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    How did I score so high on Rainbow Dash?!
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    Ouch, that was pretty cheap of them, unless it was one of those freebies. Do you buy soundtracks much? Yeah, really hope he does enjoy it, forgot exactly how much he spent, but it was a fair sum. :|

    Get the impression he played a lot of RE5, so it's not too surprising that he wasn't sucky really (since he already had the platinum and all the DLC). Yeah, since I met you I got Saints Row, ICO, and the Uncharted 3 platinums. xD There a good twenty at least that are really fast and easy to platinum, but even he probably isn't sad enough to go buying that many games just for this.

    Gonna slow down again now though, I was just gonna focus on fitness platinums before that joker started to bug me. No reason your body has to suffer for going for plats, right?

    Heh, thank you! I'll try not ask anything tooo personal/cheeky though. xD No worries, I'm just glad I didn't annoy you. *bro hug*

    You see Persona yet? Turned out pretty nice.

    Haha, are people pretty superstitious over there, then? Man, customers are really that bad? Sorry so many people were mean to you. :/
  3. View Conversation
    My silly boy went ahead and paid for his pre order already, so yeah. Hopefully the full game will be a lot better...he even ordered the expensive limited edition. :/

    I was actually playing Resident Evil 5 online in hard mode when I come across this dude who can actually play the game (which seemed to be a rare thing), so I added him. I added him becuase I thought he was a good gamer... ^^; Maybe he is a good gamer, but he doesn't seem to play challenging things. Especially not now. xD Shouldn't be too long before I get the Atelier Totori platinum, so that should help deter him some more.

    Aw, don't be sorry....

    Oh okay, sorry. I shouldn't pry. >_<

    What happens on a full moon? Werewolves? Lunatics come out?
  4. View Conversation
    Yeah, maybe it was partly me being over that kind of thing. Then again, Bear wasn't that into it either, described it as being "meh."

    Guess it is pretty gross when people have a zillion piercings and things. Hm, now you mention it, it would provide a good way to fight against fashion crimes.

    Ah...that's kinda lame. Thank yew for the link though.

    Ahaha....yeah, he's on one of the games he obviously brought just to play catch up now. Oh well. you totally called it. I could always be REALLY evil and wait until he has one trophy less than me, THEN block him. But that would be really evil, wouldn't it? xD

    Yerrrp, was hoping you had played it to help me decide if I should get it or not, but think I will just get it.

    How you doin' anyways? Your MSN status note thing is adorable! Did you get a boyfriend? :>

    Haha, I only just noticed that today is Friday the 13 and it's already pretty much over. Is it considered an unlucky day over there too?
  5. View Conversation
    A very fine point you got there.

    Could be. Seems a shame if we are getting too old/wise to enjoy some Final Fantasy though, ai. :/ Yeah, that is one toast pre order now. Will probably give the demo another shot since I didn't mess about in the menus very much, but I can't imagine my mind being changed now.

    Yeah, he did have a slightly better view. He seemed very upset by the Moogle though. xD Yeah, can totally understand them wanting to tap the western market and all, but they don't seem to know how to go about it. Also, their games that weren't designed with us in mind at all were the most popular here, so they should just forget about us during development.

    Dress 'em up? I wanna put little dresses on them and things. xD Hehe, I know what you meant though. Man, that's a thing that sucked that didn't get a mention before. Accessories have points now, and you only have so many accessory points per character, so the better your accessories are, the less of them you can equip. :| which bright spark had that idea? Imagine if watches, rings, and bangles ect took up points in the real world, just who is this bastard trying to tell us what we can and can't wear with what anyways?

    Aww....I'm sure you aren't a weakling. Even if you are, you'll probably toughen up in no time at all now. : >

    Thank you! <3 Because you were all, like "You can do it!" when I wasn't sure I could, so I tried again on your faith. ^^ Could be...I have read people saying Ueada (was that his name?) is pretty sexist though. >.>

    Think it might have put that dude off trying to catch me up, so extra yay. He didn't log in for 10 hours which is by far the most he has stayed away in ages.

    As usual, you're right. ^^ Never played it myself, but it always looked cool. Been debating over weather or not to get the HD collection when that comes out next month.
  6. View Conversation
    Not sure of the details, this is just if random people on the internets can be trusted as well. : p

    No probbies. The vast majority seemed to enjoy the demo and said it was fun, so maybe I'm just a bit past it for these kinda of games now, I dunno. At least it'll save on some coin.

