rock is an angel who carries the seven stages of the earth. In truth, Bahamut is very huge. ( I think that's what you mean or close to it I hope ^^', correct if wrong )
Q. Name all of the White Magic Spells in the game.
A. Cure, Cura, Curaga, Esuna, Scan, NulBlaze, NulShock, NulFrost, Nultide, Life, Full-Life, Haste, Hastega, Slow, Slowga, Shell, Dispel, Reflect, Protect, Auto-Life, Regen and Holy. ( I think I forgot one somewhere...)
Q. Name every skill on the Sphere Grid.
A. Dark Attack, Sleep Attack, Silence Attack, Zombie Attack, Mug, Armor Break, Mental Break, Power Break, Magic Break, Dark Buster, Sleep Buster, Delay Attack, Delay Buster, Silence Buster, Quick Hit, Penalty3. ( I think I got them all, correct if I missed any )
Q. Name every Special Ability on the Sphere Grid.
A. Flee, Steal, Use, Pray, Cheer, Aim, Focus, Reflex, Luck, Jynx, Lancet, Guard, Sentinel, Spare Change, Threaten, Provoke, Enthrust, Copy Cat, Doublecast, and Bribe.
Q: What Rage skill does Kimahri learn from Dark Flans?
A. White Wind
Q. Name all the Black Magic Spells.
A. Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Water, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Watera, Firaga, Bizzaga, Thundaga, Waterga, Bio, Demi, Death, Drain, Osmose, Flare and Ultima.
Q. exactly how many nodes are there on the Expert Sphere Grid? ;)
A. Oh God, I never heard of a Expert Grid before lol, I'm going to take an educated guess: Guessing around 60-100? ( I feel ashamed lol, I know I'm wrong so please correct me. )
Q. What does the Special abilties Sentinel and Entrust do?
To tell the truth, i don't know myself, so lets just say your right :lol:
A. Sentinel : Sentinel is a ability that allows the user to stand in front of the character that the enemy is attacking, therefore, taking the damage for that character, it also activates a protective shield, as if you were normally defending.
Entrust: The Entrust ability allows the user to move thier "Overdrive" bar to the selected character, therefore, leaving the character with no Overdrive left (if that made sense lol)
Q. What does the ability "Quick Pockets" do?
A. Hmm, I think after attacking an enemy, the order of turns changes. ( correct if wrong )
Q. What does the abilites: "Magical Booster" and "Double Drive" do?
A. Magic Booster: Magic Booster makes the magic attack 1.5x stronger at the cost of doubling the MP.
Double Overdrive?: Double Overdrive allows the Overdrive bar to charge at twice the regular speed.
Q. At the start of the game, how many people are at Tidus's house in Zanarkand to wish him luck for his Blitzball game?
A. I think there were about 7 or 8
Q. What's the name of the Blitzball Game Tidus is going to at the beginning of the game?
The Duggles!
What is the Jecht shots FULL name?
A. The Sublimely Magnificent Jecht Shot Mark 3 ( I think....:huh?:)
Q. How many tentacles does the Sinspawn have in Zanarkand?
A. lol Probarly 10 ( correct if wrong )
Q. Name the places where you encounter Machen. ( the scholar )
- Mi'hen Highroad
- The Moonflow
- Guadosalam
- Macalania Forest
- Calm Lands
- Mt Gagazet
I feel I have forgotten some >.<
Q. What status inflicting attacks can the "Sanctuary Keeper" inflict?
A. Guardian Keeper? Was'nt it Santucary Keeper? ( I spelled the name wrong lol ). If I remember it:
Photon Wings: Curse, and there were some Silence and Sleep inflicting attacks but I can't remember the name >.<. ( Correct if wrong, I think that's what you meant >_<')
Q. What can you steal from the "Spectral Keeper"?
This is probably wrong, but I think it was because she had married a non-Albed. Cid didn't like it or something...
Q. Explain why machina was allowed during Operation Mi'Hen.
A. Because Both Yevon and the Al Behd truely wished peace for Spira, plus Kinoc probarly wouldn't have cared less lol. It was pretty much a "Don't see, can't tell" operation. ( correct if wrong )
Q. Where can you find the monsters' Dark Elemental and Wraith?
A. In the Sunken Cave. (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth).
Q. Name all the prizes for the Chocobo Races underneath Remiem Temple.
Potion,Cloud mirror and turbo ether?
Correct me if I'm wrong(I haven't played FFX in a long time.)
Q. Where can you find all of the Jecht Spheres?
????, you forgot 30 Wings to Discovery ^^
A. Jecht Spheres
- After you defeat the Spherimorph at the springs in Macalania Forest
- At Besaid Island, just to the right of the Temple
- On the ship that travells from Kiika to Luca, it is in the captains room
- In Luca where Auron and Tidus argued about Jecht being Sin
- On The Mi'hen Oldroad, all the way at the end
- Moonflow
- The Thunder Plains
- At the beginning of Macalania Forest to the left
Auron's Sphere
- Near the lift on the Mushroom Rock Road
Braska's Sphere
- On the Mt Gagazet trail, near the start in a little enclave
Q. What is the name of the ship, that Rikku took you onboard, at the start of the game?