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  1. robert kewl i am enjoying my time!! so hows life my friend?
  2. hello!
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    It's a good movie, It has Rachel McAdams haha
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    Aye I was just browsing and I read that you enjoy digimon world 2. That was one of my favorites! It bothered me a little though that in order to continue to level up beyond (i think its 13 or 14 at first?) you have to combine digimon and then level them back up again. I remember levelling up one (I dont remember its name, but its in the opening movie, its like a snake with a laser on its head, but really big and can fly) and i got it to level 31, but it capped there and I wasnt able to get its ultimate attack. I was so bummed cause I didnt want to combine it for fear of it evolving into something I didnt want. Anyway, I hope they release more games on the psn cause id really like to play that again and I cant be bothered hooking up my ps1 these days.
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    It's all good man, and I don't hold grudges. For one I never really specified that I had played more then one play through, so I couldn't really expect you to know. I understand your point in not being able to say something bad against something, unless you give it a try, so once again I didn't hold that against you.

    To be honest I never really took the time to use it again after my first play through, so I could have said I never found it useful for me because i liked using other characters instead. I had the play through book, but still never took time to hunt down the creatures you learned the spells from. That's the only reason I could say, I just didn't have the good spells to use, so that's why it was a bit useless for me.

    Thanks for the apology by the way.

    Edit: and yes I did use it like I said, I have no reason to lie to someone I don't even know. I'm an adult not a child.
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    Well I never said it sucked, just that I found it useless, & like I said that's my opinion.

    Another thing, I have beaten the game quite a bit of times, so just because I only used it 95% of the time in one game doesn't mean i didn't In any other of my playthroughs.

    So it is useless to me because it was useless to me.
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    Nope, not high, just my opinion. Like I said I didn't use it 95% of the time, so maybe if I did I would have found it to be.

    Next time just send me a VM about something like that, lets not try to be Mr. Cool on a forum, K, thanks.
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    I love PSOne too, I think its collection of games are much better than the later Sony consoles. One of my favourites, beside FF games, is Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth, have you heard of it? It's a tactical RPG, kinda similar to FF Tactics in design, but longer and more difficult.
    Some people told me that I'll definitely enjoy FFVI since I love IX and XII very much, and now you saying that it's your 3rd favourite FF proves those people right!

    Actually I loved the Digimon Adventures, first and second seasons, I lost interest afterwards, I continued to watch, but didn't enjoy them as much since the original formula was changed. Pokemon goes into the same category, loved the beginning, not very much the latest ones.
    I love old school anime, some go back to the 1970s and my list is quite laughable to the general public lol. From the top of my list: Romeo no Aoi Sora, Aoki Densetsu Shoot, Hunter x Hunter, Rose of Versailles, Slam Dunk... The newest anime that I really liked is Nodame Cantabile.
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    yeah I saw what you did and I was about to be like....ah, but then you fixed it so good eye and I like your battle idea, well done. Make sure to tell all of your friends, I'm curious to see the interesting battles that await.
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    Back in the days, me and my brother had to save for two whole years to buy PS2, such a commitment for gaming! I agree, it's never too late. I missed playing the earliest Final Fantasies because they were nowhere to be found after I discovered the series. I haven't played earlier than VII, I'm dying to play VI and now I finally can after getting PS3 this year since most of the old ones are available on the PlayStation Network.

    I started playing Resonance of Fate as I was told 'it's how FFXIII should've been' and my first impression wasn't a good one, so it's been on the side for some time now.

    I haven't played any of the digimon games, but I still watch the anime after so many years and enjoy it. And you're not the only sucker for nostalgia =)
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    Thank you again =)
    The more video games I play the more I realize how awesome IX and XII are, true story, too bad I don't have my PS2 with me right now, I've been replaying some old games during the summer and really wanted to play XII again. Currently replaying VII and tired of chasing Ultima Weapon around the planet lol
    Thanks again ^^
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    And me and my crazy logic are back, for another round XD, I'm in a much better place now, so no more taking things personally, I have a sensible head on XD.

    Bet you missed my crazy logic *runs*
  13. Oh Geeze, I Haven't Done That Much Of The Game Though, I Only Did Maybe, Like, Half Of What The Game Has To Offer...XD I'm Not Done My Hunts, And I Haven't Done Crazy Challenges Like Yiazmat, Or The Omega Weapon...XD Also, I'm almost Done With
    FFTA2: Grimoire of The Rift For The DS, So Thats Good Too, And I Also Finished FFX A While Back As Well. So, I've Gotten Some Games Beat Already.
  14. Yeah, I Loved It Too. Forgot To Mention That In FFXII, I Actually Slaved Over Trying To Get The Tournesol, And I Got It, Took Me Like One Night And One Day To Do It, I Believe, But Damn, It Was Worth It, Training My Week Guys Was Easier Than Before...Hehe Still Having Trouble With Zodiark Though...Those Frikken Flans That Spit Out Mithril Bubbles Piss Me Straight The **** Out...XD One Day I Will Get Him...One Day...LOL
  15. Yeah, I Know Man, Like I Said, No Internet At Home, So Its Hard To Get Online Much Nowadays Till I Get It Back. Anyway, I Finally Beat FFVII & FFXII This Summer, And I'm Really Happy About It. And I'm Also Back In School For One Last Semester. Only Have 3 Classes, So Not So Bad. Hope Everything Goes Well For You On Your Exams. Happy Gaming Dude Hehe
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