    Just the illusion of choice, huh? Pretty lame. Never knew Spoony made some comments on it, so I went and looked it up. Seems like he said a lot of the stuff I did about the combat. ^^; Square Enix just need to quit trying to cater for the west, their games were better before they seemed to start trying to guess what we wanted/rub us lot up.

    It seems better than only having two in your party, but had no strong feelings about it either way myself. They occasionally do a super move/limit break style thing. Seems like something that's a little too easy to abuse though. Like doing what I did and let the first one you get spam heal me.

    Wow...wonder how come your upper body is so weak? : <

    Woohoo, I did it! The clock stopped at 1 hour 53 minuets. Thanks for the motivation there, big sis! Couldn't have done it without ya. ^^ Yeah, hehe. It's kinda annoying how pathetically weak she is....we don't know how long she was in that cage for, but weaker than a little boy? You'd think the Queen would want her new body to be a little more buff than that.

    No worries, I totally understand after that essay I sent you yesterday. :|

    Say, did you ever play Zone of the Enders?
  7. Happy New Year Julie Hope You Have An Awesome One! Hope You Succeed In Whatever It Is You Are Trying To Accomplish In Life. Hope To Chat With You Sometime Soon. Lates
  8. View Conversation
    Does your internet hate you, or did you decide that you hate me?
  9. View Conversation
    Part 2 (I won't blame you if you don't read half of all this)

    The Moogle is probably gonna get annoying after a while, when it does speak properly it sounds like a little girl, and it constantly says "kupo" like in that trailer they put out the other day.

    Although my only real gripe with it from the demo was the combat I'll probably cancel my preorder. It really was pretty darned "bleh." It has been a while since I played 13, but I'm sure the combat was more entertaining before. Maybe it's just too easy this time around. Other than the recruitable monsters it was pretty much the same as the last game, so not sure why it left me so cold so fast, didn't much care for XIII's, but I wasn't that troubled by it either.

    They made a good effort to address the complaints people had with 13, but they reeeaaallllllllllllly should have re-thought the combat.

    Don't think a person would be missing much if they didn't buy it. Would probably be more fun to watch on YouTube than actually play yourself. The fights look flashy if nothing else, but personally I can't enjoy anything that can be beaten by pressing one button over and over again.


    For listening to the fans, but failing to make so much as semi-enjoyable combat. Oh, and there seems to be choices, which is a rarity in Square games, huh? You can pick how you would like to deal with the smelly boss at the end before you rush in. : >

    (Aaaaah, this is so long! Sorry! Had to section it off for you)

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

    Sweet, thanks. Don't think ya posted up any new fan art since we started talking. Wow, what are you doing (if you know the names of the exercises)? If you're feeling wiped then you must be doing enough. :3

    Thanks for the support, I'll feel a lot less bad about it if/when I do give him the boot now. : > Aw, you're too kind about my skills, hehe. <3 All right, you made me feel motivated again.

    Yeah...the fussy nostalgic memories told me that she was this cute and amazing pal, but she's just a pain in your butt if you try for a speed run. Dunno, but it seems a bit sick, there are just too many things that can go wrong for them to be setting the bar so high.

    Come now, that isn't true! There's no way my feet have more talent than you. >_< D'aww, I started a new game today, forgot you have to finish it, and THEN make a new go before it realizes you've beaten the game before, so no foot-controlled Yorda for me. ;_;
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    Part 1 (since it told me off for trying to send a message over 5000 characters) ^^;

    It seems kind of intereresting in a way when you can only control one. Like, you're kind of more in the role of your hero/heroine. But I can totally understand wanting full control. It gotta be coming tot he PS3, right? Since 1&2 were for the PS2 you would certainly hope so. Maybe they'll do it for the PS3 and 360 since thy did for 13 & 13-2. : >

    Maybe the designer couldn't decide. xD They must think it looks cool at Square Enix. Okay, so I read Crazy Chocobo only plays when you're riding a red Chocobo (phew xD), and that you can actually pick which Chocobo theme you want playing. Nice touch, huh? There is also a jazzy Caribbean Chocobo theme. Final Fantasy 13-2 OST - Disc Three - 10 - Rodeo De Chocobo - YouTube Chocobo Final Fantasy 13-2 OST - Disc One - 17 - Groovy Chocobo - YouTube

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
    Hahaha, all righty, leave it to me! *sections off demo related stuff*

    - Demo is a fairly hefty size at 1778 MB, so it was maybe for the best you decided against getting it.
    - Apparently it starts at about two hours in, which seems like a bad idea for a demo, but whatever.
    - Takes about an hour to get through

    The battles are weird, they're random battles and yet NOT random battles. You can't see enemies walking around until you're right beside them. When they pop into view you get the chance to start the fight with a pre-emtive strike, which is REALLY easy to do (a coloured compass type thingy pops up and you have to press X whilst it's still pointing to green). You'll probably start every single fight as a pre-emtive... which gives you Haste for a short time and it's easier to stagger the enemy (like in 13). The random encounters are stupidly easy, you can recruit a monster from you first encounter that will just spam you with heals. You don't have to worry about healing AT ALL. You can just spam the X button to get through all the fights which seemed really lame.

