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    Ill try hunt down a cheap copy of it, id rather rent it out for a few days than pay full whack. Also hoping i can devote some time to it, thats all thats stopping me really..

    And badass on the Resi 6 news, didnt know it was even in beta review, i drool to see it get slated..

    Also, CC is your 2nd fav soundtrack, whats your first?
  2. View Conversation
    Yeah with TMNT he's making them aliens from outer space instead of actual mutants from Earth. That was the one show I got up early on Saturday mornings to watch.. He's out of control.
  3. View Conversation
    Cheers pal, it has been on my radar but decided to give it a miss, there is only so much constant point and clicking a man can take
  4. View Conversation
    Not to mention, Bane was 50x stronger in the comics. Definitely my favorite B-Man villain. I kind of did like how they made him intelligent and articulate but how he died was jaw-droppingly lame IMO as well, lol. I liked how they kept it true to the comic in respect to him breaking the bat's back though. I actually have that comic myself, but then that new guy came as a different Batman and it got a little odd.
  5. View Conversation
    yeah I know the moment I posted that I forgot about those old ones for SNES and such.
  6. View Conversation
    Yeah, Bleach did get kinda boring after the first few episodes...
  7. View Conversation
    Good to hear man. I miss those days where I had time to myself lol. My bday was pretty good though, just chilled with the family and had some cake, nothing crazy, but good.
  8. View Conversation
    Thank you sir! How's everything going with you?
  9. View Conversation
    Live long, and prosper.
  10. View Conversation
    With my promotion skills, you can be damb certain there'll be more than that... (Oh yeah).
  11. View Conversation
    Have you won any? (erghle, never mind, that was rude)
    But I suppose things will become even more competitive after I announce there's gonna be big $$$ involved. I just retained the support of Chad Q. Billinsgley. He has generously offered a more decent reward to the winner.
  12. View Conversation
    Hello, I'm just drumming up more contestants for this sketch competition I started in the art forums. If you're interested, here's the link.
  13. View Conversation
    Haha, that really made me laugh. Wish they would have shown that now when I saw it. Although, damn I want some of that too lol
  14. View Conversation
    Sorryz I didn't answer that one quickly, I've been souper busy, anyway:

    Aww, I don't complain. Ever. To tell the truth, I'm glad whenever I'm remembered. Also, there did turn out to be a need for the "3 CD at one time" machine, so I wouldn't be doing that anyway.

    Oh, yeah, yer right on that. I keep mixing that up with Rocky for some reason (and I do love the Rocky). Previous cheese: Don't get me started, I was laughing so hard when that bad-guy got shoved down that hole and had the time to say "Ooof!" before blowing up. Heh heh ^_^

    I'm on a back-log of films right at this second, but the name has been engraved in my memory, and I shall not forget it.

    Yeah, he's not really that bad, but after listening to him for the whole day, things tend to get sorta tiresome. I really do pity you on that. I'm not familiar with horror film etiquette myself yet. Any other actions one should absolutely not do?
  15. View Conversation
    I thought it was very good. The gameplay was really nice, easy to get into. It's a bit different to a lot of games, but still has a nice kind of turn based system. The story is excellent. I have only played it on Xbox, but have heard that it is a lot smoother on PC. But yeah, definitely worth a shot. It's a good game to get you interested in JRPGs again (it did it for me a little while ago)
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May 21, 1989 (35)
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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