A. Yuna equips it and you get the weapon at the Calm Lands by doing the monster side-quest. You get the Moon Crest at Besaid at the beach. And you get the Sigil at the Remiem Temple after sending Belgemine.
Q. What key item do you need in order to open the treasure chests with the ultimate weapons inside them?
celestial mirror
how do you obtain it
A. Well first you have to get the cloudy mirror which is in the Calm Lands. Then you go to the Macalania woods and get it turned into a Celestial Mirror by going to that crystal sphere thing.
Q. What are all the overdrive modes you can get?
A. Stoic, Warrior, Healer, Comrade, Slayer, Victor, Tactician, Hero, Ally, Daredevil, Solo, Coward, Dancer, Rook, Sufferer, Victim, and Avenger.
Q. What is the max number of times you can cast spells during Lulu's Fury?
A. I think it was 10-14 times ( but I could be wrong, correct if wrong )
Q. What do you need to Mix in order for Rikku to create a Final Phoenix?
A: There are many combinations no? Mega Phoenix and antidote will suffice...lol
What Are all of Kimahari's overdrives, and where can you obtain them?
Jump: Already learned at Start
Fire Breath: Dual Horn, Grendel, Valaha, Yenke
Seed Cannon: Grat, Ragora, Sandragonra
Self-Destruct: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros, Biran
Thrust Kick: YKT-11, YKT-63, Biran
Stone Breath: Basilisk, Anacondaur, Yenke
Aqua Breath: Chimera, Chimera Brain, Chimerageist, Yenke
Doom: Ghost, Wraith, Brian
White Wind: Spirit, Dark Flan, Yenke
Bad Breath: Malboro, Great Malboro
Mighty Guard: Behemoth, Behemoth King, Biran
Nova: Omega Weapon, Nemesis
Q. What is the correction button combination to perform Auron's Banishing Blade Overdrive?
A. Up, L1, Down, R1, Right, Left, Triangle
Q. Where can you find all the Jecht spheres at?
A. Macalania Forest Spring ( from Spherimorph )
Besaid Temple
S.S Liki
Luca Stadium
Mi'ihen Highroad
Moonflow South
Thunder Plains
Southern Macalania Forest
Q. Where can find Braska's and Auron's Spheres?
A. You can find Auron's sphere at Mushroom Rock Road by the lift and if I recall, I think you can find Braska's sphere at Mount Gagazet.
Q. What made Yuna and the others go against the beliefs of Yevon?
A. They found out that the Measters were corrupt in fact about all of them were dead and unsent, they found that Bevelle was using Forbidden Machina, they tried to kill Yuna, pretty much they were using the summoners. ( I may have missed a few hints, so correct if wrong )
Q. What is the correct button combination to perform Auron's Dragon Fang Overdrive?
A. Down, left, up, right
Q. What is the correct button combination for Auron's "Shooting Star"?
Actually dragon fang is Down, Left, Up, Right, L1, R1, X, O
A) Shooting star is Triangle, X, Square, O, Left, Right, O
Q) If you get to matches with element reels, what does it do?
A. If its all Blue you get Water Ball Elemental Attack, if its all Red you get Fire Ball Elemental Attack, if its all Yellow you get Lightning Ball Elemental Attack, and its Dark Blue you get Ice Ball Elemental Attack.
Q. How many seconds do you have in order to hit the correct mark before Tidus uses his overdrives?
I'm guessing it was 4 or 5 sec but I was always too busy watching the little line.
Q: Which characters are present in Tidus' dream early on into the game and what does the male character in the dream first say to Tidas?
A. How early do you mean? If you mean the first dream at Bajj temple, then Tidus, Auron, and a Unknown Boy ( Fayth ). The boy says: ...You Cried. If you mean when Sin was attacking Zanarkand at the start then it would be the Unknown Boy again. He says: It begins. Don't cry. ( I think that's what you mean, if not correct if wrong. )
Q. Where can you encounter the fiend, "Dark Flan"?
A: The dark Flan can be found in the cave of Mt. Gagazet, as well as in the battle arena...heh.
Q: What common move does the dark flan use to heal itself?
A. Drain if I recall.
Q. What can you get if you bribe the Dark Flan?
A. You can get x2 White Magic Spheres.
EDIT: Why did Square make the Dark Flan so freaking ugly?:lol:
Q. What can you get if you bribe a Dark Elemental?
A. 3 Return Spheres
Q. What can items do you get from stealing from a Behemoth?
A. Ether, and a very rare Mana Tablet. ( takes luck to steal its Mana tablet lol )
Q. What do you get if you steal from a Behemoth King?
A. Healing water and if lucky, you can get 2 Twin stars.
Q. How items do you need to teach an aeon "Curaga"?
A. You need 60 Mega-Potions
Q. How many items do you need to teach an aeon Hastega?
A. 16 Chocobo Wings
Q. Where can you steal a chocobo wing from?
A. The Catcaur King :woot:
Q. What can you steal from a Flame Flan?
A. A Firegem or two.
Q. What can you steal from the Chocobo Eater?
A. Potion, and x2 Potions ( rare steal )
Q. What can you steal from Nemesis?
A. Level 4 Key Sphere and if lucky, a warp sphere.
Q. What can you steal from Seymour Flux?