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  1. Hey Xan How You Been Lately Man?
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    Thanks muchlies for the well wishes, sir!
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    Thanks man! It's been alright so far; just kind of a lazy day, but with all of the hurricane hoopla that turned into nothing (thankfully) for me, it's nice.
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    I really did not like oblivion. It was a great concept with a lot of stuff wrong with it. It was such a shame. Like I said before, I really wanted to like it but could not get into it.

    and they really need to hurry up with the next MK Legacy. It used to be one of the things I used to look foward to in the week, now I have nothing.
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    haha thats cool. I have many friends that greatly disagree with me on that one.
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    I apologise for the recent posts over the last few days, I unintentionally let my personal life come into the discussion and read some of your comments as an attack. My brain has been emotionally all over the place and I really shouldn't have commented in the indepth discussion, considering how I was feeling. So I do apologise for this and hope you have no ill feeling against me or my crazy logic
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    They did???? O_O All the more reason to watch FMA soon. I think it's the next anime I'll watch. Currently I'm watching Deadman Wonderland which is pretty good as well. :>

    If even the Japanese version is in Russian... why didn't they leave the song as it was, why change it into English? :/
  8. View Conversation
    Well, German (at least sometimes) sounds a bit harsh (like Russian), but the songs are good nevertheless. I like the vocalists but haven't really compared the lyrics yet. ^^
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    I always knew you were older than me. Take that as a compliment or an insult as appropriate.

    Thanks, Xan!
  10. View Conversation
    I had forgotten all about gargoyls.. thanks
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    I saw it. I'd give it a C+. It does a somewhat decent job of explaining the Green Lantern but some things they changed for the film.
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    I was able to, largely trick my phone out with Final Fantasy. I imported FF songs and made those the ringtones of some people. Like my gf's is Force Your Way because she likes FFVIII. My standard ringtone is the Rebel Army Theme from FFII. Then I downloaded an app that would allow me to select out of the ringtones I imported as my notification tone, like when I receive a text which I have the FFX Victory Fanfare for that.

    I may get a Green Lantern wallpaper app.
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    I had my previous phone for almost 5 years, but the last time it dropped it got really screwed up. So after dealing with a truly crappy phone for 3 months I decided it was time. I got a Samsung Droid Charge.
  14. View Conversation
    It was decent. Finally got a new phone.
  15. View Conversation
    I was suggesting that you finish a whole piece and put your manga on TFF. As far as Gabrielle, Renee O'Connor is still hot as ever.
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About Xanatos

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Date of Birth
May 21, 1989 (35)
About Xanatos
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Drawing, playing football (soccer) and table tennis, playing games, collecting anime series and movies...
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Final Fantasy IX
Student (currently)


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