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    I wanted something unique in the terms of FF. So I thought about it and came up with Zargabaath. The guy does have a killer helmet too.

    Have you seen the latest trailer for FF Type 0, formerly FFXIII Agito? There seems to be quite a few different forms of gameplay. Like an RTS type game along with airship battles. Summons look controllable. It is looking like a game I would enjoy. I liked the music as well that they showcased.
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    Ah yes, FF III.....that is pretty bad. Ah well, I'll just try again. I wouldn't be a FF fan if I didn't like the dunegon style
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    Yeah that sucks for PC gamers, not to brag but I'm getting mine midnight on Thursday. Cannot wait.

    I know a lot of people hate DAII, but I always end up liking the stuff that everyone hates anyway lol. I really am enjoying though if I'm honest. Not the best game, but it's got me hooked so far.
  4. View Conversation
    Almost did it....going to kill Ultima Weapon then a stupid Ruby Dragon came out and before I even had time to do a single party is dead and I lost about an hour of playing time. Gotta love dunegon style ff eh? lol
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    They were easier during my second play through. Still, I'd rather run into Ultimecia than a ruby dragon.
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    After the first two stages, I am pretty wiped out by the time I get to that point. It is probably got something to do with me not using Bubble and my bad choice of Gambits. I have the party attacking him even when he puts the paling up. Then by the time I realize that physical attacks don't work, he puts the one where magic doesn't work. That and his stupid gun thing makes me HP critical. Which could be fixed by doubling my HP to begin with.

    I have deleted my file to make room for other games I was playing. And it has been a while since I even thought of playing XII again. I am planning on restarting it after I finish Tactics, VII, VI, and IV.
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    Omg... Twilight is... ugh... So damn horrible. I REALLY don't like Stephen Meyer... AT ALL. Movies eh? I like Harry Potter, Horror films (The crappy ones that you can predict who dies next are my favorites!), comedies, and such as that. I mainly stick to comedy (American Dad, Family Guy, SNL etc), anime (Fruits basket, bleach) and cooking shows for television entertainment . I also like animal shows as well because I LOVE animals.
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    Thats okay, theres no rush. Whenever you've got the time id appreciate it. Im pretty busy too these days. X-files is my new favorite tv show, im a little late haha. Ive got all 9 seasons and one of the movies. My favourite episode is probably bad blood where mulder and scully tell their version of events.
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    I'm just going through my back catalogue at the moment, trying to pick up trophies. I'm trying to get as many as I can before Arkham City comes out. Then I'll get Assassin's Creed, then it's going to be about 2 months of Mass Effect 2 solid to set up my perfect game haha.

    I never really saw anything bad with DA2, I actually prefer it to the first one. Plus I got it cheap, so it's all good.
  10. View Conversation
    Well, that's what's awesome about this album, she actually wrote the songs with the band which makes it even awesomer!
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    Ruby Dragon easy? What?!?!?!

    Man, I'm more afraid of Ruby Dragon than I am of Ultimecia. Hell, Ultimecia is not even scary. She ain't got anything on me. I wipe the floor with her. Now a Ruby Dragon can dish out some damage and has wiped me out a couple of times.
  12. View Conversation
    I lost Legion too, along with Garrus. I was so gutted with losing Garrus as he is my favourite character, and the sole reason I started all over again haha. I stupidly sent him on his own in the first stage of the attack and he died first.
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    I still don't understand why they left because Amy seems like the most polite gal around.

    You're welcome
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    Actually, I don't think Amy has fired any of the band members. Moody left the band because creative differences between him and Amy. But, I must admit, Bury Me Alive is actually a good song... But I still think Amy's a better singer because she's more crisp and clear than Carly is. But Carly IS a good singer.
    I got the Deluxe Edition of "Evanescence" and it came 16 songs, there's four bonus songs such as "The Secret Door" which is one of my favorite ones because she actually plays the harp! But some of the albums songs that just struck me as the best has to be either "What You Want" (Here's the link to the music video Evanescence - What You Want - YouTube) and "Lost In Paradise.
    Love Jill
  15. View Conversation
    Carly just pissed me off when I heard her in an interview being extremely rude about people comparing WATF to Evanescence and she even said "I've never heard their music." when she performed Bring Me to Life on American Idol. She just pisses me off to no end...
    But anyways... have you heard any of Evanescence's new music? It's freaking brilliant!
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