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    Ok, just wanted to make sure.
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    Yeah. By the way, is the difficulty inter-changeable? What I mean is... can you play a bit on Normal, then switch to Hard if you find it too easy? In-game, I mean.

    Or is it the kind of game that inforces a single difficulty throughout the whole game?
  3. View Conversation
    Ah, yes. I suppose I didn't consider every ability from previous movesets. I sort've assumed less was better. Yeah... there's a lot you're unaware of. I was so wrapped up in my work, that I never bothered to inform you. That shall change.

    Hmm... how about we try 50% for Hard and x2 for Chaotic? For now, while you test. I see Remnant Dimitri being particurarly hellish.

    Ok, no that's who I meant. Alright, I can change things to fit that.
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    Just keep in mind that each character can do something different and each of the moves, for the most part, are unique and don't overlap one another. That's the mindset I had for this final moveset.

    Oh! Lol. Yeah, a little change can be BIG. (Especially with the super bosses.) Hmm... and I do notice the after Malachi, difficulty seems to spike.

    Everyone has a place in the story, including this last one. (Did you read the Moveset? It sounds like you didn't...)
  5. View Conversation
    Alright. What do you have in mind?

    I kinda agree. When I came up with the 50%, x2, x3 system, Chaotic felt too... easy. At one point, I thought of x5 for Chaotic, but that might be too hard. Unless adding another difficulty could mitigate that?

    I see... that's too bad. But in my original draft, the weapons were about Lv 2-3 in power, so that's not a huge loss.

    Also, corcerning the eight party member... Should they come before Chapter 5 or at the end of the superdungeon? I'd like to know.
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    Well, I've got major tests coming up, and my teachers have been preparing me with tons of work. Feeling a bit down because of my throat, but it'll be okay, I'm sure.

    Of course if you're talking about the sprites, the progress is smooth~
  7. View Conversation
    I hope you got that PM.
  8. View Conversation
    Hey, Elyon. I know it's been a while, but my computer died and I basically lost most of the stuff for the game. I'm in the process of rebuilding and I'll let you know when I get one of them done.

    Would you like me to send you the first one to get completed? (It won't be the story, in case you're wondering.)
  9. View Conversation
    Attacks are done!
    I'll explian once I get up the motivation to take two snapshots
  10. View Conversation
    By the way, can you adjust transparency levels for FX in VX? I can give an example if you would like.
  11. View Conversation
    Sorry, I simply don't know what I could have the enemy do
  12. View Conversation
    I'm wondering too. But his hair doesn't spike upward like Nova's, so my guess is that his will be much easier to imagine.

    Also, it's almost the end of the school year and I'm in high school, so I'll be more busy with academics. @_@
  13. View Conversation
    I can't really think of a way to make his skin more pale without making the palette look unusual, so sadly I might never find a way to make him look pale. x'D
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    1. You install Mugen
    2. Unzip
    3. Place it in chars directory
    4. Edit Select.def in the data directory to include Kaname
    5. ??????
    6. Profit!

    Where'd you find this "guide?" If it's not on Mugenguild, then it's no good.

    If you still need help, I'll do that for you (Pain as it would be)
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About Elyon Seraphim

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Date of Birth
August 29, 1990 (34)
About Elyon Seraphim
I am a male human(?) being coming from the world of Tellus. While i am quite positive that i am chaotic good in both mind and soul. My flaw is that i am kind of anti-social, but i assure you that i just mean everything well, and that i like conversations and speculations, or even just mindless philosophizing.

But i digress, i am a person who is naturally good-willed.
Falling from the Sky
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I, IV, V and IX.
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