    Actually my main, if not only real issue with the demo was the fights. They're just boring. The random encounter rate is pretty good, however. Not too little, not too much.

    There were some other issues, but they were kinda nit-picky. Like Noel's jump animation being really bad (but it's nice to have a jump button!), and one pretty bad frame drop when exploring.

    Noel is quite...pleasant, I thought he was gonna be all cocky for some reason, but he always speaks calmly and isn't even slightly annoying.

    NPC behave a little oddly, I was using Mog to get some treasure (happens a lot) and all the near by ones came over to have a look. You don't have to click on them to talk, they'll speak as you pass by. Some of their lines are a bit odd (or stupid), but whatever. One npc was blathering about how hot the soldiers all were whilst I was shopping at another npc. She sounded like a dumb blonde, but whatever. xD

    Sometimes they'll appear to attack enemies, but when you get into combat they don't actually helps which seemed kinda lame.

    Right from the start things feel pretty nice and open, and there's even a quest/side mission in the demo, so I guess they'll pop up a fair bit throughout the game this time.

    There are QTEs but it gives you fair warning right before you're gonna be expected to press a button (or directional button) in time.

    Some people complained the graphics were a step back, but it's probably an early build of the game (looks like the E3 demo). Some of the environments did look a bit basic graphically.
  11. View Conversation
    I'll check them out!

    So you should check out EBG.
  12. View Conversation
    Wot? You craaaaazy. You didn't think X-2 had much more fun combat? 13 practically played itself. Nooo, it looks badass! Bloody Kingdom Tarts. Are they ever gonna do a third one? Yeah, sly bastards.

    The short things remind me of Tidus though, bleh.

    Sony Europe are lazy as hell compared with Sony America. Awwwwwwww, yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss, today is download day, huh?

    Awesome, I can't wait to see it if you do finish it! <3 Maybe try some different exercises so it isn't as boring(?).

    Aww, man. Think I can just block this loser on my PSN? xD It's childish, but I don't like the fact he's catching me up with his 2/10 difficulty-10 hour platinums. It seems wrong to just block people though. : | I almost got the ICO one yesterday. Finished the game at about 2 hours and ten minuets. You need to beat it in under two, and you can't afford to make mistakes which is just awful since things can easily go wrong, and Yorda's AI is about as intelligent as that guy trying to catch me up.

    Seriously don't remember her being so thick. Sometimes she'll go about halfway up a ladder, then go back down again for NO reason whatsoever. Then there are all the time you can stand there calling and calling and she just stands there doing her best impression of a lemon. If I try for it again I'll probably use my feet since my feet could almost definitely do a better job. I used my feet to help me get the LBP2 platinum.
  13. View Conversation
    Joking aside, I think X-2 will be the better game. The combat will still be the best since 13-2 seems to have a battle system very similar to 13. Plus the story bits of X-2 were so bad they were...kinda good. xD 13-2's are probably just gonna be bad. I am looking forwards to the casino area though. <3 Eh, there's a kinda feel to Final Fantasy games that's nice, looking forwards to playing something new with that "Final Fantasy" feeling too.

    Who knows, though. Maybe it'll be a reasonably good game. Read some guys post saying he was really enjoying it. Claimed it has a better story than 10-2, so fingers crossed. Heh, saw a video with the DLC that comes free with my pre-order. Makes Noel look much cooler Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC Trailer (Bikinis, Omega & More!) - YouTube Looks like an exciting boss. :> The new trend of having DLC as a pre-order bonus is really lame though. American retailers are just offering one bit of DLC each. : |

    Aaah, I'm kinda curious to know which Moogle it could be. x3

    It's just because the European store always updates on a Wedensday (in theory), and the US store on Tuesdays. Wish my main account was a US one, you guys get a lot of much better avatars than we do. You also get some classic JRPGs that we don't. : <

    Looks like you've been drawing more though? Aww...well, 15 minuets is still something. Fifteen a day is enough to help keep your mood up, I think. Yeah, chin up. *hugs*
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    Has to be done
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